Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Kitty - :cheer: for bargain shopping!

ROM - Think Im gonna go to Babies r us for a look around this w/end! I LOVE baby shopping! :lol:
Then probably a bit more sorting out at home as we still havent really got the house straight! :shakehead:
Moody teenagers - you gotta love em!

Babydust - hope your daughter feels better about it all after the w/end - and maybe a teeny doll might help - you never know?

Mildly - good news re your OH sister. Hope we get to see pics of little Oscar v. soon!

Sally - hope you get a good result on the planning applcn.
Hi all!!!! Right hope I don't miss anyone
Kmac hope you're feeling better soon. :hug: :hug: :hug:
ROM I hope a nights sleep has improved your sons mood, hve a lovely relaxing BH
Sally - hope the court situation works out in your favour.
Mildly - great news about OHs sister :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Kitty - I know what you mean I never find anything in TKMaxx until I have no money and then I find it all. I can never be bothered trawling through the mess either normally.
Claire - hope DD settles soon. Don't be like my mum I cried so much she stayed with me and didn't leave until I went to middle schooll!!!! They took her on as a teachers assisstant all the kids loved her.

Gosh it's like the old days this. Hope I didn't miss anyone.

I've got a packed BH which is very unlike us. I'm supposed to be going into Man for karaoke and dancing tonight but have been a bit off colour this week so might duck out of it. Plus it's all my 20 something friends who I love to bits but need to be 100% to pull an all nighter!!!

Tommorow I'm off the leeds for an 80's dinner/disco. I don't know what to wear though. Any suggestions on 80's outfits??

Sunday - one of the guys in the office is having a party. I'm the only one from the office invited. So I'm a bit scared but he and DH are from the same town and a few from that town will be there so at least we'll have something to talk about. He's a lovely guy so won't leave me and DH on our own. I'm dying to meet his wife I've heard so much about her I feel like I know her. I'm not allowed to drink as I will say or do something inappropriate!!!! :oops:

Monday there's a R&B jazz festival in Colne so hope to go to that and have a moochy afternoon.

I love this new thread!!!!! :D :D :D

Trudyscrumptious76 said:
Hi all!!!! Right hope I don't miss anyone
Kmac hope you're feeling better soon. :hug: :hug: :hug:
ROM I hope a nights sleep has improved your sons mood, hve a lovely relaxing BH
Sally - hope the court situation works out in your favour.
Mildly - great news about OHs sister :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Kitty - I know what you mean I never find anything in TKMaxx until I have no money and then I find it all. I can never be bothered trawling through the mess either normally.
Claire - hope DD settles soon. Don't be like my mum I cried so much she stayed with me and didn't leave until I went to middle schooll!!!! They took her on as a teachers assisstant all the kids loved her.

Gosh it's like the old days this. Hope I didn't miss anyone.

Ahem! :(

Sounds like you have a busy weekend ahead then Trudy!
I had an 80s themed party for my last Bday - it was so funny - I was in bright turquoise leggings, a bleached denim mini skirt, a top with a flourescent logo on it and a bright pink jacket. All the blokes had mullet wigs and rolled up trousers and bright shirts, most of the girls were in leggings too with bright tops and outrageous makeup - we must have looked like right weirdos walking through town and people probably throught they'd entered some kind of time warp - but it was great!
Sorry Chok!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

Thanks for the suggestions on the outfit. I might pop to Primark later I'm sure it's an out fit I wont want to keep!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Morning ladies! :wave: :cheer: Its Friday and the weather is gorgeous and after work Im going to Oakwood theme park so I am very excited! I love rollercoasters! :cheer: :cheer:

Kitty I made sure I didnt say anything other than yes or no to the Clairvoyant. Believe it or not Im quite sceptical too :lol: So i went in prepared not to say anything that would give it away. I took off my engagement ring so she couldnt really predict that I was going to be getting married, or that I was not already married. My mum had been in before her, and the clairvoyant knew that I was her daughter, but my mum had told her that she didnt want to hear anything about me as that was for me to find out about. There were some things that didnt make sense at all, like apparently I have a very elderly lady spirit with me, perhaps a Grandmother, but both of my Grandmothers were pretty young when they died, in their 60s and 70s, so not exactly old and frail. So I wouldnt have a clue who that was! She also said that someone called Pat was going to be very important in my life. I dont know anyone called Pat at the moment. I realise that Pat can be male or female too so thats a bit fishy. ROM - I couldnt get a tape of her reading, apparently there is some new law that says that registered clairvoyants are no longer allowed to do taped readings, but I did write loads of notes. My friend from work just went to see the same clairvoyant and thought she was crap! So it could well have just been luck that she hit on so many correct things for me.

