Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Well, my weekend was ok, but today :evil: its like the most annoying day EVER!

It started this morning (well, der!) hehe
I managed to knock a box of eggs off the kitchen counter onto the floor, 3 of which broke and of course went everywhere!
Spent ages cleaning that up, then I burnt my hand on the iron,
when I got to work, someone phoned to ask where their files were, so I had to go hunting through loads of boxes, and sliced my finger open on the evil cardboard!
At lunch I went to Asda as I had to get a few bits for later for my Sister's bday meal, which we're having at Mums, and managed to forget to buy half of what I needed so then had to go elsewhere too and I was late back to the office.
Today has also been REALLY bad for my weird acidy-refluxy-whatever-it-is thing (that I get cos my womb is so high up inside) and it was really painful after all that running about at lunchtime.....

I'm just waiting for the next thing....I'm taking the pudding for my sister's meal (which I've made and which took me ages yesterday as I was so blummin tired and worn out!) and I swear I will cry if I drop it, although it just really wouldnt suprise me the way today is going..... :evil: :evil: :evil:

I'm also gutted as stupid internet providers STILL havent sorted out the net at the house (despite having two bloody months to do it when they said it would be a maximum of 20 days to transfer it over!) so I STILL can't upload my bump pics and I feel all left out! :(

Maybe if I just go sleep in the corner I can wake up tomorrow and it'll all be better?!
Oh what a nightmare!! So much for our lovely weekend - first Dave and Josh take the boat out on Friday and the gearbox went wrong!!! So that meant our weekend was cancelled. We took Josh up to Sheffield on Saturday - as we were leaving he said he had a headache, by the time we got back to Shropshire he had started being sick and also had the runs - I thought it was just nerves..... Anyway 36 hours later and 4 toilet rolls plus being on the phone every hour day and night I eventually get a doctor to go out to him - he has gastroenteritus (excuse the spelling!!) He is in awful pain and just wants his mum :( :( :( :( :( I feel terrible - he has missed his first day at Uni and I feel so bloody hopeless - I just wanted to get into the car and go up to him but I knew I couldnt. Anyway my cousin who lives near Sheffield went to take more toilet roll (he hasnt been able to get off the toilet since Saturday night) and also get his prescription made up for him so hopefully now he has his medication he should soon be on the mend - Dave has ice in Sheffield on Thursday so I am going up with him to call in and take more bedding (he had a couple of accidents!!) and underpants........ I am totally knackered and feel like sh*t cant stop crying now he has been sorted as I have spent the past 36 hours thinking the worst!! Going to try and have an early night and hopefully he will be better in the morning........ God help our phonebill....... Our poor bump has taken second place this weekend so tonight I think a nice warm bath and a little chat are in order!! :D

Hope everyone else have had a better weekend than us!!

Jane x
Oh no girls! :( Poor you... :hug: s to Chok & ROM! Chok...hope the meal goes OK (is there some pudding for me?! :angel: ) and ROM...I hope you are enjoying your bath! :D

We have some gypsies living near us and at night I keep dreaming that they are trying to rob us/burn down our house so ive not been sleeping very well! Ive rung the police and I hope they get moved on soon but until then I think im stuck with these horrible dreams! I might try for an early night tonight :?

DH and I have booked a little holiday for ourselves. We have rented a cottage right on the coast in Dorset (really cute thatched cottage with lovely sea views and log fires etc). We are going next weekend for a week and I am really looking forward to getting away. :cheer: Our dog is coming with us and she will love the beaches and being with us 24 hrs a day!
Oh dear :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to rom and chok!! Hope everything is calming down for you both.
Sally - hope you can get a good night's sleep!!

I have already had my moan in the chat thread in 2nd tri.... but i am really fed up of work now and i'm letting it get to me :( Or more precisely I am letting pupils get to me when I shouldn't and I find it harder to deal with their behaviour. I've just had enough and wish i could start my mat leave tomorrow!! Grrrrrrrr :evil: :evil:

Hope everyone is ok. My bump feels very lively tonight :) Off to give it some sausages!! Having yet another urge for chip shop chips but had some yesterday so best not!!

