Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

I'm here, just lurking!

Sorry about your friends trudy - reading your post scared me.
I agree you should tell them yourselves, I'm sure they would prefer that.

No news from me. Nothing happening and I still feel a bit down after yesterdays MW appointment.

Hope everyone is ok
Sorry Kirsty, didn't mean to scare you. :hug: I'm sure baby will be here very soon and it'll be worth the wait.
hey all. I've missed loads again :( I don't have time for a long post as DH is going to walk through the door any minute (he left early today) and there are a thousand things I should have done but haven't :wall: Do any of your DHs/DPs make comments about your forum use?!

so - the two priorities - Trudy, that's awful about your friends. I know they'd rather hear from you, but all the same, is anyone else likely to tell them your news now? If you think they are, then yes, you'll have to tell them, if not, then wait. Personally, I think I'd wait till after the scan. You'd have a very reasonable excuse if anyone blabbed - their sad loss and the scan itself - and I am sure that they would totally understand why you hadn't said anything. I do feel that going to see them now and telling them now might just be the final straw. Unless they ask you outright, in which case it would be wrong to lie. If they know you went to see them and didn't mention your own pg, they will not take offence, they will be touched by your thoughtfulness.

Kmac - huge :hugs:

oh shit DH is here - bye!
sorry about that. Dh caught me just as I was shutting down the website so he had a good laugh at me :roll: He insists I spend all day and all night on here and that when I get up to go to the loo in the middle of the night, it's actually to post secretly on here...

Anyway - Kmac - I was just wishing you all the best for an imminent birth! I don't have any tips, but I do sympathise - all this waiting must be horrible. You must be fed up of quiet nights in at this time of year!

Chok - looking forward to seeing pics of Harvey! I was wondering if he was going to have a name!

Does Sally12's baby have a name yet? :think: If so, I think I've missed it :(

Loola, all I can think when I see that picture is OW! :rotfl: The pixie definitely looks better - but still, OW!

babydust - glad the wedding went well. I'm not surprised you couldn't find your camera - you had a lot of other things to think about! looking forward to seeing the pics and will go and read your birth story shortly.

ROM - how's everything going? How was Christmas?

I can't remember previous posts, so :wave: to Tasha, Rach, Mildly and anyone else I've missed :oops:

As for me, the bleeding has finally settled to an occasional brownish discharge, which I think is good, but I'm really worried - after finding the hb on the doppler the Monday before Christmas (11w), we couldn't find it at all on Mon eve (12w), yesterday morning or this morning. I phoned the midwife, because I was also worried that I'd had about 3 hours of severe cramping on Christmas Eve, but she seems to think it's perfectly normal at this stage, and that the baby has probably just moved a little too deep to hear at the moment. She dismissed the cramping, too, as it stopped and there was no red bleeding - said it was growing pains.

I'm absolutely terrified though. What do you all think? We had scans which showed all was on schedule at 7w and 8w3, and heard the hb on 2 different dopplers at different times at 11w, when it was strong and fast. What do you think the chances are that the baby could have died at some point in the 12th week? I have my scan next Weds at 13w2, and it seems such a long time away.
Kitty after seeing your baby and hearing the heartbeat the chances are very slim, the percentages go down loads!

Its a good sign its gone brown!

Did you say you had a doppler? why not try having ago yourself? I can find LOs heartbeat and have done since just gone 9 weeks with Angelsounds one.

