Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

:hug: Chok glad your home hun, hope your ok.

Kitty have a lovely Christmas!! :hug: I have a doppler too, waiting to use it after 11 weeks or so, though some people it works at 10 :o so we will see!

Kmac!! not long for you!!! :cheer:

ROM wow 96 mince pies! any for us? :lol:

Loola looking forward to seeing you tat and I hope your feeling better! :hug:

Mildy Merry Christmas!! :cheer:

Sally wow that is super quick!!! imagine if/when you have another how quick that will possibly be! :o
I am so pleased the feeding is going well :hug:

Babydust! pleased you have a good little booby monster there! I loved my bfing boobs too! so perky! :lol:

Sookie I hope your ok hun :hug:

Anna how are you hun? :hug:

Trudy I read your post in 1st tri abotu not feeling symptoms, I have hardley any, though they are stronger some days more than others, enjoy not having them! though I know how much fo a comfort it is to have them :hug:

Well as for me I have had no spotting for about 2 days :lol: wow! and my scan is tomorrow at 10 am! so nervous though im sure everything is fine :D
Good luck tomorrow Tasha :hug: :hug: sure everything will be fine!

Will be back on later - just going to waddle to the bus stop and go into town to meet the ladies from my NCT class for a coffee. I stayed in bed all morning to conserve energy - which I thought was a good excuse!
Hope everyone is having a good day!
Ooooooooooooooooooooo Tasha that is amazing!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I can't wait for mine to arrive now. Which one did you get? Mines an angelsounds one. Thanks for the hugs, I'm still dizzy and painful boobs, so I think the cold is masking all the other symptoms.

Not long now Kmac

Chok glad your home. You and Sally must post pics. You're letting the side down. :shakehead: :lol:

Loola hope you're not feeling too sore.

Hello to everyone else. :wave:
Hi ladies! :wave:

Glad everyone is doing well!

Well done Claire for getting into your Bridesmaid dress already! Thats fantastic!

Sally - 1 hour and 51 mins! Thats incredible! you must dread the hours and hours of hell that you may have to go through, then it takes less time than it would to watch a film! Sorry to hear that you couldnt get your homebirth though and you lost a lot of blood, I am so glad it all turned out ok though and little Isla is a happy girl! Cant wait to see her :)

Sarah - Glad you are home now! Have I missed what his name is or have you not decided yet? :) Cant wait to see him!

Sookie - I love the name Iggy! Never has 'Now I wanna be your dog' been so appropriate! :wink:

ROM- 96 mince pies! Bloody hell! I know you are eating for 2 but c'mon :wink:

kirsty - Look forward to hearing your news soon hun! though Im putting a bet on that you wont have your baby until my birthday, which is January 3rd. I hope for your sake it comes sooner than that as I dont want you to uncomfortable. Hope you have a lovely yuletide! :hug:

kitty - glad all is well with you and good luck with the doppler! Hope you have a fabulous Christmas :hug:

Tasha - I cant hear your baby at work but Ill check it out when I get home! that must be amazing! :cheer:

Trudy - hope you have a lovely Christmas! What are your plans? :hug:

Mildly - Happy first Xmas to baby Oscar, hope you all have a wonderful time! :cheer:

Anna - Merry Xmas to you and your bump too! :dance:

Rach - how are the twins? Not wearing you out too much I hope. Have a wonderful xmas :hug:

Really hope I havent forgotten anyone, If I have Im sorry, I will blame that on my bloody cold that Ive got :( I knew I was going to be ill for xmas. Ah well only half a day left in work now then a 4 day break! :cheer:
:D Yeah I got the Angelsounds Trudy, and ive replied to first tri post :hug:

Loola it is, still cant get over hearing it already!
Tee hee Trudy...you beat me to it! I was just coming on here to put some the photos on!

I hope you are all well?

Tasha & Trudy - I have the angelsounds one too. I found mine sooooo comforting in the beginning. When i could feel Isla wriggling inside me I started to use it less though! :lol:

Loola - Poor you for the cold :( It seems like everyone has it but what bad luck over xmas. Did I ever thank you for keeping everyone on here posted about Isla's arrival? :think: If not...thanks! :D oh...and come on...lets see the tat!

Chok - Great to hear that you are all OK...giving birth is quite traumatic isnt it! :shock: P.S...beat ya with the photos! :angel: :angel:

Kmac - Hope you are feeling OK...not long now and the waddling will be well worth it!

Hi Rom, Kitty, Flossy, Mildy, and all those I have forgotten!

OK so this is what was hiding in my bump for all those weeks! Meet my little Isla....I am so proud to be her mummy! 8)



sally12 said:
Tee hee Trudy...you beat me to it! I was just coming on here to put some the photos on!

:oops: Oops sorry Helen! :oops: I was just so excited to see her I couldn't help it. Sorry. Glad my favourite one is on there!! :cheer: :cheer:
Oh Sally she is absolutely perfect, what a beautiful little face! And no problem at all about letting everyone know, it was my pleasure, I got very excited when I saw I had a text from you!

