Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

kmac - yep - its odd looking at it so near the end isnt it! :shock:

Tasha Hun I hope you are ok :hug:

Babydust - OMG he is just so adorable! :D

Trudy - STOP IT WOMAN, think good thoughts......and stop going places that are going to worry you.....:hug: I hope you are ok

Loola - oooh tattoo time is nearly here (brave woman!)

Flossy - hope you have a good one on Sat.

Sally - shall I have words with your LO and you have words with mine..? I think kids listen less to their parents than to other adults so maybe we should have words with each others offspring and tell them to get a shift on? :lol:

Anna - Congrats on a boy

Kitty, Sookie, ROM - hope you are all doing ok?
:oops: who did I miss this time?
One of our cats has gone missing :(
She dashed out the cat flap at about 1.30 this afternoon and she hasn't been back since :(
This is very unlike her, and if she is out in the evening she always comes in at half past nine for a sit on my knee. ALWAYS.
I am getting really worried and starting to panic a bit....
I feel bad because I gave her a fright and that's why she went out in the first place :(
I'm so worried!! Sorry, I know it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things :oops:
:wave: morning ladies,

Its difficult to keep up with all thats going on :D

Chok, Sally and Kmac (I've got my phone at the ready :D ) good luck, hopefully not long now.....

I love the nursery Sally, what a lucky little girl she is :D

Kmac replied in your cat is missing thread but I really hope he comes home soon :hug:

Tasha I am sorry you are being put through this worry - I am sure it will be fine - use the hospital for reassurance I am sure they wont mind and will understand honey :hug:

Anna :cheer: for baby boys :D

Well I'm off to the midwife this morning - just a normal check up, blood pressure etc - I am so uncomfortable by the evening I am sure George is still breech - hopefully she can give him a poke..... My best friend rang yesterday to tell me they have arranged a "baby shower" for me on the 9th January - its lovely of them to do it but I am a bit :oops: I really dont like the idea of people feeling they have to buy me a gift...... I have asked her to tell everyone it will be lovely to spend an evening together but not to feel they have to splash out on baby stuff. We have stopped buying stuff now and are waiting until after Christmas to finish off his nursery and get the bits he needs - I have the feeling we are going to get lots of baby stuff for our christmas pressies :D

Love to everyone else and hope all the Christmas preparations are not driving you all too mad :hug:

Jane x
Hi guys well I've mentally given myself a slap, no more mc sections for me! :shakehead:

Right I hope I don't forget anyone.

Sally - gorgeous pics. I'd like to sleep there never mind your LO!
Tasha - hope you get some answers soon and that it's just your placenta moving. :hug:
ROM - Maybe you can get Sally and Chok to have a word with George and get him to shift round a bit.
Flossy - Have a great time Sat.
Anna - congrats on a boy.
Chok - glad baby's heart is all good.
Sookie - welcome back. What's your puppys name? Is it a lab or golden retreiver? I still don't know the difference! :D It'd be great to see you if you come over.
Loola - how exciting! I'd forgotten about the party. That's going to be so cool. I hope the tat isn't too sore so that you can still dance.
Chok, Sally and Kmac hope the babies come soon for you.
Hi Kitty I know you posted but I can't remember what you said. :oops: The review isn't long enough. I hope all is well and that the family thing has resolved itself now. Where did you get your groovy new smilie?!
Kmac - I hope your cat comes home soon and that your mum's results are good.