If I empty my bladder first and search for the placenta noise (sounds like the wind) then I can usualy find the heartbeat close by, but even hearing the placenta is a great sign.
Kitty I didnt find our heart beat consistantly until 16 weeks - he was really down low and would burrow right in I think... In fact I was told off for even trying to find the heart beat myself until after 16 weeks so I wouldnt worry too much :hug: I did find eating an ice lolly or drinking a hot cup of tea would make him move sometimes but I am sure all is OK just the baby getting all comfortable in there :-) I had awful pains and cramps right up to 20 weeks - once they had stopped I worried myself sick about that... I think we just have to recognise that we are destined to worry for the whole 9 months :-)

Well my midwife is pretty sure George has turned and was head-down today :cheer: I feel that he may have done although I dont want to jinx myself but breathing is much easier and I am actually getting some sleep... she also said she wouldnt be worried he is a huge baby - he felt more "normal" weight but perfectly formed to her - we will know for sure his position etc next Tuesday when we have another scan but I am going to think positively for now and enjoy the excitement that I may be able to have him in the midwife unit and be discharged within 6 hours :D

Kmac - I hope something happens really soon for you honey :hug:

Love to everyone else

Jane x
it's my doppler we've been trying with :(

We found the hb within 5 minutes a week ago, but we've tried 3 times this week for 20 minutes each time and can't find anything at all. I'm using the Sonotrax one - it's a bit more powerful than the Angelsounds.

ROM - just seen your message - thanks for the reassurance!

Well, I've mentioned before our close group of friends - the ones we were away with when I had to go to A&E in November. One couple weren't with us as they're working in the US for a couple of years. They're back in the UK for Xmas and NY, and we're all celebrating NYE together this evening. Anyway, they rang us the night before last to say she's pg again (they have an 18mo DD)! They're telling everyone else tonight but wanted to let us know first b/c of the m/c - since they weren't with us in November, they didn't know about this pg. I think it was a bit of a shock for them when I said 'congratulations! when's it due?' and when they said 'July', I said 'snap!' :lol: Their scan isn't till they get back next week either, though they did have an early scan at 7w.

Obviously I'm so pleased for them - and quite excited we're due on the same day - but there's this little bit of me that wishes we could be so carefree. They're telling everyone now, even though they haven't had the 11-14 week scan, b/c they've got to 12w, they saw a h at 7w and therefore everything must be fine. We're not mentioning it to anyone (apart from parents, siblings, and our close friends who found out by accident b/c of the threatened m/c) and we're not at all confident about the scan. It must be so nice just to get pregnant, see a hb, assume all's well, have no bleeding, no worries... I just can't relax at all. I keep remembering that my body hung on to a non-viable pg for 16 weeks, despite 2 D&Cs, and I had no heavy bleeding apart from the 2 days after each D&C and no cramps at all. That doesn't give me a lot of confidence that if I was to m/c I'd know about it...


ROM - that's fab news that George has turned! Gosh, it's all getting jolly close now, isn't it?! And glad he's not huuuuuuuge! :cheer:
hiya kittykins i htought i'd giveyou a bit of advise that worked with us, try having a full bladder (worked for me) when you try to listen for hb, lay on your back, make sure you have your legs straight or your knees bent with your feet on the floor and press hard on the lowest part before your pubic bone, then push the doppler facing your feet but so it's pushed in a bit thats how it helped me find lil mats hb, also i tried listening to the hb on my firends doppler and couldn't find it till 14 weeks but on my doppler we could find it at 11 weeks, bearing in mind her doppler was stronger than the angel sounds but the angelsounds listening point is bigger than the one my friend had i think she had one of them hi bebe ones like the ones midwifes use, also we used quite a bit of gel at first to help, hope this helps you find bubs hb
Thanks Anna, but that's exactly what I've been doing (the midwife showed me what to do at the booking appointment).

I would be less worried about not finding the hb now if I hadn't found it last week, very easily and very clearly. Obviously my doppler is good enough otherwise we wouldn't have found it last week... so either the baby is hiding or there's a problem. I've used up half the bottle of gel already :oops: All that happened was I made a mess of the bedsheets!

anyway, I'd better get on. I have a house to clean... I've done no housework for weeks!
Kitty :hug: :hug: try not to worry. I know that's easy for me to say. I didn't get a doppler as I thought I would become obsessed using it. But with your experiences it must make you more inclined to worry. I'm sorry I don't have any advice, I just hope everything is ok :hug: :hug: I'm sure it will be - it's my understanding the hb can be quite tricky to find.

