Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Sookie :hug: :hug: :hug: It's totally understandable how you feel - you are most definitely not a whinger!! And it must be hard when there are people popping babies out left, right and centre :hug: :hug: You have had a lot to deal with lately don't be too hard on yourself. Only you know how you really feel about ttc again - maybe just take a slightly more casual approach if you can. Maybe once your cycles have settled down you would know when the right time to try would be. :hug: :hug:

I was online yesterday but not really paying attention and suddenly everyone is popping!
Congrats to Sally and good luck to Chok!! :cheer:
Starting to feel a bit scared now!!

I have to go and start making a trifle! Got my parents coming for "Christmas" dinner tomorrow as we are just staying home alone on Christmas Day (in case anything happens!). So I am away to be very liberal with the sherry!!

We have baby Chok news!! :cheer: :cheer: Just to let u know sarah had a baby boy it was born at 1443hrs waying in at 8.7 lbs both are doing well
?I hope my baby comes out that quick! CONGRATULATIONS Mr & Mrs Chok!
Yay to Sarah! huge congratulations to you and your man and well done lady! Cant wait to see him and finding out his name! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

How lovely for Sally and Sarah to have babies only a day apart :)

Sookie - great to hear from you and I know exactly what you mean when you have been trying for over a year it does get very depressing, but keep your chin up hun, it will happen for you soon Im sure of it. :hug: Please dont go away though hun, I really miss you around here! I would absolutely love to see MGMT. Your tattoo idea sounds cool, have you got any tattoo's already?

Well Ive had my tattoo done and it took over 4 hours! :shock: It bloody killed! It started off fine but by the end I really was in pain and just wanted it to be over. Its pretty much covered my whole back, and at one point he had a tool with 13 needles on it! :shock: I am very pleased with it though and Im sure it will be worth the pain once its healed. Ill post some pics but at the moment its very red and covered with cream and clingfilm.

Looks like Sarah was giving birth at the same time I was having my tattoo finished, so again I went through the pain! :wink: Hope your turn comes soon Kirsty!
Hi sookie, sorry was using phone to update before as had to dash to hospital with DH suspected twisted testicle. Home now. Not sure what it is probably infection, but it gave me a good giggle seeing him having all his bits poked in a very cold room! :lol:

Sookie its ompletely normal to feel the way you do. It seems like others fall so easliy, I'm 9 weeks pg and still get cross with the Ooops I don't know how it happened brigade. Mean I know. A year is a long time, yes it's normal but it's still a long time. You take time to get yourself settled at home. It's a big upheaval, do what DH suggested, just have sex not BDing. Try it for 6 months, yes you will still wonder every month when you ovulated but try and concentrate on getting your life back together, then if nothing has happened you can go back to all the charts etc. You've got alot going on at the moment. No wonder your stressed!!! Just enjoy your puppy, they grow so quick. Give him lots of cuddles when you're down, worked for me. He a right spoilt brat now though!! :roll:

Loola - you must be mad! Can you not take painkillers? Glad it's over bet you are too!

Hello everyone else? :wave: Where is Kitty? :think:
I have been wondering and worrying where Kitty has got to myself, I hope she is just very busy with work.

Sookie I totally agree with the others, If you can chill and have fun TTC then hopefully that will help. It almost feels naughty so say it as we are all chartstalkers after all, but Im not going to go back to charting when we start TTC again. Well not straight away thats for sure. It put so much strain on our relationship, if I go back to the way I was before, i wont be married for very long. Saying that if Mike goes back to the way he was drinking back then we wont be married very long either! :lol:

I can safely say that I wont be having any more tattoos for a while now. Not until I forget how bad the pain is (im sure thats what people say about labour too) so maybe in a year or 2. I couldnt afford another one yet anyway! that one just cost me £200!
Give me a chance - not even at due date yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey girls! :wave:

Isla is sleeping but i cant because im too pleased with myself to have made her! :oops: :lol: so i thought i would pop on to say hi. Thanks for all of your lovely thoughts and massive congratulations to Chok!!! Great news :dance: and kmac, im so pleased that your cat came back! :D

babydust - sorry to hear about your papa, i hope you are all OK :hug:

Loola - well done with the tattoo...you are brave (4 hours?! :shock: Thats longer than my labour! :lol: )

Sookie - im sorry that you are feeling so low. Please have lots of these :hug: Im praying that you get a BFP very soon

Tasha - Glad the bleeding has stopped and what a great b day Olivia has!

