Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Oh Kitty :( My thoughts and prayers are with you! :cry: Did you hear back from your GP? I really hope you are OK? I dont know what to say either...this bad luck just cant go on for you! :hug:
Blimey Kitty :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope you heard back from your GP and can get something organised.
Keep us posted :hug: :hug: :hug:
hi again. well, I think your positive vibes worked, thanks ladies!

My GP rang back. He'd managed to track down the obstetrician who saw me. No possibility of getting results - the lab still hasn't processed them. He described the pathology results as a 'red herring' anyway - he said that it doesn't matter what they took out, if they can see a mass 2cm diameter which is producing HCG, it shouldn't be there any more. He talked to the guy for some time, but the ob was insistent that NHS practice nowadays is 'conservative expectant management'. This is a viewpoint with which my GP vehemently disagrees in this situation. He asked me what I thought. I said that I could not understand how 2 weeks ago they convinced me that surgical intervention was necessary and expectant management was dangerous, telling me that as 12 weeks the risk of infection was extremely high, but at 14 weeks with failed surgical intervention the risk was minimal and I should wait a few more weeks. My GP agreed that it was a serious logical flaw. He said that his clinical view was that I should not go on holiday and in fact, should not travel across the UK if that could be avoided. :cry:

I then asked if he thought the holiday would be ok had an ERPC (evacuation of retained products of conception, as I know some of you are only too sadly aware :( ) taken place today or tomorrow. He said that he would be find with that, assuming sensible behaviour was adopted. At this point in the conversation DH's email arrived, confirming that I was covered by private health insurance for 'procedures involving the removal of placenta or other membranes left in the womb after delivery or miscarriage' (poor DH spent ages going through all the docs - it's a company policy - trying to find the small print). I read this out and my GP said 'good, consultants X, Y and Z have appts available this evening at Hospital XXX, I've written a letter to fax through to them, call them immediately to arrange an appt'. Talk about one step ahead! I have to say that I'd always thought my GP was good but now I'm certain of it! :cheer:

SO the upshot is I had an appt an hour ago, the consultant thought it would be extremely dangerous to leave the retained products inside regardless of the holiday, and is booking me in for an operation tomorrow. His secretary will call in the morning. He's hoping it won't be too late - we leave at 6ish on Sat and fly at 11am. It would be quite nice if I've regained consciousness by then :lol: I haven't even started packing, but I guess I'd better do that tonight. I kind of wish I hadn't gone shopping yesterday - I wasn't envisaging all this. Please keep me in your thoughts tomorrow and wish me luck for a speedy recovery - I don't suppose I'll be back on here afterwards.Talk about flying by the seat of your pants... :roll: :rotfl:

Thanks all for your thoughts/words and sorry this is all so long - it's been a stressful time and I'm so glad you've been here to talk to!
p.s. Babydust, didn't you try to convince me that a D&C was a simple procedure? :think: :think: :think: I'm so never listening to you again! :shakehead: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
And sending you all the positive thoughts that I possibly can
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oooh - posted at the same time.
Well, I suppose that's good news in a way - at least something is going to happen to start you properly on the road to recovery.
I hope you are ok in time for your holiday. Will be thinking of you. Please let us know how you are if you can - there are internet pc's in airports these days!!!!
Massive hugs Kitty, Take Care
Oh Kitty I have had my head down for most of the day and had missed this!!! What a total nightmare - I cannot believe that this is happening to you, thank god for private health insurance!! I lost a lot of faith in the NHS last year due to my treatment and this is just underlining to me we have some serious issues in this country that need addressing. (sorry will get off my soapbox now).

I hope that you get sorted out tomorrow and that you feel up to travelling on Saturday - hopefully 2 weeks in the sun will give you the opportunity to be gentle with yourself and heal a little!!

