Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

congrats Anna - and WOW Becs! You know, I didn't even realise you'd had your baby. I remember seeing you get your BFP, when I was still lurking and before I finally plucked up courage to join and post. I can't believe it's that long... congratulations! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Loola - :hug: At least you have the wedding to look forward to. As it gets closer, it'll take up all your time anyway and you won't have any time to think about TTC! And let's face it, you want to have a great honeymoon. Wouldn't be so good if you were first or third tri and couldn't fly anywhere - and if you were second tri, you'd be worried about looking podgy rather than pg in your bikini. Plus no cocktails on the beach. Definitely focus on the wedding, have a fab honeymoon and then get back to the TTC and with any luck your by-then-DH will be a bit fitter and healthier too. :cheer:

We're off on hols on 20 Sept. I have a scan scheduled for next Tues (3rd) and assuming the sac's still there, still empty and still showing no signs of budging, I have the D&C the next day, the 4th. That'll give me a couple of weeks to recover, then they'll scan me again w/c 15 Sep to make sure it's all clear and there's no infection, and then I can go on holiday and enjoy it :cheer: Despite thinking Cheri is a load of old tosh, I still have this little voice in my head that tells me 'if you ignore the doctor's advice, there's a tiny possibility you could still conceive again in September and then the prediction would be true' :lol: How pathetic is that? And how sad is it that whilst the midwife was talking about D&Cs and dates, I started trying to calculate if there was any chance of ovulating on holiday?! :rotfl:

Oh, and as an example of my DH's eternal optimism, when I told him about the confirmed m/c and the D&C, his first reaction was 'on the bright side, we get to shag again'! :shock: :roll: :lol:
OMG Becs!!!!! I remember the trouble you had getting number 1 now you're onto number 2!!! Fantastic news!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I hope I can copy your example.

Congrats Anna.
Kittykins said:
we finally got our bikes out and went for a nice slow pub lunch ride on Saturday. Only 30 miles, but I am sooooo unfit!
:shock: 30 miles!!!!? :shock: Wow!

Anna - I must have missed your announcement thread...massive congratulations! :cheer:

Sorry have been quiet recently, i just dont know where time is going! i cant believe that I am 24 weeks already! :shock: Everything seems to be going really well (a bit too well so I am becoming suspicious that something nasty is lurking round the corner!)

Still not heard the result of my court case...really nasty waiting game but it could be any day now.

hi to everyone :wave: Hope you are all OK and an especially big hug to kitty :hug:
sally12 said:
Everything seems to be going really well (a bit too well so I am becoming suspicious that something nasty is lurking round the corner!)

errrr - giving birth?! I've heard that's not a bag of laughs!

good luck for the result of the court case.

Trudy - I think Off-topic is a bit faster-moving than TTC - it has more but shorter threads, so we'll have to be extra vigilant about posting if we don't want to drop off the bottom! We should have stuck this thread on a board nobody ever goes into, then we'd be sitting at the top all the time!

how is everyone, anyway?
Hi all! :wave:

can we not get this made into a sticky? would be so much easier to find!
Hope everyone is ok, I don't have much to report. I am just so tired when I get home I can't do anything :(
We are changing our car as ours is just too small, but we can't afford to buy outright so need to sort out some finance :( I've never really had a loan before, and I don't want one but not much choice unless the lottery goes our way at the weekend :(
Something positive to finish on.... thinks for a min.... nothing springs to mind except my DH is so lovely he doesn't grumble about having to cook the dinner or anything :) he is lovely :)
Kittykins said:
sally12 said:
Everything seems to be going really well (a bit too well so I am becoming suspicious that something nasty is lurking round the corner!)

errrr - giving birth?! I've heard that's not a bag of laughs!

Whoops...forgot about that bit! :rotfl:
Hi girlies! :wave: How are you all?