Well everything is great here! Im sorry that i couldnt keep you guys more informed about the labour. I looked at my notes today and labour time is recorded as 1hr 51mins! :shock: I will put my birth story in the other thread soon and hope to get some piccies asap too but here are the basics...

I didnt get my homebirth because I lost a lot of blood :( It was all a bit scary and there were far too many doctors and instruments involved for my liking but it all happened very quickly and we are all well so i cant complain! I managed a toot on the gas and air which i dont think they actually turned on as it had no affect at all! There was not enough time to even consider any other pain relief!

Litttle Isla is fantastic and im overwhelmed to be a mummy! The feeding is going well, I only wish i could sleep when she does - i think im still too excited! :oops:

Hope to get on here again soon. Sorry to those who I have missed...my head is a bit fuzzy. Hope you are all well and thanks again for all your messages :hug: x
Wow Helen. You must be over the moon! Great to hear that you are both doing well and that despite some concerns with the labour, it went smoothly. Welcome Isla!

And now Sarah too!!! A HUGE CoNgRaTs!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: What a week!

Loola, Trudy, Kmac, Babydust thanks for all your hugs and support. I'm ok really. Probably the AF blues. Anyway, we'll just see what happens. It's only been a year and a half after all :roll:

Yes, where is Kitty? Hope you're well and just busy with end of year stuff!

Hi ROM :wave: I hope George is doing well.

Ok, so puppy is home and sleeping now. We called him Iggy. He's in his crate and looks so cute! DH has gone off to get supplies to try to dog proof a part of the back yard. It's a bit of a nightmare really because the yard is all hilly and golden retrievers aren't allowed to climb or jump stairs until they're 9 months because of potential hip damage (prone to hip displasia), so we're confined to a small porch area, and the only spot for toileting is small and full of stones and bits of tanbark. So we're trying to make it as safe as possible... time will tell I guess. I will post some photos to the photobucket site later.

Loola, MGMT are great. They were just better at Werchter. No, no tatoos as yet. You're one brave woman! 4 hours! Can't wait to see a pic.

Babydust, I had been meaning to say sorry about your papa :hug:

And Kmac - also very glad the cat returned :cheer:

Ok, enjoy your saturday ladies! :wave:
Oh Kmac got carried away with all the excitment of babies being born :oops: 7 days will fly by with Christmas inbetween :D Josh's birthday is on the 29th December and I remember that christmas so well :D We had a quiet christmas at home with me just about able to reach the cooker :D :D :D Hope you managed to finish off the trifle x

Claire lovely to see you - it sounds like you house is a busy place :D Have the girls finished school for Christmas now?

Tasha happy birthday honey - hope that bleeding has all gone now. :hug:

Sally Isla sounds like a real sweetie - not sure what to say about your birthing experience :shock: Loosing lots of blood must have been really scary but I am sure you feel she is worth it now :hug:

Sookie what a lovely name Iggy is, hope he settle OK in his new home :hug:

Laura I think you are really brave getting a tattoo!! Hope it isnt hurting too much. :hug:

Hmmm yes where is Kitty? Hope you are OK honey :hug:

Right I have drunk 2 glasses of milk and half a bottle of gaviscon so I am going to try and get back to sleep...... heartburn is horrid :puke:

Jane x
Hi everyone, I'm so sorry :oops: I don't even have a good excuse - just end-of-term mayhem, people wanting forms filled in yesterday, essays not yet submitted to be returned last week, and all the normal kind of admin crap. Plus the whole palaver of present-buying, which I assume you've all had too, so that really doesn't count. I had 4 late nights in a row this week and I am shattered. I fell asleep at 7pm last night :oops: We're supposed to be going to a party tonight but as I fainted this morning and have spent all day yawning, I've begged DH to go without me. So the poor sod has to drive himself back! :lol: To be fair to me, he asked me on Thurs if I wanted to go to the party and I said no, so he then replied that we'd love to come. He said my 'no' was said in a resigned tone, so he assumed it was a 'yes' :shock: I gave him a stern lecture on 'No means No'! And I thought he was enlightened...

