Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Kmac have your got a birth ball?

I bounced on one after a 2mile walk, ate curry and sex :lol:

My water broke the next morning :wink:

Though if you dont have a birth ball, you could go down the stairs on your bum and I also read walking downstairs sideways helps? :lol: no idea how
Tasha :rotfl: sex???? :rotfl:
To be honest I gave that a go the other night but when it got to the erm critical point :oops: I just couldn't - bump was wriggling around way too much!!

I have heard about the stairs thing too but we live in a bungalow!!
something to do with sideways motion. Might get the WiiFit on the go - there is a hula hooping game on there!

I think we are planning curry tomorrow, and we also have a pineapple - will have Gaviscon on standby!

I don't have a birth ball but I have a gym ball - DH reinflated it for me last week, as it has been gathering dust for a while. Thing is, it's MASSIVE and i'm worried I fall off! Birth balls have a higher weight limit on them than gym balls - so I am also worried about bursting it!! Might go and give it a try though, you never know!
Hi Guys!

Hope that everyone is well and enjoying the silly season. I have my mum and sister staying here with us at the moment and that is why I have not been around. They leave tomorrow. It has been nice to see them, but we did have a big fight last night which wasn't so fun. Anyway, hopefully it will blow over.

Xmas was nice here too. And the summer weather seems to have arrived properly. I bought DH guitar hero and we have been a bit obsessed with that the last few days. Even Mum had a go LOL.

Loola - the tat looks good. It definitely makes the pixie look better.

Kmac - hope you're still feeling well. Looking forward to hearing some news soon.

Tasha - glad your scan went well. What a relief!

Babydust - you do sound a bit crazy! But whatever makes you happy!

Hi to everyone else. Had better go and socialise.

kmac said:
Tasha :rotfl: sex???? :rotfl:
To be honest I gave that a go the other night but when it got to the erm critical point :oops: I just couldn't - bump was wriggling around way too much!!

I have heard about the stairs thing too but we live in a bungalow!!
something to do with sideways motion. Might get the WiiFit on the go - there is a hula hooping game on there!

I think we are planning curry tomorrow, and we also have a pineapple - will have Gaviscon on standby!

I don't have a birth ball but I have a gym ball - DH reinflated it for me last week, as it has been gathering dust for a while. Thing is, it's MASSIVE and i'm worried I fall off! Birth balls have a higher weight limit on them than gym balls - so I am also worried about bursting it!! Might go and give it a try though, you never know!

:lol: hmmm yeah abit hard if you live in a bungalow

Wiifit could be a good choice!

Oh and as for the gym ball I know loads who used it instead of a "birth ball" and it was fine.

I bounced up and down quite hard for about 30 mins of so and on and off would roll my hips, really helped her get into position and im sure its what popped my waters.

Good luck! :lol:

Sookie :hug: I am so sorry you had a fight at home, I hope it blows over, Im sure it will :hug:
kmac said:
hi everyone!!

Nice pics Loola!!

Anna - hope you are ok today :hug:

Babydust - enjoy the wedding! and - are you crazy?? :D I would love to have 2 close together but i don't think we would be able to afford it :(

Tasha - glad you are feeling good!!

Well, I have absolutely NOTHING to report! Bump is pretty quiet today. I don't think anything is wrong, must just be having a lazy day - my ticker box thing says it should be sleeping!!
I did hope it would start today so DH would be here but never mind. He has taken monday off. I have a MW appointment and she said I could have a sweep if i want. it seems a bit early to start interfering but I would be happy if it worked!!

I will let you know if anything happens, and I wil be texting rom :)

Hope everyone is ok! :hug: :hug:
hiya i'm doing much better today thanks :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
well i've woken up with a headack so trying to drink as much as possible cas i tend to get headacks when i haven't slept well or am dehydrated so hoping i'm just dehydrated so i can drink loads and it'll go as i got loads of housework to do otherwise i'll be on sofa again all day lol i must do the housework lol
not much really going on here atm except on the 8th jan i have a scan on the babys heart :cheer: :cheer: i'm getting excited about that lol
Hi everyone...

Nothing to report here, just bumping us up!!

Have ordered a curry - waiting on it arriving!
I am really fed up. I feel like poop - i just want the inevitable over with!!
Haven't got anything positive to say so will just toddle off again.... hope you are all OK!!!

Get on your gym ball again! :lol:

Oh and if you can manage it try and have sex (i did say try :lol: )

:dance: Good luck hope you get to meet your bub soon!