Mildy - it is such great news about your sister in law :cheer:
Kmac - are you feeling better now! It must be hard not being able to eat what you want when you are pregnant. I know Ill be grumpy for 9 months without mayo, egg mayo and soft cheese! All my favourite (fatty) things!
Sally - my thoughts are with you having to go through the stress of court whilst pregnant :hug:
Trudy - I love 80s parties! In fact my engagement party was 80s. I dressed up as 'Like a Virgin' Madonna, with the lacy corset, skirts and gloves, bows in my back combed hair! I was in my element! id dress like that all the time if I could. Otherwise Id go as a Robert Palmer backing singer! :lol:

Hope everyone is well! What are your plans for the Bank Hol? As I said Im going to Oakwood tonight, but thats about it really. Going to dinner with friends tomorrow. Ill probably spend most of the weekend drinking to be honest. But hey what the hell! I dont have to be good for 11 months really! I promise Ill start behaving like a lady again in about 6 months. Got to fit in my wedding dress after all! :wink:
Oh yes and please......

Hi all

I have to be quick.

I am feeling much recovered from my goats cheese incident, thanks for all your concern!

I have been stressing for ages over a situation with my brother. I heard he was emigrating and got my invite for the leaving party in the post. it's tonight. I wasn't going to go but I put a post about it in the MO section here then thought maybe I should. I was dreading it tho. It's been 18 months since we spoke and I thought he must not really want me to go or something. So I texted him and asked him. He phoned me back and we had a chat. Now i can't stop crying. But in a good way I think. I have to grab a shower and get ready now but i'll be back on tomorrow to update and catch up with all the posts.

:hug: :hug:
Hi everyone :wave:

Kmac - glad you have spoken with your bro now and I hope tonight goes OK :hug:

Hi Gem & Leland, nice to meet you!

Loola - I love rollercoasters too! 8) Since being pg i have really wanted to go to all the theme parks (its in my nature to want to do things that Im not allowed to do! :D )

My friend went to see a clairvoyant about a year and a half ago. She was just starting up her own business and the lady told her not to because it would fail (at the time i thought this was really rude of her as she really upset my friend) HOWEVER, my friend has just had to declare herself bankrupt because the business didnt work :shock:

Chok - you always chip into the chat but forget to update us on how you are! :shakehead: How are you doing?

Kitty - your shopping spree sounds like bliss! I could do with one of those!

Babydust - when i first started school i told everyone i was going to be the naughtiest girl in school (just like in the book) and get expelled! :rotfl: After a few weeks, I loved school and used to wake my mum up in the mornings to get me ready! Hope DD has a change of heart soon too :hug:

Im really well and have a relaxing weekend ahead of me (apart from the in-laws coming for dinner!! :roll: ) I have booked my 4D scan for 27th sept so a while to wait but I am so excited. really want them to confirm the gender of baby because I am buying way too many pink things! :) They charge an extra £30 to tell us the gender...money grabbing ******!

Hope you all have great weekends :hug:
choklatemunky said:
Ooooh yey I posted in chartstalkers recently (for the first time in a long time as I felt like a bit of a trespasser in there with a ticker!) but no-one really replied - I think its cos the newbies don't know who I am!
no one really posts in there anymore :( i'm a current chartstalker :D
Hi all!!
I went to the party it was ok. Had another chat with my brother.
Felt a bit awkward as he told me my SIL had actually had a miscarriage. That was one of the reasons he had just shut us all off. It's a shame he did that but just his way of coping i guess. And there i am with my bump. But I can't pretend i'm not pregnant.
We are all meeting up at my parents for tea tomorrow - that will probably be cheerio time.
But I'm hopeful we will actually have a better relationship now and communicate more even if he is further away.
And he's going to come and visit in January to see the baby! :)

I feel like a ton weight is gone off my shoulders. This has really been stressing me out!!

Hope everyone is ok!! HOW DO WE GET THIS MADE INTO A STICKY?? Do we have to PM a mod?

