Tasha, hope you are ok. Let us know what the midwife says
Claire - Zak is so cute!!! He looks like a very contented little chap!
Chok - hope you are managing to relax a bit now!
Trudy - hope you are ok. Loola is right - stop looking at the mc section - you will only feel worse
Loola - good luck for Friday! I could never get a tattoo - ouch!
Flossy - happy birthday for Saturday!!

to kitty, rom, sally, sookie and anyone i have forgotten!
I am having a quiet day today. Went and got my hair cut. I considered drastic but chickened out and just got a trim instead! I am finding it really hard to walk now, it really hurts down beow!!
I started cleaning the house before i went out, so I guess I could finish it off....

although I am really just avoiding writing Christmas cards which for some reason I hate doing!! Every day DH comes home and asks if I have started them yet! I have to do it as his writing is so messy!!
I'm feeling a bit sentimental these days. I just keep thinking about how lucky I am to have my DH. He's so lovely and I just don't know what I would do without him

must be these flipping hormones! I sobbed all the way through the X Factor final on Saturday!
Right - hope eeryone is having a good day! I'm off to make a cheese toastie!!!