Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

big hugs to you anna :hug: Im hoping the sickness will pass very quickly for you and you can start to enjoy being preggy!

Im angry this morning someone has parked in front of our garage and if my hubby had been on earlies he wouldnt have been able to get the car out! We dont know whose car it is either :x

Ive been really suffering with tiredness lately, its overwhelming I feel like im good for nothing, its horrible so I started taking the pronatal tabs as they have iron in them it might help.Im a veggie so i guess I could be a bit low in iron?

Hugs to you all, hope you have a good weekend

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: hope the tiredness eases off for you soon, i suffer with tiredness too it could be that your low in iron you never know :hug: ARGH people do that to us i know we don't have a car BUT if people want to come visit us they can't park in our drive as people are infront of it with their cars or in front of our house which really peves me off

Well the sickness isn't gone it's worse and whats bad is i'm being sick solids not the usual sick :( my throat is sooooooo sore it feels like i have a tennis ball in it :( and as soon as i eat i feel sick i've never had the sickness as bad as the past 2 days never but aparently mum suffered so bad with sickness with my younger brother (her 3rd child) that she had to have treatment so lets hope i'm not going through that it must of been awful for her, oh well i supose i could look on the bright side i kno things are going well and my hormones are flying all over the place :D

well i went to the doctors today and guess what i have a water infection so it'll explain why i been feeling off the past few days so i'm so glad i went in the end :dance: :D now hopefully i can get better
Hi everyone :wave:

Anna - hope you feel better soon :hug:
Scones - get some greens in you but if you don't feel better soon maybe visit thr doc? :hug:

Just on for a quickie really.
I am very annoyed - I went on a course today - yes on a Saturday - and it was AWFUL. A total waste of time. So that's it, no more courses at weekends for me. We have to do a certain number of hours in the year, but our school won't let us out during the week so we have to find courses to go on in our own time. But i'm not doing that again. I have never written so much on a feedback form at the end!!

Also - that's me into Tri 3 :shock: :shock: I can't believe it.
Worrying slightly as having some pains today and not feeling much movement but I hope it's just turned round or something. And I have been very windy :oops: so hopefully that explains the pain. Going to lie down and give it a rub now and hopefully get some response!!

Hope everyone is ok and having nice weekends!!!
Also meant to say...

Loola - sorry to hear about your SIL. :hug: :hug: Have you spoken to her yet?
And Flossy - how are you now hun? Hope you have no more worrying symptoms... let us know :hug: :hug:
Hi everyone

Happy birthday Kmac! :dance: Hope you are having a lovely day

Thought i would pop on and show some picture of my little girl from my scan at the weekend. Her body and head measure 28 weeks but her legs measure 29 weeks! She is going to be tall like her daddy! :cheer: She currently weighs 2lb 10oz and has no hair. I found it to be a very surreal experience but also the most amazing experience of my life!

She is the most beautiful thing I have every seen!

Here she is...she has her left hand over part of her face


having a yawn...


I hope they worked? :think:

How did your scan go Chok?

Hope everyone is OK today. How was everyone's weekends?

X :hug: X
:D Happy Brithday Kmac!

Well - I had a bit of a palarver (sp?) getting to my scan and only just got there in time (but that's another boring story)....it was very strange and hard to get my head around the fact that what I was seeing on screen was what I was feeling moving about inside me!

I was warned that, cos I have an anterior (front) placenta that the images might be grainy and that the baby might be hiding behind it - and I had to lay in all sorts of positions in order to get a pic of LO's face - Junior got camera shy and kept giving us a good view of just an ear - but eventually we got some good pics.....(I've put one on photobucket).

Like Sally12 says - very surreal!
Love the pic chok - what a very cute little nose!

We only got to see LO for 10 mins (20 min appointment) before she put both of her arms and both her feet in front of her face! What a couple of trouble makers! Dont they know how expensive those scans are!? :rotfl:
:rotfl: I think they do it as a warning of things to come! Cheeky little wotsits!

Junior was moving SO much in the car on the way there it was starting to get uncomfortable - and just as we arrived, Junior decided that it was the perfect time for a sleep! Cue lots of prodding and poking to get some movement.....Junior is head down and facing my back at the moment, same as at my 20week scan - the perfect birthing position, which no doubt means that by the time I do have to give birth, the little monkey will have moved somewhere completely ridiculous!