You are in my thoughts :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x
Hi all :wave:

Kitty, wishing you the very best of luck with your op tomorrow :hug: I'm so glad you were covered by your DH's policy and that you were able to get a very quick appointment. I hope they do a proper job of things so that you can have a relaxing and recuperating holiday :hug: I'll be thinking of you and look forward to hearing how things have gone when you're able :hug: :hug:

Flossy, fingers crossed for your little bean hun :hug:

I must go and check out sookie's news ( :pray: ing you're all talking about a BFP) :cheer:

As for everyone else, I can't believe you you all waited until I went off to have a baby to start with all the gossip :D I promise I will be back to join in soon :)

Anyway just wanted to drop in and show you a picture of my little man, Oscar. Things are pretty hectic at the mo what with not much sleep but I'm sure I'll get used to it. In case you hadn't heard he was born by c section on Saturday 13th September at 3.34am and we were only let out of hospital on Tuesday night.

Looking forward to catching up on everyone else's news :D

Yeah Mildly!!! I was reading through to see if you had any pics anywhere on the site and there at the end is the gorgeous Oscar. He's so lovely. Well done you!!! :cheer: :cheer:

Kitty I have one day off and all this happens!!! You poor thing. I know Loola's already asked but what on earth did they take out during the D&C??? :shakehead: You so need this holiday!!! Hope it all goes okay hun. :hug: :hug:
Kitty, thank goodness for you lovely Dr and for your DHs policy....I hope all goes well with the appt and that you get to go on your holiday. :pray: :hug:
Oh Kitty, I really hope it went well this morning and you are fit to travel tomorrow. I hope this is the end of it all for you now, you need some time to heal and relax. My thoughts are with you today. :hug:

Mildly - Oscar is absolutely gorgeous! :D I just want to cwtch him! There is nothing nicer than a lovely padded baby bottom to pat is there! :lol: How are you finding motherhood so far and how is the Mr coping?

I want to see everyones bumps! Please post pics of your baby bumps ladies! I love to see them! :cheer:
oh kitty poor you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i hope your still able to go on holiday tomorrow :hug: :hug:
well i'm back from my honneymoon the wedding was amasing (except for a few things which you all probaly read about) we had a great honneymoon but to be honest i'm glad to be back although my sickness is bad today and my nips are going mental :roll: all good signs tho (my symptoms have been very strong over the honneymoon) my boobs are MASSIVE!!!! bigger than last time :shock: :D :cheer: :cheer: but no one can go anywere near them lol my hubby ( :lol: :lol: ) is not a happy man :rotfl: :rotfl: anyway.... we are back happy and well rested (altho we didn't realy do much resting) i'll put loads of pics on here ofthe wedding later when i not feeling nausious :)
hope all is well :hug: :hug:
Ah great to have you back Anna! Cant wait to see all your pics! Glad you had a good time away and that you are blooming in your pregnancy! :wink:
quick update - just got back from hospital. All over now, thank goodness. The consultant removed a 'large mass' amongst which he identified the placenta and other membranes so he's sure he's now got everything. Hurrah...

As for what was taken last time, well, it's quite common that some is left behind. It's a blind procedure - basically a hose with a sharp spatula shoved up you (hmm, could have done a DIY version using the hoover and a baking spatula!) and swished around. Since the last D&C was done at 12 weeks, the lining would already have thickened considerably and in scraping out the lining, I guess there would have been a lot of tissue, blood clots and blood. I imagine it would have been difficult to identify what lump was what - that was the point of pathology. The lab was supposed to report back within two days if they couldn't find products of conception, but they still haven't analysed the stuff. So I don't blame the first gynaecologist, but I am really concerned that they saw retained products on the scan and then sent me away. Anyway, all over, I'm fine but feeling dopey.

Anna, congratulations and welcome back.

Mildly - woohoo! My goodness, Oscar's made himself at home already, hasn't he?! He looks very comfortable snuggled up there - and glad to see the TV remote is within reach. That's a baby determined to wrest control from his parents! :lol: He looks so cute and cuddly, I look forward to seeing more pics when I get back!

Have a great couple of weeks, everyone, and hope all the pregnancies proceed smoothly! Thanks again for all your support.
Thanks for the update Kitty - glad you are on the mend :hug: Have a great and very well deserved holiday :hug:

Mildly - i love your pics! what a complete cutie. you must be soooo proud! :cheer:

Loola - your wish is my command! ! have put some pics of bump and I on our photobucket site. They were taken at 23 weeks so a little while ago but i dont think ive had a growth spurt recently! :think: Ive also put a picture of our crib on there. My mum has given it to us...it is the cot she had for her children...so i was in it 27 years ago! :rotfl: I think its beautiful...what do you all think?

