Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Well we have been signed off by the Midwife today - George is 10 days old and his weight has gone up to 8lb 8oz!! He is sleeping so well - last feed around 11.30 ish and wakes up about 5.00 ish for his next feed which he has with his eyes shut and goes back until 8.30 - 9.00 ish..... I am sure all this can change but for now he is a dream baby..... :)

Here are a couple of photos now I've got my laptop working again :D


Mummy and Me




Like father like son!!


Me and my big sister
Well I couldn't help myself and tested yesterday morning - Saturday. I was either 12 or 13 DPO, and it was a BFN. :( I guess it could be too early but it seems unlikely.

Of course the next time I would ovulate would be while I am on camp, so we couldn't try. I'm not too happy.

Sorry to moan.
Sookie :hug: it may well be too early to test yet honey.... dont give up hope :hug: You moan all you like thats what we are here for :hug: :hug:

Well ladies I have a confession to make :? I want another :oops: I am sure this feeling will pass but I cant get it out of my head at the moment - I always said I wouldnt want 3 children (I'm a middle one of three) and when I think about George being what is really an only child it makes me sad - Dave thinks I am completely bonkers and that we should count our blessings at our age to get such a beautiful little boy but I cant think beyond the fact I will be 43 in 4 weeks and if we do want another we should get on the case sooner rather than later..... I keep on reminding myself that Han was very like George as a baby and then we had Josh who was a nightmare - didnt sleep for 3 years, very demanding and cried constantly.... perhaps its a hormone thing but at least I cant see you lot rolling your eyes when I say it :D I think my mum would have me certified after the pain and discomfort I was in towards the end of my pregnancy...... :D

Hope you are all ok

Jane and George x
Hi Guys,

Well there was another fire last night! This one was bad. It was on my street in that reserve I mentioned in the past (the reserve where the really bad fires happened in 1983). This one got out of hand really fast. The fire brigade issued an urgent threat message and told people to evacuate. My husband was outside my school at 3.30 with the puppy and our lives packed up in our car. You could see a pillar of smoke from my school which is 18km away. So the fire brigade lost a tanker and another one was damaged. Two fire fighters injured but thankfully not badly. And one house was destroyed. We've had one day without fire on the front page of the newspaper and now it's back again. So we went to my in-laws for the 3rd time in 2 weeks. Crazy. Then DH went home this morning and couldn't breathe because of the smoke. So he decided to move back to the beach house (where we were staying when we first got home) and we will stay here till Sunday. The reason being that Friday is set to be 39 degrees and the fire won't even be out by then. So we'd no doubt have to evacuate again. Everything is so dry here. We've never experienced anything like this! So much fuel around.... This is a link to the news story... I have been beginning to think that you might think I'm some freaky drama queen impostor with all these issues!

http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009 ... 499639.htm

So I tested on the weekend and BFN. But now I should be 16DPO and no AF yet.... I shouldn't be too out with my dates because I took clomid. I have been emotional and had 'smells in my nose' as DH says (which I did last time) so maybe I am?....? Anyway, will test again tomorrow morning to see. I can't help but get a bit excited...

ROM, it seems fairly common to feel that way. Babydust, I remember you saying it this soon after Zak was born too. Probably hormonal. See how you feel a bit later down the track.

Have to go eat dinner. Love to you all,

Oh Sookie - I hope this is it for you. :pray: Would all the drama of the fires delay ovulation or is that cancelled out because you are on Clomid? I really hope you, Mr Sookie and Iggy are ok out there, it must be terrifying :hug:

ROM - the pics of you and your family with George are fabulous, he is such a cutie! Im not surprised you want another :)

I can imagine that I would love being pregnant so much that I would like to keep having more and more. Saying that I may have the worst pregnancy and labour and decide never to have any other children. Its got to be hard though being heavily pregnant with a little baby? I know my mate found it very difficult having to get up in the nights to feed when she was pregnant, and she certainly finds 2 toddlers difficult.
Hi everyone

Sookie - that sounds really scary :hug: :hug: hpe you are ok, and good luck when you test again!

rom - :shock: I absolutely cannot imagine being preggers while looking after a baby!! I am knackered as it is!!
Mind you I have gone from saying I will never have another because of the way it all happened, to saying 'if' I have another I would have an elective c-section... and 'if' I have another I wouldn't want too big a gap. There are 7 years between me and my brother and we hardly know each other! I don't think we've got space for another though, and we can't afford to get our loft converted like we planned... anyway I digress!!

Things are going much better with Kian :D The bottle is about to overtake the boob I think but sometimes he is so hungry the boob just doesn't fill him up. When he has a bottle, well I could take a pic right now, he just looks so content and happy! I feel loads better too and am starting to enjoy having him around. I took him into work yesterday and he was a big hit! I took him into a couple of my classes, the girls were very excited - boys not so much!

We're off to Glasgow tonight to see Snow Patrol. My parents live through there, so we are leaving Kian there and then we are all staying. I had thought about booking a hotel as a surprise for DH. Thing is he would assume it was the green light for doing the deed. I would just like a long sleep!! Anyway, I didn't do it and now I have told him I thought about it so it wouldn't be a surprise!!

Kian is sleeping well at night actually, it's just that I can't because I keep checking he is breathing :oops:

Must go and get showered etc. the health visitor is coming at 11.30. I think I have to do the questionnaire thing when they decide if you are depressed or not. It's a good job I wasn't doing it last week.

Hope everyone is ok

Ooh nearly forgot - Loola - thank you so much for the email you sent me - I need to read all the links properly and decide what we are going to do. I meant to reply :oops: you gave me so much info, it will be really useful! Are you sure you don't work for the Welsh tourist board?? :D

Bye for now!
Hi everyone :wave:

Sookie - I just wanted to say I hope you are all safe and that I'm glad you all got out ok. My office managers best friend and sister live out there and I've been having daily updates as to how things are going for her. It's truly awful to think that some of them could have been set deliberately. :(

She knows so many who have died and she worked on a market in a nearby town, I'm sorry I can't remember the name and so many of her customers have either died or lost everything. My heart goes out to you, it must be so hard living day to day and not knowing what to do for the best. Stay safe. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi everyone

Sookie - the news is terrible, it must be very worrying. Im really hoping that you get some good in news in the form of a BFP today/tomorrow! :pray:

ROM- George is super cute, no wonder you are thinking of having another! just remember that at this newborn stage they do a lot of sleeping...it wont be the case soon! :lol:

Kmac - Well done with Kian. it sounds like you are doing really well. If you are having trouble sleeping because you are worrying about him, maybe you need a monitor with a movement sensor pad? I have this one:

http://www.nurseryessentials.co.uk/safe ... -648-p.asp

and i think it is fantastic! I actually get some sleep without worrying about Isla!

Loving all the bump piccies ladies - keep em coming!

Things with us are great. We have our moments but Isla seems to have a good little rountine now. I can really recommend the book called "the baby whisperer" to people. I only wish I had started to read it when I was pregnant as there is so much to take in.

I hope you are all well. hi to everyone :wave: I will leave you with this image of my little lady:


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