Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Hi Ladies,

Well we finally have a temporary broadband connection!!! DH bought this cool little device that Virgin released last week, it's like pre-paid wireless. Very cool. So you're not locked into any contracts. Much relief 8) Boy I am an Internet junkie :lol:

So I have just spent some time catching up on all your posts and there is soooooooooo much I have missed. I feel terrible for being so neglectful.

Firstly, Kitty :hug: I hope that you are feeling much better by now and that the bleeding has eased up. I don't know what to say sweetie, except that I wish you and your DH nothing but the best, and can't wait to hear that everything is getting better.

Loola - so sorry about your brother and SIL. That must be devastating for them. At 12 weeks you have to be so used to the idea that you've made ti through the danger phase. My heart goes out to them. How are you anyway? Are you still on holidays? How is the weather over there?

Mildly - I just saw that Oscar had arrived. CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!! He is gorgeous.

Chok - how are you doing? You are really getting there now. Exciting!

ROM - congrats on having a boy! George is a great name (my mum is Georgine and my grandad was George) (funnily, my mum was married before my dad and the guy was called George, and his parents George and Georgina!!! the wedding notice in the paper was a bit of a laugh I imagine) I hope that you are relaxed and that the rest of the pregnancy runs smoothly. How is your son now? I hope he's feeling better, poor thing.

Hi Chrissy! :wave: Can't believe your term now! I really hope your homebirth goes smoothly, Sounds like you well prepared. I've decided on a birthing centre as I am a bit scared to do it all at home, but the centre seems as 'homelike' as you can hope for in a medical facility.

Sadi - how are you doing? I caught up on your office saga. What's the latest?

Hi :wave: to everyone else. I am feeling really well. I spoke to my Mum today and she said she never had any sickness at all when she was pregnant with me, and in fact felt the best she ever has from day 1. So I'm trying not to worry over missed miscarriages, although I am thinking about it a bit... guess it's normal after how long it took to get here to worry a bit.

Anyway, DH and I are quite the large item purchasers at the moment! We bought a car today! We have never had a decent car, and now with coming home to settle and having a baby DH has finally agreed to let the 86 mazda 323 go to the wreckers!!!!! Yay! So we got a 99' Peugot 406 for $8000 (roughly 4000 pounds). It's in mint condition and was owned by a peugot fanatic who was an engineer. I'm so excited to get a car with power steering! The luxury...

Anyway, gotta go, will check back in more regularly.
HI guys I am here I've been lurking like I usually do when AF arrives. I'm fine with it but think it's the hormones making me feel down. I will be back later in the week when she has left the building and comment on all the amazing news! :hug: :hug:
:wave: hi all oh my word looks like ive not been into off topic for a while didnt even know this was here :oops: hope everyone is well :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx
We had slipped onto the second page :D so here's a bump. Trying really hard to keep my head down and do some work at the moment to bring in some money so not much time but hope everyone is OK x x x x
:wave: :wave: hiya all i'm feeling a bit rough recently so i not been on as much as normal, had a odd day today i saw the midwife which was nice but she came to my house as the doctor surgery only booked me 1 app :wall: when you need 2 for your booking in app :roll: so anyway that was nice infact i had a lovely day untill my husband phoned me this ex has been up to his work while he was on lunch and gave his work colluges some pics of his daughter (his ex had a still born at 6 months pregnant) in a envelope :( not sure how she found out where he works let alone which department but he is really low :( about it and its so out of the blue, i feel low for him now and when he told me my tummy did a flip she was a nasty peice of work and i don't want her in our lives at all :evil: lets hope thats the last he hears of her but i have a feeling it won't be now :evil: :evil: she knows where he works. So i was wondering if any of you have any ideas of what to do with the photos of her? i want to do something nice with the pics but i don't want to frame them as it kinda would freek me out :oops: so i thought mabe putting them in a photo album and decorating the pics what do you think? then that way we can put them with her teddy and keep it in a memory box for my hubby. Sorry if its a sore subject i'll be happy to edit this post if you want :) :hug:
Trudy - have some :hug: :hug: :hug: Hope you are OK
Glad you had a nice holiday babydust
Nice to see you Chrissy!!