Just popping in to say hello, havent got much news really. Though we have now met the Registrar and Given Notice for our wedding so it is all confirmed now which is nice.
Other than that I have no news. I think my life may come to end completely once Big Brother is over, what the hell am I going to do with my time! I shouldnt have been so bloody organised with the wedding, now Im bored and havent got anything to do. I need another project until babymaking can commence again. I should be trying to lose weight but I just cant seem to get my arse into gear at the moment. I have applied for a job as a Tenancy Support Worker which I really, really want so hopefully I will hear whether I have an interview or not soon. If I got the job I would be over the moon, in fact it would totally change my life for the better so fingers crossed for me please ladies! :pray:
Loola fingers crossed for the interview :hug:

Going through a stressful time at the moment myself - I run a recruitment consultancy (only small just me :D ) and it has been building nicely over the past 12 months but the last 6 - 8 weeks the bottom seems to have fallen out of the market - most of my clients laying off not taking on!! I also used to have a juice bar that I started with my brother which I got into a lot of credit card debt with (£30K) - up to last month I was able to make the minimum payments but I just cant at the moment and I feel sick - I can not concentrate night or day and so I am not sleeping very well - normally I would just think go get a job but in reality no one is going to take me on looking like I do at the moment (I look obviously pregnant!!) I feel like just walking away from the whole mess - once Josh has gone to uni there is just a black hole facing me....... Dave is being a sweetie and is picking up all living expenses etc but he cannot afford to find the £1200 a month I need to make the payments......

Sorry to be so self indulgent girls but I hate to admit it to anyone in real life - I feel such a failure.....
Sorry hun. This credit crunch is hitting everyone. I hope everything works out ok. :hug: :hug: :hug: You're not a failure it's just life unfortunately.
Oh ROM that does sound very stressful. Im sure the Recruitment agency will get back on top before you know it. What kind of people do you recruit? As in what type of work?
Hi Loola I recruit across the board from shopfloor to senior management level and from reception through sales right upto Managing Director level. I tend to work with medium sized companies that are either privately or equity owned. The majority of my clients are in manufacturing or distribution and so are having a hard time at the moment........ if I hadnt got the debt from my last business I would just about be OK but this long term stuff is crippling me....

Thanks for being so nice to be girls - its such a horrid time... :( when I should have so much to look forward to.
Hopefully it will pick up again coming up to Christmas which could help you out for a while at least until something more permanent is sorted out :hug: Have you discussed the problem with your Bank, perhaps they could put the payment on hold or reduce them for a short time to help you sort something out?
Hi all :wave:

ROM, sorry work sounds stressful. The economy is making things difficult and small businesses are always hardest hit :hug: Don't feel a failure you're doing just fine. I would have a chat to the bank and see if you can reduce payments for a while :hug:

loola, good luck with the job, have got my fingers crossed :D And great news that the wedding is all booked :) Perhaps you and OH should head off and test out honeymoon locations to stop the boredom ;)

Sally, don't listen to kitty, I hear the stork drops off the baby so this whole labour/birthing thing is obviously a myth :shakehead: ;)

kmac, your OH sounds very sweet :D And good luck with the car hunt - we have just bought a new car through autotrader, we buy from up north as the prices are always much more reasonable than down south!

Kitty, hope the scan went well yesterday (or today). LOL damn Cheri and her unfailing belief in herself :hug: Hope you and OH have a great holiday anyway :D

Hope everyone else is ok :D

It's my due date today which feels a bit weird :D Having some signs but nothing indicating I should head for the hospital right away and I think he's planning on staying put until next week, which I'm quite glad of as I don't really feel ready for him yet :D

Edit - of course my true due date as based on my ovulation date not my LMP is the 6th Sept so he isn't expected until Saturday at the earliest ;)
hi all - a busy day on the thread today...

