Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to pop on and say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.....oh and, "come on out" Kmac's Baby!!!!!


Isla is doing really well. She loves her food (must get that from me! :wink: ) and also loves her sleep but when she is awake, boy can she scream!!!! I am loving being a mummy but will be really sad when DH has to go back to work...Im living in a perfect little bubble at the moment!

Hope you are all doing well. Sorry ive not had a chance to catch up on all the posts but I hope you all have a great 2009! see you soon :dance: :hug:
Great pic Sally! :D

loola - snap out of that crisis right now, girl! You're about to have the best year of your life, stop feeling so sorry for yourself :wink: :lol: I did go through something similar myself - coming up to my 30th birthday, I felt such a failure. I still hadn't finished my PhD, DH and I had been together for 8 years (or was it 9? so long I forget...) and there was no sign of a proposal from him, I wanted a family and wondered if DH just didn't feel the same way, I'd just given up a lucrative career to try to get the thesis finished... If I'd known then that 2 (and a bit) years down the line I'd have the doctorate, DH and I would be married, and we'd be expecting the baby (no chance of a lucrative career again though :lol: but on the other hand, if I was still in the City I'd probably be out of a job entirely by now!), then I don't think I'd have been quite so miserable in the weeks before my 30th. Sometimes it's so bleak looking forwards but when we look back we can't understand what the problem was. Life definitely gets better as you get older!

So - who's on the BFP list for 2009? Sookie and Loola, obviously - anyone else TTC? Is Polly still around? And maybe Claire again :wink: :lol: Loads of luck and babydust to you girls for a bundle or bump of joy this time next year.

Good news from us - we tried the doppler again and found the hb within 5 minutes. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Bizarre, eh? DH counted - c. 144bpm. So that sounds pretty healthy, since it's supposed to be "around 140 bpm"! We were both hugely relieved. I'd felt, despite the worry, that everything was going to be ok - but then you can't help having these moments of doubt when you wonder if it's all being taken away from you again. Less than a week to go till the scan now. I'm not going to bother trying again with the doppler before then - I don't need to. A hb of 144 at 12+3 is reassuring enough for me - I just wanted to hear a hb after the magical 12-week mark!
By the way - the baby had moved a good 3 or 4 inches to the left side of my body - it had originally been low and quite far to my right side but is now a bit higher and definitely to the left of my belly button (as I'm looking). It's obviously exploring my insides - or trying to get away from the awful noises my stomach is making these days :lol:

We're off to look at pushchairs tonight. I like the Mamas & Papas Ziko Herbie, which is in the sale at the moment. If DH does too, then we'll probably order it after the scan if all goes well on Weds. Other contenders are the Silver Cross Freeway Linear (but the car seat isn't Isofix compatible which is a pain) and the Maxi-Cosi Mura (but it weighs a whopping 17kg :shock: ). We're also going to look at the Bebeconfort Streety. We like the idea of a travel system (especially a carrycot that can be used to sleep in overnight) as any trip to either set of parents almost always involves an overnight stay, and we like the convenience of being able to move the baby in its carseat onto the pushchair chassis for short forays from the car (good when visiting my parents who live in the middle of bloomin' nowhere - you have to drive everywhere), but the one thing we're both insistent on is that we want a parent-facing pushchair as well as pram, which means we have a very limited choice. So - any comments on any of the above, or suggestions for others we should look at, are very welcome! We're in no real hurry to buy anything, but obviously if we go for the Herbie we'd like to buy it whilst it's >£200 off the pushchair and carseat, hence looking now. If we don't go for that, we'll take longer to look.

Finally - come on Kmac Jr! :pray:
Great news Kitty :cheer: Hope you can relax a bit now!!
I can't help with the pushchair thing - I think we made the wrong decision but will just have to live with it!!

I just popped on to bump us up, we were sliding down the page!!

Still no news I'm afraid. Can't believe i've gone a week over, I really thought it would have happened by now. I hope baby is OK in there!! Was really hoping to avoid the whole sweep issue on monday after last week's experience!

I have eaten yet more pineapple today, and I am contemplating the unthinkable. DH has gallantly offered every night for the last fortnight. Tonight he may get somewhere!! I did ask if we could just extract the erm.. goods...and apply them manually but he wasn't so keen. Why not use nature's intended delivery method? he said.