:hug: :hug: :wave:
Hi girlies :wave:

ROM and Chok - poor you! Hope your son is getting better ROM - there seems to be a lot of nasty stomach bugs going round. My OH has been ill with it, though not half as bad as your Son has it. :hug: Chok - Hope you are not too badly burned?!

Sally - your little holiday sounds absolutely perfect! My idea of heaven. I hope your horrible dreams stop too :hug:

Babydust - Hope you have a fabulous time in Spain you lucky lady!

I love everyones pics in the chartstalkers photobucket, you are looking lovely and healthy!

Im feeling really crap today. Do you ever get days where you just have a feeling that something bad is going to happen? Well thats how Im feeling today. I think my emotions are all over the place, probably down to my hormones. AF arrived today, and even though we are not even atively TTC I still get disappointed as we havent exactly been careful lately I still kinda secretly hope that we might get lucky by mistake! I feel generally pissed off with work but luckily I only have 1 day left then Im off for 11 days! :cheer: I cant wait! I have nothing planned, just going to chill. Going out with my mate on Friday night to the opening of a new rock club. We are going to wear disguises for a laugh! I have a long blonde wig and I hope to find a new red dress and heels to wear - I want to be a proper vixen! So thats something to look forward to! Shopping and partying! :D
:lol: Loola - I had one of those days where I just knew it was going to be pants from the moment I got up.....I hope your day doesnt turn out as poop as mine did!! No I'm not too burnt - just a nice little red mark on my hand as a reminder of my stupidity! My day didnt get any better as it went on either..........I got home to find a slip from the Post Office that said someone had not put enough postage on something they'd sent so it was gonna cost me £1.40 odd to get whatever it is.....I'm not sure what it is but think it might be something I bought off ebay, in which case I'm not sure whether to collect it or let the PO send it back to the seller, as why should I pay the fees that they should have paid?! Also, DH came home late and it was because he had been in an accident on the way home - some muppet on a moped had just driven into the back of his van! The Police came and everything and the moped driver had some cuts and bruises but was otherwise ok, which is good, but it was obviously their fault (what exactly can you do when someone just drives into you?) but DH got breathalysed (sp?) and has to produce all his documents at the Police Station etc so he felt like he was being treated like a criminal even though there was nothing he could have done differently :( Also, we're not sure where we packed up his driving licence in the move (we still havent sorted everything out as I just get too tried lately) so now we have to do a mass hunt for that to make sure he can take it into the station in the time limit! :roll: I was struggling a bit with breathing last night as I was just really uncomfy...........I am just SO glad the day is over!!!

Today I havent felt so uncomfortable......so am trying to be chirpy and make the most of it.

Loola - lucky you being off work! We are so busy at work at the moment its mad! I wish I was having a holiday but I will just have to wait til my mat leave now......

Babydust - have fun! Im not jealous (much!)

Kmac - give into the urges :lol:

Sally - hope the unwanted local visitors go soon and that you can sleep more easily. :hug:

ROM - :( sorry about Josh - I hope the meds help out. Porr him and poor you, all that worrying! Hope you got that relaxing bath!

:wave: Hello everyone else, I will try not to moan as much next time I post! :lol:
Hi guys,

Well as most of you probably know by now, I got my long awaited BFP! I am 5 weeks now. EDD 27 May, 2009.

ANyway, I kind of have internet working at home now (temporary), but it is dialup (OMG!) and is already driving me crazy on my first day of use. I tried to upload a photo of my +HPT to photobucket but it won't work. So I probably won't be around much. In a few weeks though I will be back at work and things should improve.

I mentioned that we also bought a house. You can see it here if you are interested: http://www.realestate.com.au/cgi-bin/rs ... 1222219373

BTW, I need to update my tickers!!!