Anna - great to have you back MRS! Glad you had a good honeymoon and hope you feel better soon

Off for some dinner now...hope to post more later

:hug: s to all x x x
oh kitty :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: at least you get to go on your holiday now :) have a great holiday will be thinking of you

sally 12 i can't wait to see your bump pics :D
So glad you are home and safe Kitty - have a wonderful holiday and try and relax :hug:

Anna nice to have you back honey and glad you had such a nice day (except for the relatives bit :D )

Hmmm going to have to dig out the log on for the photobucket account to see your photos Sally - I will try and get Dave to take some over the weekend and post mine - although I think it looks fat rather than bumpish!!

Well tomorrow is the day I take my baby to his new home :( it doesnt seem two minutes since I was bringing him out of hospital - he is grumpy which I know means he is scared and as a mum its horrid (he's getting ars** with me too which means I ended up in tears this evening!!) Dave is working so my mum is coming with us and we leave at 11.00 am in the morning. Bless Dave he has booked 2 nights in the marina for us so once I get back from Sheffield and he has finished work at about 8.00 pm tomorrow we will set off for the boat and have 2 days to ourselves......... It is going to be so funny without him - food left in the cupboards, hot water in the system, no loud music and money in my purse but god I will miss him :( :( I know its the best thing for him to do and he is really ready to leave home and spread his wings but it doesnt hurt any less.........

Oh well I'm off to bed now think I will sneak into his bedroom and give him a cuddle.......

Jane x
Hi ladies!

Kitty so glad its all over and done with now. I hope you are in some sunny climate right now, having a cocktail and a much deserved rest :hug:

Thanks for the pics on photobucket! They are fab! I love seeing bump pics, I cant wait to have my own! :cheer:

Sally, great bump! you look so healthy and glowing too you lucky cow! :wink: the crib is gorgeous, your little one will look so cute :)
Claire, another great bump! I dont know how you ladies manage to not put weight on anywhere else, I just know im just going to look really fat when Im pregnant, and have a huge fat face. :lol:

How is everyones weekend going?
Hi everyone :wave:

Kitty - I hope you have an amazing holiday, you certainly deserve it! :hug: :hug:
Anna - congrats!!
Mildly - what an absolute cutie!! You must be so chuffed!!

I have added 2 pics to the photobucket page - one of them includes the stretch marks which have just started appearing :( and in fact seem highlighted by the camera flash!! Sorry if they offend anyone. I have been moisturising every night too.

We were out today at Halfords, in our new car, and we were reversing out of a space, and someone started reversing opposite us, DH beeped the horn and everything but they kept on coming... so he tried to go forwards back into the space but the other guy was faster and he reversed into us. I actually thought I was going to die on the spot and I was terrified to get out and look. It was actually OK, just a few scratches on our bumper. The other bumper was much worse off :D So DH asked him for some money to fix the scratch and he gave us ten pounds and we got some T cut. I was raging though!! He must have not been looking at all. We only got the car on Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grrrrrrr :evil: :evil:

Hope everyone is OK!!!!!!!!!!! Any gossip???????????
:hug: :hug:
Hi everyone

Hope you had good weekends?

Nice to see everyones pics on photobucket...

Babydust - your bump looks fab and like a "boy" bump...IYKWIM!

Kmac - dont be stupid...it takes more than a few lines on skin to offend me and your bump looks great!

Ive not been brave enough to post my naked bump yet! Maybe I will be on a wild friday night after a couple of glasses of appletizer! :rotfl: (Did you know that appletizer is one of your 5-a-day?!)

Loola - you have been so good at being healthy over the last few months that im sure when you are pg you WONT look fat! I cant wait for you to have a bump either!

ROM - come on...show us your bump lady! How is DS getting on? Are you back from the Marina now? I hope you had a lovely time?

Hi Anna, Chok, Trudy, Mildly :wave: and anyone ive forgotten :oops:

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