Anyhoo, I hope you are all OK!!
:hug: :hug: to everyone!
Happy birthday Loola, you will love being 30 honestly - dont do crisis - I think us ladies are like fine wine we just get better with age :D

Kmac :hug: hope that DTD starts it all off for you :hug:

Kitty pushchairs are a nightmare - its such an expensive business but I cannot imagine you rushing into buying one you havent researched :wink: I think its lovely that you are feeling confident enough to start thinking about it - gosh lady you are going to have a baby this year :D

Lovely pictures ladies - your babies are so cute - cant wait to have mine now.

My darling son has managed to give me a late christmas pressie and I am coming down with this horrible virus thing... my chest is so sore and I have earache and ache all over this morning. I have just got up to take some paracetemol to see if that works - I hate doing it but I feel so rough..... I suspect a day in bed is on the cards for me :( George seems pretty quiet this morning too - usually he wakes up as I do and has a good squirm but I have only had a few flutters so far this morning - I hope he doesnt feel poorly too :(

Anyway love to you all - hope you have a good day and Kmac I have my phone by the bed incase you have any news :D

Jane x
rom - sorry you are under the weather :hug: :hug: have a relaxing day in bed! Sure George will appreciate the rest too!

Mainly I came on to say........

HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY LAURA :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance:

...hope you have a lovely day!! :hug: :hug:

STILL no news from me.... DTD made no difference (except now I am scared to leave the house 'just in case')!! I'm starting to worry a little bit!

Hope everyone is ok
Lots of first babies are a week or more late, aren't they? So I'm sure your baby is absolutely fine. S/he's probably just wondering how to get out, and whether the fuss will be worth it... :hug:

ROM - hope you feel better soon. Colds are bad enough at the best of times but getting one when heavily pregnant does not sound fun at all.

Loola - Happy 30th birthday! I really hope it's a good one - I'm sure it will be! I'll drink a toast to you with elderflower presse!
(I'm a little worried Loola hasn't been back - perhaps she was serious about drinking all the way to her party! :lol: )

:wave: to everyone else...
Hi guys! and thanks for my birthday wishes, Kitty it wasnt far off the truth about drinking all the way through it. I was drinking til 5am this morning, mainly shots, so Im surprised Im still alive to be honest. Had a fab night out on Friday and last night so Im definitely over my birthday blues. :)

Mike got me a DS for my birthday, I had money and vouchers, smellies, a mirror (cos I dont look at myself nearly enough ;)) a Dirty Dancing hot water bottle! :lol: and this:


Which is so me! or definitely will be if we never conceive :lol:

I have been well and truly spoilt this year. Sorry I have to dash, I really must attempt to get washed and dressed.

Ill properly post tomorrow :)
Hey ladies sorry ive not posted here for a while but with the madness of xmas and the computer not working i havent had time! I hope you all had a nice time and are having a great new year so far! :cheer: :hug: I cant believe it im in double figure's now where's the time going to? :shock: Another week and il be in tri 3 on the last hurdle to meeting grace! :cheer: Although we'l be seeing her soon anyway as i have a 4D scan booked on the 28th january and i cannot wait for that now :dance:
Hi everyone :wave:

Today is my first day alone with Isla...and its 4.30pm and we are both still alive!! :dance: :lol: We are actually having a lovely day cuddled up on the sofa watching Atonement and other girlie stuff!

Loola - so sorry I missed your birthday! :oops: It sounds like you had a lovely time though and I love your crazy cat woman! :D

Kitty - how did the puchchair shopping go? We have the maxi cosi mura and so far I LOVE IT! It does everything we want it to and feels so sturdy. It is easy to use and Isla looks so comfortable in it. Yes, it is VERY heavy but I think that is because it is so solid. I probably wouldnt have bought it if I had to use public transport a lot because of its weight but I use the car all the time :oops: . Im only 5ft 4in and I can lift it into the car boot with no probs. The best price we found it for was on Kiddicare.com who were brilliant. I hope you find something suitable...and a good bargain! :wink:

ROM - Poor you with a nasty cold. I had one the week before isla was born - the last thing you need when pg, especially as you cant take any medicine! :( I really feel for you...hope you get better soon.

