Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Kitty I have emailed you :hug:

Skairdy I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you - when are you due to test?

Flossy good luck with your scan, I am sure everything will be OK :D

Chrissy you have such amazing willpower - I read your post in 3rd Tri - I think if they had asked me I wouldnt have had the strength to say no!! Good luck with the homebirth I hope your midwife makes things easier for you now.

Loola hope your OH's mum is OK and :hug: to your brothers. Dont take any notice of your stupid friend, she sounds like a right cow!

OK I can only take in so much at one go and I have forgot everything else I read!! :wall:

We are all well - Josh is starting to settle I think and Hannah will be home on Friday :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: spent most of the weekend getting her room all ready for her and buying new bedding and warm pj's :D I cant wait to see her.....

Love to everyone on this thread.

Jane x x x x
Hi all. Sorry I haven't been around.

Loola - so sorry to hear all the bad things happening around you at the mo. I know what you mean about bad things happening to good people. It's just not fair

ROM - can't wait to see George, Great name,

Skairdy welcome back!!! FX for the clomid.

Kitty :hug: :hug: :hug: You take all the time you need hun. I'll e-mail you.

Hi to everyone else. Sorry I'm trying to do it all from memory. I'm not having a great time at the mo. My 'friend' who put off having the baby went on expensive holiday, bought a sports car then 1 year later falls 1st month is due any moment. I can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. I'm just waiting for the text and then I can move on.

Also my best friend the one whose husband left her is moving an hour or so away to be near her family which I fully understand and it'll mean she has a clean break. But I'm heartbroken. I love those kids and her even her dog so much. It was lovely just popping in whenever I felt like. I know it's not the other side of the world but she's been my rock through all the crap over the last 2 year. :(

And finally, I'm sure some of you knew it was coming the whole office went to a hotel for the weekend for our yearly conference. All in the bar for many hours after. Things were said things were confessed. :oops: It's all a bloody mess and having to sort it out later. I'll post details in the adult section in case of some bizarre coincidence any of the parties involved find the post.

I want to go back to last week and start again.
HI babydust. Sorry to hear the bad news I'd definitely ask her if she want you to go. It's the kindest thing. Gives her the choice.

:hug: :hug:
ROM - I'm due my Af around the 16th but won't test till after she doesn't show, too scared of a chemical.

Babydust - Sorry to here about your sisters baby :hug: . I think if it was me I would want you there.

Trudy - How are things now hun?

Chrissy - Not long to go now eh? Hope you get your homebirth :pray:

I'm 7DPO and today I've had a funny niggling pains on the lower right havd side of my stomach. Well not really stomach, lower than that, kinda inbetween top of my leg in the groin and my old c-section scar.
It's like a mix between AF cramps and something else but I don't know what the something else could be :think:
I tend to spot for the week before AF starting around CD21 (which is today).
I've have a furk around up there :oops: and theres no sign of the spotting. Usually if I have a feel around this time of my cycle there will be brown 'blood' on my finger, but today theres nothing.
Do you think it could be implantation or am I just wishful thinking?

Went and had my CD21 blood test today too and will get the results back next Wednesday. Just incase you were interested :lol:
:rotfl: Skairdy at the furtle thing - how many of us on here can relate to that :D I listened to a really interesting programme on Radio 4 this evening 4.30 - 5.00 when they were talking about early testing and how it is bringing about more awareness of chemical pregnancies..... their worry is that the new early test products like FRER that you can use 6 days before AF is due is causing a real increase in the miscarriage statistics. Amazingly they were saying that something like 10% of people do not get a + on a pee stick until a week after AF is actually due - there is no evidence to say that these pregnancies are more likely to end in miscarriage either....

Claire :hug: about your SIL baby - I am sure that she would see you as a comfort but I can understand why you feel like you do :hug:

Jane x
Hey all how is everyone :)

Well ive my scan tommorrow at 9.50 and im absolutely pertrified of something being wrong so much so i feel scared to go :( Im trying to be posative but i find it really hard im hoping alls going to be ok :pray:
Oh Flossy :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: what ever anyone of us says wont make it any easier for you I am sure but I for one am thinking about you and :pray: everything is OK tomorrow - once you get over the first couple of seconds I am sure you will enjoy seeing that beautiful little bean again.

