hi again. well, I think your positive vibes worked, thanks ladies!
My GP rang back. He'd managed to track down the obstetrician who saw me. No possibility of getting results - the lab still hasn't processed them. He described the pathology results as a 'red herring' anyway - he said that it doesn't matter what they took out, if they can see a mass 2cm diameter which is producing HCG, it shouldn't be there any more. He talked to the guy for some time, but the ob was insistent that NHS practice nowadays is 'conservative expectant management'. This is a viewpoint with which my GP vehemently disagrees in this situation. He asked me what I thought. I said that I could not understand how 2 weeks ago they convinced me that surgical intervention was necessary and expectant management was dangerous, telling me that as 12 weeks the risk of infection was extremely high, but at 14 weeks with failed surgical intervention the risk was minimal and I should wait a few more weeks. My GP agreed that it was a serious logical flaw. He said that his clinical view was that I should not go on holiday and in fact, should not travel across the UK if that could be avoided.
I then asked if he thought the holiday would be ok had an ERPC (evacuation of retained products of conception, as I know some of you are only too sadly aware

) taken place today or tomorrow. He said that he would be find with that, assuming sensible behaviour was adopted. At this point in the conversation DH's email arrived, confirming that I was covered by private health insurance for 'procedures involving the removal of placenta or other membranes left in the womb after delivery or miscarriage' (poor DH spent ages going through all the docs - it's a company policy - trying to find the small print). I read this out and my GP said 'good, consultants X, Y and Z have appts available this evening at Hospital XXX, I've written a letter to fax through to them, call them immediately to arrange an appt'. Talk about one step ahead! I have to say that I'd always thought my GP was good but now I'm certain of it!
SO the upshot is I had an appt an hour ago, the consultant thought it would be extremely dangerous to leave the retained products inside regardless of the holiday, and is booking me in for an operation tomorrow. His secretary will call in the morning. He's hoping it won't be too late - we leave at 6ish on Sat and fly at 11am. It would be quite nice if I've regained consciousness by then

I haven't even started packing, but I guess I'd better do that tonight. I kind of wish I hadn't gone shopping yesterday - I wasn't envisaging all this. Please keep me in your thoughts tomorrow and wish me luck for a speedy recovery - I don't suppose I'll be back on here afterwards.Talk about flying by the seat of your pants...
Thanks all for your thoughts/words and sorry this is all so long - it's been a stressful time and I'm so glad you've been here to talk to!