Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

congrats claire! And so pleased hes took to breastfeeding x

Goodluck chok hun x

Hope every1 else is well, i havnt been on much as me and oli have had that vile norovirus :(

But i hope ur all ok x
Hi Everyone! :wave:

Well a wave of recent emails has made me realise how much I miss you all and brought me back to the forum. Things have been insane here and I have barely had enough time to eat and sleep.We moved into our new house a couple of weeks ago and things are just getting sorted out now. School has been crazy, especially with writing reports on kids I have only known a term! But the end is nigh (Friday!) and then we are on summer holidays for 6 weeks. Mind you, it doesn't feel mush like summer here. I was at a music festival on the weekend and it rained from the moment we got there at 1pm on Friday until we left on Sunday morning. No joke. It didn't stop once! We are supposedly in the midst of a 10 year drought here! I've never seen it rain like that here. Then on Sunday we found out that it was the wettest day of the year! And about 14 degrees. All of December's rainfall fell in one day. Needless to say it was wet! It is a camping festival with no covered areas - all outdoors including the stage. Anyway, we still had fun but I am feeling sick now :?

So I just replied to the emails. But again, Kitty :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm thinking of you.

And Babydust :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!! :hug: I am so pleased that it all went well. Welcome to Zak!

Hi to everyone else :wave: ROM, Kmac, trudy, Sally, Tasha - Sorry for being a crap ex-chartstalker. Chok :hug: hope you're holding up ok. Loola! I've missed you! :hug:

As far as TTC we haven't been trying this month anyway. I think I just ovulated last week. So hopefully I will get AF soon. After that we'll probably start again. I think that I needed a complete break for a while. It's all so emotionally draining. PLus with being so busy I haven't had too much time to think about it lately, a good thing! We are finally getting our puppy on Saturday!!! A golden retriever, and I'm sure he'll keep me busy for a bit anyway. Actually, I'm going to email you all a photo now.

I am very excited about the meet up. Yes!! I will webcam/skype you all. Sounds terrific. On another note, it seems that DH is going to present at a conference in Edinburgh at the end of June, and I should be coming too as it falls into the school holidays. So maybe there'll be an opportunity to do something then too?!

Take care,
hiya chock i just been reading the posts :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i too have heared it's common in pregnancy, i have to have the special heart scans as i have a heart problem (no valves in one of my ventricles which were replaces with tissue ones and now need replacing every 15-20 years or so and i had a masive hole in my heart which was closed up with a homagraft) i was given a 25% chance of servival and aparently couldn't have kids oh and i am ment to be in a weelchair :doh: ummmm well i'm not lol i'm perfectly healthy except my heart which gets monitored every 6 months (every month when preggers) and i have 2 children and oviously 1 on the way, the scans they do on the babys heart are amasing, you get to see their heart pumping away and see the blood flow in there too it is truly amasing although they do say that if there is anything serious they will pick it up at the 20 week scan or at this scan however they can't always pick up minor problems, i so hope the scan goes when you have it, hopefuly they will get their arses into gear and do it asap and if there is anything wrong you can prepare yourselfs but i am sure all will be ok and it's one of them things (i am sure i read somewere irregular heart beat is common in pregnany)

Well i keep forgetting about this thread :oops: :oops: i really should post lol you all probaly know we had our 19 week scan the other day it was amasing we found out we are having a lil boy lol we saw all his oogly bits :lol: :lol: we are just over the moon if you go into tri 2 you'll see the scan pics 1 is of him suckking his thumb, he did it all the way though the scan :) we had happy tears it was so amasing :cheer:
Hi everyone

Hope you are all well.

Babydust - im so pleased everything went so well. Although we dont seem to have been shown any piccies yet! :shakehead: I love the name Zak...it was actually on our shortlist for boys!

Anna - congrats on a boy! Im heading over to tri 2 in a min to see the pictures! :cheer:

Sookie - so good to hear from you :dance: I LOVE your doggy! What a cutie. Has he got a name yet? I grew up with a golden retriever who was just the most soppy and lovely dog in the world! He lived until he was 14 so he was a massive part of my life!

Loola - your xmas party sounds fun! I cant wait to have a little drinkie once my LO is out! I dont have any xmas parties this year and I am a real 'xmas girl'...(I dont really like New Year!)