Flossy - you must be v excited about your scan! Glad all is going well :hug:

One more thing to say......COME ON OUT NOW BABY KMAC!!!!! One more chunk Kmac? P.S...DH and I did the deed 3 hours before my contractions began! :wink:

Hope everyone is well x x x
Hey Sally!! Nice to see you - glad all is going well!!
Doing the deed didn't seem to help. We are having curry again tonight. DH did the food shop today and brought home another pineapple :puke: I suppose I could give all 3 a go, and have a bounce on the ball. I'm just doing a bit of cleaning at the moment, but I keep having to sit down!
I'm feeling quite grumpy today. Poor DH!!
...skulks off to mop the kitchen floor which will doubtless be covered in muddy pawprints in no time at all....
kmac said:
Hey Sally!! Nice to see you - glad all is going well!!
Doing the deed didn't seem to help. We are having curry again tonight. DH did the food shop today and brought home another pineapple :puke: I suppose I could give all 3 a go, and have a bounce on the ball. I'm just doing a bit of cleaning at the moment, but I keep having to sit down!
I'm feeling quite grumpy today. Poor DH!!
...skulks off to mop the kitchen floor which will doubtless be covered in muddy pawprints in no time at all....
ohh your feeling grumpy? aparently alot of women feel like that a day before gonig into labour so i have read here's hoping :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Kmac you are bound to start tomorrow - we promised my 10 year old niece that we would take her to Cheshire Oaks tomorrow before she goes back to school - even feeling poorly I dont think I can get out of it as she is planned what she is wearing and everything - will just have to wrap up warm :( Anyways I will be away from my PC from 10 - 4.00 pm!! What's the betting you have your LO during that time :-)

Jane x
Thanks rom - no offence but I would be delighted if somehow you being away from your PC spurred things on!!
I hope you feel better in the morning, but do't go out if you don't feel up to it, you'll only make yourself worse.(God, I sound like my mother!)
Babydust - I do still have your number, so I will have you as my back up text buddy!
Thanks ladies :hug: :hug:

Well, I have stuffed myself with a chicken madras.
Considering boucing on the ball now... don't think I can face DTD!!

Got midwife and sweep at 1pm - anyone know how long they take to work if they are going to?
Thanks claire :hug:
To be honest I am absolutely dreading it tomorrow but I know the more tense I am the worse it will be.
I have left myself some jobs round the house to do to keep me busy in the morning so I don't just sit and worry about it.
I was just curious how long it's meant to take. I'll just be coming home again anyway!

Nighty night!!
Hello all. Sorry to read and run but 1st day back in the office after 2 1/2 weeks and I'm trying to remember how to do my job! :lol:

Kitty :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: on hearing the heartbeat. I keep promising not to do it for at least a week then my hand subconciously scuttles towards it. I'll have to get DH to hide it as I'm sure it's not good for the baby.

Kmac - now your not really trying to get this baby out are you? :roll: Get on DH and get going girl! :lol: Seriously though I hope it hapens soon for you. :hug:

Someone mentioned Welshpolly can't remember who sorry. She's still around, she's on Facebook for those of us without stalkers!! :lol: I think when her husband works in Wales she goes with him but has not internet there.

Loola looks like you had a good one!

Hello to everyone else sorry if I've missed anyone's news, my brain is completely scrambled. The insomnia has started for me now. Not-fun-at-all. :(

I have got my friends sons funeral on Friday. They're having a private burial and then the service after for all to attend. It sounds selfish but I'm so relieved they are doing it that way.

I've also got my booking appointment on Thursday. I've got mixed feelings about being pg. We told most of our friends on Sat which was nice as they were all so excited I got excited too, but I can't help thinking that I'll never meet this baby. :( I think I'm trying to imagine the worst so that it can only get better. Either that or I just need to stop being so bloody miserable and get some sleep! :roll:

The other lady who is pg in the office has already bought maternity clothes to wear now! All I've heard since 8:50am is her wittering on baby this and baby that. I just want to scream shut the **** up! I know she's excited that at 40 she's finally pg but please stop for 5 mins. Iknow I know, I'm a horrible person going straight to hell! :twisted: Why on earth at 15 weeks would you voluntarily wear maternity?? She's not even got a bump! I'm holding out to the bitter end!

