oh kmac

Try not to worry too much though - even if the baby is slightly back to back, it can still turn even after labour has started. You just might need to get back on that birthing ball and sweat a bit! As for the induction, don't think about worst-case scenario - think positive. At least you now have a date and a plan, and in all likelihood the baby will be born on Saturday night or Sunday. Having said that, two of my friends got to the same stage as you and both of them went into labour naturally on the morning they were due to be induced. And yes, both babies are stubborn little wotsits that definitely know their own minds and don't like discomfort or effort!

One of them is almost 2 now and his mother says that you can already see he's going to be one of those people who does EVERYTHING at the last possible minute. He'd not said a single word by the time he was supposed to be starting talking, and his mum called the HV who came round the next day for a check-up and to see if he needed a referral for speech development. When the HV arrived, my friend made her a coffee - and as she did so, the "little s*d" (her words, not mine) started pulling her leg and said "mummy, mummy, drink now!"

So I know it's probably not much comfort, but maybe your baby is just very laid-back and has no intention of doing anything before s/he's ready?
Anyway, I think you're a long way off worrying about a C-section still. I expect the days seem a lot longer to you than they do to anyone else. Can you find anything to do to take your mind off it? Have you got some good books? Or a really complicated jigsaw puzzle (with bits missing)?! Any old photos to sort out and put into albums?
Trudy -

You're obviously in a generous mood today - not!

I can imagine it must be frustrating - have you told your colleague that you're pg too? If so, maybe she thinks that you feel the same way as she does and she's trying especially hard to share everything with you?! As for the mat clothes, hm. I'm in two minds about them myself. My friend who's due the same day has been in mat clothes since about 9 weeks. She says she can't quite do up her normal clothes and they're really uncomfortable, but there's no point buying a size bigger for just a few weeks. I'm beginning to get to that funny stage where stuff doesn't quite fit but I don't feel ready for mat clothes. The 8w general bloating went away and I don't have a 'bump' but my usually concave tummy has gone convex - and it's hard

So it's not like I can squish it in at all. I can still get my jeans on, but not my skirts. My boobs went pneumatic overnight last week so I can't do up my shirts and DH says my t-shirts now look so tight as to be indecent. He laughed so hard when I put one on yesterday that he fell off the bed

He accused me of going for the 'Pamela Anderson look'

So I have to say I'm a bit more sympathetic about the maternity-clothes-before-the-bump dilemma. I don't know what I'm going to do. For us, term doesn't start till next week so this week I'm ok with DH's rugby shirts and my jeans, but I can't wear them to teach... are you not feeling the pinch yet?
Loola - glad you had a good birthday! 5am?!

I don't know how you do it!
ROM - hope you had a good time at Cheshire Oaks.
Sally12 - hope all's still going well! Yes, the Maxi-cosi Mura looked fab - it was really high up my list till I discovered the weight. 17kg though

I'm still trying to work out how often we'll use a pushchair and what for, but I think we probably will use it a fair amount on public transport - or rather, I will. Living in London, I use the tube/train a LOT - we'd never drive into town because of a) the congestion charge and b) the parking and c) average speed is about 8mph. So if I go to the shops, it's by public transport. Then again, I'm planning to get a sling, and I would probably use that in preference to a buggy to start with. It's all so difficult!!!!
We did really like the M&P Ziko Herbie though.

to everyone else.