*****February 2016 Mummies******

Thanks Zoe - I have the same connection with feb and March mummies from 2014 - so def hoping for the same with these lovely ladies.

Enjoy time with your little one, it all seems to go so quick xx
Hi all lovelies;-)

I had my scan today, 12+6, saw my little princess;-) aah, such a good feeling! They predicted its a girl, i suspected that - im covered in spots and never had spots in my life not even in teenage years. My 2yrs old started running around a chair in a scan room after I told him its a little girl. She looked cute, with long legs happily swimming in there. Have an anterior high placenta which is also good as i had the opposite last time with placenta being too low.

Otherwise I am still feeling sick, but no vomiting and i have put on 3 kgs since becoming pregnant and i was overweight to start with (couldnt not lose last 7 kgs from previous pregnancy)... Ok, im trying not to think much of it.

Hope you all girls feeling good?!
Hey Inga,

Glad your scan went well. I'm looking forward to mine next week. I'm still feeling rough as anything on the morning but afternoon is much better now.

I've put on 10lbs so far - I wasnt overweight before so not too bothered although I was hoping I wouldn't put on as much as my last pregnancy as I put on 3 stone with my little boy
I had my first midwife appointment yesterday and she weighed me and I have put on 8lb!!!!!! My 12 week scan is on Friday (fingers crossed all is well) and I'm really hoping this constant hunger dies down so I don't keep piling on the weight. Once I've got the all clear from the scan I'm going to start doing swimming and pregnancy pilates. I usually exercise a lot but havent been doing anything as I've been so tired and I had some bleeding so been trying to take it easy.
Inga, how can they predict its a girl at 12 weeks?
Hey luckyb good luck with your scan I've tried to eat well but been off a lot of food really fancy not much at all I'm 14 weeks now and still feel the same hoping it passes soon. I'm with u on the tiredness front too I'm waiting patiently for the 2nd tri bloom haha does it exist?
Inga I was gonna ask that also how can they predict that early I had my scan at 13+2 she said she could nt see it's too early! X
Hey all!

Some are joining my club of weight gain, heh?;-)
About predicting gender. At early scan. I had OB doing my private scan, the same who did scan at 13 weeks for my son 2.5 years ago. He only says it is 80% probability, however other doctors would say he is always wright. My OB explained how he can see it, but... The difference is so small. Its science and good educated guess.
Baby's heartbeat was something like 160, and I have read somewhere that if hb is over 140 its a boy, if less girl, so I said "no way, another boy!" - dr just laughed it off, saying boys dont get more excited than girls at this stage!
Basically dr explained he is looking at the little area where genitalia is and there is a little white stripe like area, mine was flat, but for boys its more at an angle. It isnt fully developed at this stage, and it starts forming same place where boys testes, in stomach. And there are probably other little things.
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quiet here on the Feb Tri 1 thread, I guess a lot of us have moved over to tri 2 already? Im counting down the days!
Who else is still here and how is everyone feeling? Im finally starting to feel a lot better, each day the nausea is getting less and less. Im sill struggling with the afternoon fatigue but feel better overall :-)
Hey coco,

I'm still here but will be moving soon as I'm 12+3 now. I've had my scan his week and my nauseous feeling has definitely passed but I'm still feeling very tired like you. Glad you're starting to feel better though
hey Pumpkin, we have the same due date :-) Although I went for a private scan last week which showed me ahead a few days and measuring 12 weeks exactly. According to that scan, I would be 13 weeks tomorrow, but Ill stick with the "official" hospital due date of 21-Feb
when does tri 2 officially start? Ive read differing things online, some say from 13 weeks, others from 14 weeks
Ah due date buddies lol! I think it starts as soon as you hit 13 weeks as you are then onto your 14th week of that makes sense. But I'm keen to get out of tri 1 as quickly as I can, tri 2 is so much better and you start talking about getting the nursey ready etc.. Rather than the worries of symptoms or lack of and all that other stuff. It also nice cause you start to feel baby move too
Hey I am apart of March mummy group my lmp dd was 01/03 went for my scan yday and they put me forward 6d so I'm now 24/02 .. Xx exciting times xxxz
Just popping my head in to say hope your all Ok and can't wait for you all to get over to Tri2!!

Welcome to feb mummies Theosmummy! Great that you've been put forward a few days xx
Hiya mummies and bumps
Had my scan Thursday and I'm due on February 21st :-))
Anyone else share due date with me?
Yes mummy sunshine there are two of us that share your due date, cocosherbie and me!

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