ANYWAY - bloody hell! What's been going on in here this week?! CONGRATULATIONS to both Sally12 and Chok! I'm going to have to dig out an extra-special emoticon, I think - but it won't be tonight! Looking forward to pics - and sounds like a pretty speedy labour for both of you.

babydust - Zak's gorgeous! And hilarious about the party. My FIL did that recently - when MIL was visiting BIL & family in the US, we were looking after FIL for the weekends but had to leave him unattended during the week. The Sunday night - just a few hours after we'd left him, complete with instructions as to what meal was for what day (I'd cooked a load of stuff and put it in freezer cartons with post-its) - he turned up at his friends' house, a day early for dinner :( :lol: We felt so guilty... I bet your DD didn't mind at all though - she got to dress up 2 days in a row!

Sookie - :hug: :hug: :hug: I know what you mean. Seriously, in October I was all over the place. I wasn't even sure I'd ovulated and I just threw a major wobbly and said I didn't care if I hadn't yet, we weren't going to BD any more, I didn't want to try. I went from being desperate to try again one day to thinking I never wanted to ttc the next. We'd been trying for over a year, too, and the anembryonic pregnancy was the final straw. I felt like I'd failed and I didn't want to fail again. Then of course I got pg and immediately started bleeding profusely... I don't think there are any answers, or any surefire feel-good methods. You're bound to feel crap, and your emotions are going to be all over the place. I think that the only thing that you can do is recognise that and cut yourself some slack. Some of us just aren't meant to have it easy. It's difficult to accept. It would be a shame if you left us, but you need to do what you need to do. However, you should remember that a lot of us do understand exactly what you're going through, and it's absolutely fine to go away and come back as you need to, and that you can rant on here as much as you need to and we'll be here for you :hug: (p.s. it really helped me whilst I was going through the D&Cs and everything that so many docs kept telling me that a blighted ovum is usually the body's way of doing a test run at pg, and that over 90% of women conceive again within 6 months).

Loola - 4 hours on a tattoo! :shock: Where's the 'extreme pain' emoticon?! I think you're totally mad! But then, I don't even have my ears pierced, I'm such a wuss! I did once, but I fainted when trying to turn the studs, so my friend had to remove them for me whilst I was unconscious :oops: I'm sure it will look great, but... OW!

Tasha, glad the bleeding has stopped! You, Trudy and I will have to do some belly pics soon - not that I have much of one, I just look a bit podgy.

:wave: to everyone else, my brain can't remember who posted what :oops: Is it my bedtime yet?!
Hi everyone, sorry to read and run but just wanted to send congratulations to babydust, Sally and chok on the birth of your LOs :cheer:

Hope to have a proper read through the thread after Christmas when things aren't so hectic.

Merry Christmas everyone :D
Hi everyone!

Hope you are all ok - we had slipped away down the page!!

Hi mildly!! :wave:

Things are ok with me - I am just waiting.... and waiting some more...
I overdid things on Saturday - we got up really early to go to the Post Office, M&S food bit and Morrisons. At least we are all stocked up for Christmas now. Then my parents came for dinner, which was ok but I was just SOOO tired I coud hardly keep my eyes open. My dad wanted to stay until the end of Strictly Come Dancing but thankfully my mum decided it was time to go. I went to bed and slept right through until 10 yesterday morning, then dozed for most of the rest of the day too!

Anyway, was up nice and early this morning as couldn't get comfy. I have just been sorting out all my contacts on hotmail as when I was writing Christmas cards i realised I didn't have the correct details for some people - so that was an exciting job! All done now though!

Well, that's the extent of excitement levels in my house! What's everyone else up to?
I'm off to make a cup of tea and see what rubbish is on the telly!!

Ooh Kirsty not long to go now! Are you hoping for a xmas day baby?

I feel sick, its my own fault partly because I drank way too much at the Gary Numan party - which was awesome by the way :) but I am also ill with this horrible cold thingy thats going around. I was really hoping that work would be quiet this week but its not. I should be wearing tinsel and eating cake but no its just the same as always, me arguing with tenants :roll:

I really will post pics of my tattoo soon. Its looking a lot better now that the redness has gone down. I just need to get Mike to take a pic of it :)
Let us see pics of the tat!! hope your cold thingy clears up before christmas!

