hi again and thanks so much to everyone. I haven't told many people IRL either about the pregnancy or the m/c - only my parents and brothers, and three friends. One of those friends is very busy with her 5mo baby, but she had a m/c and was signed off work for 6 weeks - so she sort of understands. But not quite. She thinks I must be devastated at the loss of the baby (and I might well be if there ever had been a baby, but there was only ever an empty sac. Try as I might, not even I can wish an empty sac had continued!). I'm more upset at the fact I can't move on. I want to get back to normal and try again. It's

Trudy - I know I shouldn't

but what a predicament you've got yourself into!!! I wouldn't worry too much. I'd agree with babydust all the way though. I suspect that as amusing as you find this girl's flirting, the jealousy is of her rather than of the guy. Would you have felt the same if you had heard any other female colleague laughing with this friend of yours? If you would, then maybe you need to think a bit more about your friendship. If not, then it's clear the problem is with the girl. I know what you mean, to a certain extent. I had a close friendship with a married male colleague a few years back and it was entirely platonic (any thoughts of anything else, yeuch! I liked him but def wouldn't have fancied him even if I hadn't been with DH!) - but I found myself getting really jealous when the office predatory flirt went out with a drink with him. I think it was a combination of factors - I really didn't like the other woman at all, so I was peed off that my friend liked her enough to go for a drink with her; I was feeling very insecure, and afraid that the topic of conversation was me (goodness knows why); plus I thought of him as 'my property' - we worked on several projects together, we recruited new staff together, we were a team in the office. So I felt she was muscling in. I think I was a bit afraid that she would take my work as well as my friend! But I think mostly I was really jealous because she was such a flirt and I can't do that. I despised her behaviour, but maybe I was a bit envious too. She was using power that either I didn't have or wasn't willing to use, and I felt there was something really underhand about it that I couldn't express.
So I think what you're feeling is perfectly normal - but I think there are little things in your post that you maybe need to think carefully about. I noticed that in justifying your friendship you didn't say that you didn't fancy him at all, or that you love your DH so much that any suggestion of anything non-platonic would be ridiculous. Also your first reaction was to tell this guy, without thinking about how to phrase it first. Have you told your DH? I reckon a basic rule is that if you tell another guy something you wouldn't be willing to tell DH, then maybe you should think hard about your motives. Plus you mentioned the office rumour-mill - well, if the office rumour mill is going, then you definitely need to be careful. There's usually a grain of truth in an office rumour - but the extent to which it is exaggerated can be really damaging.
I don't know everything about you, but from what I do know, you've had a sh*t time over the past year and you haven't got through it yet. You said not so long ago that you'd been feeling really depressed. Maybe you're friends with this guy because he makes you feel good about yourself. Maybe you felt jealous because you thought he was making someone else feel good (hence the laughter) or that he would no longer make you feel good. Maybe at the moment you and your DH just aren't spending enough time together, and that you're getting more attention from your friend at work than you are from DH at home. Maybe your self-esteem is pretty low at the moment and your reaction was similar to mine - that the other woman has something you haven't.
If any of these ring true, I'd say you need to get to the root of the problem first. Are you still running? You were on such a high after that race, which you did with your DH. Maybe you could aim for another one, make yourself feel good again. Or find something else to do that would give you a sense of achievement. Maybe you just need to do some nice things with DH for a bit, and get him to pay you some attention. Office rumours would soon die down if you were meeting your DH for a drink after work instead of going out with your friend. On the other hand, it might just be one of those things - wrong thing, wrong time, wrong reaction...
Anyway, I really hope you sort things out, I can understand why you're feeling so confused at the moment. And if you want to email me please do!