Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Hope Kmac is in the throws of labour. Poor thing. I'm sure once the baby is born her mum will make things up with her. :hug:

Kitty glad all is well with little ducky. Great pics. :cheer:
I cant stop thinking about Kmac! I really hope everything is OK and LO is here safe and sound :pray:
Still no text from her :( I dont want to bombard them with texts but I hope that all is well and they are just swept up with the excitment of their new LO :hug: Will update here as soon as I hear anything.

Jane x
hey all.

I'd say no news is probably good news - it means they're busy, not sitting at home waiting for things to happen! I do hope all is ok though. :pray: If they're in the hospital, it may be that kmac is not allowed to turn her phone on.

Sorry to be down again, but I went to the loo an hour or so ago, and I had a sudden gush of bright red bleeding. I was aching down my right side last night in bed. I am so worried. The scan last week showed the subchorionic haematoma had disappeared, so it can't be that. I don't know what to do. I phoned the emergency number for the midwives (pager) - they have two numbers, non-urgent, where they call you back the next day, and urgent. For the urgent one they say if after 20 minutes you have had no reply, you should ring the Delivery Suite. It's been more than 20 minutes but I don't really want to ring the Delivery Suite - I would think the midwives are needed more urgently there. What should I do? I can't get hold of DH at all. I tried the doppler for a few minutes but couldn't find anything and it was getting me upset so I stopped. Should I call the doctor? Wait a bit longer for the midwives?
Thanks Babydust :hug: I've just come off the phone to DH (he's in meetings all day...) and he said the same thing - but reckons I should give the MW an hour to phone back, on the grounds that the MW appts last up to an hour - so they may not phone back till they've finished an appt. That's only another 15 mins, so I think I can hold on... I'm just finding this whole pregnancy business so stressful! Just when things seem to be going well, they all go wrong again!
kitty - i would ring too, will hopefully get you some reassurance. I know this is a bit different but when i was in labour i started bleeding very heavily...they never figured out where it was coming from but isla was just fine. Try not to worry :hug: :hug: thinking of you x
I've just rung and they've told me to go straight to A&E...

will update later

ROM - if there's any news from kmac, please send her hugs from me!
Oh Kitty :hug: Good luck at A&E hun, I really hope everything is ok :hug:

It must be around 28 days since Sally had Isla am I right? Im guessing because I was having period pains from hell at the time, sympathising with her labour pains ;) and now Im going through exactly the same hopefully this time Im sympathising with Kirsty!

Hope to hear some good news from Kitty and Kirsty very soon :pray:
Definitely ring the delivery suite and wait for the midwife to call. If she's not on the phone by 12:01 call her again. It's got to be better than sitting wondering. :hug: :hug:

Just seen your update. Hope it all goes well. :hug:
good luck kitty :hug: will be thinking of you

Loola - almost spot on....she is 27 days old (and already has the lungs of an opera singer!!) hope u have lots of chocolate to hand to help with those tummy pains :hug:
:( Ohh Kitty I so hope and pray everything is ok with baby :pray: Good luck with the a+e trip and I hope you get seen soon and not made to wait around for long. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Kmac I really hope your little one is here he/she has certainly made you hang on! it will be worth it though, looking forward to the next update :hug:

How is everyone else?

Im still in abit of a mood that I didnt get a scan on Monday, but im sure it will soon roll round to 20 weeks.

I am going to take active birth classes and yoga, so that should help the time fly by, but then again my little tornado (Olivia ) is keping me very very busy, which is why I haven't been on much.

Hope you are all well :hug:
Hi ladies, back from a great midwife appointment - George is still head down and in fact 3/5ths engaged, apparently he could pop out again but for now I'm excited BP and water all OK and measuring 38 cms so pretty much spot on. She is happy for me to deliver in the midwife unit if all continues like this Got an appointment with my GP next week and then her the week after although she says she doesnt want to see me It looks as if she will be the one coming out to do the first weeks visits at home and she would rather see me then - not as much as I would rather see her

Just a waiting game now but I am 37 weeks tomorrow so he can come anytime now in my opinion

I have just had 2 read receipts for my texts to Kmac but as yet no texts in answer - I will update as soon as I have any news :pray:

Kitty, what a shock - this LO is definately enjoying putting you through it!! I'm so glad you are going to A&E and will be watching for updates :hug: :hug:

Gosh Sally I cannot believe she is nearly a month old - that has gone so fast.....

Love to you all

Jane x
"We are now proud parents of Kian Thomas Malley born today by C-Section weighing 9lb 6oz - exhaused. Kmac x"

What more can I say - I knew it was going to be a boy

Another baby stalker for us to delight over :D :D :D :D

Jane x
:dance: :dance: :dance:

Wahooo so pleased for you hun!!!! Welcome to the world Kian!! :cheer:
Yay Kmac! What a gorgeous name Kian is! Welcome little man :cheer: Sorry you had to go through the C-section in the end, but glad he is here safe and sound and I hope you are ok too Kirsty :hug:

And my pains have subsided, I think I really must have been in sympathy!
congratulations to Kmac! will do proper post tomorrow - am exhausted.

Just got back from A&E - finally got seen at 6.15 :shock: The A&E staff were great, I was through triage in 15 mins. DH turned up at the hospital too, as he was concerned, so at least I wasn't on my own. But we then had to wait for a gynae doc. Anyway, the cervix is still closed, and I have to go back to the hospital for a scan tomorrow - they'll call me with a time. Apparently. So FX all is still ok.

But I am so tired, and have a stonking headache. Going to get some food, since I didn't have lunch, and then go to bed.
:hug: Kitty you have been through so much! I hope your scan goes well tomorrow, cervix being closed is a great sign im sure everything is fine :hug:
Well done Kmac! Phew, even Im glad that is over! :rotfl: I feel so tired from all the excitement! I love the name too!

Kitty - hope you are OK. What a tough time you are having :( Glad they are looking after you and I have my fingers crossed for your scan :hug:
Great news Kirsty. Welcome little Kian, glad it's all over.

Kitty you poor thing. This baby is preparing you for what a diva it's going to be once out, it loves the camera!!! :D

Seriously though a closed cervix is a great sign. All the best for tomorrow I'm sure it'll be fine. Keep us updated. :hug:
Oh Kitty I really hope it goes well for you today. I take it you have had no further bleeding? My friend had another emergency scan yesterday as she was bleeding too but all was fine, baby was happily in there waving his arms about! so that was good news, Im sure the same will be for you. :) :hug: Its good to see they are taking good care of you.

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