Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Trudyscrumptious76 said:
Kitty - I started looking at prams and I'm thoroughly confused. I plan to use a sling most of the time but do quite like the idea of a carrycot/pushchair for the grandparents to use. Some of them are so ugly though! Anything I like costs a fortune. I'm a bit wary of getting anything too early in case, but there are some great bargains out there.

I'm not posting a long one since I've written one out twice so far today and lost it when I got that stupid 'there are too many members' notice...

BUT - many retailers do a full refund if things go wrong (e.g. John Lewis) so if you like something now that's in the sale it might well be worth going for it. Just make sure you don't unpack it all and that you keep the receipt.
:dance: :dance: :dance: he's turned :dance: :dance: weight today approx 6lb 11oz, fluid levels look fine and placenta is still functioning well even at my advanced age :D (not sure what is supposed to happen to it Trudy but they wanted to keep an eye on it). The doctor did say this is your first - to which we answered no 3rd - she had a surprised look on her face and said and what happened to the other two? Dave replied well the youngest is in bed with a hangover at the minute :D her face was a picture until we explained they were 21 and 19!! They dont want to see me again and I can go ahead and have him in the midwife birthing centre :dance: :dance: so excited I am celebrating with a cake :D

Sorry for my me post but I am chuffed... :D
Hi everyone :wave:

kmac, I am so excited for you :D I went into labour naturally on the morning that I had my appointment to discuss induction (I was term + 10). I really feel for you though as I swear every day past my due date felt like an eternity :hug:

ROM, good boy George :cheer: Hope you enjoyed your cake :D

trudy, did your OH get you the plastic cheese? Burgers aren't the same without plastic cheese :shakehead: :D Glad you are feeling really well :)

babydust, hope you and zac are doing well!

kitty, yay for pregnancy pornstar boobs :cheer: Mine now depend on where in the feeding schedule I am during the day as to how they look :oops:

I think that is as far as the review will let me go back, hi to everyone that I've missed :D

I went to my first baby massage session today and really enjoyed it. Oz is quite a little stresshead (he has his father's temper :roll: ) but I think the massage really calmed him down. He did spend most of the time nosily staring at the instructor and trying to exercise his legs by kicking me :lol: He has his third lot of injections this Friday, which people keep telling me are the worst so hopefully they don't make him feel too bad!
Morning all :wave:

Mildly - glad things are going well. Hope the jabs aren't too traumatic for Oscar (or you!)

Is it quiet on here these days or is it just because I don't have much else to do but check the forum evey 5 minutes?

Still nothing happening here :roll: I am worrying a lot now but at least it will all be over soon.

DH has booked next week off work as it finally sunk in that the baby will be here... so I have just made the call i was dreading to my mum to make sure she wasn't assuming she was coming to stay next week... but I think it's all fine. She said she had already got the hint!! I quite want it to just be the 3 of us for the first few days, although I expect my parents to come and visit - so long as they leave again on the same day!!
I expect she will come and stay after that but that should be ok!!

Last night people from my NCT class were meeting up for dinner. I wasn't going to go as i was feeling so miserable but I got myself organised at the last minute and went. I was really glad i did, it was good to get out of the house and everyone is really nice. It cheered me up (if only temporarily!)

Hope everyone is ok!!
:lol: at Kmac's mum! I can imagine my mum saying 'don't worry, I got the hint' too! :roll: :lol:

Trudy, glad you're feeling a bit happier now.

ROM - glad George has turned! Yikes, guess your EDD's coming up fast...

Mildly - woohoo for massage sessions - but I bet you felt you were more in need of it than Oscar! Hope everything goes well on Friday.

Well, we have our NT scan at 4.15 today :pray: I am so scared. I have deliberately not used the doppler since finding the hb last Thursday but every so often I'm tempted. I keep telling myself it will all be ok. I decided to tempt fate and order some maternity clothes yesterday (but I did check the returns policy first!). Just a few basics - a pair of jeans, a yoga top and some jogging bottoms. They were heavily discounted in the Next sale. trudy - you should take a look :wink:

I need to stay off this site for a few days, I have a lot of work to do (and other stuff to sort out!) and really need to get myself to the library. So I shall try to post an update after the scan but if all goes quiet from me for a bit, don't worry! ROM - can I be cheeky :angel: and ask you to text me the news from Kmac when it arrives just in case I don't have internet access?! thank you!

