Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Hello all. Just popped on to see how kmac was doing but obviously no news yet since she was the last to post!

Keeping my fingers crossed all goes quickly - and as painlessly as possible!

Loola - good to see you back, hope you're feeling better. Hmmm... tonsilitis? sore throat, headache, feverish... and after a 7-day birthday binge?! :lol: Seriously, hope you're recovered now :hug: Btw - on our wedding invitations we included a note to say that what we would really like, more than anything, was lots of pics of people enjoyig themselves on our big day, so if anyone took photos we'd love a copy. After the day, about 20 CDs arrived in the post, some with 200+ pics on! These were all the kind of people who're really into taking pics anyway (you know, you've always got one friend who takes a camera to every party... and a cousin who fancies himself as an expert... and so on), but it was so nice for us to get copies. And now it's so easy since everyone has digi cameras - it costs so little to download the photos onto a CD. We had an official photographer as well.

Well, we've just taken the plunge and bought the pram... yikes! Even more scary, it's going to be delivered within 7 days. I used to be superstitious, but now I figure buyig stuff isn't actually going to affect the outcome. Still, if it's not in the sale with a substantial discount, it can definitely wait till a bit nearer the time...
Most important things first - just had a text from Kmac to say she has had her first lot of gel and after being monitored is on her way home till either her labour starts or 8.00 am when she goes back in for the second lot (as long as they are not full!!) - Good luck sweetheart - not long to go now :hug: :hug: :hug:

We had our baby shower last night - god we were spoilt rotten - as well as loads of lovely smellie stuff for me George was treated to tons of clothes, nappies, quilt, nappy stacker and storage boxes all matching his nursery plus the most amazing moses basket and stand. We are now ready for his arrival :D and he is such a lucky little chap - think it is definately one advantage to being an older mum with old friends that all are hitting that period of their lives where they are broody but not as stupid as me :lol: One of my best friends had travelled down from Manchester and all the local girls were there - even the single ones put off a night on the "pull" to celebrate :D :D :D

After a terrible night, the pain from my pulled muscle is so so bad :( we spent the day at the hospital at our Birth Workshop. It was just a very general overview but it was nice to see the labour wards and Dave feels a bit reassured about the mess and smell issues I think :D

Kitty :clap: for the pram - which one did you get in the end?

Loola sorry to hear you have been poorly :hug: My biggest regret is that we didnt have a professional photographer at our wedding - got some lovely photos but no-one made sure that we had some group ones. Its great that you have a student as I bet they will really want to do a brilliant job.

Love to all our new mum's and hope all you pregnant ones are feeling good :D

Right off to have a bath and wait for Kmac's next text :-)

Jane x
ooooooh, come on Kmac!

ROM - lucky you! and lucky George too... Hope you make a quick recovery and the pain lessens.

We got the M&P Ziko Herbie in 'Hot'n'bothered' (red). I persuaded DH that the baby would like something bright to look at. It was only after I'd ordered it that he twigged and said 'hang on - did you get that pushchair just to match your handbag, hat and gloves?' :lol: As if I'd do a thing like that!!! :rotfl: But won't they look good together?! (the pushchair does come with matching changing bag in red... and it would be bad if my stuff clashed... though tbh I just like the colour red!).
okay, I'm getting impatient now - what's happening with Kmac?! Hope all's going well... :pray:

I'm supposed to be in the library but I don't want to miss anything... all the exciting stuff happens when I'm not around :shakehead: Hmm - maybe for Kmac's sake, I should go to the library after all!
Sorry Kitty - should have updated this thread too :oops:

Kmac went in eventually again yesterday after having her first gel on Friday evening and nothing happening. She had two more lots of gel and eventually by late afternoon/early evening she started having very strong pains that werent that regular (I think they sounded like pessary pains which I think is quite common with induction) She had a restless night but the good news is that the pains had become a little less painful but definately regular - sounds much more like true contractions to me :D

She is waiting to be examined as we speak....

Fingers crossed she is well on her way now........

