Finally feeling movements!!

They seem quite busy.. I'll prob ask them later when I can't sleep and it's all quiet :) knowing/not knowing isn't gonna change anything is it :( it will give me piece of mind but what if I don't like the answer? Maybe they aren't telling me for a reason?!
Yeah i've heard you can be in the start of labour with contractions w/out being dilated, but I dont know if they actually class it as labour, if that makes sense.

Glad you got to see OH for a while.

I'll probs still be up at 3am anyway so let us know how u get on with your injection.

Wots the food like? Have you eaten much?

aww bless, cant believe your still in hospital. i say ask them whatever you need to hun, after all its for the sake of you and your baby. there has to be a reason your going through all this. if no ones telling you anything have you spoke to your mw or get oh to speak to her, maybe she might know something? it frustrates me how some docs just treat it as a job and not people lives. make sure you get answers x
Thanks ladies :)
I may ask her in a bit to see what's actually going on..

The food is actually lovely! I couldn't eat my dinner as I felt hot and sicky :( hungry now tho so had some crisps n may go make some toast.. They have a kitchen where u help urself to tea biscuits cake sandwiches toast n jam and oj :)

Y r u gonna b up at 3am babe??x
Thats good they've got a wee kitchen, i'd be getting well stuck in!!

I remember after I gave birth to my first in the post-natal ward they made everyone walk thro 2 a seperate area 2 eat meals, they said it was to help get us up & about...hated doing it, all the babies wld be left screaming in the ward with the MW's walking round checking them. Food was always rank!!


I'll be up late coz i dont have to be up early & i've nothing to do 2moz anyway, wee 1 goes 2 her grans every sunday. So we normally sit up & watch movies or whatever!!

How you feeling now?

Aww that's sweet u get a cuddle n film :)

Doesn't sound very nice having to leave ur baby like that :(

I'm kinda tired now... Still getting contractions but they've slowed down a tad :roll:
Took a bump pic (33+5) and my sooo sexy stockings I have to wear 24/7 :roll:
Was gonna take a pic of my steroid jab but think that's going too far :lol:


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waahhhhhh @ the stockings looooool thats a wee shame! I wish I could pop over with some sweets or something to cheer u up poor wee soul havin to walk about like that

Thats some bump now - looking more & more boyish every week!!

Oh and no, me & OH dont cuddle on the couch 2 watch movie, I need the lappy on my knee or I fall asleep & he is permanently glued to his computer desk anyway!

Comparing 33w and ones I took just now...


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Aww u shud have cuddles while u can!!
Duno y they're so random I did sort them in order but obv it didn't work lol but u get the gist lol!
Yeah I can see a big difference!

Goodness knows how ur managing to do that on your phone!!

Tapatalk app :) only use it to upload pics.. Takes too long to browse n post and don't always get the :) 's and can't see ppl signatures either :roll:
Just caught up! Bad they haven't told u whats going on! Hope ur surviving the boredom! Make sure u pester them next time they come round! I am up for ages i reckon can't sleep stupid SPD and not enough pillows

Just catching up before I head down to milk. Think you're coping brilliantly with everything!!!! Am thinking of you and will check in again later. Thank goodness for PF :)
Ur right I'd be lost without PF!!!
Had a sleep.. Woke up not long ago.. Still contracting but pain is less now... Major heartburn :( baby has hiccups yet again!!
Got my steroids soon might try n sleep more before it's time.. Try being they key word lol!!!
Hey jaycee I'm wide awake!!! Inbox me ur number if u like and I can text u!

How do u get tap talk? Xxx
Wow just seen ur bump pics last time I saw them you were in tri2! Wow!!!

Hi, just caught up with this. Poor you not knowing what's going
on. PF is a godsend in times like these. Take care of yourself xx

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