I think I need to lie down. I'm about to kill someone. :x

Apologies for my laziness here - I am just going to copy and paste what I just posted in 3rd tri. Feeling a bit down and fed up.

Trudy - your colleague sounds v annoying!!

I had my midwife appointment..
My BP and urine are fine. Baby has moved so she thinks it is slightly back to back with limbs at the front, but it could easily move back into the right place again. I'm trying not to obsess about that.

Midwife tried to do a sweep - twice - but she couldn't reach my cervix. What the hell is up with my cervix that no-one can reach it?? At least this time it wasn't my fault, I did let her go for it uncomfy as it was. But no luck anyway.
So my induction is booked for Saturday at 5pm - I've to go for the first lot of gel and will be monitored then either sent home overnight or kept in. Then I go back on the SUnday for more gel if necessary. You can get 3 lots - if they don't work then it's onto the drip. If taht doesn't work then a C-section.
I'm still hoping something happens before then. :pray:
I've to go for a scan on Friday just to check fluid levels. I'm already fretting about that.

Anyway, came home and had a good cry. Haven't had any lunch so just going to go and eat something now.

Sorry for the downbeat post :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i know it's awful being so late, when i had james i was 2 weeks over due and i was so uncomfy don't know how i coped with that, just think tho it won't be long till you have your baby in your arms probaly by next week and u'll miss being pregnant :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh kmac :hug: :hug: :hug: Try not to worry too much though - even if the baby is slightly back to back, it can still turn even after labour has started. You just might need to get back on that birthing ball and sweat a bit! As for the induction, don't think about worst-case scenario - think positive. At least you now have a date and a plan, and in all likelihood the baby will be born on Saturday night or Sunday. Having said that, two of my friends got to the same stage as you and both of them went into labour naturally on the morning they were due to be induced. And yes, both babies are stubborn little wotsits that definitely know their own minds and don't like discomfort or effort! :rotfl: One of them is almost 2 now and his mother says that you can already see he's going to be one of those people who does EVERYTHING at the last possible minute. He'd not said a single word by the time he was supposed to be starting talking, and his mum called the HV who came round the next day for a check-up and to see if he needed a referral for speech development. When the HV arrived, my friend made her a coffee - and as she did so, the "little s*d" (her words, not mine) started pulling her leg and said "mummy, mummy, drink now!" :rotfl: So I know it's probably not much comfort, but maybe your baby is just very laid-back and has no intention of doing anything before s/he's ready? :)

Anyway, I think you're a long way off worrying about a C-section still. I expect the days seem a lot longer to you than they do to anyone else. Can you find anything to do to take your mind off it? Have you got some good books? Or a really complicated jigsaw puzzle (with bits missing)?! Any old photos to sort out and put into albums?

Trudy - :rotfl: You're obviously in a generous mood today - not! :lol: I can imagine it must be frustrating - have you told your colleague that you're pg too? If so, maybe she thinks that you feel the same way as she does and she's trying especially hard to share everything with you?! As for the mat clothes, hm. I'm in two minds about them myself. My friend who's due the same day has been in mat clothes since about 9 weeks. She says she can't quite do up her normal clothes and they're really uncomfortable, but there's no point buying a size bigger for just a few weeks. I'm beginning to get to that funny stage where stuff doesn't quite fit but I don't feel ready for mat clothes. The 8w general bloating went away and I don't have a 'bump' but my usually concave tummy has gone convex - and it's hard :think: So it's not like I can squish it in at all. I can still get my jeans on, but not my skirts. My boobs went pneumatic overnight last week so I can't do up my shirts and DH says my t-shirts now look so tight as to be indecent. He laughed so hard when I put one on yesterday that he fell off the bed :twisted: He accused me of going for the 'Pamela Anderson look' :evil: :talkhand: So I have to say I'm a bit more sympathetic about the maternity-clothes-before-the-bump dilemma. I don't know what I'm going to do. For us, term doesn't start till next week so this week I'm ok with DH's rugby shirts and my jeans, but I can't wear them to teach... are you not feeling the pinch yet?

Loola - glad you had a good birthday! 5am?! :shock: I don't know how you do it!

ROM - hope you had a good time at Cheshire Oaks.

