Finally feeling movements!!

I totally understand y u want ur LO to arrive now after all this. U poor thing! If I were u tho I'd be demanding a bit more info! Hope this all sorts itself out for u soon. Really lovely to see the girls on here keeping u company throughout the night :love: xxx
Im gonna ask the doc for full info when I see her later...
More contractions.. Regular with pain.. Constant back pain and lower pain, need to do another urine sample.. Made her aware I don't know the results of the sample they sent Thursday yet... My pulse is racing yet again so I need an ECG :roll:
Hadn't felt baby since about 8 last night but that was pressure movements not proper bump kicks... And as soon as on the monitor (they gave me one with a movement clicker) it moves to make me look bad :mad: 5 movements in 50 mins.. They seem happy with it.. Gonna get doc to see me later and that's about it!!
Also while they were prodding the hell out of my bump before monitoring (prob y I had some movements it really hurt!!) I said I have alot of pressure and it feels like baby's head is really low down... She said it's low down but 'free' :( think I'm gonna cry again!!! :lol:
Had to call OH to wake him up (9:40!) he has work at 11 and said he would come up for a bit before work... And now he wants a shower first :( hosp is only 5 min drive from our house so he thinks he has enough time to have a bloody lie in!! I know he works hard but I hate being the only one in here on my own bar 30mins in the eve!

Oh and a woman has come into the bed next to me for five mins (her baby is breech but she's not in labour or anything so no pain etc) and she's already asked for one of the private rooms down the hall!!!! :mad: :mad: they said there wasn't any free, but they were like, we saw one...! Cheeky fuckers!!! If anyone gets their own bloody room it should have been me!!!! They said it's occupied but looks empty (they aren't lying when u walk past u can only see end of bed and an armchair.. Bed always made coz it's too hot to be under covers in here) and theyll let them know when one is free for them!! :shock:
Ive had nothing but shit.. Been here since Thursday I've seen the whole ward come and go and I have to stay here til Monday at least!!! They're here five mins and they think they deserve a room?? Sorry no!!
I sound such a bitch but I don't care!! Stuck up *******s!!!! It's upsetting me seeing people come and go etc but I'm not asking for a room!! Grrr!!!!
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Oh and when she said I needed an ECG I was like cool I'll get off the ward for a bit!! She said no they gonna bring one to me :( sigh...
I've been following this thread since the beginning and just wanted to say you are doing so well, I'm glad u are updating us it must be keeping you from.going crazy staring at those curtains bless you I hope everything turns out perfectly for you and your little one xxx Hope u get a private room hun xx
:hug: its awful being stuck on the antenatal ward, can completely understand about wanting your OH there. See if you can get out for a walk, you'l go a mad in there unless you have achange of scenery. :hug:
Dunno what to say that hasn't been said already, your doing really well. I know i would be a total wreck by now. Keep strong and demand some answers. xx
Thank u all.. OH just text me to say he's leaving to go to his mums and she's gonna drop him off.. He's got work at 11 so he's gonna be late.. It's actually pointless him coming besides bringing me some more wordsearches!! That's if he has time to stop off which I highly doubt!!!
Baby got hiccups again lol I'd love to know why!!!

I'm not bothered by a private room really tbh! Just hate that they've asked... LITERALLY THE MW JUST CAME AND SHE'S MOVING THEM!!! hahahaha tv don't work in there ner ner ner!!!!!!!

They wouldn't even let me go to another part of hosp for my ECG or my last scan :(
Oh and that moving couple had a scan yesterday... Where was mine?? How much more qualified do u need to be to do an advanced scan??!! I've got to wait til tomo!! Since fri!! :(

Please god give me some news I want to hear!!!!!!

I've had enough it's my turn to have this baby!!! :cry:
awww sweetheart...keep you chin are doing amazing we are all here for you xx
When i had my son, i ended up having to stay in for 9 days as my blood pressure was through the roof. I was in a single room the whole time and i felt like a prisoner. I only had visitors at visiting times as dh had to stay home to look after our daughter and he took unwell too with a sickness bug so couldn't visit for a bit for fear of passing it on to the ward. At least if your in a bay you can chat to people if you feel like it, or pull the curtain round if you dont. I know it's frustrating. The hospital i work in side rooms are kept for those who need them most not for those who request them. xx
oh hunni !! big hugs !! keep staying strong. hopefully they will give u the results of the last sample. they may just be doing the dip test on the sample the have asked for to c if blood is still there. have they put u on antibiotics? xxxx
im glad the tv wont work in the private room for them....,,karma lmao!

Hope your doing just fine now and baby rose is a wriggling about. think bout you!xxxxxx
Baby's movements have reduced again.. Contractions irregular..
Got result of urine test pretty quick one a reciept type thing usually when they send it off after dipping.. She had it in her hand and asked some questions about what I've eaten and any previous urine result abnormalities.. She didn't tell me what it showed, I told her I had a urine 'reciept' still in my old notes and she went to check..
Turns out I'm not absorbing sugar like I should and I only had one slice of strawberry jam on toast and a very small cup of tea with two little sugars in it at 7:30am.. Urine was done at about 11.. She didn't tell me numbers but glucose and something else came up so I need to do it again in an hour...

No antibiotics yet.. She didnt even mention blood in urine still or not :roll:
I asked her if I had actually got a scan booked for mon I'd be really annoyed if I dotlnt have one in the end after all this.. I said I ask coz OH wants to be there (he'll be at work so I'll be on my own as usual just want something to look forward to.. To aim for u know??)

Doc is on the ward so I'll be seen soon.. Temp is fine and pulse is 102 but better than 122 like it was!
She told me to eat and drink as normal so they can check urine properly coz I asked if I needed to not drink tea or sugary stuff..
I like this mw she's lovely and very helpful :)

Just want some decent news from this doc!!!
And yes I agree side rooms should be for people who genuinely need it!
:hug: cant believe u have been through all of this Hun. But as long as you are both okay it's worth it eh? Xx
Defo worth it if we are both ok.. But I'm not so sure we are yet :(

U really can't make this up!!!! One thing after the other!!!!
bring on the doc so you can get news off him too!x xx
What a carry on!!

I really hope tonight is your last night of this & you can get home tomoz. I think you will def get a detailed scan, & hopefully they'll tell you what they think could be the cause of all these diff things - contractions - blood in urine - lack of movement. It can be really frustrating when it comes to seeing specialists ect, coz quite often they dont tell you whats going on & just write it in notes ect, i had probs with my 1st for a few months & I found they very rarely told me what was going on of their own accord, I always had to push for answers.

I feel so bad for you going thro all this

I just wanted to post you lots of :hug::hug::hug: everytime you seem to be getting somewhere they seem to be messing you around, hopefully they will be able to give you some answers tomorrow after your scan and let you home to rest as being in hospital and not being told anything is enough to raise your pulse :hug: x x

Thanks both of u.. She seemed quite worried with not absorbing sugar.. Given them another sample so hopefully she will have an answer in a few mins..

Just seems a very random mix of problems!!
Just keep on at them sweetie, i think sometimes doc/mw just expect us to understand their technical language and forget that they can actually make us worry more x x


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