Finally feeling movements!!

Catching up on the latest now honey, can't believe you still haven't got any answers :(
And that family sound like a total nightmare...." it's incredible to think that there's people like that out there!! Don't leave anything valuable lying around they sound like the type to clean you out!!!!!

Really hope things improve and that you get some answers tomorrow. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way x
Can't believe you're still stuck there without any answers! Hope you have a better day tomorrow and you finally get to the bottom of what's going on
Thanks everyone! Induction girls water just broke so they going to delivery ward :cheer:
Fighting mummas clan went home an hr ago thankfully!
I'm being monitored now.. Got tightenings and pains v low down but the monitor isn't picking it up coz the pad is higher... Got a nice mw now so I've told her n she's written it down :)
I'm sick of all this now coming n going..
Hun, just popped over from ttc as I've been reading your posts the last few days.

Just wanted to send you a hug and virtual cake :-)
Thank you hun :D really appreciate it :D

Off monitor now.. Bloody thing didn't register half of my tightenings.. So painful low down n in my back :cry: feel pressure n all that :( she said doc will come c me soon.. God knows how long that's gonna be! But I suppose I ain't exactly got anything better to do lol!!
Got scan tomo at some point hope to get some answers soon I'm tired of all this now!
Just asked n they ain't gonna examine me at all.. I'm in fucking agony and all they can do is give me pain relief I want to know why I'm in pain I wanna cry
Hopefully things r progressing for u . Hope dr doesn't take to long so u can try and get some sleep especially as all the rif raf gone !!! Xxx
Basically it tough shit. They keep saying 'you've had steroids so if u go into labour it's okay..' but then refuse to examine me! 'your ctg is fine so we have no worries' then what's the problem??!!!
Just allow me to sit in pain.. I don't like taking pain killers ESPECIALLY WHEN I DON'T KNOW WHY IM IN PAIN!!!!

I just wanna cry now I'm holding it back! Just turn the lights off and let me sleep coz I'm getting pissed off!!!
Have a cry and rant at them they r the professionals they get paid to help ( should know I'm one of them !!) they need to know exactly how your feeling and tell u as much as they can. U have had incredible patience so far Hun as it got u no where time to throw your dummy !! I've done it before and it works !! And believe me the mw won't think anything of it xxxx
aww hun, just caught up with all this, you poor thing, hope something happens for you soon, it's not fun in hospital when you don't know whats going on. I was only in a night and it drove me nuts!
Hope you get answers soon, sending you and your LO lots of hugs,
Good luck!
Lib and Bump

Try & keep your chin up, you'll be out of there eventually.

Remember if your getting really pissed off, you should be able to discharge yourself.

The only thing I can think of is that the MW's dont even know whats going on.


Hope your not too upset!!

:hug: Sorry we can't be more help to you. :hug:

I agree that you should just cry and rant to them. Maybe they need you to just break down a bit in front of them so that they understand how your feeling a bit more. Youre coping so well and maybe this is making them think that things arent bad. xxx Thinking of you
Sounds like you're really going through it. Maybe a little cry / rant might help them to realise how upset / worried & in pain you are????? I think you're doing amazingly!
Thank u all So much :hug:

Doc came in n felt tummy.. Told him probs n the fact I've been here since thurs n had bad contractions yesterday etc etc.. He pushed on my pubic bone and it hurt (fucking hurts anyway when not preg!!) n put my pains down to the strain of pregnancy..

I don't give a shit now I'm going home tomo I've had enough. Just wanna fucking cry!!!
He's like.. I dont think baby's coming at all.. Ok well fucking check me and prove it!!
Worst of all he had brought his exam kit with him!! N coz he poked my bone and it hurt he was like I'm not gonna examine you..
Fuck them all I've had it!
aww hun :( they sound like theyre being a bit useless
big hugs being sent your way! hope you get some sleep to night and get something sorted in the morning,
big hugs again, sorry not be more help, really feel for you though hun
Again they found blood and leu in my urine but didn't tell me.. I had to read my notes.. In the morning I'm gonna ask what time my scan is n I'll come bk for it I wanna go home!!
I was guna say kidney stones but....I havent read what everyone else have said. Massive hug and am thinking about you hope youre both ok xxx

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