Am i hoping for a Christmas Day baby?? To be honest I don't know.. in one way I just want it out now and I don't care what day it is. On the other hand it would be rubbish to have your birthday on Christmas day I think. Plus we have bought ourselves a nice dinner from M&S and I don't want to miss that!
If it came right now I would be happy..... maybe I should go and buy some pineapples and jump on the husband when he gets home although I would probably flatten him and I can honestly say I have never felt less like getting jiggy in my life!
curry, cranberry juice and pineapple for pudding... what a delicious baby-inducing feast! :lol: I guess the last few days of waiting are hard enough, without the added stress of it being Christmas.

Loola - I sort of want to see your tattoo and sort of DON'T! :lol: It all sounds far too painful and I know that I will wince when I see your photo! You're just rubbing it in about the drink now, aren't you?

Well, this is just a quick one from me as I have shedloads still to do, and off to the in-laws tomorrow... Had my midwife appt this morning, all's fine. Best of all, I told her I was so worried I'd ordered a doppler, and she offered to have a go at finding the hb on the clinic one, though she warned me it was very early and might not be possible. I decided I'd rather she tried, b/c then I wouldn't even bother having a go - and at least she could show me what to do. Anyway after about 4 or 5 minutes of searching, she finally found it, :cheer: :cheer: I'm feeling very happy now. I know we've had 2 scans, both showing the hb, but even so, all that bleeding... and the last scan was almost 3 weeks ago, a lot can happen between 8 and 11 weeks. When I got home, the postie was just delivering to our road - and had my doppler. I've not bothered opening it yet but will probably do so over Christmas, to see if I can find the hb for DH.

If I don't post again, I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas. We're away from tomorrow morning till the 28th, with no internet access/email. So I will probably return to news of kmac's baby - and hopefully to photos of Chok's and Sally12's! Hope you're all doing ok.
Kittykins said:
So I will probably return to news of kmac's baby - and hopefully to photos of Chok's and Sally12's! Hope you're all doing ok.

Yikes! I'm starting to get a bit freaked out now!
My friend popped round a while ago and she said "the next time I see you. you'll have your baby"...aargh! Somehow I was convincing myself there is plenty time to see everyone once more before the fun starts!

Anyway, glad all was well at the MW Kitty - don't get too obsessed and be doppler-ing your poor baby every 5 minutes. I didn't get one because I knew i would!

Have a nice relaxing Christmas Kitty! :hug:
:wave: hi everyone - Kitty have a wonderful christmas and what a lovely way to start, dopplers are great if you dont get too hung up on them I think - some days in the beginning I couldnt find the HB as he would be really low down - I have to be honest I still use mine now occasionally just for a bit of reassurance especially if he has been a bit quiet....

Kmac - my phone is fully charged and waiting :) - Josh was due Christmas Eve but didnt come until 29th December - to be honest I think anytime in this christmas week is difficult with birthdays, when he was little we used to make sure he didnt have joint presents as we didnt think that was fair - the other pet hate was that people would use christmas wrapping paper for his birthday pressie!! He was once asked what he wanted for his birthday (he was about 7) to which he replied "it in July!!!"

Loola I'm looking forward to seeing your tattoo - I cannot imagine how painful it must be to have one done :?

I've had a really busy day - cleaned the house from top to bottom and have baked 96 mince pies!! :D :D My back is killing me and I have promised my mum I will go to Tesco's with her after work..... She is on her own and hates doing christmas stuff alone..... :(

I'm off to grab a quick lie down with a hot water bottle to see if I can get rid of this pain.......

Love to you all

Jane x
Hello peeps just a very quick one from me....
Sorry to have not kept you more updated thro text but its been very hectic, We only got out of the hosp today (and only out of the recovery room yesterday!) so I havent had my phone on at all and Hubby has been glued to my side! Will explain more later when I can actually think straight! but dont worry, Baby is great (and so so gorgeous), its just me thats a bit of a mess! :roll:
Sally, sounds like we had similar things going on, quick labour then being surrounded by medical people scaring us! Hope you are doing well :hug:
Will be back asap with more.....
Im so happy that I managed to get out for xmas!!!! :cheer:

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