Finally feeling movements!!

Oh hun uv really been thru the mill havent u?
I cant believe how they are treating you. Have a good cry to urself and try and get a bit of sleep xxxxx
Do you have another hospital near you? Could it be worth going to the scan tomorrow, going home and then if all this continues (which is probably will because noones giving you answers!!!! knobends) then going to a different hospital?

I know it might not be the most ideal but maybe somewhere else might give you more answers. :hug:
Do you have another hospital near you? Could it be worth going to the scan tomorrow, going home and then if all this continues (which is probably will because noones giving you answers!!!! knobends) then going to a different hospital?

I know it might not be the most ideal but maybe somewhere else might give you more answers. :hug:

Funny u should say that I've been thinking how my old hospital would do this...!
What a total carry on. My advice would be, hold tight tonight, try not to get too upset & if your still feeling the same tomorrow, maybe hang about & get one more check then leave. You can always arrange with them to go back once or twice a day or even have a MW come out to your house?? Or go to local MW unit? It isn't good for you being stuck in there day in day out without a clue whats going on, your gonna worry yourself into a state & get your BP higher. Stress isn't good for you!!!!!!

Even as much of a pain in the arse it would be to travel to hosp or MW unit just think you'll have your own house/bed rest of the day!!

Hope your ok

Pisses me off when they r like.. 'it's only the strain of being preg that hurts'... Can u feel this?? Just coz I don't jump at pain relief straight away.. I only take it when I think I'm gonna die of pain!!! I don't like taking pills and I've told them that... Just took some to be taken seriously now :( if it's strain of pg why is it still hurting now?? I've been in bed since!! How can they expect me to do daily things like this??!
I can't do this for 6weeks!! Its not fair on my kids!!
Might go to my old hospital for second opinion! Just not happy!!
Asked for more para coz it's hurting still.. And to prove it hurts!!! Offered something stronger coz had para not long ago.. Refused coz it has codeine in it.. When will they write that down?? Lol
Anyway she checked hb and put me on monitor... Nice mw :) sticks to her doc tho.. She's adamant it's the pain from pg like he said.. I want these contractions back so I can say what about this??!!
She said she saw some tightening on monitor.. Up yours doctor 'let me put one finger pressure on ur bone and if it hurts a bit that's the diagnosis' !!

Induction girl must have finally left in the last two hrs (I've slept :cheer: ) coz she isn't here now.. :) but fighter mumma is snoring away next to me :roll: let's hope I can get some more sleep!!
I just remembered u live nearish me don't u? Your not in Hillingdon Gosp are you?

Thank u all So much :hug:

Doc came in n felt tummy.. Told him probs n the fact I've been here since thurs n had bad contractions yesterday etc etc.. He pushed on my pubic bone and it hurt (fucking hurts anyway when not preg!!) n put my pains down to the strain of pregnancy..

I don't give a shit now I'm going home tomo I've had enough. Just wanna fucking cry!!!
He's like.. I dont think baby's coming at all.. Ok well fucking check me and prove it!!
Worst of all he had brought his exam kit with him!! N coz he poked my bone and it hurt he was like I'm not gonna examine you..
Fuck them all I've had it!
What a prick !!!!! bloody men !!! and preg strain cant explain all your symptoms !!! least the mw was bit nicer shame she seems to have a thing bout idealising dr !!! u have a right for a second opinion at that hospital too but dont blame u for not wanting to use it again. have u got a PALS service there (its patients liason service bit like a compliants place ) could go to them and they can sometimes help. especialy as its a preg thing xxxx:hugs::hugs:
Thank u all So much :hug:

Doc came in n felt tummy.. Told him probs n the fact I've been here since thurs n had bad contractions yesterday etc etc.. He pushed on my pubic bone and it hurt (fucking hurts anyway when not preg!!) n put my pains down to the strain of pregnancy..

I don't give a shit now I'm going home tomo I've had enough. Just wanna fucking cry!!!
He's like.. I dont think baby's coming at all.. Ok well fucking check me and prove it!!
Worst of all he had brought his exam kit with him!! N coz he poked my bone and it hurt he was like I'm not gonna examine you..
Fuck them all I've had it!
What a prick !!!!! bloody men !!! and preg strain cant explain all your symptoms !!! least the mw was bit nicer shame she seems to have a thing bout idealising dr !!! u have a right for a second opinion at that hospital too but dont blame u for not wanting to use it again. have u got a PALS service there (its patients liason service bit like a compliants place ) could go to them and they can sometimes help. especialy as its a preg thing xxxx:hugs::hugs:

I would hate to complain before they even attempt to find out what's wrong or they really might not bother!! Plus I don't wanna end up coming bk n giving birth around ppl who know I complained while in their care.. :(
I really do like this mw.. She took the time to learn my OH and kids names bless her! So friendly really cheered my morning up she has :D
glad u have nice midwife that does make all the difference, wouldnt say u r complainig bout care just lack of info and answers. sounds like mw have been good on the whole its more the lack of explainatations and results etc. could u not have a word with the mw this morning ? see if she is able to either explain everything or get someone who can ? know they may not have all answers yet as they may b waiting for scan but know they should b able to answer a fair amount xxxx
Maybe they genuinely don't know... But don't want to show it lol! Just doesn't seem like theres any urgency to find out like I've got nothing better to do than just sit here in the background n be the one they check on when they're bored n everyone else is fine..

Might be a bit more pushy today seeing as that mw from yesterday isn't here.. Really didn't like how she made me feel!!
Still in pain.. Back and lower abdominal.. A few tightenings but nothing promising :roll:
Legs r starting to hurt like on my knees from where I've been in bed too much (I think)

Just want this all over n I know for a fact I'm going home today with a 'tough shit deal with the pain'
they will b able to tell u the possible reasons for the bits and bobs in your urine and why they have sent samples etc cant believe the havent already thats just basic nursing !!!!! just had a thought if its very painfull over your pubic bone u may have a bit of spd especially if walking made it worse yesterday ? might just need to wear support belt for last few weeks they do help xxxx
It's painful all over my bump but mainly lower areas..

I've had to ask about my urine samples.. They have been sent off yesterday n won't get them bk for about two days.. But they sent off some on thurs and I've not heard anything.. :roll:

Bloody fighting mamma snoring all the time!!!
They asked her for a sample last night n she was like 'I don't need to go' n they said ok do it when your ready (nicely).. She sounded so rude :( I couldn't be like that!
They'll prob say it's spd.. Just coz of the 'poke' test...

Just towered over me standing straight with his finger on my pubic bone.. Felt so small n stupid :( bloody men.
Only just really caught up with what's going on, what's their next move gna be? Hope ur keeping ur chin up x
My whole bump is solid :(

They are gonna send me for a scan today god knows what time or when I'll know... And monitor me twice like they usually do... That's about it!!

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