:wave: to everyone else! btw - anyone heard from Tasha recently? she seems to have gone quiet. So has Loola - but I expect that's from a monster birthday hangover! :rotfl:
:hug: Good luck with the scan today Kitty.

Sorry I havnt been on much and not on this thread, been really busy and lurking when i can!

Kmac I really hope your bubba comes out before Sat, but if you do end up with an induction I pray it goes really well for you :hug:

Rom so pleased he is in the right position and all is well :hug:

Hope everyone else is ok, I wont be on much over the next four days as we are exsibiting at the nec (autosport show) and its going to kill me! :sleep:

I hope everyone else is ok, sending labour vibes to kmac!! :cheer:
hello all. Back from the scan and finally off the phone!

All went well - better than expected. Baby was bouncing up and down, doing star jumps and refusing to lie down for the NT measurements. I had to keep shifting around whilst the sonographer prodded me before the baby finally lay down on its back. It's measuring 12+6 - so they're not changing my due date, we're still on track, and it's a day ahead of the last scan, though that could be inaccuracy. The nuchal fold was 2mm, which is well within range - the bloods have been sent off and we'll hear within 4 days if we're high risk, but so far it's looking ok. Great news too - the haematoma has vanished! :cheer: So it's obviously bled out/been reabsorbed. We're no longer higher risk, everything's normal, hurrah! I can go swimming again and can start the prenatal yoga class next week. I'm so relieved and happy!

All parents are delighted. It's my father's birthday today so he was extremely happy - he went straight to the pub to break the news to the whole village :lol:

Anyway, I shall try to post scan pics later. They're pretty dull really - couldn't get a star jump one cos it was moving too fast - but there's a cool one where the baby is looking directly at the probe - it looks like ET!

Better go cos I can hear the pasta overboiling...
Kitty thats fantastic!!! wahoo im so happy for you! :dance: :hug:

Yey im going to do yoga too :cheer:
Claire :hug: we changed Joshua's name about a week after he was born - he was going to be Luke Joshua all along but when he came it just didnt seem to suit him - all his baby cards are to Luke :) People were surprised when we changed it but soon forgot the Luke bit and now (19 years on) I cant imagine him anything other than Josh. I think you should go with your gut instinct - I dont think zak anthony thomas izat sounds too long as Zak is such a short name and you could always use his second name - its sort of a family tradition with my family - I was registered Clara Jane but always called Jane and my brother is William Paul but always known as Paul, confusing at the doctors etc but hey we live with it :D

Jane x
not got time to read all the messages on here so i wanted to say quickly before i run to take kids breacky club hello to everyone and i hope your all ok xxxxxxxx
claire - I don't think it's too late to change it if you don't think he looks like a zak! your girls would soon get used to it i'm sure! I think it would be nice to have your grandfathers name in there. :hug:

Kitty - glad all went well at the scan :cheer: :cheer: Hopefully you can start enjoying the experience now!!

I'm still not having any signs :( I'm going to go for a walk this afternoon and see if that helps.
I feel lonely in 3rd tri (apart from rom) most people I knew have gone now! And there are other people approaching their due dates but I can't bear to read about their aches and pains. I would love some aches and pains!! :(

I am really wishing something happens today, maybe even tomorrow would be ok!! I am worried about the scan tomorrow so I'd rather not have to go for it iykwim? At least DH finishes work today so he will be around for whatever happens. At least I won't be on my own any more.