Definitely has Daddy's cute button nose though! :D
Hi everyone :wave:

Sookie :cheer: Congratulations hun :D So pleased for you :D

chok and Sally, glad you had good scans, sally love the pics of your little girl :) Chok, I don't have access to the photobucket account but I bet yours are just as great :)

kmac, Happy Birthday hun :D Hope you are being spoilt rotten today :)

Anna, hope your feeling better and that the sickness isn't taking too much out of you :hug:

Scones, I saw on a Birdeye advert the other day that peas contain more iron than broccoli, so pea soup for you ;) Hope you feel less tired soon :hug:

ROM, poor Josh, I hope he is feeling better and settling in. He will love it, he just needs to get the illness out of his system :hug: I'm sure as soon as he joins some sport reletd clubs up there, he'll find mates more to his taste. Good news about Han coming home soon :D

Flossy, hopefully brown isn't too much to worry about - thinking of you :hug:

:wave: to everyone else I've missed. And hi to Tilly, although we didn't chart at the same time, I followed your pregnancy and your little James is so cute :)

Sorry it has been a while for me posting, I've been quite weepy for the last week, hopefully it is just the Baby Blues. I am slowly feeling better but I have been really surprised by how much adjustment it takes to get used to a new baby. We seem to be getting there and sleeping at nights is getting much better now. I am really missing OH though (he went back to work last Thursday - after only a week off due to work pressures :( ). I think Oscar is getting used to me now although he still looks at me suspiciously, which is very cute ;) I need to make a doctors appointment as he has a tongue tie which is making breastfeeding difficult. Hopefully we can get it snipped/released soon :)
Mildly - I've PMd you.
I hope you continue to feel better, and that Oscar's tongue tie can be sorted out soon - I had no idea about tongue ties at all really but I've read a few people's posts about it on here so I guess it must be more common than I realised.
Thanks chok, I hope none of you mind but I've uploaded a picture of me, OH and Oscar (it's the only one we have of all of us). Love your little bubs chok, what a cute little face.

I didn't know what a tongue tie was either until the midwife explained. In our area it isn't routine to release it at birth but a lot of the research I've been reading says that it can have an affect on breastfeeding and on speech later on. I've booked a doctors appointment for Wednesday so hopefully we'll get a referral to a paediatrician :D Also hoping my baby blues doesn't turn into PND :think:
Awww Mildly - thats a lovely pic of a lovely new family.
I hope the baby blues passes for you and it doesn't turn into anything more. :hug: We're here if you need us
Hi everyone :wave:

Just to let you know we are having a BOY!!!! George Aaron is due on 5th February 2009 :D :D

Jane x
Hi everyone

Glad the scans went well.
I am so confused now I am chatting in Tri 2 and Tri 3 and in here !! :think:

I don't want to keep repeating myself so rom I wrote a bit in Tri 2 for you (I think)
Thanks for all the birthday wishes. We had a lovely meal out last night then when we got back I fell asleep and dribbled on DH's chest :oops: how romantic...

Had a big bit of cake at work and brought the leftovers home (there is loads - it was a big cake!!) :D

Mildly - I'm sure it's normal to feel a bit down soon after having the baby... your hormones must be all over the place.. if you're worried maybe chat to your HV or GP
? I don't know but have some of these :hug: :hug:
OMG....How have I missed this thread until now??? Why didn't someone tell me :shakehead:

I really miss stalkers but I always feel a bit harsh posting in there since I've had my ticker....which, coincidentally will be coming to and soon :shock:

It's so lovely to have see everyone chatting again in one place

I'm full term today :cheer: :cheer: so only 3 weeks to my due date now.....thank goodness. I can't wait for it to be over now so I can finally meet the little bean that was soooooooooo hard to conceive. We still don't know what sex the baby is and we're hoping we can have a home birth... :? We've got a birth pool, TENS machine and a ball at the ready to help me through it, I'm just hoping I don't turn into a wuss and start screaming for pain relief in the first two contractions :rotfl: :rotfl:

Now I know you're all here, I'll be popping in to see you all and letting you know when baby is on it's way

:hug: :hug:
Babydust - good to have you back - Gonna check out ur pics in a min. :D

ROM - Yey on team blue - so who was right in the end, you or Dave -I can't remember who thought what! :?

Chrissy - Sorry Hun I thought I had told you about this thread ages ago?! :oops: oopsy! - good that you have found it now anyway! I bet having a homebirth will be AMAZING!

As some of you know from my Tri 3 post, I feel poo today - DH has flu (and is suffering badly as he isnt allowed to take much for it due to asthma) I am hoping I don't get it but my throat is so sore today I think something is definately coming my way........boo hiss to wintery illnesses!
Claire nice to see you back :-) sounds like you had a lovely holiday.

