*****February 2016 Mummies******

Well I'm now 9 weeks eek don't see midwife until next wed when I'm 10 weeks so hope I get my scan appointment soon after that!

hope the heat is nt bothering everyone too much! Me personally I don't like it as suffer bad with Hayfever and it's really hit me!

My sore boobs and nausea is calming down now so here's hoping hormones are settling feels like forever since I've felt normal
Our midwife appointment isn't until the 14th (according to the online calculator thing I'll be 10 weeks that week)...It's driving me nuts waiting....It's been an age!
My boobs are awful, I can't take my bra off at night. Every time I move/turn over they hurt so much it wakes me up
Today has not been good. Pregnant, hot and nauseous are a terrible combination.....
I'm a wee bit jealous, my boobs are not sore at all. I think they are a bit bigger. Don't really have any morning sickness but there are some foods that turn me. If I eat something thats very strong I feel sick for hours after

Midwife at GP's appointment on Tuesday and then Diabetic mw next Thursday
Hey everyone! Been MIA for a few days as we've been to Butlins all week......safe to say I'm well and truly knackered! Lol.
Kids had such a fab time though, and the weather was fab....as has been everywhere else too.
I hope the heat isn't botjering everyone too much.

Got my midwife appointment on Monday, I'll be 10 weeks then too.....it should have been last week but I had to rearrange with us being away.

Hope everyone's doing well xxx
I had my midwife appt on Friday and she is lovely! So much nicer than the one I had last time so I'm chuffed. She has discussed a possible home birth with me as I had an easy time birth wise last time and I'm going to think about it. She couldn't do my bloods as they don't send them off on a Friday afternoon so popping back next Fri to get those done. She also booked my scan for the 27th July so v excited. Also just found out my best mate is pregnant and having her 12 week scan tomorrow so she is about 3 weeks ahead of me which is fab!

I have felt like crap all weekend. Really really sick so I'm hoping this finishes soon. I'm sure by my 12 week scan last time I'd stopped puking so here's hoping! Especially as we are off on hols in a fortnight. I have one week left at work before the summer hols and so far I've managed to hide it so hopefully I'll make it to the end of the week before anyone guesses!
Glad you've got a nice midwife hellywelly....makes it all so much nicer doesn't it.
I had my booking in today aswell, I've got to be referred to a consultant with this bring baby number 5, but they think ill just be discharged back to the midwife with me having no issues or anything.

Fingers crossed your sickness gives in too.....this heat can't be making it any better for you either.

Is everyone else doing ok? Any more scan dates through? X
How exciting scan dates coming through im booking in on Wednesday at last seems like an age I'll be 10 weeks on Thursday so hoping I get my scan letter through next week fingers crossed!
Feel quite over last few days so hopefully hormones levelling out a bit xx
I've just had my scan date through for 11th aug so I'll be just beyond 12 weeks, although I have no doubt they'll it me back as they did last time and then they were wrong! (Thomas came 8 days early!)

My booking in appointment is next week. I'm feeling nauseous off and on all day, but I don't really mind it right now as at least it means things are happening. Just looking forward to seeing a healthy baby on the scan
Ugh! This has been my worst day so far for nauseous and I've been retching so much and actually vommed! I thought the further on I got that this would all ease off. Feeling mighty sorry for myself today!

Hope all you ladies are doing good? x
I feel ok recently hope it stays that way! I'm sorry your not feeling to good! Hopefully it ll pass soon Hun!

I eventually booked in today with the midwife so just waiting on scan date now how exciting x
My nausea seems to have been a bit better today, still felt rough at times but not so bad, weather has been cooler so I'm now wondering whether being dehydrated and the heat is making me feel more sick
I feel ok recently hope it stays that way! I'm sorry your not feeling to good! Hopefully it ll pass soon Hun!

I eventually booked in today with the midwife so just waiting on scan date now how exciting x

Thank you hun. x Hopefully it won't be long until your scan date! x

Pumpkin9, that's good that your nausea hasn't been as bad. x

Well today was better than yesterday but I still feel ill and totally exhausted! It's really starting to get to me as I dislike being unwell and having my activities affected. I could stay in bed forever but that's not going to happen with a near 4 yr old and things to do in the home. :wall2:
Not been as tired this week and my boobs have been better but still getting extremely bad headaches( going to ask medwife on my booking in vist cuss their really bad) and started with feeling sick only been sick once so far so hopefully I get the feeling without actually been sick... Does anyone else feel like they have know their pregnant for an age but still only early lol
The tiredness suck babe hopefully it will pass mine seems to have.. This week first time in week iv managed to get any proper house work done in ages... Does anyone else feel like they have know their pregnant for an ages but still only early lol
Hi ladies can I join in? I'm 7+1, due 22nd feb I think.

Is anyone else in week 7 just now? Xx
Hi Mrsneen,

Im 7+3 today, due date 24/2 went for early scan yesterday and saw the little one with strong heartbeat soo happy everything is ok so far..how you feeling in week 7?
Hi mrsneen and congratulations :)

I'm 7+5 I think at the moment, got my booking in next week and my scan on the 11th August so I'll find out for def then.

How are you feeling?
Hey mrsneen welcome and congratulations! I'm week 10 now due the 4th

Hope your doing ok x

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