Hope you are all well. Looking forward to becoming a regular here again.
Sookie! Great to have you back albeit briefly! :cheer: I looked at your house, I absolutely LOVE it, its so my kinda place! I can so imagine you and your baby there, you sitting on a swing chair on your porch rocking your baby to sleep :D How are you feeling? Got any symptoms, hope you are feeling positive? Im so excited for you :cheer: Look forward to you being back properly once you have t'net sorted :D
Oh Loola! You are so sweet. I am feeling good. I was nauseous for a bit last week but now I seem to be ok. I started worrying that my symptoms were disappearing and that it is a very bad sign, but some girls in first tri have reassured me, saying that for some of them their symptoms disappeared for a few weeks at this time. So I will try to relax.

How are the wedding plans coming along? Funnily, I had a dream about you the other night. I dreamt we came to visit you in Cardiff (I know you are in Swansea...) Strange. Glad you like the look of the house. So do I! If you ever want to come to Australia you're always welcome. There's plenty of room.

Hope everyone else is well. Claire, I was happy to read from your email that you are doing well, and 26 weeks already. Incredible!
hey ladies :wave:

just poppin in to say hi and hope you are all ok :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im an ex chart stalker, got my BFP and now have a baby who is nearly 5months going on 5years :lol:

lots of loveage Sarah x
:wave: Tilly - hope you are ok Hun :hug: I know you've been having a hard time lately.

Also, :wave: Sookie, glad you are feeling good.
babydust said:
i think you should start a counter up to how many days to mat leave it might keep you going :hug:

Unfortunately there is only 8 days difference (if I stick to my current plan)!!

Was going to try and reply to what everyone has been posting about but i'm too tired to remember.

So I'll just say I hope everyone is ok and lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: to all of you

I also was just reading the 'thank a member' thread in off-topic. I'm not going to post in there but I will just say thanks to all of you for being a great bunch of people to have shared my whole ttc and pg experiences so far... you have all given fab advice and really helped reassure me when I have been worried about stuff. SO thanks! :oops:
Hey ladies! You havent killed off the thread Kmac hun! :lol: :hug: I completely agree with you, all the ladies here are amazing, you all mean a lot to me which is bizarre as we have never met, but I genuinely think of you all as my friends :)

I have been away from the computer today as Im on holiday! YAY!! Had a lovely day, went shopping with my best mate and her son who is 1 tomorrow! :cheer: bought some clothes to wear out tomorrow night, and did lunch. Having a very girly day. Im going to watch the Sex & The City movie later with Mike, a huge bar of fruit and nut and a bottle of rose. Cant wait :)

I just had a phonecall from my Mum though, she had bad news. My Sister-In-Law had a miscarriage this morning. I didnt know she was pregnant. They were going to tell me this week though as she was having her 12 week scan today, but they didnt get that far, she started bleeding this morning at 4am, and had to be taken to hospital. There was no saving it. 12 weeks is pretty late isnt it? She is 42. I guess there must have been something wrong with the baby for her to miscarry so late? I just feel so awful for them. I knew they had been trying, and they know that we are (had been) but they hadnt dared tell me that she was expecting incase I got upset, which has made me feel awful as I would always be happy for them, and never feel jealous of my own brother and wife, as I know how much they want and deserve it, especially as she is 42 and it would be their first baby. Ill hopefully speak to them tomorrow. I just dont know what to say. My brother phoned my Mum this morning and just wept and wept. It breaks my heart, Ive never seen my brother cry. They are good people and they really deserve some happiness. :cry: I dont think I could bear to hear him so upset. They live all the way in Carlisle so its not like I can go and visit. I just hope so much that they get another chance at being parents.
Oh Loola Im so sorry that is sad news, Im so sorry for your brother and wife :hug:

Only a short catch up for me as im sooo tired :? at the moment.
Told our lad that we were having a baby today and hes gone quite dramatic with the news, he is upset but he is quite good at overplaying things so i have to be very tactful on this one.....