Jane x
No thank you ROM it makes me feel better when i come on here to see lovely comments like that so thankyou :hug: :hug: :hug:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: one more sleep until my baby girl comes home :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

BUT she is only here until the 22nd October when she has to fly to Tunisia for the Winter season :(

It is going to fly by we probably wont see her then until the week before the baby is due which means we will not have her here for christmas and I've never not had her around for Christmas :( Might do Christmas dinner for her whilst she is home :D she loves christmas dinner and I think the shops have crackers etc in already.............
Hey all :wave:

ROM, enjoy having Hannah home :cheer: I've seen loads of Christmas things in the supermarket, I say go for it :D

Flossy, hope your scan went well. I will have a look in 2nd tri for news :hug:

Skairdy, signs are looking good :cheer: Fingers crossed for you hun :D

babydust, glad your LO is growing well in there :D So sorry to hear about your SIL's baby :hug: I definitely say ask her and tell her you won't be offended if she wants you to stay away. What a sad thing to happen to your family :hug:

Trudy, I replied in your thread in the adult section, hope things are sorting themselves out on that front :hug:

Kitty, glad the holiday went well and fingers crossed the bleeding is coming to an end, at least then you can try to move on :hug: Have a good break from TTC and hope to see you back here soon :hug:

:wave: to everyone else. I only manage to reply to people if their posts are included in the review section as my memory for posts before that is rubbish :oops:

I am feeling loads better - hopefully it is the end of the baby blues for me :pray: I started driving last weekend as I've been so bored of being stuck in the house. The doctor did ok it and physically I really don't feel like I've had a c section just under four weeks ago! It has been great getting out and about and we even went to our first mother and baby group thing (well it was a breastfeeding drop in thing but it was nice to meet other mums). Got a wedding to go to tomorrow so am trying to find something to wear!! My maternity things are a bit big but my pre-pregnancy clothes are too small. I think I am going to look like a hobo tomorrow :oops:

Anyway hope you are all well and *bump* the thread back to page one ;)
Good afternoon ladies :wave: How are we all today? Well im still so happy after my scan :cheer: Ive been meaning to ask ive felt these really strange feeling going on in my tummy (before you say its not wind either) :lol: trying to figure what it may be :think:
Hi everyone :wave:

I had a really good time in Dorset. We got some really good weather. I think most of my bump is ice-cream now! Spent lots of time on the beaches and doing cliff tops walks. Silly amounts of pub lunches too :D

Mildly - glad you are feeling better :hug:

Flossy - what kind of pains are they?

ROM - I bet it is nice to have DD home? :dance:

skairdykat - have you got your blood results? Any more symptoms this month?

Hope everyone else is well x :hug: x
Hey ladies! Hope everyone is well?

How are you feeling Flossy? Have the pains gone? Do you think its just growing pains or more than that?

Glad you had a good holiday Sally, sounds like heaven to me, especially the pub lunches bit!

How is everybody? Sookie how are you doing? :D

Sadi - Hows work for you at the moment? any further developments? I noticed it was your anniversary on Facebook the other day, congratulations! :cheer:

Kitty - hope to see you back here when you are ready hun :hug:

ROM - is it good having Hannah home with you? :)

Claire - Very sorry to hear about your SIL :hug:

Chok - How are you hun! I promise not to leave you out again! :wink:

Hope everyone is well and happy and comfortable!

I have no news at all. Everything is very boring with me at the moment. The most exciting thing thats happened is that I won a gorgeous flower girl dress on ebay for £7.50, such a bargain! So thats my Niece sorted out for the wedding. Im feeling Christmassy today, I just wish I had some money to spend! Ive been looking everywhere for really nice 'ruby slippers' for my Niece as she is into Wizard of Oz at the moment, I can only find pump/ballet style ones from the UK, i wanted Mary Jane style ones, like a proper hard soled shoe but I cant find them for little feet! They have to red and sparkly of course! I found some lovely ones from Amazon in the US, but they wont send them here :shakehead:
Hey ladies :wave: Im not sure about the pains they were there before i had my scan even and are on and off now they dont feel like a pain as such just an uncomfy feeling more than anything :) Mindue im in a pretty uselss mood today so i guess im not much help :lol:
Loola said:
Chok - How are you hun! I promise not to leave you out again! :wink:

yeah yeah, I'll believe it when I see it! :lol:

