February Testing Thread

Hi Donna and all ladies, I'm fairly new but been made to feel very welcome, I got af on sunday 11th of jan so by my reckoning af should be due 7th feb.
Ah just realised is testing thread for testing for pregnancy or ovulation not sure? Sorry for being bit dim! :?
hello, Im due to testing, I wish I could say a defo date but I can never wait I have no patcience!
Someone kick me into line please and tell me to step away from the little white sticks! Af is due around beginning of feb, so I reckon Ill try and hold out till second week, if I can!!! No promises though!
LouF said:
Hi Donna and all ladies, I'm fairly new but been made to feel very welcome, I got af on sunday 11th of jan so by my reckoning af should be due 7th feb.
Ah just realised is testing thread for testing for pregnancy or ovulation not sure? Sorry for being bit dim! :?
Hi Lou :wave: Added you as the 7th and yep its a pregnancy testing thread, I couldn't keep up with an ov one lol :lol:

Rock-Angel said:
hello, Im due to testing, I wish I could say a defo date but I can never wait I have no patcience!
Someone kick me into line please and tell me to step away from the little white sticks! Af is due around beginning of feb, so I reckon Ill try and hold out till second week, if I can!!! No promises though!
:lol: You sound just like me! I'll put you in for the 5th ok and you WILL wait till then :lol:
Thanks Donna, getting to grips with the forum bit more now!!!!! Cool My name is on a list oooeeer quite excited hahahaha :rotfl: :rotfl: yes I'm a maniac!!!!
LouF said:
Thanks Donna, getting to grips with the forum bit more now!!!!! Cool My name is on a list oooeeer quite excited hahahaha :rotfl: :rotfl: yes I'm a maniac!!!!
Good, your fitting in just fine then :lol: Forgot to say good luck Lou and you Rockangel :hug:
thanks for puttin me down, Im really bloated at mo, so hoping its not a sign is af due (i bloat hugly a couple weeks before it appears then it will vanish just as af comes, weird weird body! Just hoping its all that icecream I have been craving!!

good luck donna, you been trying long can I ask?
Rock-Angel said:
good luck donna, you been trying long can I ask?
Been trying 15 months, but really really really trying, you know, everynight around ov, temping, charting, checking cv and cm, for 4 months. Nightmare, you??
hi Donna, can you put me down for the 11th please, af got me today! :( :(

good luck everyone, lets make feb a good one for bfp's! :pray: :pray:
Donna's here said:
good luck donna, you been trying long can I ask?
Been trying 15 months, but really really really trying, you know, everynight around ov, temping, charting, checking cv and cm, for 4 months. Nightmare, you??[/quote:1la0ukcs]

only about 4 months so not long, dont chart or anything but do watch my body for OV time, not that i can miss it, feels like im peeing myself, the amount of time I ahve had to dash to a loo coz I thought Id make a twat otta myself to discover it was that! :rotfl:

sorry to heaR you been tryin for so long :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sam & Louise added ladies, good luck :pray: :hug:

Rock-Angel, my time will come, its just one of those things. A few ladies on here been trying for over 2 years, so I'm being patient (well I'm not really but trying to go with the flow :D ) you know how it is, but my time as all of our times will come :pray:
Please can you pop me on for the 3rd of Feb :pray: (my cycles are a bit unpredictable so it may change..) Thank you lots xx

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