Loola - good luck for the job interview, and I bet there are a thousand little bits and pieces you haven't sorted for your wedding yet! Are you doing favours? We didn't bother, but my sister-in-law made all hers herself - sewed about 50 lavender-filled fabric hearts. That took her a while... do you have shoes? hair accessories/tiara? Have you sorted out all the stationery? We did ours ourselves (saved hundreds of pounds) and that certainly took time... my mother helped with the ribbon, tying up invitations for 200 people, then another 150 orders of service. Table plans, themes - I know you can't work out who will be sitting where yet, but things like do the tables seat 6, 8 or 10? what about the decoration on them? What are you doing for the cake? PLEASE don't tell me you've sorted all this already, these are the kind of things I was panicking about a fortnight before the wedding! Oh, and you can easily spend hours on eBay searching for the right shade and right priced pink gauze butterflies... or shoes.

kmac - good luck with the car hunt. Can you join a lease scheme?

Mildly - OMG OMG OMG OMG I'm getting so excited!!!! :lol:

:wave: to Trudy

ROM - are all the debts still with separate credit card companies? If so, the interest you're accruing will be pretty high. It might be worth looking at bank loans (I know it's not a great time, but...) and consolidating your debts. E.g. Most banks offer loans at around 8-11% APR. Most credit cards are around 16%. This usually means that the debt on each card is increasing with each month - the minimum payment is not enough to cover the amount in interest that's added. The APR is a compound rate, and is less than what you actually end up paying... but anyway, if you can negotiate a loan, for every one percentage point you can get below the average rate on your credit cards, you'd be charged around £300 less in interest each year. If for example, you got a loan for 11%, and your cards are around 16%, you'd be charged c. £3,300 interest by the bank, or £4,800 by the credit cards, each year. Basically, with the latter, you would need to be making a payment of more than £400 per month in order to avoid the debt actually growing bigger each year; if you got a bank loan at 11%, you'd need to make a payment of more than £275 each month just to keep the debt at £30k. This probably all sounds very complicated but right at the moment, you are managing your debts just about the most expensive way possible. If you ask to see your bank manager and explain the situation, s/he will almost certainly be able to point you to some kind of loan. It's also worth looking at a financial advice site such as www.fool.co.uk (Motley Fool) which is a great source of useful articles and product comparisons. Use that first, then once you know what you're looking for, use price comparison sites to shop around and see what loans might be available to you. It would also be worth drawing up a 2-year or 3-year budget before talking to your bank manager, showing what you anticipate your earnings to be (taking into account a downturn, which isn't expected to last more than a year, and any maternity leave you may take), any maternity allowance, and all outgoings, including mortgage/rent, current credit card repayments, normal living expenses, and costs of baby. I suspect your current bank manager would be the most likely to offer you a loan, especially since you're self-employed, but other banks may have cheaper products. Do you own your house? If so, how much is left on the mortgage, and when was it last valued? (I don't mean for you to tell me, but to ask yourself!) Even if prices have dropped by 20% in the past year, it may well be that if your house was valued more than 5 years ago, it's worth more than your current mortgage is pegged at. E.g. we bought our house 10 years ago, and even though prices have gone down recently, similar houses in the streets around are still selling for around 3 times what we paid for it - so we would almost certainly have room to negotiate a larger mortgage, especially as we have paid off ten years of it... Although mortgage renegotiation is tricky at the moment (and probably not advisable but still worth checking out), you may find your bank manager more willing to offer you a lower interest loan in your current circumstances if it's secured against the house. Mostly people advise against secured loans but you can weigh up the risks and benefits yourself. Some secured loans will offer 'holidays' to cover maternity periods, for example, in which case it's almost certainly a lower long-term risk than the credit cards.


Sorry that's so long, I dread to think what it will look like posted :oops: But pleeeeease don't despair or stress, you still have many options. The important thing is to plan now and sort out something that will work for you. Don't bury your head in the sand and hope it'll go away - if you manage it now, everything will be tight, but fine. And a caveat: I'm not a financial adviser so this is just my accountancy training and general knowledge kicking in! But if you want to email me, feel free, as ever!

ok, hope I haven't missed anyone out...