I suppose i have had a fairly 'carefree' pregnancy but I'm not taking it for granted. Now I'm worried something is going to go wrong at the last minute!! Or there will be something wrong with the baby when it (eventually) comes out. I only had my 12 week scan and that was it.

There's always something to worry about isn't there??

I still have nothing to report. Bump was really active all day yesterday and through the night - I was hoping it was gearing up for something - but it's quieter again today. Definitely waiting for 2009! i feel a bit more cheerful though, i didn't want it to be too close to Christmas, so I guess in a way the longer it takes the better. I just can't sleep at night though! It's getting annoying. Bizarrely I can doze during the day quite easily! It's getting comfy in bed is the problem. I long for the day I can lie on my front again!

Well, I think I fancy a cup of tea and some chocolate!!

Hope everyone is ok!! Have a good Hogmanay!! I wonder what we're doing... oh that's right... NOTHING!!!! DH can't even have a sneaky glass of anything just in case he has to drive! :roll:

Really hope you are ok Kitty and lots of :hug: :hug: to the rest of you!

Oh and kitty I know what you mean about Facebook! I let a few "nice" kids add me when they left school, but I ended up deleting them after a while, I just didn't feel comfortable with it. I also had one lad in a younger class loudly refer to my husband by his first name - seems he had been looking at his older sisters Facebook. So that was the end of that!!!

Just realised something - it's one year ago tomorrow that I started charting! Would be funny if baby came then!
Hi everyone and Happy New Year :cheer:

babydust, yay go Zak, what a good weight :cheer:

kmac, aww hope LO gets a move on for tomorrow, what a lovely charting anniversary that would be. Can't wait to hear your good news :hug:

kitty, I've never used a doppler so have no advice to give, I know Oscar always used to squirm away from the doppler when the midwife was checking his HB though. I bet your LO is hiding :hug:

ROM, glad to hear that George has turned, will you get a pic at your next scan? :D

That's all I can see on the review so hi to everyone else :wave: I will definitely have a proper read through and catch up soon, I promise!

No news from me but I'm feeling a bit soppy tonight as at the turn of the New Year last year, I took a pregnancy test (well three actually :oops: ) and we found out after 11 months of TTC we were going to have a baby (obviously it was the charting that did it ;) )!

It's amazing to think just a year ago he was a tiny little embryo and now look at him :lol:

:hug: Kitty

Well I had trouble a few days ago and didnt hear it that night, I have this every other night. So sometimes try in the morning.

The baby moved each time I lost it, and it was the slightest little movement to find it now whereas last week I could find it very quickly.

Takes me at least 20-25 mins now

I agree with everyone else though please try not to worry I am sure your little one is there, just so hard to find :hug:

I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year too :cheer:
ROM great news that George has turned and that you can finally get some sleep.

Kitty easier said than done but try not to worry. It's good the blood was brown. I'm the same as Tasha at night I never find it and get all upset. But first thing when I've just woken up and am desperate for a wee I can find it. But like Babydust said it's the tiniest spot. I have to place the doppler then move it up down left right on the spot until I find it. This morning I found it, then used my other hand to turn the volume up and it had disappeared! Couldn't find it anywhere. So it's probably deep behind your pubic bone or just in a place you've missed. Not long until you see bean again.

Babydust glad Zak is putting on weight nicely. :cheer:

Kmac I hope baby comes out soon. :hug:

Aw Mildly he is too cute! I can't believe how much he's changed!!! Don't you think you should be changing your avatar?? :lol:

Hello to everyone else :wave: Wishing you all a fabulous 2009! 8)
Hi everyone!!

Just a quickie from me - i haven't had a shower yet :oops: just wanted to say Happy New year to all of you!!

Still nothing happening - yesterday I ate a whole pineapple and bounced on my ball until i felt sick but nothing happened!!