Sorry for continuously moaning but this is really getting to me now!
Hope you are all ok
kmac - :hug: (do you think if I hugged you really tightly I could squeeze the baby out?? :think: )

babydust - Zak Anthony Thomas Izat isn't too long if that's what you want. My little brother's got 2 middle names - my parents were packign them in as he was the last. However, if Zak doesn't feel right, then that's the baby telling you something... :wink: The girls will soon get used to calling him something else - they'll enjoy the novelty (though they might ask if they can change their names too!). One thing to think about - Zak Izat, whilst snappy, does have 2 Zs in, and on every pack of peel-off letters I ever had as a child, there was only ever one Z! 'k' and 't' are linguistically similar (your mouth makes the same shape for both). Also, the temptation is going to be to call him zakkyzak or something - the names flow together perhaps a little too easily. That's not a problem since he's not going to get teased for it, but it might suit a child more than an adult?

By the way, if you call him all 4 names, his initials will be Z.A.T.IZAT - so maybe he's more likely to be called Zatizat!

I have no idea if any of this helps - they're just observations.

Here are the promised scan pics - the normal one and the alien one (the dark butterfly in the head is actually the brain, not the eyes!)


nice pics Kitty :)

Well, i went for walk and ate half of a large pineapple this afternoon.
Apart from impending heartburn I don't think it has helped!!
We were slipping down the page!!

I am back from my fluid level scan. I was so nervous but now I don't know why! It was a bit weird as we haven't seen the baby since the 12 week scan, but there it was wriggling away. She said it all looks fine and my fluid levels are good, so we're all set for 5pm tomorrow!!
Now I've got my head round it a bit I hope i can start being excited!! Seeing the baby on the screen definitely helped!

We're having chippy fish and chips for tea!! (I can't stomach any more curry!!)

I'm quite excited now :cheer:
Hello :wave:

Just wanted to pop on and wish you luck for tomorrow Kmac! :hug: I hope it goes well and im really looking forward to hearing your announcement! :dance:

love to everyone :hug:
good luck tomorrow kmac :hug: this time tomorrow you could be holding your baby :cheer:
Hi ladies :wave: Yes Im still here, just havent had the energy to post this week. Ive been off poorly with tonsilitis. Feeling much better now :)

Kmac good luck for today! Only 4 hours to go! :cheer: Best of luck hun, cant wait to see your little one :hug:

Kitty - such brilliant news about the baby! and the haematoma being gone, Im so chuffed for you :D and the pics are fab too, Im so glad you can relax a bit now :hug:

Claire - I like the name Zak and Zak Izat, well thats definitely a future rock star/actor name if ever I heard one, but I totally agree, if he doesnt look like a Zak change it! I love the name Anthony too :) My nephew is called Elliott. No-one has called him Elliott since the day he was born, he is Eddy through and through, so Im not sure if it matters too much what is on the birth cert really. A have a few Aunts and cousins that are called other names that what we know them as on their birth certs too.

Hope everyone is feeling good and happy?

How's Trudy doing?

Great news that George has turned for you too Jayne, he is a good boy! :D

Hope Sookie is ok wherever she may be, I presume she is taking a much needed break from everything baby related. Just as long as she knows we are thinking about her and miss her lots :hug:

Well as I have been off sick all week I have nothing to report on from here. Ive been mainly watching TV and playing the DS. I did get my wedding shoes delivered so that was nice. Oh and I have a wedding photographer now too, he is my tattooists son who is a photography student. Such a sweet kid and will do them for free just for the experience :) So thats cool, Im not expecting them to be amazing or anything, but its better than not having a photographer at all.

Im babysitting my friends son tonight as she is going on a date with a new man, so that should be fun! He is 1 and a bit, and he sleeps through the night most of the time so I probably wont even see him. Im slightly worried about it as her house is haunted. That probably sounds daft to a lot of you, but Ive been seeing dead people all my life :lol: so I am slightly nervous about it as Ill be the only adult there. :? Its definitely not the most friendly presence, but if my mate and her kids can live there without too much trouble then Im sure Ill be ok for one night :)

Ill try and pop on again later to see if there is any news from Kirsty! Good luck lady! :cheer:
Hi everyone

Thanks for all the good wishes.

I was having back pain last night but it never came to anything and I slept quite well!
Have had a very lazy morning, just dozing and trying not to think about later..
I don't know if I'll be home tonight or not, I guess it all depends how it goes.
I'll obviously pop on here if I can, and I will text Jane if I have any news!!

Hope you are all ok

:hug: :hug:

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