gosh, haven't we all been busy?! I feel terrible that I've been so self-absorbed the past couple of days, I've missed all your news
Babydust, I'm sure you won't read this for ages, but I'm so sorry about your grandfather

What a terrible time for you. Really hope everything's going well with the labour
kmac - glad you're now talking to your mother - and that your father's on your side! Families, eh?! Hope everything's ok with your mum.
sally -

for good news - that's fab your DH qualified, he must be over the moon!
- as for the other threads, I don't read many of them!

I try to read the ones where someone is obviously asking for help/advice, if I think I might know anything that can help (I kind of feel I'm fast becoming an expert on bleeding during pregnancy

) but if the subject makes it clear that I'm not going to know anything at all, I just don't go there. And if they're more general questions, I tend not to read them either, cos there's always a disagreement somewhere down the line. I guess I tend to reply to the medical/scientific threads, simply b/c I know that I have better access than a lot of people on here to medical research (through the academic databases - I can access all the current and archived BMJ issues and other specialist journals and can search them electronically). Though I have to say that it really pees me off when some idiot who can't even type coherently then tells me that they know better than whatever source I'm using, and I shouldn't believe everything I read!

Not sure which thread(s?) kmac was referring to, but

for our stalkers thread, at least there's no bitching in here. Or if there is, you're doing it behind my back
well, there's been so much on here that most of the messages have dropped off the review screen, and I can't remember who said what

I know there was some good scan news, but I'm not sure if I've already replied! If not,

! And ROM, that's one hell of a big baby you've got there...
ok, well I came on expecting to see Chok's message (cryptic email or what?!?) but it's not here. She's bound to have posted whilst I was typing... if not, I hope everything's ok.
I'm sorry to everyone I've missed individidually - Must Try Harder. Will do a better job next time... enjoy your weekend everyone! And good luck those who still have shopping to do... I did a bit more this afternoon and think I'm all done now, hurrah! I've just bought a shirt to go with the jumper I bought last weekend for my brother (the other one!!!) so I'm really pleased. He wants/needs new clothes, but is really fussy and conservative in his tastes, so it's quite hard getting stuff. He doesn't like people buying him clothes, but says he likes the stuff I get him (and always wears it to death) which of course places a huge responsibility on me to get it right... I spend far longer on his present than on anyone else's!
So - seasonal question: Who's the easiest person / most difficult person to buy for in your family and why?