Sorry if I've forgotten anyone. My head is all over the place. The doc wants to see if he can lower my AntiDs. There isn't a problem taking them in pregnancy, but they were upped to 30mg when I mc'd so it's been over a year and he wants to see if I can manage on 20mg. I know it'll take a couple of weeks for my brain to deal with the change but it just means I get even more confused than normal. Especially with lots of information. Mixed with the baby brain I'm a gibbering wreck. :lol:

Prime example was the doc gave me a referral letter to ring on Monday. I completely forgot then couldn't face the phone call. Thought I've got to do it before I see the midwife today, so called and got and appointment for 22nd Jan 8:50. I asked the girl what it was for, she said it's your scan date! :shock: :cheer: :doh: I rang DH straight away and he said well the doc did say call this for your scan date on Monday. I really don't remember him saying that. He couldn't understand why I'd not rang sooner. I'm finishing early for midwife then I've got tomorrow and Friday off. Can't wait going to :sleep: Lots
Kmac hun it is a big deal! I would be totally in panic if my cat had gone missing. :hug: I really hope you find her safe and sound.

ROM - good luck with the appt today, hope he will move around for you soon.

This is a very vague design idea for my tattoo, what do you girls think? sorry its so big! i already have the pixie thing so its basically adding the leaves and swirls around it.

Trudyscrumptious76 said:
Oooo won't that hurt? I love it it's so pretty. Can the pixie not be turned into a leaf? :lol:

:lol: I cant stand the pixie! Mike HATES it! It was my first tattoo and its rubbish, however I have faith in my tattooist Chris that he will make it look much better than it does now. :pray: Its going to kill! Its going to take more than 3 hours. Ill probably faint - I usually feel like Im about to when I have them done, Im obviously a glutton for punishment. Ill just drink loads of lucozade, hopefully that will keep me alive!
Loola - that looks painful! :hug: :hug:

Still no news on the cat :(
However, my mum did go out of her way to come round and keep me company until DH got home from work - she took a 45 min bus journey each way and she still has to get back to Glasgow after that (another hour). Maybe she does care! And I was at MW appointment for half the time she was here!
The news from that was that baby's head is engaged and we are good to go :shock: so i am scared now!

I'm off to eat something - not had much all day and feeling a bit odd now. I'm sure i have to stop crying sometime soon!

:wave: and :hug: to everyone
Girlies I have news! :cheer:

I just had this text from Sally!

"Hi Loola, Sally here, Urm... I've had her! It was all very quick so no chance to text you! No homebirth unfortunately as there were complications but Isla Rosie Johnson was born at 7.21 this morning weighing 6lbs 5oz. Both of us doing well! Back on the forum soon!"

so HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO SALLY & HUBBY AND WELCOME BABY ISLA! Well done hun! Cant wait to see her and what a wonderful Christmas present! :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:

Wahoo Welldone Sally!!!! :cheer:

Oh and shes had her on Olivias birthday too!!! :dance:

Just letting you all know there is no more bleeding and I have my scan next week to check everything on Christmas eve :hug:

Hope you are all well :hug:
I think I may have been having sympathy pains with Sally this morning as I had the worst period cramps ever :( all done now though! :) Being a text buddy is more than its cracked up to be! :wink:
reallyoldmum said:
Go Sally - please can I have a labour like that

I second that!!!
Congrats Sally!!! :cheer: :cheer:

Glad the bleeding has stopped Tasha - that must be a huge relief!!

I am very happy now my cat is back!! I'm off to give her lots of cuddles and chill out a bit - it's been a HORRIBLE couple of days. Christmas is back on!!!!!!! :cheer:
Yay its good news all round! so pleased your kitty is back Kirsty :hug:

Tasha great news that the bleeding has stopped, good luck for the scan next week!

Oh and Happy Birthday Olivia! :cheer:
:shock: Goodness me these babies are coming thick and fast. Pictures please?? You've got no excuses babydust did it in 3 days! We're counting down Sally! :lol: Welome to the world baby Isla.

Well not to be out done on the text buddy stakes I have news from Sarah (Chok)

Ahhh! My waters went at about 7 & I'm having contractions, they aren't lasting that long at the mo. Got 2go into hospital so they can check it was definitely my waters, tho Im in no doubt it was a massive pop&a gush, & they r stil trickling. They will prob send me home but I will try to keep u updated

Oooooo another CS baby on the way! :cheer: :cheer:
OMG!! Chok goodluck, omg im welling up :cry: :cheer: all these babies coming along! its so exciting!!