Anna - sorry am i understanding right - are the photo's of your oH's and his ex's stillborn baby?? Why would she suddenly appear with those? :? sounds a bit odd to me - I don't know what i would do.
Hope you are ok though :hug: :hug:

I'm glad it's nearly the end of the week. I've been feeling ok in general but keep dozing off when I get home. I have decided I will stop work a couple of weeks earlier than i planned - it was just seeming too far away and only giving myself a week before my due date was probably a bit silly. The good news is it's almost confirmed my DH has got a little promotion (people are leaving and they are restructuring) which should mean a pay rise - so I'll be happier stopping work a little earlier in terms of our finances.
My bump has been very active this week - seems to be moving nearly all of the time - so it has focused my mind a bit more on what is happening and what my priorities should be!

I'm just waiting on DH coming back from the....... chip shop :oops: I can't help it. I HAVE to have chippy chips.

Hope everyone is OK
Howdy All,

So I have been busy checking out all your photobucket pics and adding some of my own from our recent travels (and one of my BFP!) Babydust and Kmac you are both looking fab!

I am sending some :hug: :hug: :hug: for Sadi

Hi Rach :wave: Hope you are well.

Kmac, sounds like the best plan to finish work sooner :hug:

Anna, your OH's ex sounds absolutely psycho. Hopefully you can keep her out of your life. Good luck deciding what to do with the pics. I can't offer any advice as I really don't know what would be best. :hug:

Hi to everyone else :wave:
kmac said:
Anna - sorry am i understanding right - are the photo's of your oH's and his ex's stillborn baby?? Why would she suddenly appear with those? :? sounds a bit odd to me - I don't know what i would do.
Hope you are ok though :hug: :hug:
Yep you are right in thiknig that :( i'm ok i was a bit off at first but now i have to see it as a happy thing he has now something proper to remember his daughter with

ohhhh chips i LOVE chips only thing is anything fatty atm tastes like metal :evil: especialy chips :roll: ohh it's good news on the possible pay rise :cheer: :cheer: good luck i so hope he gets it and i think your probaly right about having a few extra weeks off work on maternity :D, so it sounds like bump is doing quite well awww that's great :D
sookie said:
Anna, your OH's ex sounds absolutely psycho. Hopefully you can keep her out of your life. Good luck deciding what to do with the pics. I can't offer any advice as I really don't know what would be best. :hug:
from what i have been told she was a bit nutty :) i really hope its the last we hear of her but i really don't believe it is :evil: but we will deal with that when it happens and will deal with it together :)

sookie :wave: :wave: glad your well :D hows the preggy hormones? how do i see peoples photo bucket pics? i'd love to see your bfp pic :D

hope everyone is well and ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hello :wave:

oops..Ive missed so much! :oops: :wall:

Nice to see you Rach & Chrissy - glad you finally found us! :rotfl:

Anna - I think the photo album sounds like a lovely idea but what a difficult situation :hug:

Kmac - I LOVE chippy chips too :dance: give-in to the cravings and dont feel bad

Im off on holiday today 8) Only to Dorset and it is going to rain all week but I dont care! I cant wait for a break and to spend some quality time with my DH and dog :cheer: The cottage is meant to have internet but im not sure how much i will be able to get online

Hope everyone is well. Sorry for the short post, im trying to pack and type! Hope you all have a good week, speak soon

x :hug: x
Hi all :wave:

Have a great holiday Sally :cheer: It sounds lovely :)

Anna, fingers crossed your OH's ex doesn't interfere in your life too much :hug:

sookie, yay congrats on your BFP, hope your feeling well :hug: Your new car sounds really nice :D

kmac, I don't blame you for finishing work a little earlier than planned :D And congrats to your DH :cheer: Also I had to have chips at least once a week when I was pregnant ;)

ROM, don't work too hard :hug: Congrats on your little boy, I love his name :D

loola, your poor brother and his OH :hug: Sounds like you're enjoying your hols and glad to hear the wedding preparations are going well :)

chok, aww that's nice that your boss is pregnant too :) And lol at your LO kicking you at sleep times :D

Chrissy :wave: glad you found the thread hun :D It's like chartstalkers but better in here :D

Hi to rach and trudy and to anyone else I've missed :wave:

I'm feeling a bit less baby blue like over the last couple of days which is good, although still feeling tired but that is to be expected. We had to take Oscar to hospital (not an emergency though) to see about his tongue tie as he is still losing weight :( The GP thought he might not be feeding successfully and so referred us. The HV is coming round to weigh him later today and then again on Tuesday so hopefully his weight will pick up :pray: (Although I would still like to get his tongue tie released/cut). In other news I am going to ring my insurance company and see if they are ok for me to start driving again. I am getting a bit cabin fever-y stuck in the house all day and it doesn't feel like I had a c section just under three weeks ago, physically I feel really good :)