Told everyone now about our news and they are all vvvv happy of course, a real shock for them too lol

Lots of love to you all xxxx
Congrats to sookie :cheer:
Hey ladies just wanted to come on here for reassurance more than anything i woke up needing the toilet for a wee and when i wiped there was more brown oh im hoping this is down to the haematoma and nothing else :pray: im fine other wise but then saying after seeing that i got a bad pannick attack going on so now im here wide awake and cannot sleep :wall: mindue im hoping i didnt overdo it yesterday as i was shopping and my bags were a bit heavy i was carrying not overly though :? hmmmm oh i dont know anymore tbh :(

Anyway sorry to be on a downer i hope beside's me moaning that your all ok otherwise :)
Flossy I did reply in your other thread - It sounds like old blood to me :pray: :hug: Dont worry about moaning to us honey I think most of us have had the same worries and concerns along the way and I know I for one am very grateful for all you girls for putting up with my moaning :hug:

I agree with everyone else - chartstalkers have been my saviour during our journey TTC and beyond - huge hugs for all of us :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: its nice to "talk" to everyone on the forum but a post from a fellow chartstalker seems a bit special really :D :D :D

We are having a hard time at the moment - went to Hull with Dave yesterday and dropped into see Josh for 10 minutes to deliver some more bedding and pants!! It broke our hearts as he is really homesick - he just looked at us and burst into tears :( asked us to take him home as he hates it......... It was so difficult as I am sure this is just a phase and he will go on to have the time of his life he just got off to a really bad start - he has been stuck on the loo whilst everyone else has been out partying........ We have agreed that he gives it 4 weeks and if he still feels the same then we will have to sort it out and he will come home but walking away was the hardest thing I have ever done :( :( :( He has always had a great group of mates but they are not really the out drinking clubing types - they tended to do more sporty stuff so he went to a club the night before last and hated it!! God being a mum is so hard.... :( Both me and Dave just sat with tears bouncing down our cheeks for the first 10 minutes after we left.... Consequently its now 5.30 am and I have been up for an hour worrying.... cant get him out of my mind and I know that if I ring him it makes it worse for him..... :( :( :(

On a brighter note Han comes home 2 weeks today - I just cant wait to see her she has been gone since the 12th June so its been 4 months and is the longest I have ever gone without giving her a hug..... :D

Anyway lovely ladies I need to go back to bed and see if I can sleep for a little while - hope you are all OK

Jane x
ROM, Flossy and Loola - sounds like you all need one of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

Kmac - I very nearly posted in that thread about you guys but then figured I'd just come here and tell you all directly - and you beat me to it! You lot really are important to me :D

Thank crunchie its friday eh!
Hia :wave:

I feel bad that I abandoned the chat thread for this one! :cry: but there were so many people who I didnt know and I love our little group on here! :dance: I would like to chat on both but I cant get my head around two chat threads! :rotfl: :oops:

I have my 4D scan tomorrow...im very excited! :cheer: I will post some pictures when I can

Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say "hi" to everyone and "goodluck" to Chok who I think also has her 4D scan tomorrow

Love to you all :hug: (hope your Friday nights are being more rock n roll than mine!)
hiya everyone soz i not been on recently i wanted to post but felt quite low so didn't i am ok now i did something which is helping so its good lol :D here is loads of hugs for everyone who is having a hard time atm :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i've been feeling ok sickness wise for 4 days untill yesterday i was sick and it was awful after my throat felt like it was so swolen and even this morning its still a bit swolen (sorry if tmi) :( i'm trying to eat soft stuff as it hurts to eat hard things atm although i can't drink water atm as its making me feel sick and it tastes different to usual :lol: and tea as well, this morning i'm trying to stop from feeling sick :roll: i suppose all these symptoms is a great thing really as its a good sign things are going well :D i'm very hormonal too :doh: i feel sorry for my hubby atm but its all good every time i get moody, tearful etc i smile i know its all for a very good reason :D

anyway i'm rambling now i hope everyone is ok today and have a lovely day what have you all planned? i'm going into town to my hubbys work for lunch as in the restraunt they have cream teas (my fav yum) for £1 and really cheep stuff in there to celebrate thier 10th year or something like that, so that'll be nice then i'm coming home to do some housework oh and ogle over pebbles kittens which reminds me i must get some pics of them for you all to see today lol it was fun being midwife for the evening when she had them

anyway hope your all ok :D :hug:

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