Kmac I know what you mean about posting everywhere but I feel in here is "special" with "special people" :D I know that we are all at different stages but I feel so close to you lot regardless of whether you are pregnant, just had or trying to conceive that I tend to post in here first :D

Chrissy nice to see you - hope your home birth goes well.

choklatemunky Dave was convinced it was a girl - I thought a boy down to my heartburn!! I was of course right :D I've been and got my first baby thing today - the most amazing little cotton hat (will have to take the price off it before I take it home :D ) Up to this point I dont think I really believed we may actually be blessed with a baby - so much has gone wrong for us in the past 12 months but now I feel so much more positive - just have to work out how to stop George sleeping all day and kicking me all night :D

Love to everyone else

Jane x
reallyoldmum said:
I've been and got my first baby thing today - the most amazing little cotton hat (will have to take the price off it before I take it home :D ) Up to this point I dont think I really believed we may actually be blessed with a baby - so much has gone wrong for us in the past 12 months but now I feel so much more positive

I'm glad you are feeling much better about things - I know you have been very worried up til now.....I love Baby shopping - and as for taking the price off before you show anyone..........how very naughty - now you'd never catch me doing anything like that :fib: :fib: :rotfl:

reallyoldmum said:
just have to work out how to stop George sleeping all day and kicking me all night :D

If you work out the secret for that - let me know! Although thinking about it - the last few days Junior has been going pretty mental in there having a right little party but does tend to think its funny to kick Mummy the hardest right when she is trying to get to sleep! Little monkey!

Well, I have found out today that my boss is pregnant too!!!! 14 weeks! There is only the two of us who work here so goodness knows whats going to happen, as we will be on mat leave at the same time! I am so pleased for her though - she sadly had a m/c last year so I am pleased she is PG and that all was good at her scan. Her Little boy has just started school and is very excited to be getting a little brother or sister - he thinks its a brother as he asked her belly 'are you a brother' and the baby said yes to him apparently :lol: so cute!
Hi girlies! Glad to see everything is going well for everyone! Ive just been browsing the chartsltalkers photobucket, your scans are so amazing Sally and Sarah!

Kirsty - Belated Happy Birthday to you! Your bump is gorgeous! :D

Claire, glad you had a good holiday and your bump is fab! :cheer:

Jane - Yay for team blue! Look forward to seeing little George :D

Chrissy - hiya hun :wave: Havent spoken to you for ages! Cant believe you are almost ready to give birth already! Cant wait to see the pics of your bubba! Good luck with the homebirth!

Mildly - great pic of your family hun, im glad your feeling a bit better, I hope its just baby blues and doesnt get any worse for you :hug:

I keep meaning to ask, where is Rach and her twins? She does know about this thread doesnt she? I dont come on here as much as I used to and I dont even know which Tri she is in now. I hope all is well with her too?

Is Kitty back from Hols? I hope you are ok wherever you are hun :hug:

Sadi - How are you lady?

Sookie - How are the first stages of pregnancy going for you? I will definitely take you up on the offer of a stay in Oz sometime! :wink:

Hi to everyone else! Hope everyone is ok :)

I have spoken to my brother, I spoke to him straight after I typed what had happened on here. He was ok, we had a long philosophical chat about things. Now its all over they are going to have a serious sit down and decide whether they want to try again, can they really bare to possibly go through this again, which is quite likely because of their ages. They also have to consider the higher risk of their baby having a handicap, which I dont think they would be able to cope with being older parents (they said that themselves not me). Also, they are pretty happy with their life as it is. They like the fact that they both have good jobs, enjoy a glass of wine every evening and go on holiday 2 to 3 times a year. Having a baby would change that completely. But then there is the thought of never having children, EVER. Would they regret it if they gave up now, would they feel like they have missed out? They worry that they may have a 10 year old when they are in their 50s, especially as it will probably be their one and only child, is it fair on the child? They have a lot of serious thinking to do now, and cannot just throw caution to the wind like they were doing. Im sure they will make the right decision, which ever they choose I can see there being some future heartbreak. Life is very unkind sometimes, I so wish they had met each other earlier.

Anyway now that I have brought misery to the thread I will leave you all to carry on your days! :lol: Im off on hols at the moment which is nice. I spent yesterday shopping for things to make my wedding table planner which I have done as much as I can, I cant stick the tables on it or any of the names yet of course. Its basically a big canvas board with some pearly white card stuck on it, with some pearly cream card cut out on top of that, with pale gold ribbon and golden butterflies. Looks rather smart if I do say so myself! Didnt cost me much at all, Id say around £15 in total including glue and all that. I could make a forune selling them on ebay for twice the price!

Have a good day ladies! :wave:

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