Anna thats great you get to see bub again :hug:
Well, DH just treated me to an Indian. I had a chicken madras which was very nice and about as hot as i can manage.
So - curry...check
Will have a bounce on the ball once curry has gone down a bit.... check
May consider the unthinkable later on......
:lol: Well I was going to suggest eating pineapple, but I dont think that would go down toow ell after a curry, my goodness the heartburn would be horrendous! :puke:
Hi all
Just back from midwife. Head is a bit more engaged but apart from that nothing is happening. She tried to do a sweep but couldn't. It was really sore. And she wrote in my notes "failed sweep as too tense". SO now i feel like it's my fault. Looks like there is nothing going to be happening any time soon. I feel totally deflated and annoyed that DH took the day off for no reason - we were really hoping it would all start today. I have to go back next monday.
I feel really upset now :(

hope you are all having better days!
Aww Kirsty :hug: It will be here before you know it. I really hope you wont need the appt by next Monday. :hug:
Thanks :hug:
I'm sat here in tears and I don't really know why! Stupid!
DH not sure why either!!
Aw you are bound to be emotional especially when you thought baby would be on its way today or very soon, but dont worry, it could happen at any moment. :hug:
Hi all. Great tat Loola! What was the pixie supposed to be holding on the first tattoo? :lol:

On a more serious note sadly friends of ours baby died a week before he was due. They're not very close friends, we've already told our closest ones we're pg, but this couple are among the ones who we would tell once we'd had the scan. We are going to see them this week with a card. My concern is we are part of quite a small community and news has started to get out because I've been MIA so much, sleeping all the time, one or 2 have asked if I'm pg and I'm not going to lie when asked outright. So I've told people they don't need to keep it a secret anymore but not to go shouting it from the rooftops if that makes sense.

The question I'm asking is, how do we tell this couple we're pg? Do we do it when we go and see them? Or do we let them find out on the grapevine? I don't want to turn up saying sorry for your loss, but hey guess what?! But on the other hand if they find out through someone else will they feel hurt?

I know it's in no way close to their situation but after my m/c I hated the fact that friends didn't want to tell me they were pg, and I'd feel hurt and a bit of a leper when I'd find out through someone else. I know it's tiny in comparison but that's my reasoning for telling them. Or should I leave it to another time? I just think by the end of the week everyone will know.

It's such and terrible tragedy, and I don't want to add to their pain.

Sorry to bring thr mood of the thread down. :( I just don't know what to do.
Trudy that is a tricky one. Poor couple - I just cant imagine the pain they are going through :(
I guess the only thing to do is to think about how you would feel in their situation, would you want to hear about some friends having a baby when you had just lost yours? Probably not. I would give it a few weeks before telling them and if they hear about it before then, you can just explain that you didnt think it was appropriate to tell them at the time, Im sure they would understand that. :hug:

And re what my pixie was holding in the first tattoo - I have absolutely no idea! :lol: It was supposed to be a pretty flower, but looked more like a pumpkin!
Oh Trudy :hug: what a horrid position to be in - its a very real reminder that we are not out of the woods even when our LO's are near to cooking :?

I think if it was me I would want you to be the one to tell me - I would just explain that you have agonised over it long and hard but just wanted to let them know you are pregnant. I am sure although they will be very upset they will be pleased for you. :hug: :hug:

Jane x
Hi peeps, just another quick one to say Im still about, just very busy with my little booby monster! In fact, I can hear him stirring now.....
(PS I don't think I've even managed to tell you his name yet....its Harvey!) :D

Hope you are all ok :hug:
:hug: Oh KMAC I hope your baby makes an appearence soon :hug:

Trudy, im so sorry to hear that :( how afwul!
I would tell her myself if it were me, as I think it would be harder for her if she found otu through someone else.

Chok hun I am so pleased your booby monster is doing so well! oh and you of course! :cheer:

how is everyone else? Kitty are you back from your break? ( I think you said you went on a break? :lol: ) hope your ok hun :hug:
Hi Sarah :wave: Harvey is a fab name! Cant wait to see him :)
Thanks guys for all the advice. :hug: I think we'll go see them tomorrow and just listen and chat. Then maybe go on Saturday and tell them that we understand if they're not over the moon for us but didn't want them finding out down the line and just hope its the most tactful way of telling them. It really made me think, there but for the grace of God go I. :(

Anywho, dragging the thread back into happier thoughts. I heard the babies heartbeat today!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: got an angelsounds doppler and following Tasha and Kitty's advice found it almost straight away! I'm so relieved, I was convinced it was a blighted ovum. It has hit me now there is a real person in there, it's not make believe anymore. :shock:

Any news from Kmac?

Chok I love the name Harvey, glad he's well.

Loola that definitely wasn't a pretty flower! :lol: :lol:

HOpe everyone else is well and enjoying the break. :wave:

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