*****February 2016 Mummies******

Hey ladies. I have my booking appt a week today so 17th July then my scan on 17th August.

I'm keeping good, so tired all the time and feel so sick. Otherwise really good tho! Oh gone off loads of foods so finding something I want to eat is a struggle. Dinner tonight was French toast and a smoothie!! .

Had a wee scare on wed, had some spotting and like a bruised pain in tum. Had an MC last year so they took me into epu and did exam, bloods and scan. Everything great, blood hormone levels r nice n high and got to see the heartbeat on the scan so that was a huge treat!! Nothing to worry about. Apparently I have erosion on my cervix (wtf!) so that's what the spotting was. Phew!!

So how's others feeling? Tiredness? Sickness? What have you found helps? Xx
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I've had abit of sickness and tiredness, ive found making sure I sleep well helps with the sickness and drinking lots of water, Ive also been sucking polo's and that's massively helped too.

I had an mc on March so it's been a slightly nervey time for us but luckily so far no spotting and ive had some symptoms to sort of out my mind at rest. I'm now losing those again now so will have to wait till the scan for definite. I do still feel pregnant though at least, got massive bloat!
I've been eating ritz crackers at work seems to help when I pick on them all day instead of letting myself get hungry. Also been having polos and starburst for a bit of flavour

Has anyone else been really emotional? Yesterday I couldn't stop crying over silly things I felt like a crazy person. Spoke to midwife she said it's completely normal and she had exactly the same. Will be so much easier in a couple of weeks when we have 12 weeks scan and can tell people I'm not crazy I'm pregnant!
Hi ladies can I join? Currently 8w2d - I waited a while to jump on the Tri 1 forums this time as Ive had 3 miscarriages within the past 18 months and Ive been terrified it would happen again. However I had an 8 weeks scan yesterday which showed a perfectly growing little bean with heartbeat, so Im starting to feel more positive that this time will be the one!

Feeling bloody awful this time around too, way worse than the other times, which I guess is a good sign.
Nausea throughout the day, extreme fatigue and more food aversions that I can keep track of!

How's everyone else doing this weekend?
Welcome cocosherbie and congratulations what's your due date? I'm 10 weeks now after a miscarriage in April fell straight away so I feel what your going through! Like u had a 8 week scan just for peace of mind really!
My nausea has eased off now but the tiredness is killing me at wrk lol seems so hard to do anything these days! I've had loads of food aversions aswell find it hard to eat anything or find something I fancy which is unusual as I love my food usually lol.
Due date is 19-Feb. But its tricky to calculate as, like you, I fell pregnant immediately after my last miscarriage with no AF in between. My scan yesterday put me at 8 weeks exactly which is 19 Feb ( I think)
Yeah my midwife is certain im ahead of myself but when I had my scan I was 8 weeks which is exactly what I thought!
I took scan to midwife to show her she still has my edd behind what it says and she saying oh they are not reliable lol! I'm thinking maybe she does nt like to be wrong :) My edd is 4th feb x
Also please join our feb 2016 mummies secret Facebook group the girls are lovely if you add Cherie Dawson she will add u Hun x
Can I join the FB page? Which Cherie Dawson is it there's quite a few?

God food aversions are driving me nuts! Struggling to find anything I fancy! Off salad, fruit isn't floating my boat either. Worried I'm going to pile on unnecessary weight at this early stage! It's stressing me out!!
Yeah of course u can her profile pic is her cuddled into her partner she has glasses on! I'll put a message in the Facebook page to let her know you ll be joining Hun she may stop by here !
Hey ladies. How's everyone doing? Feeling a little down in the dumps today so been on a chocolate fest :)
11 weeks today so earning closer to the golden 12 week mark! Havnt got my scan date through yet so fingers crossed I'll get it soon.
How's everyone else feeling? These hormones have got me up and down like a rollercoaster at the minute :( x
Feeling a little better today myself. Didn't throw up and didnt even need an afternoon nap! That a fantastic day for me!
Does anyone know when the hormones start to level out and symptoms ease off? Most things Ive read say at around 12 weeks but Im hoping my nausea starts to back off sooner than that.
After 5 weeks of constant puking I had my first sick free day yesterday! I was told at around 10 weeks the placenta starts to take over from the hormones so the symptoms subside - mine are certainly better. Got my scan booked for the 27th - can't wait!!
After a horrendous couple of weeks I have been signed off work for a week by the doctor.
I have my scan on the 29th and although we paid for an early scan and heard the heartbeat the next 2 weeks can't go quick enough. Will feel like a huge weight being lifted

Is anyone else planning on going on holiday after the 12 week mark? I worried about flying
After a horrendous couple of weeks I have been signed off work for a week by the doctor.
I have my scan on the 29th and although we paid for an early scan and heard the heartbeat the next 2 weeks can't go quick enough. Will feel like a huge weight being lifted

Is anyone else planning on going on holiday after the 12 week mark? I worried about flying

I have to go to Australia in October for my brothers wedding (Im a bridesmaid) :oooo:
Ill be about 21 weeks and although I haven't asked my doctor yet, Im really hoping it will be ok. Ive read flying is normally fine in 2nd trimester however Im considered high risk, so Im not sure what the verdict will be on that. Im dreading the flight so bad though! Its about 24 hours in an incredibly uncomfortable economy seat. But I really don't want to miss the wedding.

Where are you planning on going on holiday?
I've had a family holiday booked for months and it's the 30th of this month so will only be 12+1 spoke to midwife and she said as long as my blood pressure is okay and there are no problems at the scan there is no reason I can't go. She said to make see I wear flight socks and to keep drinking water on the plane.
She also said about taking a small ish towel and getting it wet and putting it over my stomach even if I'm laying on the shade it will help to keep me cool

I've already flown 2 days before I found out I was pregnant was only a short flight to Amsterdam but I felt so sick :( just hoping now I'm much further along that I won't feel as bad !
Im sure you will be fine Lane, imagine how nice it will be once you actually get there.

I cant wait to get to 12 weeks, Im counting down the days
I'm sure it will be fine, with my last pregnancy I lugged a 25kg suitcase around Venice and half of Italy on and off trains before I knew I was pregnant (and I was fine!) and then in tri 2 I went on hols (flew) and had no issues there either - definitely double check with doctor and also what the airline might require in terms of medical certificate but I'm sure it would be ok
I'm off to France in Oct when I'll be about 24 weeks but it's only a 1 1/2 hour flight so not really a problem.
Hi Lane, I just got back from a week in Hong Kong- I had to go for work and was absolutely dreading the long flights as have been feeling so sick (I'm 7-8 weeks now). I called the airline before to tell them and they were v sweet to me on board, trying to help me find food I could eat and constantly bringing me water. Flight socks and keeping hydrated are really important. Needless to say it was a horrid week while I was away as it was SO hot and food was so difficult- have never been so glad to be home! Good luck and enjoy your trip xx

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