Chok - thinking of you today. Hope all is OK

Kitty - Hope you are feeling better now that you know you are not alone in your feelings! :hug:

Right, off to check out Annas scan picture and then I need to bounce on my gym ball to get this little tinker OUTTA HERE! :wave: By everyone
hi all!

loola - love the story of your Xmas party! I think if that had been me, even if I'd been drinking sitting between those two would have sobered me up pretty quickly! And loved the mention of the flashing incident :rotfl: I'm so paranoid about things like that. I once dived into a swimming pool on holiday and had no idea that my halter-neck bikini top was floating around my neck for about 4 lengths of the pool - DH was waiting for me to stop at one end so he could tell me :oops: :lol:

babydust - PICTURES!!! :lol: So pleased all went really well in the end - :shakehead: at DH for falling asleep in the waiting room though! That's so sweet about your girls wanting to hold him all the time, even if it is driving you nuts - it's lovely that they're so excited.

sookie - glad you're back! :hug: Hey, Australian summers sound just like British ones! And I LURVE the puppy, I so want one myself now...

anna - glad all's well, congratulations on the boy.

Chok - good luck today :pray: We're all thinking of you.

. o n i g
sally - happy b u c n !

:wave: to everyone else, hope all's going well!
ok, I give up. I was trying to get the "bouncing" to bounce. But it didn't want to play ball... (geddit?! I'm on fire today!)
Me again...got bored of bouncing quite quickly!!

I thought you might like to see some photos of the nursery...

I wanted to paint at least one wall pink but we are thinking of moving house (when we reckon the housing market has hit rock bottom!!) and dont want to put buyers off with colourful walls! So its all quite neutral...with a hint of pink!




I just wrote out a big long post, then I got that max_user connections error message!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

I can't remember all that I said now :(

Sookie - I lve just outside Edinburgh so we should def organise something at the end of June :cheer: :cheer: Nice to see you back!!!

Tasha - hope you and oli feel better soon!

Kitty - hope you are feeling happier about things - it seems everyone is in agreement with you at least!! :hug: I loved your emails btw, I felt like i was there!!

I am ok, just VERY tired, no matter how much sleep I get. Not got anything planned for today but I'm thinking i should at least get dressed incase someone comes to the door!

My mum was back for her mammogram this morning. It seems the reason for the recall was that the cyst thing they saw last time, they missed this time, so they needed to do another one to compare. I think if it had expalined that in the letter we would have been a bit less worried. Anyway, she won't hear anything back until after christmas so no point worrying now - and we will have plenty to keep us busy!!

I know I wrote more than this a minute ago but it has gone from my mind, so I will just say cheerio for now!!
Have a good day all! (and I am going to copy all this before i press submit!!)

Hello my lovelys :wave: ....Thanks so much for you kind thoughts :hug: , it means a lot to know you guys are thinking of me. Well I have been in for the scan. They cannot see any obvious abnormalities of the heart and it (quote) appears normal. Obviously thats a big relief.

There are still missed and irregular beats so I am having to have twice weekly monitoring to keep an eye on it (in addition to the usual MW appts) and I have to go in as soon as I think there are less movements than usual, so I might be a busy girl for a while going between the MW and the Hosp (altho hopefully not too much longer.....you listening in there Junior?! hehe)

So basically, although things are not really quite right, there is nothing obviously wrong either. Im still concerned, but feeling much better now I have seen the scan etc......Junior is still growing well and moving around fine so thankfully the heart thing doesnt seem to be having an effect on anything else......they did an estimated weight thingy and that came out at 7lbs 5oz at the moment and apparently thats right what it should be based on my previous measurements and on general averages too.

Hope you are all ok :hug:
Oh Claire he is absolutely beautiful - what a sweetie you must be so proud :D

Jane x
Ah he's lovely Claire, I love those cheeks! Well done you. I'm glad the girls love him so much.

Hello everyone. :wave: Sorry I've not posted recently I have been reading everything but I feel so awful and the doc has reduced my antid's so my head is a bit all over the place. I'm not moaning though having seen Claire's Zak it'll be all worth it in the end. I just don't want you all to think I don't care. :hug: Plus I've stupidly been going into the mc section and have convinced myself either I'm going to mc again or that there's no baby in there. :cry:

Once I'm feeling back to normal I'll be back posting nonsense again! :lol: Hormones? Who needs them? :roll:
Claire - What a handsome little man you have! You have made me all broody! :lol: Glad everything is going well!

Trudy - im sure everything will be fine this time...try not to worry (easier said than done I know!) I hope you feel OK again soon :hug:
Aww Claire hes a cutie!

Sally I love the Nursery :hug:

Thanks Kmac, we are both fine now :hug:

Trudy please do not worry, everything is fine im sure. :hug:

Chok I hope your little one makes an apprearence soon.

