Hi everyone, I'm so sorry

I don't even have a good excuse - just end-of-term mayhem, people wanting forms filled in yesterday, essays not yet submitted to be returned last week, and all the normal kind of admin crap. Plus the whole palaver of present-buying, which I assume you've all had too, so that really doesn't count. I had 4 late nights in a row this week and I am shattered. I fell asleep at 7pm last night

We're supposed to be going to a party tonight but as I fainted this morning and have spent all day yawning, I've begged DH to go without me. So the poor sod has to drive himself back!

To be fair to me, he asked me on Thurs if I wanted to go to the party and I said no, so he then replied that we'd love to come. He said my 'no' was said in a resigned tone, so he assumed it was a 'yes'

I gave him a stern lecture on 'No means No'! And I thought he was enlightened...
ANYWAY - bloody hell! What's been going on in here this week?! CONGRATULATIONS to both Sally12 and Chok! I'm going to have to dig out an extra-special emoticon, I think - but it won't be tonight! Looking forward to pics - and sounds like a pretty speedy labour for both of you.
babydust - Zak's gorgeous! And hilarious about the party. My FIL did that recently - when MIL was visiting BIL & family in the US, we were looking after FIL for the weekends but had to leave him unattended during the week. The Sunday night - just a few hours after we'd left him, complete with instructions as to what meal was for what day (I'd cooked a load of stuff and put it in freezer cartons with post-its) - he turned up at his friends' house, a day early for dinner

We felt so guilty... I bet your DD didn't mind at all though - she got to dress up 2 days in a row!
Sookie -

I know what you mean. Seriously, in October I was all over the place. I wasn't even sure I'd ovulated and I just threw a major wobbly and said I didn't care if I hadn't yet, we weren't going to BD any more, I didn't want to try. I went from being desperate to try again one day to thinking I never wanted to ttc the next. We'd been trying for over a year, too, and the anembryonic pregnancy was the final straw. I felt like I'd failed and I didn't want to fail again. Then of course I got pg and immediately started bleeding profusely... I don't think there are any answers, or any surefire feel-good methods. You're bound to feel crap, and your emotions are going to be all over the place. I think that the only thing that you can do is recognise that and cut yourself some slack. Some of us just aren't meant to have it easy. It's difficult to accept. It would be a shame if you left us, but you need to do what you need to do. However, you should remember that a lot of us do understand exactly what you're going through, and it's absolutely fine to go away and come back as you need to, and that you can rant on here as much as you need to and we'll be here for you

(p.s. it really helped me whilst I was going through the D&Cs and everything that so many docs kept telling me that a blighted ovum is usually the body's way of doing a test run at pg, and that over 90% of women conceive again within 6 months).
Loola - 4 hours on a tattoo!

Where's the 'extreme pain' emoticon?! I think you're totally mad! But then, I don't even have my ears pierced, I'm such a wuss! I did once, but I fainted when trying to turn the studs, so my friend had to remove them for me whilst I was unconscious

I'm sure it will look great, but... OW!
Tasha, glad the bleeding has stopped! You, Trudy and I will have to do some belly pics soon - not that I have much of one, I just look a bit podgy.

to everyone else, my brain can't remember who posted what

Is it my bedtime yet?!