Jane x
Ooh excellent news for Kirsty! That little baby will be here before we know it! :cheer: :cheer: Good luck lady!
I'm here and still babless!! Just updated in 3rd tri so excuse me for pasting but i'm too tired to type another post!!
I'm home for the night to rest up a bit.
Basically I have had the maximum dose of the prostin gel so they can't give me any more today.

I was up all night with pains - they were so frequent I could not sleep at all. They kept monitoring baby and all was fine with it, so I just had to wait to be examined this morning.

Considering all the pains I was hoping for good news, but the doctor just had a quick rummage and said 'no progress, so you will have a section this afternoon'. He also mentioned helpful words like hysterectomy (going on about risks etc) which really put me at ease :roll:

I was a bit upset, and DH wasn't there yet. They just left me on my own, so when DH arrived I was having a bit of a cry!
I was trying to get my head round it all, when another consultant appeared just to introduce herself as she was going to be in at the section.

Obviously she could see I was upset so she asked why, and we had a chat about it.

She says the reason they have a policy of not letting you go past 42 weeks is because your placenta can be past it's best, and she thinks lots of people end up with c-sections which aren't necessary, so she gave us a choice to go ahead with the section today or else she would do a scan to check the placenta and we can try induction again starting tomorrow - also giving me the chance to come home tonight.

I was so tired it was really hard to reach a decision - we took ages! - but decided to have the scan and another pop at induction. She was really thorough and also listened to the flow through the cord. So we were basically reassured baby is totally fine and at no immediate risk. Obviously if we thought there was any risk to baby we would have gone for the section. She also said the baby's head is definitely in the right place - and that is what you need to get labour started - so at least this way baby has tonight to decide to make it's own way out, we try the gel again tomorrow, and then if still nothing happens we can go with a section knowing we gave it as much of a chance as possible.

Sorry for the long post - just trying to explain!!

I'm still having the pains though - don't know if this is good or bad!!

I can hardly keep my eyes open!!
Thanks for all your kind thoughts and i hope to be passing on some more exciting news soon!!
Hope you are all ok
:hug: :hug:
GUESS WHAT???????????? MY WATERS JUST BROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kmac said:
GUESS WHAT???????????? MY WATERS JUST BROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wooooo hoooooo :cheer: :cheer: lets hope it's of more things to come :dance: :dance: bring on the labour train
Yay Kirstie! Hope this is the real start...come on out baby!!! :dance: :dance: Thinking of you hun :hug:
Woooooop! Kirsty! Excellent news, baby will be here soon! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I wondered what had caused the flooding... seemed a bit damp on here this morning :lol:

Thank goodness for that, I thought we were all going to have to come round and poke you with sharp sticks! Hopefully it'll all go quickly now - looking forward to the updates. Though of course, I'm teaching all afternoon so will miss them :roll: :lol:
Its bad news I'm sorry girls - Kmac texted me late last night to say that they had sent her home again - the pains were not doing anything to her cervix!! On top of all that her mum had sent her a horrid text - just what she doesnt need!!! She is back there this morning and I am waiting for any more news :( :(

My heart absolutely goes out to her :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x
Just had another text from Kirstie - they are going to start her on the drip at 6.30 regardless as to whether the gel is working or not - if that then doesnt work she will have a section later hopefully tonight :D - lets hope its nearly over for her girls.....

Jane x
Aw Kirsty - poor lass. :hug: I really hope that baby is out and happy one way or another by tonight! Good luck hun :hug:
just looking in the hope of more news... :(

Poor kmac, she's having a really hard time of it, isn't she?

well, will check again tomorrow, hopefully things will have happened naturally...
I texted Kmac at 11.00 pm just to see if there was any news but her phone is off so I am hoping that is a good sign :D Did wonder if there would be a text when I woke up at 4.00 am but nothing yet. Let's hope she is well into the swing of it and they have turned the phone off so she can concentrate :pray:

Claire - I am not sure what happened with her Mum, she just text to say that along with nothing happening she had had a phone call with her mum and she was horrid to her - that was on Sunday night so hopefully they have sorted it out....

Jane x

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