Rom, Kitty, Sookie, Anna and Loola I hope you all ok and anyone else I have missed :hug:

Well im still spotting abit, its really doing my head in, I have drumed it into my head that it must be because the placenta is moving up (was very low in the scan)
I cant think of anyother reason apart from the dreaded m/c word :(

I have been so emotional aswell, crying at everything I even cried at the cola advert :roll:

Hope you all ok :hug:
Hey everyone :wave: Lovely pics sally its looking lovely. :) Oh and babydust isnt zac a sweety well done again!! :hug: And to everyone else :hug: Sorry il catch up and read some more later but im still not feeling great with this iffy tummy i have its making me feel pants :( But hey enough of feeling sorry for myself i have too much this week to think of like finishing my xmas shopping for starters and getting the rest of our food shopping done! Oh and before i forget its my birthday saturday incase you want to wish me Happy Birthday!!! :wink:
Oh Claire what a beautiful boy you have! I just want to schnuffle his little cheeks! Thanks for showing us :hug:

Chok - So glad that there isnt anything majorly wrong. Im sure Junior will be here safe and sound very soon! :cheer:

Kmac - It drives me nuts when I write out loads and then the computer crashes, makes me want to throw the whole thing out of the window. I hope your Mums results come back ok, my Mum has been called back many times as there had been irregularities, but thankfully they were nothing to worry about.

Sally - your nursery is beautiful, I think it looks very classy, the dark wood and pink go very well together, I think your little lady will feel very at home there! Im not a New Years person either, though I am looking forward to this year, just me and Mike, with a bottle of Baileys and Lips (the game) I just cant be doing with paying to get into a pub, and then never getting to the bar once you are in there, not my idea of fun at all. Besides its my 30th on 3rd January so Im saving my party spirit for that night, I think we are going bowling, I really want to do something fun to make me feel less old :lol:

Sookie - Its so good to see you! Ive missed you too! what bands did you see at the festival? Im always so jealous of your festival trips, though I dont think sitting in a field in Britain right now would be quite as much fun as it is over there even if it was raining. I can just about sleep in my house in this cold nevermind a tent. I would be great to see you if you came down to the UK! :cheer: Your puppy is the cutest thing Ive ever seen, have you named him?

Anna - :wave: and congratulations on having a boy! Got any ideas for names yet or are you keeping them to yourselves for now?

Trudy - In what way are you feeling awful, because of the pregnancy or because of the reduction in the anti D's? I know my Mike feels really rough when he tries to come off his Anti D's. You must step away from the m/c section hun, you will worry yourself sick. When is your first scan?

Hello to Flossy and Happy Birthday for Saturday hun! Though Im sure I will say it again on the actual day!

Tasha - :hug: Dont worry too much hun, bleeding is quite normal in early pregnancy and not the sign of definite m/c, what is the bleeding like? as in colour, consistency? Hope you are ok, try not to fret :hug:

Well im definitely in winding down for xmas mode now. I cant be bothered to do any work. Im far more interested in getting my tattoo design sorted for Friday :cheer: Im very excited and very scared about it. I just wish I could be put under anaesthetic to have it done :lol: Then on Saturday is my party with Gary Numan DJing! I am so excited! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:hug: Thanks hun

Well its got abit worse, mucky dark red brown colour and abit heavier than it was, I have just phoned the midwife and waiting to hear from her.

Tasha, hope you are ok. Let us know what the midwife says :hug: :hug:

Claire - Zak is so cute!!! He looks like a very contented little chap!

Chok - hope you are managing to relax a bit now!

Trudy - hope you are ok. Loola is right - stop looking at the mc section - you will only feel worse :hug: :hug:

Loola - good luck for Friday! I could never get a tattoo - ouch!

Flossy - happy birthday for Saturday!!

:wave: to kitty, rom, sally, sookie and anyone i have forgotten!

I am having a quiet day today. Went and got my hair cut. I considered drastic but chickened out and just got a trim instead! I am finding it really hard to walk now, it really hurts down beow!!
I started cleaning the house before i went out, so I guess I could finish it off.... :( although I am really just avoiding writing Christmas cards which for some reason I hate doing!! Every day DH comes home and asks if I have started them yet! I have to do it as his writing is so messy!!

I'm feeling a bit sentimental these days. I just keep thinking about how lucky I am to have my DH. He's so lovely and I just don't know what I would do without him :oops: must be these flipping hormones! I sobbed all the way through the X Factor final on Saturday! :oops:

Right - hope eeryone is having a good day! I'm off to make a cheese toastie!!!


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