Hope you're all ok :hug:
Glad you are feeling a bit better Mildly - and I hope Oscar get sorted out one way or another (gains weight or they decide to do something about the tongue tie)

:wave: everyone else, Sally, have a good time hun, Anna, hope your OH's ex doesnt become a problem, Sookie - oooh new stuff is fun, kmac - hey, whoever said chips hurt anyone?!, ROM - dont forget to have a rest now and then hun, Loola - hope your bro and his OH are ok and that you are still enjoying time off, Rach, :cheer: for 28 weeks, Trudy - hope Af is leaving, Chrissy, hope the scan goes ok today and they ok your homebirth, ....... :think: who else is there? Babydust - you ok? and Kitty - when is she back?

Im feeling poo still - left work at lunchtime on weds and stayed in bed yesterday - could still be there quite happily but we are so busy at work and its only me in on fridays so I felt like I had to come in really :(
Im glad its the weekend.......
Hi girls! How are you all today? Having a good weekend I hope.

How you doing Chrissy? Any sign of the baby coming yet?

Sookie - Glad you are doing so well :) And Yay! for getting a new car, I think its definitely needed when you have a LO on the way, you gotta make sure you can get to the hospital safely! Im gonna check out your pics now!

Sadi - Sorry AF is there for you, are you still taking a break at the moment?

Anna - I hope you dont get any hassle from your OH's ex, does she know that you are pregnant? If so that seems a bit nasty to give pics like that to him now, but I guess its good for him to have the pics, hopefully thats the end of it. :hug:

Kmac - Yay to your hubbys promotion! :cheer: and yes definitely take more time off if you need it hun.

Babydust - Glad you had such a good time on holiday!

Sally - Hope you are having a good time too, hope the weather is better for you there than it is here.

Rach - how are you doing hun? Would love to see a pic of your bump with twins!

ROM - hope you are not too busy all the time, you deserve a break Im sure :hug:

Mildly - Glad you are feeling better, hope the tongue tie gets sorted soon, so Oscar can feed better. :hug:

Hope Kitty is ok wherever she may be. Flossy - how are you doing hun?

I hope I havent forgotten anyone.

Im fine at the moment, sort of nursing a hangover this morning. Went out with friends for their 10th anniversary last night. Had a good time, but I still cant help but feel angry towards my friend sometimes, I cant tell if she is trying to be mean on purpose of if she really cant help but say the wrong thing. We were talking about babies, she knows everything that we have been through, that my OH has a low sperm count and all that, but she still went on about her hubby having 'super sperm'. He has recently had a vasectomy but she said she is still on the pill as she doesnt trust his 'super sperm' not to get her pregnant. Then some comments were made to my OH in a teasing way about him firing blanks :roll: Thankfully he is very thick skinned and I took far more offense to it than he did. I bit my tongue, but I think she saw the look on my face and said 'oh Im sure you will have loads of babies soon' which made it even worse as it brought attention to the fact in front of loads of people that didnt know we were trying. Then she said, 'well you can always adopt if you cant have kids'. :x Ive had this conversation with her before, that she couldnt possibly know how we feel and that adopting just isnt what we want to do, we want a child of our own, I want to carry my own baby. I just said 'but you wouldnt know what its like as you have had 2 of your own children, adopting might be any easy choice for you as you already have your own kids but its not even an option for us right now.' Anyway I got very drunk to make up for my annoyance :lol:

Well my holiday is almost up now, in some ways Ill be glad to get back to work. Its been a strange week for me. There is a lot going on in my family at the moment for both of my brothers, obviously with the m/c, which Ive just found out was probably a missed m/c as the baby hadnt grown since about 6 weeks, which is even worse in some ways, that she thought she was bonding with her baby for all those weeks and it was already gone :( . My other brother is having an absolute nightmare with his ex too, he is pushing for a divorce now and is being a right pain in the ass about it now. Her parents are being awful too, even to the extent that her Dad keeps telling Eddy who is 2 that his surname isnt Browne anymore (my brothers surname obviously) and that it is Yeoman (their surname). This has really upset the whole of our familly, they shouldnt be using the children to hurt my brother, my brother is always putting the kids first no matter what, they just seem to be using them against him emotionally. He feels bad enough as it is for leaving them without this, so unfortunately its all going to be dragged through the courts now. He has been very good though and kept a record of everything she has said to him, all the times she has dumped the kids on him without notice, or decided that he is not having the kids when planned at short notice. She is at the moment refusing to let him see his son anytime near his birthday, have them at all over Christmas etc. Its really made me feel down this week, Ive had too much time to think as Ive been off work, so it will be good to get back I think. I really just want some good news. My OH's Mum has a lump in her breast too, the initial test results were inconclusive so we are waiting to find out if its cancer or not. Im praying its not. Im so fed up of bad things happening to good people. :(
Hi all :wave:

