Hey all!
Some are joining my club of weight gain, heh?

About predicting gender. At early scan. I had OB doing my private scan, the same who did scan at 13 weeks for my son 2.5 years ago. He only says it is 80% probability, however other doctors would say he is always wright. My OB explained how he can see it, but... The difference is so small. Its science and good educated guess.
Baby's heartbeat was something like 160, and I have read somewhere that if hb is over 140 its a boy, if less girl, so I said "no way, another boy!" - dr just laughed it off, saying boys dont get more excited than girls at this stage!
Basically dr explained he is looking at the little area where genitalia is and there is a little white stripe like area, mine was flat, but for boys its more at an angle. It isnt fully developed at this stage, and it starts forming same place where boys testes, in stomach. And there are probably other little things.