Finally feeling movements!!

On a good note I've been allowed to go for a walk.. First time out the ward since my scan on Friday!!
Bumped into my lovely mw who was working in another ward and she was like oh you've had the baby (as it's the after care ward) and she was shocked when I said no and it was my first time out the ward!
With I took my sexy stockings off before I decided to go out in public lol I forgot it's only our ward that wears them not the rest of the population of Watford general lol!!!! :wall: getting some dodgy looks with 3/4 length white trousers on and deep green stockings!! Oh and flip flops lmao!!!!

oh you work that sexy look girl hehe, goodluck for scan xx

Thanks babe I decided to make a swift return lol and venture out later on without stockings lol!!
:hug: they really are messing you about hunny, you are doimg so well to keep calm, i would of flew off my handle by now. Really hope they pull their fingers out and start giving you some answers :hug: x x

Thanks babe... Getting quite emotional now... I think baby is better off out... But I know 100% they won't do anything and just send me home.. I dont like the reduced movements at all!! Just a short walk gave me more backache and pressure how am I supposed to look after the kids?? I'd hate it even more to be sitting at home not being able to do anything just in case than bein here for longer... Sounds stupid I know!
Omg that's really common!

They r seriously pissing me off now!! Get over yourself u little prick!!!!!
Her little brother is moaning he wants some food (young teen) n how he was supposed to be getting his new handlebars for his bike :roll: won't shut up!!!
'facebook Facebook facebook!!!!'
'did u see my top?? It proper fell down and my boob was hanging out hahaha' :mad:
omg i would be well ashaned. but at least it keeps your mind off worrying. you got your own live jeremey kyle show lmao x
Lmao!!!! Jeremy would have a field day with these!!!

Well after my walk I've had some tummy pains but no contractions and still no movements... I bet any money baby moves during scan to prove me wrong lol!!
Bless ya babe hope the scan puts ur mind at rest. Where is ur placenta Hun?

On my way to scan now asked to go early I can't stand that family!!!
At least I might get a chance to read my notes now!!!
I was just wonderig If it is anterior might be why baby seems quiet! I am sure they will do what is best fr u and baby x x

hey hun, i totally missed this thread god knows how!!! i hope you are okay. thinking of you xx
Hi hunni sorry only just got home baby is 4ib 13 but on 5 th centile so will scan again in 2 weeks. Had induction due to reduced growth and reduced movement thatpicked up the poor growth. Had him naturally. Hope u get some good news Hun xxx
Had a peek at my notes.. Doesn't say anything about placenta..
In notes it doesn't say anything about anything upcoming :( just to keep monitoring me if low fetal movement still.. Nothing about keeping me here or sending home or anything :(
Blood flow better than fri and waters seem ok he said.. But I'll have to speak to mw to know for sure what's going on.. Baby still didn't move even after my walk that done sod all but hurt my tummy :(
I did see that this mornings urine sample had blood trace again and +2 LEU whatever that is, so it says they've sent it off..
It was the same lovely guy I had last time :) he wasn't supposed to but he showed me it's feet in it's face lol.. It's chubby cheeks and big lips :) and done the tongue moving about in slow motion haha! Lovely guy :D really cheered me up seeing my baby's face again :D
Hi hunni sorry only just got home baby is 4ib 13 but on 5 th centile so will scan again in 2 weeks. Had induction due to reduced growth and reduced movement thatpicked up the poor growth. Had him naturally. Hope u get some good news Hun xxx

So do u think it's likely they'll wanna induce me??

Ah sorry to hear you need more scans babe :(
Glad u had the nice guy again the leucocytes could indicate a uti so thats why they have sent if off might give u some antibiotics now then. They still may do an induction cos lo odviously isnt happy cos not moving much. I,ve been told to go in if i get any more quiet days as had a few but still having the 10 movements so hadnt thought bout going in tobe monitor but apparently any reduction from the norm needs to b looked at. have a feeling when i go back in 2 weeks i wont come back out without the baby this is what happened with ethan they check him at 31 weeks and he was small said come back at 35 and he had dropped off the line on the graph. so need this one to b at least 5ib 7 in two weeks time !! although consultant did say they will still induce me at 38 weeks at the latest xxx
They'll only induce after 37w she said.. So that's that lol!!
Got another scan coming up to check everything else to c y it's not moving... May have to repeat blood flow scan..
She said noone will induce at this stage coz prematurity could be damaging more than the reduced movements... I'm sorry but there has to be a reason I haven't felt my baby move at all today!!!!! I've seen it move it's tongue in the scan and seen it's heart etc.. So kinda reassuring.. But still!!! I just wanna cry in frustration!!!! And now got the chavs over the other side of the room arguing!!! F-ing and blinding at each other over nothing!!! :mad: I'm actually considering asking for a private room but it sounds so rude!!

Question.. Why do my nipples keep tingling every now and then lol!!?? Not leaking tho..
So the blood trace and leu mean uti.. What I came in here for in the first place lol!! I just wanna know why my baby isn't moving!! That bedside scan on friday was so frightening.. And even in the scan I just had it was weird not to see it move at all!! I'm glad the next scan will check it's brain etc coz I'm getting really worried!

She said the only time they'd think of induction is if the blood flow was bad.. But it wasnt good on Friday... So why did they wait til today to check it again??
oh hunni ask for the room i would u have had enough to put up with !!! think the main reason for my early inducetion was the growth as your lo is a good size they see it thats its getting everything it needs !! at least they r keeping an eye on u. when they doing the scan ? nipples could b your milk coming in i started leaking at 33 weeks but only if i squeeze !! lol but the hurt if i dont !! but had tingly nips too xxx
:wall: I can't believe they are no further forward! You really need a decision of some kind. But, then again, they do seem to be taking very good care of you and not leaving anything to chance :hug:
Bar the Jeremy Kyle family - they sound like a nightmare :lol: x

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