Well MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU, YOUR PARTNERS, BABY'S AND BUMPS! Hope you have an absolutely fantastic few days!
Ooh and Ive just found out that my friends Seren and Mark are having a baby! :cheer: due on my Wedding Day! Im really genuinely pleased for them, especially Seren as she had a daughter stillborn a few years ago - I cant even begin to imagine how awful that must have been for her, it would be something I could never get over so I really hope this pregnancy goes well for her. She has had 2 scans already, and they have seen a heartbeat so all is good there. She is 8 weeks. :) I always feel so bad that people dread telling Mike and I that they are having a baby - thats the worst thing about people knowing you are TTC.
:hug: Oh Loola im so pleased for your friend, I understand what you mean I had it when I was ttc and especialy after having the miscarriage people would avoid it.

Well the scan went very well!! :dance:

The baby has upgraded from a fat nik nak to a jelly baby!

Moving little arms and legs!

I got a pic but cant find my lead so will upload later after I find the frigging thing.

The placenta has moved up but is on the other side from where it was before :think: but hey ho they couldnt find the cause for bleeding and she just said it was one of those things!

So with two positive scans, a heartbeat and moving baby I really think everything is going to be ok :cheer:

OMG im going to have another baby :rotfl: its just hit me :lol:

Good news Tasha!! Now you can relax and enjoy crimbo!! :cheer:

Sally - lovely pics! You must be very chuffed! :hug:

rom - happy anniversary! hope you are having a nice day!!

loola - hope your cold is on the way out? :hug:

How is everyone else?

I am starting to panic a bit now :? DH is working most of the time he only has tomorrow off. SO chances are when things kick off i'll be on my own, and it will take him an hour to get home. Also he only has 2 days off to take "whenever" (saving paternity leave for later) so I don't want him wasting those 2 days if I call him too soon iykwim??
My closest friend that lives nearby is going away, my mum is a bit far away too... And I have rented a TENS machine but I think I might need some help to stick the pads on my back!! There is an old lady next door but it seems a bit of an odd thing to ask her... aaaargh!! I think it's just sinking in properly now. I was in slight denial before!!

Hm.. anyway MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!! I'm sure i will still be lurking around on the forum as we aren't going anywhere tomorrow!!
All the best everyone
Hiya everyone, well i'm having a realy relaxed day today, i have cooked all the meat for xmas tomorow and am almost ready just need to get hubby to clean the living room and sort the kids stockkings out lol i feeling realy tired today and can't stop eating JUNK lol but it's xmas so i have a excuse lol i'll have to start eating healthy food again after xmas i don't want to put on too much weight, lil Mat is happily cooking along lol and is wriggling nicely lol last night i was in such a foul mood so went to bed and he decided to start flipping by my pubic bone either that or he was in a weird position so i didn't get to sleep till late lol the kids are gettign so excited about xmas and Emma keeps kissing my bump lol she keeps asking me when lil mat's here lol it's ages yet i'm only 21 weeks tomorrow, although james and hubby have felt lil mat kickking and you can also see my bump move when he kicks :D it's amasing lol
anyway i'm rambling now lol congrats everyone who has given birth and hopefuly kmac you'll go in to labour when hubby is about :D
Loola congrats on your friend being preggers, looking at your tickker you haven't too long till your wedding how are the plans going?

Well the polar express has just come on so going to sit own with james and emma to watch it
Merry christmas everyone i hope you all have a great time :hug: :hug: :cheer:
Claire I was only joking when I said Id be TTC with some of you again! :lol:

Well how did everyones xmas go? what pressies did you get?

I presume Kirsty that nothing has kicked off for you as yet?

I had a reallly love Christmas actually, I was kinda dreading going to Mikes parents as it would have been so crowded but we had a brilliant time, non stop laughter. :)

I finally have uploaded pics of my tattoo!


Its a little bit scabby there, but you can get the jist of it Im sure! Still dont like the pixie all that much but its much better than it was before:


I had some lovely presents too, perfume, jewellery, new hairdryer, clothes, makeup, smellies, books all my favourite things, oh and best of all the x-box game Fable 2 which has kept me occupied for the last few nights. In fact I stayed up til 5am on Christmas Day playing it, its quite addictive - its a fantasy game where your choices really make you change, for example if you are bad your face will start to get ugly, if you are good you will look nice. You really can do anything in this game, the first thing I did was go and find myself a husband and got myself up the duff immediately! :lol: I now have a baby boy called Seth :) Even better my husband stays at home all day looking after him whilst I go out and fight evil. Unfortunately I have eaten too many pies in the game at the moment, and Im on a diet of only celery so I can lose some weight. I think i should try this in real life too! :lol:
:cheer: Wow Loola great Tat!!

Thanks Babydust, yeah I feel much better now and its really sunk in now!

Anna I hope you had a lovely day :hug:

How are you feeling Kmac?

How is everyone else? :D
hi everyone!!

Nice pics Loola!!

Anna - hope you are ok today :hug:

Babydust - enjoy the wedding! and - are you crazy?? :D I would love to have 2 close together but i don't think we would be able to afford it :(

Tasha - glad you are feeling good!!

Well, I have absolutely NOTHING to report! Bump is pretty quiet today. I don't think anything is wrong, must just be having a lazy day - my ticker box thing says it should be sleeping!!
I did hope it would start today so DH would be here but never mind. He has taken monday off. I have a MW appointment and she said I could have a sweep if i want. it seems a bit early to start interfering but I would be happy if it worked!!

I will let you know if anything happens, and I wil be texting rom :)

Hope everyone is ok! :hug: :hug:

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