Sally12 - hope all's still going well! Yes, the Maxi-cosi Mura looked fab - it was really high up my list till I discovered the weight. 17kg though :shock: I'm still trying to work out how often we'll use a pushchair and what for, but I think we probably will use it a fair amount on public transport - or rather, I will. Living in London, I use the tube/train a LOT - we'd never drive into town because of a) the congestion charge and b) the parking and c) average speed is about 8mph. So if I go to the shops, it's by public transport. Then again, I'm planning to get a sling, and I would probably use that in preference to a buggy to start with. It's all so difficult!!!!

We did really like the M&P Ziko Herbie though.

:wave: to everyone else.
:wave: everyone, Cheshire Oaks was lovely but I walked too far so am suffering now..... :( My niece was so excited and had to look at everything before she decided what she wanted to buy with her money - in the end we just ended up paying for the things that she liked as it was much quicker that way :D Clever girl or what :D

Dave and Josh both got some nice bargins, to be honest I didnt even bother to look at the ladies stuff as I feel the size of a whale and cannot see the point of buying another tent!!

Trudy :lol: at your attitude to your colleague - I have refused to buy any maternity tops - I have found normal stuff in larger sizes but from about 10 weeks I did need a bellieband with my jeans and skirts.... I still use them now for extra support so the £9.99 was well worth the money I think.... I have got several pairs of maternity jeans and also a couple of pairs of M&S trousers - the ones with elasticated waists and made of soft crepe - they have been a god send as you can dress them up or down as you wish. I did splash out on a formal black dress for meetings but wear it with a normal jacket which is quite short and sort of swinging shape - luckily for me most of the time I can just wear jeans as most of my work is done on the phone. I can only imagine the trousers will be good for the first couple of weeks after he is born too - cant see me getting back into my size 10's for a while :-)

I'm off to the hospital for our scan to see if he has turned (I'm pretty sure he has to be honest) and to check the placenta due to my advanced age tomorrow - dont know why but I am really worried about it... If I can at all help it I would really rather not have a section - I am one of those strange women that actually enjoyed giving birth the last two times!! and to be honest I feel there is little chance of Dave making it through an operation without passing out :D

Right I am going to sort out tea and then put my feet up after walking so far today ...... hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight :-)

Love to you all especially Kmac - back on phone watch now honey :hug: :hug:

Jane x
Hello all!!!!! :wave: Ooo it's amazing what a good nights sleep can do for you. I was supposed to be out and about last night but I got home and starting crying because we didn't have that plastic cheese for burgers. Then started shouting at the dogs, poor babies. :( DH told me to cancel everything and have a lie down. Fell asleep immediately about 6:30 woke up around 9 watched the second half of that ITV crime thing (very good, but quite gory!) then went back to bed about 10 and read for a bit then woke up with the alarm at 6:30 this morning. I feel human again. I've been singing in the car and everything! :cheer: :cheer:

I know I should be more generous as she's wanted a baby for at least 10 years. I just don't think I'm 'the look at me I'm pg' type. Yes she does know I'm pg it must be such a disappointment to her that I'm not in the least bit as excited as her. I'm just not that type of person though. I call it being realistic, DH says I'm bloody miserable! :lol: I know once baby is here I'll be driving everyone mad with pictures and stories I do in now with the dogs.

My tummy is a bit bigger but more bloated really, most of my trousers are hipsters so are still fitting fine. I hope to go up a size first, which is easy for me as I hadn't got round to throwing out my size 14 stuff from last year, so won't have to spend any money. Because I have an ample bosom (I've always wanted to say that!) most of my tops are loose fitting or smock type things as the shops don't seem to make clothes for size 12 ladies with boobs, unless I got to bravissimo and I am not spending £30 on a shirt just to fit my boobs! The new bras are going to cost me more than enough!

ROM sounds like you had a good, if tiring day. Your niece is a very smart cookie. I'm sure all will be fine with your scan. What happens to your placenta when you get older?

Kmac not long now, by the end of the week you'll definitely be holding your LO! :cheer:

Kitty - I started looking at prams and I'm thoroughly confused. I plan to use a sling most of the time but do quite like the idea of a carrycot/pushchair for the grandparents to use. Some of them are so ugly though! Anything I like costs a fortune. I'm a bit wary of getting anything too early in case, but there are some great bargains out there.

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