Kmac I am so glad you went - I had a bit of a fall out with my brother before he moved to Holland last year (we opened a business together 3 years ago!! Now I know why they say never work with friends or family) he left with us both feeling resentful. He came home for a week in July and stayed with Mum and I took quite a bit of time off to spend with them and I feel so much better now as I am sure you will :D

Anna I am sure people will soon start charting again - I think some of the old timers are taking a break but when I was using charting we had people come and go all the time. Hopefully you wont be in there that long anyway :hug:

Gem I didnt realise you were a chartstalker - your baby boy is gorgeous by the way.....

Loola do they still have the death slide at Oakwood Park? Hope you are having a great bank holiday weekend and your hangover isnt to horrific :D

Trudy what did you wear? I went to an 80's party a couple of years ago - outfit was suitably awful but the thing that made me laugh most was that I got my hair crimped!! it took about 3 washes to get rid of it......

Claire :hug: for DD hope this coming week is better than last.

Goodness Mildly I cant believe how close you are to having this LO.... How exciting I think you are the first of the chartstalkers I knew well that will have their babies :cheer:

Kitty - hope all is OK and you are having a nice weekend.

If I've forgotten anyone :wave:

I am back from my mums and dave got home last night - he's working again today - he has to deliver near Oxford for a hunt ball - so I am going to go along with him and we will have dinner somewhere nice on the way home :D Apart from that then it is just going to be a quiet couple of days here........

Jane x
ooooh, we were nearly on page 2 :shakehead: :shakehead:

how is everyone? good weekend?

we finally got our bikes out and went for a nice slow pub lunch ride on Saturday. Only 30 miles, but I am sooooo unfit! Other than that, not a lot of interest. I am STILL waiting to miscarry and have totally had enough. I haven't had any spotting for a few days now and no cramps either, so it doesn't look like it'll happen naturally before next week. I'm thinking of suspending my FF account for the time being. I won't be able to use it for a while anyway so there doesn't seem much point in paying for it...

hope everyone else is having a better week!
Anna23 said:
choklatemunky said:
Ooooh yey I posted in chartstalkers recently (for the first time in a long time as I felt like a bit of a trespasser in there with a ticker!) but no-one really replied - I think its cos the newbies don't know who I am!
no one really posts in there anymore :( i'm a current chartstalker :D
umm thats changed i'm a ex chart stalker now :cheer: :cheer:
:dance: Go Anna!
I did post a message in your other thread but :cheer: congrats again! How exciting!

Kitty, can't believe you are having such a sucky time! :( :hug:
When is it you go away?
Oh WOW what an awsome thread!!! There are loads of people on here I want to say Hi to and reply to comments but willhave to catch up slowly I guess. I was a chartstalker for all but a year and now have a gorgeous 5 month old boy.

As a tribute to how effective charting is I have to tell you what just happened to me.
My little one has been formula fed for a few weeks so I was expecting my AF anytime. I started occasionaly taking my temps as I knew what my post and pre- OV temps trended at so thought it would be interesting to see if I had OV'd so could expect AF. Well about 12 days ago i noticed my temps shoot up so kept an eye on them. Then remembered DH and I had sort of reaquainted ourselves (if you know what I mean) around just before temp rise so thought it would be sensible to do a pregnancy test - just in case - not expecting anything - but just because I need to take progesterone when pregnant to prevent loss. And guess what the blinkin result was!?? I didn't even have an AF between babies! This is my second pregnancy while my SIL has been pregnant. It's verging on disgusting! ...... I'm thoroughly proud of myself :lol: :lol: :cheer:

Big hugs to all of you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Wow congratulations Anna and Becs! :cheer:

Im really sorry that you still havent miscarried Kitty, that must be really awful. Are you going to have a D&C then? :hug: Im going to let my FF run out too and suspend my account. Seems a bit pointless if we are not TTC really. I miss TTC I have to admit. I still want it so badly, but Im going with my head rather than my heart. At least this way we will get to go on at least one holiday together before we have any kids! It is nice not to be stressing about stuff too, but I do feel like there is a hole in my life. I guess I just have to think that everything happens for a reason, and when the time is right. :)
Loola :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope you and Hubby can get some decent r and r time together and enjoy each other. :hug: :hug:

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