February Testing Thread

MrsU, sorry af got you hun, added again, best of luck xx

Rose :( , I know :(

KJL, added, good luck :hug:

Danielsmummy, sorry she got you mate, shall get March testing up and running in a few days to give us af folk something to look forward to :hug:
Bit of mixed feelings for me today, I was due on today (I think!) and as of yet no AF an no signs of it starting so thats good.

I also usually get horrible cramps a good few days before AF and not had any as of yet, plus my nips are feeling quite sensitive which I didn't have last month - so again thought this good be a good sign.

Did a test this AM (clearblue easy) and it was a BFN, so threw in draw. Just been bad and went to have a look and a faint blue line has now appeared - so back to being confused!

I know it's prob an evap and I should just wait, but no other test I have ever done has had any sort of line, even after days, weeks.

Think I need a good voice of reason!!

-Congrats to BroodyBean, rock-angel and Imrcpr!!-
My voice of reason is go and buy another test and redo tomorrow morning with 1st morning flow. Blimming good luck hun :pray:

Thanks Donna!!

I have an asda cheapy one but not sure if I trust it lol!

Want a FRER - but £8 for 1!!!!

x x
PinkPrincess84 said:

Thanks Donna!!

I have an asda cheapy one but not sure if I trust it lol!

Want a FRER - but £8 for 1!!!!

x x
If your late, it should really show anyway, so am very very tempted to say go and do the asda one now!!!!!! BUT if it shows a neg I would still buy an FR for the morning, I know £8 is a lot, but they are good and then you will deff know!
Good luck PinkPrincess :pray: :hug:

Sorry for those who the witch got :( :hug:

Good luck to everyone :hug:
Just dunno if I could handle another negative, surely if neg this morning then it wouldn't have had a chance to change in 6hours?
x x
PinkPrincess84 said:
Just dunno if I could handle another negative, surely if neg this morning then it wouldn't have had a chance to change in 6hours?
x x
Hun, you said you had a faint blue line after leaving it for a while, I would have to check again!
But leave it till the morning would be better, best of luck :pray: :hug:
PinkPrincess84 said:
Lol, now I'm very tempted!!!

x x
BUT I'm a POAS Addict, so dont listen to me lol.
Morning would be best. If it was me, I would have done another by now to be sure, but you have a sensible head so tomorrow would be better :hug:
Ok so I went and did it,

and, it was FAULTY!!! the control line didn't show up! :wall:

so been decided for me I think, gonna have to wait till tomo!!! x x
PinkPrincess84 said:
Ok so I went and did it,

and, it was FAULTY!!! the control line didn't show up! :wall:

so been decided for me I think, gonna have to wait till tomo!!! x x

ARRRGGGGGGG :shock: Blimming faulty, did you scream??

Good luck for the morning, thats one way to make sure you wait lol
:pray: :hug: :pray: :hug: :pray: :hug: :pray: :hug: :pray: :hug:
Lol, lets say it's now dismantled to teach it a lesson!!!

But in some way i'm happy, least its not neg!

Thanks for the :hug: :pray:

It will be your turn tomo by looks of it :wink:

x x
Yep, shall test in the morning but I have zero symtoms and just dont feel pg, were see :wink:
So good luck to the pair of us :)
That must have been frustrating PP; like you say at least it wasn't a neg.

Good luck for tomorrow and to you Donna :hug:
hi can you pop me on for 13th hun, (ooh Friday 13th don't sound good does it??) :doh: :rotfl:

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