I'm ok, feeling quite big now, saw M/W yesterday - still measuring ahead of my weeks and when she felt my bump she said, "oooh its pretty tight in there now isnt it" - how on earth I'm meant to fit in 9 more weeks of growing I dont know!! I know people talk about women getting to be the size of a house, so I'm wondering whether I should start advertising the space once LO has vacated - I'm sure it could make a comfy home for someone!!! :rotfl:

I *think* I've got antenatal later - (must check!!) I wrote all the details of where to go on a bit of paper and can't remember where I put it! Damn PG brain! Anyhoo, if I do figure out where to go, I'll probably come away completely traumatised and scared as it's all about labour and pain relief!
Hi everyone

How are you all doing??
I'm just on for a quick look, as i need to get some stuff around the house done.

We have a man coming round later to check for damp :( I'm really worried about what he's going to say. When we moved into our house 2 years ago we found rising damp in our bedroom and it was rathe expensive to get sorted. We have a problem with condensation though - way too much of it - something isn't right! And sometimes we find mould :(
I really am worried but I know we have to get it sorted before baby comes.

I'm on holiday this week, and DH took it off too. We haven't done much - seem to have eaten out quite a lot - trying to do that while we still can!!

I am also feeling huge but when I went to ante natal class this week there was women there due after me and their bumps were massive!! So maybe i am carrying it better than i think!! My measurements are spot on!
chok - my class was on labour too - it was fine. I was impressed with how much I knew already (thanks to the forum!) the only cringy bit was when she had a model pelvis and a toy baby and she was having to really pull it through - that made me a bit uncomfortable. Lots of nervous laughter around the room! I'm actually looking forward to next week's class!!

For a quick visit I seem to have written an awful lot about myself :oops: :oops:
Hope you are all ok - rom have fun with Hannah while she is home, babydust hope your bathroom troubles aren't driving you mad!
:wave: and :hug: :hug: to everyone else!!!
Ooh - and Chrissy is in labour - there is a thread in Tri 3!!
ooo hello! I hope everyone is doing ok - I can use my brother's computer for a bit so I thought I'd pop in and say hi! I HATE not having the internet here :(

We're off to Edinburgh for a week on Monday and we hope the air is more fertile up there! :lol:

I'm still on the clomid - round 4 and we've been put on the ivf waiting list now. I've also lost 24lbs altogether so I am the right weight for treatment! :cheer:

Thinking of you all and miss here so much
Lots of love
Pol x
Polly fantastic weight loss :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Bet you look gorgeous now :hug: you must be so proud of yourself... I have been wondering how you were getting on - hopefully a week away is just what you need to catch that egg :hug:

Kmac what a nightmare - damp is such a pain - I hope it is not too serious honey :hug: :cheer: for eating out - I love it at the moment as I can have pudding :D

Chok hope your antenatal went well - not sure what to do about mine - Dave wants to come but we are coming up to his busiest time of the year and I hardly see him in November and December - I need to see if they do any classes early January I will only be 36 weeks so hopefully it wont be too late....

Flossy :hug: for the uncomfortable feeling - somedays I feel like I am all aches and pains too honey :hug:

Loola :cheer: for ebay!! It sounds as if your wedding plans are coming along great guns :D

Sally - ice cream is the best :D glad you had a nice holiday.

Mildly I bet Oscar is dead cute now bless - hope you found something nice to wear for the wedding and that you had a lovely day :hug:

Well Han arrived dumped her washing, ate us out of house and home over the weekend and then went up to Sheffield on Monday morning :D I had to smile when I found Dave hanging out her smalls on the line as she had left a load of wet washing in the machine before she left!! she wraps that man around her little finger :D Anyway she has had a lovely time and got to spend some time with Josh too which is nice (she tells me he has settled now and seems really happy) but she is on her way back to us today - I have to pick her up at 5.00 from the station and take her to the cinema as she had promised to take my nieces to see Mama Mia!! Anyway she will no doubt be like a whirlwind all weekend and then on Wednesday morning at 3.30 am I need to take her for her flight to Tunisia!! So we will make the most of it - next time she comes home George will be due!!! I feel a lot better about using her room as a nursery now too as it has been obvious she has really left home - I am sure she will come back for visits but I cannot really ever see her living with us long term again.....

Right I am going to try and finish off my work before she arrives and takes over the house..... :-)

Love to you all :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x

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