Even my mini ticker has given up and gone back to the start! :)

The texts / phone calls just keep coming - do people think we wouldn't have let them know if the baby had come?? :roll:

ANyone doing anything nice today??
We're not doing anything - there's a surprise!
I did buy a big rhubarb crumble the other day so i'm looking forward to that later with loads of custard! Will be the highlight of my day! :D

Must go and get showered and dressed!!!


We just about managed to keep awake till midnight - though one of our friends didn't :lol: We unanimously decided to record the BBC New Year's Eve show (with the bongs, obviously) whilst watching a different channel - so that next year, we can play the recording at 10pm and get to bed at a reasonable time! :rotfl: Pathetic, isn't it?! Both lots of parents managed to stay up later than DH and me - his mum emailed to say they had to call it a night at 2.30(!!!! no idea when I last stayed up that late - a good 5 years, I'd say!) and my parents lasted till 4... we had driven home and were tucked up in bed before 1!

Thanks all for your doppler messages. We're going to try again this evening, but try not to worry if we don't find it. I think it was just that I found it so easily last week that I got so anxious at not finding a hint of it, no matter what I tried, this week.

Mildly, I LOVE the pic! "Look at me with all my presents" :rotfl:

Are any of you using the photobucket album still? It would be lovely to see some baby pics on there - I can't see the Facebook ones... kmac - your facebook experience is exactly what worries me!

Babydust, great that Zak's doing so well - and are you going to change your ticker now? :wink:

Kmac - hope that baby comes soon, it must be so frustrating. Still, think of it as a teensy bit of a taste for your DH of what 9 months without alcohol have been like for you, and make the most of it from that point of view! :lol: You're obviously making it far too comfortable for baby - how about a freezing cold shower?!? (yeah, I know, the drawback is it's uncomfortable for you too - but hey, no pain no gain... )
Happy New Year everyone!

Hope you all have a wonderful 2009, I cant wait to see all your little ones arriving this year and most of all I cant wait to see Sookies sticky BFP! Thank you all for being such lovely ladies, kind, understanding and honest! :) I hope to meet up with you sometime this year! :cheer:

Hope you all had a great time last night. Mike and I had a lovely time just the 2 of us drinking vodka shots and pear cider :? We played Lips all night and I have nearly lost my voice now singing Wuthering Heights, there is no way i can reach the high notes like Kate Bush!

Kmac - I really hope baby comes for you soon! :hug:

Hope you hear that heartbeat again soon Kitty :hug:

Mildly - what a handsome and proud young man you have there! he is absolutely gorgeous :D

Tasha - great news on the scan, so pleased all is ok for you.

ROM - so pleased that George has turned and you are more comfortable now :)
Sorry I havent got much time to post today as Im too busy having a 'turning 30 and having asolutely nothing to show for my life' crisis. I have been feeling sorry for myself for the last week to be honest, not helped by having an argument with my incredibly insensitive friend who told me I couldnt have an opinion on something to do with parenting because I am not a parent myself. :roll: I can happily say that this year she is not going to be a part of my life, good riddance to bad rubbish and all that. Its been a long time coming for her. This is the same person who when I told her about Mikes low sperm count she said that she still has to use protection with her husband even though he has had a vasectomy because he has such super sperm. :x Anyway Im 30 on Saturday and of course we are getting married this year, so thats one good thing, hopefully that will also mean we have a holiday together for the first time ever, but more than anything in the world I just want to have a baby :pray: I can hardly bare it anymore, we have been so patient, and I know we only have to wait about 5 months before we can start TTC again, Im just dreading it taking years to happen if at all :( Its already been 1 and a half years since we decided to start trying, I really just dont know what Ill do if it doesnt happen for us. Sorry I know Im being melodramatic. Its probably just birthday blues. So I think the best thing to do is to just drink from now until Sunday :lol:
Loola - I hope you have a great birthday!! And stop all this crisis malarky!! You've got a really exciting year to look forward to, and with all the positive changes you and your OH have made you are bound to get your BFP before you know it!!!! And it will be when the time is just right.
Sod your insensitive friend!!
Just think of everything that IS going to happen from now on in your life, don't dwell on the what might have been's!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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