Finally feeling movements!!


Just got my second dose of steriods.. She was like 'I've heard it hurts less in the leg'

LIKE FUCK!!!!!! so sorry but omg that really bloody hurt!!!!!!! I feel so sorry for our kids who have one in each arm and one in each leg at the same time!!!!

She left pretty quick after she bloody knew it would hurt!!!!
OMG!!! just trying to catch up cant believe you are still in hospital, how you feeling now? still getting contractions?
Hope your feeling OK in yourself lots of hugs thinking bout you! xxxx
Very irregular and not as strong anymore but still there... Just want baby out now I know it's better off being in a few more weeks but I don't know if I can do this again!
It's 5lb, had steroids and reduced fetal movement.. I think it wouldn't be the worst thing for it to come out!! Am I bein selfish?? I do love being pregnant just not with all this crap!!!
awww bless ya! still cant believe all this!na its not selfish when my baba was 5:5 and they wanted to induce then didnt i got so impatient lol just like you prob thinking i can look after baby if they are out! but also crossed between is it better for baby inside etc.Sounds so stressful and with injections and monitors not good! any firm ideas what they plan on doing? xxxx
Not a bloody clue!! All I know is they want me to stay in til
Monday for the reduced fetal movements and have an advanced scan on Monday as noone is working and qualified to do it properly.. With the contractions they are just keeping an eye on it and checking my cervix which isn't dilating :( I think I'm more here for the fetal movements than the labour tbh!
Pacing the teeny halls I'll count the steps til I have to turn around.... 26 normal steps!!! (bored much?? Lol)
So fed up :(
shame they cant do much more till monday!

Wow i bet you are bored lol! bit shocking you can just go to docs for one thing then end up in hosp for days, just shows anything can happen at anytime.

Ive noticed all the hours you are up :( doesnt sound like a premier inn there lol!!

Its still mad how they cant do things quicker but i spose they do have to montitor to be spot on etc. you missing your fam loads too i bet? p.s any more women in and out to delivery suite etc :)xxxxx
Yeah I'm missing my girls :( they're safe and happy which is the main thing :)
It's not that bad in here tbh just can't bloody settle!!
Yeah lots coming and going... Mainly inductions! Longest someone else has been here is a woman who was starting to be induced this morning... Everyone else comes n goes with good progress!! Wish I had one of the private rooms there is two private rooms in the ward and I swear I always catch the new people 'moving in' each time when I go to the toilet right outside their door!! :roll:

Anyways what are you doing up still?? U need ur rest babe!!

Yeah anything can happen!! Gotta be prepared for it all!!
Considering asking for my notes to read... Noone has been about for a long time either rushing to take a call or rushing back to the woman they are monitoring who is 5cm and wants an epidural... It's fun being nosy in the halls lol!!
I can't stop crying I'm tired n fed up n worried
Spoke to mw and they say they aren't too concerned but keeping a close eye.. If there was a problem I'd be on delivery not here.
She's not dealing with me 'shakira' is so when she's off her break she's gonna ask her to come see me..
I can't stop crying. Just remembering that scan... I'm nit gonna know any more til Monday on that and it scares me! What if Monday is too late??
Bless your girls bet they are so missing you!

wow all action, shame you cant get a room, wheel someone else out while they are asleep waking up to your curtains would be a shock lmao!!!!

I cant sleep just feelin anxious with everthing & only 2 day till due date :o

Lol i love your nosy updates.

awww hun mondays not to late really i cant imagine how hard it is for you but like you say maybe they would have got you onto delivery ward if they wanted baby out pronto.
You baba is a lovely healthy weight how they are and they are just playing you up before they are even here to give you stress and worry! but even if they wanted you to deliver early baby is an extremly great weight and would be fine, Just horrible to think your there alone at these hours being up too xxxxxxxxx
Thanks babe :)
I may do the switch tonight lol! Managed to get some sleep about 6 til now..

Just sneezed and omg the pain low left on bump!!!!! It's like a steroid jab there!! Can't even bloody sneeze without doing something wrong :roll: oh the pain :mad:

OH doesn't start work til 11 today so he said he will pop in before work :) depending when he gets up of course!!!

Gonna try n grab some more sleep before they strap me up to the monitor at some point. Not tired surprisingly but I need the sleep! Plus puffy eyes from crying (silly bitch lol)

I'll made sure I update when something's worth mentioning lol seems pretty boring now lol!!

U need ur rest too I hope you've slept well now.. Try and relax babe xxx
Mw just came to see me she said she popped in about 6 and I was asleep n she didn't wanna wake me.. She asked if I wanted monitoring now or after breakfast I said probably better after I've eaten baby should be more active by then as it's not now.. Had a little contraction a min ago too so maybe best to wait til I've eaten to monitor that too?xx

Had another little contraction and feeling pressure in my butt :roll: probably just how I'm laying :roll:
Glad u got little bit of sleep hunni just wish they would tell u something !! It's not selfish to want lo out if it's what's best for both of u !! Think it may b a sign of thing starting if your shortening but not sure how how close to labour that can happen. Hope oh does get to c u this morning . Keep chin up you have been amazing xxxx
Thanks babe :) just had a chat with a woman being induced since yesterday morn.. My first interaction with someone other than a mw or doc lol! Lovely lady :)
Had some sugary tea and toast.. Getting some pressure and lowish contractions but no movements yet :( x
Glad you got some sleep hunny, hopefully they will be able to give you some answers soon :hugs: x x

Thanks hun.. Still no movement but getting some contractions coming more frequent and with some pressure :( my back is killing me!
Guarantee baby will move while being monitored to make me look stupid!! Or at least get the bloody hiccups again :roll:

How are you feeling honey??x
:hugs::hugs:Glad u have some company now it makes all the difference if lo is still playing up they may decided to help u progress ? but they may wait till after the scan. really hope u get some answers soon xxxx
You poor thing....this has really turned into a saga!!!! Well done for hanging in there.... They're bound to tell you something concrete soon, have my fingers crossed it'll be good news x
:hug: I just caught up with this!! I cant believe youre still in hospital, you poor thing!!

I suppose its really hard for them to work out if baby is better off where he/she is or being born. I hope they can work out why baby isnt moving much :hug:

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