I went to hospital for a final scan today. The sac's still growing and hasn't budged, but is starting to collapse/fray (not a good thing really, could be months before all the bits come out naturally). So I'm having the D&C tomorrow. I'll be glad to get it over with, though I didn't like having to sign the consent form acknowledging the risk they might have to do an emergency hysterectomy! They do like to scare you with worst case scenario, don't they?!

bye for now!
Kitty - all the best for tomorrow. I hope it goes OK. Will be thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug:

ROM - sorry things ae getting on top of you. I don't have any bright ideas I'm afraid but have some :hug: :hug:

Loola - glad you are feeling organised. i'm sure you will find something to keep you busy! Good luck with the job interview.

Mildly - can't believe you are due already :shock: Good luck and keep us posted! Do you have a text buddy?

Trudy hope you are ok.

:wave: to anyone else!!

We saw a car we liked and even remembered to take the pram and carseat with us to check they would fit ok. That proved the point that we def need something bigger. The carseat only fitted in the back seat sideways (in our current car)!
We have put down a deposit and just need to finalise the loan by sending off various documents then we will be able to drop off our car (will be so sad to lose it) but I guess i will get to like the new one. It's a Toyota Auris so not massive but hopefully will do us for a while!

my classes are being way too noisy this week. I hope i'm not stressing out my bump by shouting too much. I usually try not to shout (as it doesn't work if you do it all the time!) but my patience is seriously running out with some of them! :evil:
Ah well... will soon be Friday again!

Hope everyone is ok
Hi girls :wave: kitty I will be thinking of you today hun, hope it all goes well and is over quickly. :hug:

I hate to say it but yes, I have pretty much done all of the things you said for the wedding! I have made my own invitations, they are all ready to go, I just havent written in them yet. I have pretty much worked out my table plans, but obviously that depends on who is definitely coming. I have a tiara (£3.68 from Ebay!) and a veil, I know what shoes Im having but I havent bought them yet. I have bought all the table decorations except for chocolates, my friend at work is making the cake as she is an ex professional cake maker and is doing it for us as a gift! :cheer: It is going to be a 3 tier, square shaped but like going up in steps, like a spiral staircase shape, I have had our intials made in gold acrylic for the top of the cake, it will then be sprayed in a pearly white colour and will have gold ribbon. Our theme is pale gold and ivory, I have all the place name cards, table numbers, disposable cameras, confetti bubbles. I havent got my favours yet, but they are on order, I am having little wooden love spoons for the ladies (I thought it would be nice to have a Welsh keepsake for all of our English relatives) and scratch cards for the men, which I wont buy til right before the wedding. The only thing I havent done is an order of service, which I dont think I can stretch out to take 11 months! The only other thing left to do is get Mikes suit, which his parents are buying and also to get the Flower Girl and Page Boy outfits, which I cant do for ages as no doubt they will grow alot before next August! Sometimes my efficiency is not a good thing! You can probably see now why I used to get so stressed about TTC, I hate not getting things done! :lol:

Mildly - Roll on Saturday! :cheer: I cant wait to see your little baby! Im so excited for you! I hope it goes smoothly, quickly as a pain free as possible!

Hi Kmac :wave: Hope the kids arent stressing you out too much, If they do I think its ok to bring back caning in this instance :wink:

Hi Trudy, Sally, Rachel, Tasha, Anna, Claire, Jane, Sookie (if you are out there, we miss you!) :wave: Hope you are well? How are all you pregnant ladies feeling?
:wave: :wave: hiya girls, Kitty it's not as bad as it seems the d and c :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: if you wanna talk about it any time give me a pm and i'l be happy to tell you about my experiance etc... :hug: :hug: :hug:

ROM :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i really hope the market for jobs goes up soon the thing is this credit crunch is crippling everyone :evil: there isn't more i can say otehr then what everoyne else has said

well not long till our wedding (9days) lola have you rembered the little things like wedding favors, order of service if your having a church service oh and mabe having a nuptual candle? just thinking of things from my wedding stuff i forgot :lol: :lol: untill people remined me :roll:

Kamac glad your doing ok and don't worry about shouting lol i'm sure it won't stress the baby out just make it jump from time to time :lol:

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