*****February 2016 Mummies******

Ah that's lovely at least your back home safe !
I'm back to work on Monday after a week off, thankfully my sickness seems to have gone, been over a week since I was last sick. Still feeling tired and feel sick on and off but much better than I was :) x
Just want to say Hi to all the Feb 2016 mummies! :) This is my first pregnancy and I'm due 7th Feb! Anyone else a first time mummy? Nervous, excited, scared and happy all at once haha! X
Hey everyone, took a little time off from the forum as it was making me a little anxious apart from all the lovely posts on here the not so nice ones was taking its toll on me and making me overthink things to the point where i was stressing myself out. At the momment im feeling fine now 11 + 4 so nearly at 12 weeks thank god its been a long first tri
Hey everyone, took a little time off from the forum as it was making me a little anxious apart from all the lovely posts on here the not so nice ones was taking its toll on me and making me overthink things to the point where i was stressing myself out. At the momment im feeling fine now 11 + 4 so nearly at 12 weeks thank god its been a long first tri

Although is great having all the support on here, it can really take its toll sometimes and cause unnecessary stress. Ive been just coming on every couple of days to check things as I don't want to overthink things either
In my last pg, I was on here (and google) all the time and I don't think it did me any good.
So a lot of us Feb mummies will be approaching tri 2 soon! How exciting! Getting to 12 weeks is going to be the most wonderful feeling in the world, I cant wait.

Once I get the 12 week all clear, then will come all the phone calls & visits telling family the news! Still seems so surreal and cant believe Im only 2.5 weeks away.

When does everyone plan on spreading the good news? Or have you done so already?
Think I'll be doing the same cocosherbie piping in every few days!
Tri 2 oh my gosh can't wait to hit that milestone which for me is Thursday eeeek just 3 days away (does a little dance)
My scan is 1 week on Wednesday 29th I'll be 12+6 then but that's when we will tell everyone can't wait to tell my daughter
wow, 3 days away! so close! I have another scan (10w) this Friday then will wait until after the results of the screening tests which will be around 12 weeks. Then no one will be able to shut me up!
Most of my family live in Australia so Ill be skyping like mad, my brothers baby is due in 10 days then the week after Ill be announcing mine - so, so excited!!
Each day is dragging though. I really don't like complaining about my symptoms as Im lucky to be this far and have them, but man tri makes me feel like utter shit :-( I want that glow and burst f energy that tri 2 is supposed to bring (Ive been promised - don't let me down internet!)
Hi ladies! Hope your all doing well. Well, I hit that magical 12 weeks yesterday! Woohoo! I still just don't feel pregnant this time around though lol....weird.
It's been an emotional week, the hormones definitely didn't help...my eldest left primary school on Friday. We both didn't handle it very well 😢.xx
Had an amazing day! I work in a nursery and there is a midwife centre upstairs she said to me today she had a spare 5 minutes but not to be alarmed if she couldn't find it as I may be to early.
We heard the baby move heard the placenta and heart the heartbeat !!! Was amazing. She said she would say I'm around 12 weeks even though on my early scan j got dates to be 11 weeks tomorrow. She said she thinks I'm defiantly ahead of that
Feels so that when I go to my scan next Wednesday I know baby is okay !
Congrats Mrs httc in reachin the 12 weeks milestone I'll be joining u on Thursday eeks!!
Lane that's lovely u must be so happy! Can't wait for my scan which is the 29th it's dragging lol x
I'm over the moan. I had it in my head she wouldn't find it. Sounded so clear :)
Yeah my scan is dragging too! It's next Wednesday and I go on holiday next Thursday. Can't wait to see it on the screen!
All these scans are exciting! Can't wait for mine on Mon! We are on hols in Devon at the moment but I'm almost wishing it away to get back for my appt!! 12 weeks on Sat. We've told lots of people already (family and close friends) but not work and I have lots of lovely friends there so can't wait to tell them. Better break the news to my boss first!!
I'm so jealous of all your scans ladies - mine still feels like ages away!

I've told my boss his week, kept taking time off so i had no option really.
Ooh lots of February baby scans coming up! Mine is this Friday (I'm 12 weeks on Thursday). I'm getting quite nervous as it approaches!! Has anyone had one before? What's it like?xx
So exciting with everyone's scsns coming up! I still havnt got my appointment yet....I think I'll wait until the end of the week and give them a ring incase it's lost in transit lol x
Oh I would nt wait Mrs httc lol I'd be right on the blower haha x get to it girl x
What's your due date Julia? I'm 12 weeks tomo!
From what I remember Julia my 12 week scan with dd was amazing her little flicking heartbeat wriggling around stretching its amazing how far they come in 12 weeks x

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