Well ive had a nice relaxing break only at cleethorpes mindue but better than nothing i guess so im ready to go now :lol: Even better i got my scan appointment through for next thursday at 9.50am!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Oh and on another good note after spending ages wih the doppler i bought i found beans heartbeat im soooooo happy i didnt think id find it let alone heat it aswell :dance:

I hope youre all keeping well :hug:
Loola said:

Anna - I hope you dont get any hassle from your OH's ex, does she know that you are pregnant? If so that seems a bit nasty to give pics like that to him now, but I guess its good for him to have the pics, hopefully thats the end of it. :hug:

As far as i know she doesn't know about us loosing bambino so as far as she is conserned i am 27/8 weeks pregnant, i so hope its the end of it :) and yes we are happy he has the pics now and are atm putting them with his daughters teddy out of the way till we have done a nice photo album to put the pics in
:wave: :wave: Hi all

Finally find you and then can't get on for three days so miss loads :wall: :wall:

Still no sign of this ruddy baby making a move yet. I know I'm not due tile 21st but now I've hit 37 weeks and know there's no reason it needs to stay in there I just want to meet it and know what sex it is. I hate saying it's an 'it'. Hopefully it won't be long now.

I'm off read all your posts over the last few days and see what everyone's been up to

:hug: :hug:
:shakehead: tut tut, I dunno Chrissy, you are just SO impatient! :rotfl:
Your LO will be here really soon I'm sure - in the meantime, makes sure you relax and get some rest, you'll probably need it :)
Well I just wrote out a long post but when I went to post it got the 'max user' error again :wall: :wall:

How are we all? It's good to see this thread with all my old friends in. Feel out of place in TTC a bit now cause everyone I know has gone. Don't post a great deal in there now cause after 18mths theres only so many times you can answer the same questions before you go mad :lol:

On my 1st month of clomid so hopefully it'll work 1st time :pray:
Not sure though cause we have only BD'd CD8-13 this month and I usually OV between CD13-16 so hopefully there will hav been plenty spermies there waiting for the egg. Just been too knackered for the last 4 days because we're doing some work on the house and all our energy has gone on that.
And have tried the magic meds this month which did seem to work.

I'll have a read through some of the post when I get a minute and catch up on you all.

Speak soon :wave:
[quote="Loola]I hope I havent forgotten anyone.[/quote] :shakehead: I dunno - Its just not on!!!! :rotfl:

Loola - thats pretty harsh, your friends making comments about super sperm and all that! People really just dont think sometimes do they - or they do think and decide they dont care and say stuff anyway! :evil:
Hope things start getting better for the people around you soon - your loved ones seem to be having a run of bad luck atm.

Skairdy - :wave: Good to see you......Hope the clomid does its stuff!

Flossy - :cheer: for hearing the hb! and good luck for your scan
hey everyone, I'm back. Did you miss me? :lol:

Haven't had time to read through the posts so hope everyone's well. Got to rush off to a work prep session - term has now started, booooo

I've just been to the doctor's, again. Still bleeding, still getting +HPTs (but they've got much fainter over the past couple of days). We had a good holiday, if restricted, but then on Thursday I had terrible cramps. On Friday they got worse, and then on Friday evening I suddenly had a sort of gush of bright red blood and a mass of tissue slid out. Turned out it was almost certainly the gestational sac... Since then I've been having a heavy period, but it seems to be easing off this afternoon. I can't believe it, almost ten weeks after the bleeding started, it still isn't over... and after two D&Cs, there were still retained products! My doctor was lovely, and very sympathetic - said I've been through a hell of a time, but that the sac followed by heavy bleeding is a good sign that it is finally coming to an end. If the HPTs aren't negative by Friday, or I have more pains, I have to go back, but he's hopeful I won't need to see him again.

Physically and mentally I'm shattered, though. I'm going to take a break from this forum for a little while because I need to forget about all this kind of stuff for a bit and try to get my life back to normal. I'm feeling pretty ambivalent about TTC at the moment. Plus work is really busy for the next few weeks.

Please email me if there's any exciting news though - I think there are a couple of people approaching D-Day! Thanks so much for all your support, and I hope you understand why I just need some time and space without thinking about TTC or babies or miscarriages...


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