Thanks everyone, bleeding still at bay! and still feel very pregnant :lol: my belly has started to pop out now though im sure most of it is bloating :lol:

Kmac I am soo pleased you kitty has come back, must be a huge relief!

Oh Loola I forgot to say I like your tat design, show us when its done :cheer:

How are you Kitty? ROM? Trudy? Sookie?

Anna congrats on the boy hun :dance:

I am going to be team green girls this time, going to wait until the birth to find out the sex, adds to the excitement! and im having a home waterbirth :cheer: hopefully it will go to plan this time :)

Olivia had a good day yesterday and had lots of nice new things to play with and read so hopefully she will sit down for 5 mins and give me rest :lol: (no such luck :talkhand: )

Hope you are all well :cheer:

And hope Babydust and Sally are doing well with their new editions! :cheer:
Hi Ladies :wave:

so a HUGE CoNgRaTs to Sally12! Isla must have heard us all talking about her and decided she needed to be in on the conversation! And now Chok too! Yay!!! How exciting. I hope that you're both doing well and can't wait to see some pics.

Tasha, I hope you are ok hun. So glad the bleeding has stopped. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Trudy! What are you like! Back away from the mc section! Seriously, good to hear you're feeling better. :hug: The dog is a golden retriever. They're fairly similar to labs. Goldens have longer, sometimes curlier coats. And of course they are different breeds. Some say Goldens are more mentally stable than labs, but I don't know what truth there is in that. They're both sporting or gun dogs breed to retrieve out of water. He has no name as yet. But maybe Iggy.

Loola - so nice to be back too! Love the leaves. Very pretty. They should improve the pixie a lot. Looking forward to seeing an update. I am planning a tat this summer too. It's a bear with stars coming out of his mouth. Still very much in planning stages at the moment. It's an hommage to My Morning Jacket (some cover art). About the festival, the line up was only average. Holy F**k from Canada were by far the stand outs. AMAZING. You have to see them if you get a chance. They are like Mogwai gone electro. Rockin! MGMT played but were only average. I loved them in June at Werchter. They said that this was their last show of a 16 month tour, so I figure they were a bit over it. Saul Williams was great. But the rain really did hinder things. We're not used to it here!!!! We all melted away...

Hi to everyone else :wave: :wave: :wave: hope you're all doing well.

So AF arrived today. I am happy but sad too. It's kind of brought home the reality of the anembryonic pregnancy for me. I've also had terrible PMS and have been teary all the time. It's really beginning to piss me off. I'm like a tap. Plus, I'm feeling really weird about trying again. I found myself saying to DH that I wasn't sure that I wanted to try again now. I think it must be a coping mechanism, but I can't really work out what my motives are to be honest. I know that I'm tired of TTC, and the thought of going through all of this again is so depressing and overwhelming. Things here have been so crazy for me too. Returning to Oz, returning to a former workplace and taking over a grade at the end of the year, buying and moving into a new house, and the miscarriage. It has all been a lot to deal with. Plus tomorrow we bring the puppy home (yay!) Maybe it's just that I need a breather. I don't know. I feel very confused about my feelings. DH seemed shocked that I was having doubts and thinks we should just keep trying but not in a too determined way, to try to make it less stressful. The thing is it's the only way I know now! It's also weird with so many of you having babies at the moment. I can remember before you even arrived in chartstalkers! And here I am with AF again. Sorry that sounds moany and self-pitying. I don't feel any jealousy or anything, It's just kind of depressing.

Another whinge... why is it that when people hear that you've been trying for over a year instead of saying, yeah that sucks, it's a long time", they say öh, that's very normal though!" 'I know they're trying to be comforting or reassuring, but I'd just like some acknowledgment that the frustration and disappointment I feel are justified, not normalised! Sorry to be a whinger.

I think I had best say bye. Take care everyone.

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