Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

No news I'm afraid!!

Hope you are ok Claire!!

I'm off out in a min so won't be on for a few hours - going to try and do all xmas shopping in one go!! Fortunately I don't have that many people to buy for, and those that I do aren't expecting much!!

On a separate point, and i am only going to say this in here, I am really shocked at how bitchy some people on this forum are at the moment. The comments that people write, and then actually submit, sometimes I just cannot believe. It is putting me off the forum a bit, all this horribleness. It's supposed to be a nice, supportive place!! As I said earlier in the week I should just stick in here with you lot!
:hug: :hug:
:D KMac I just said something very similar in my email to Kitty - although I do post in other sections occassionally this is the place I come for my support and advice really :hug: We are all so nice in here :D

:cheer: Chartstalkers rule :cheer:

Claire I hope you are OK.

and Kmac enjoy your shopping - I've got all mine now just need to wrap it!!

Jane x
Hi ladies! :wave:

Hope Claire is doing well :hug:

Kmac Im with you, im going to stay snuggled in this thread, I dare not wander off elsewhere :?

Hope everyone is ok today!
Hi girls :wave:

Hope you are all OK. Im really well today :cheer: My DH has been training to be an Actuary for almost 10 years (its a long old slog) and and he qualified yesterday! He has worked so hard all his life and I am so so proud of him! He always said that he hoped to qualify by the time we started a family...he cut it a bit fine but he did it! No more studying for him! I made him a "CONGRATULATIONS" cake...im so glad he passed or I dont know what i would have done with giant chocolate cake!!

Babydust - are you still having pains? Poor you feeling ill on top of it all too :( Sending lots of these your way :hug: :hug:

ROM - My little one didnt turn until about 34 weeks and then when she did she engaged straight away. It makes sense for a baby to turn as late as possible...afterall hanging around upside down cant be much fun!

Kmac - so sorry to hear about your Mum. I hope she is OK, you must be very worried.

Chok - How are you feeling? Anymore signs that things are happening? I dont have any :( (although I did have a dream that I had a contraction last night...it bloody hurt! :rotfl: )

Hi to everyone, Kitty, Trudy, Loola, Flossy, ROM, Rach, Welshpolly...anyone else?! :wave:
gosh, haven't we all been busy?! I feel terrible that I've been so self-absorbed the past couple of days, I've missed all your news :(

Babydust, I'm sure you won't read this for ages, but I'm so sorry about your grandfather :( What a terrible time for you. Really hope everything's going well with the labour :pray:

kmac - glad you're now talking to your mother - and that your father's on your side! Families, eh?! Hope everything's ok with your mum.

sally - :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: for good news - that's fab your DH qualified, he must be over the moon!

- as for the other threads, I don't read many of them! :rotfl: I try to read the ones where someone is obviously asking for help/advice, if I think I might know anything that can help (I kind of feel I'm fast becoming an expert on bleeding during pregnancy :cry: :lol: ) but if the subject makes it clear that I'm not going to know anything at all, I just don't go there. And if they're more general questions, I tend not to read them either, cos there's always a disagreement somewhere down the line. I guess I tend to reply to the medical/scientific threads, simply b/c I know that I have better access than a lot of people on here to medical research (through the academic databases - I can access all the current and archived BMJ issues and other specialist journals and can search them electronically). Though I have to say that it really pees me off when some idiot who can't even type coherently then tells me that they know better than whatever source I'm using, and I shouldn't believe everything I read! :rotfl: Not sure which thread(s?) kmac was referring to, but :cheer: for our stalkers thread, at least there's no bitching in here. Or if there is, you're doing it behind my back :shakehead: :lol:

well, there's been so much on here that most of the messages have dropped off the review screen, and I can't remember who said what :doh: I know there was some good scan news, but I'm not sure if I've already replied! If not, :cheer: ! And ROM, that's one hell of a big baby you've got there...

ok, well I came on expecting to see Chok's message (cryptic email or what?!?) but it's not here. She's bound to have posted whilst I was typing... if not, I hope everything's ok.

I'm sorry to everyone I've missed individidually - Must Try Harder. Will do a better job next time... enjoy your weekend everyone! And good luck those who still have shopping to do... I did a bit more this afternoon and think I'm all done now, hurrah! I've just bought a shirt to go with the jumper I bought last weekend for my brother (the other one!!!) so I'm really pleased. He wants/needs new clothes, but is really fussy and conservative in his tastes, so it's quite hard getting stuff. He doesn't like people buying him clothes, but says he likes the stuff I get him (and always wears it to death) which of course places a huge responsibility on me to get it right... I spend far longer on his present than on anyone else's!

So - seasonal question: Who's the easiest person / most difficult person to buy for in your family and why?
Naughty Claire not telling you what was going on kmac - but still, best wishes and good luck to her.

Hope you're all ok.

Well, as for me, Im still having contractions but not painful ones...the reason I know I defintely am and it's not in my head is cos I was back in Hosp again all yesterday evening for more monitoring. Was meant to see a Consultant for an appt but we got stuck in traffic so I rang to say Id be late and they told me to go into delivery again to be monitored there instead, as I was meant to have been the last appt of the day:

Contractions were 2 or 3 every ten mins, and were off the scale on the monitor again and my belly was rock hard! was getting a bit uncomfortable in my bump and I had horrid backache, probably from being stuck on a hospital bed for so long at a funny angle more than anything else......but contractions weren't really 'regular' enough apparently.....

The worrying news is that Junior's heartbeat is still irregular and is missing beats (can't quite remember how much I said about it before) and although it is 'common' Hosp say they can't ignore it now it has been found and that they would ordinarily send people up to a specialist in London for a scan but there isnt really time to do that soon as my EDD is next week - they didnt want me to wait a week to see someone, so was meant to see a Consultant for a scan locally today to see if they can find anything but the silly Hosp never rang with an appt like they were meant to - after I chased them they finally decided that they couldnt see me today and told me theyd ring on Monday to tell me when to go in......so now I have a weekend of worry ahead :(

I just got home last night and burst into tears, I feel like I'm so close but so far.......have said all along I just want a healthy baby.....(I know, who doesnt) but I just feel totally wretched that I can't help my little one and I don't know what is going on and all I can do is wait for some muppet at the hospital to ring and tell me when I can go in to find out if there is any problem or if it is something which will ust resolve itself after birth (obviously thats what we are hoping for now but no-one can tell us anymore at the moment).
I just need a load of friendly hugs :cry:
oh chok :hug: :hug: :hug:

And in case that's not enough:

I've also heard it's common - don't know very much about it (but can do some research if you want?) but I do know a friend of mine had a similar thing at the same stage last year, and her baby was fine. It did have a heart murmur, but that's not a problem (I have one and didn't know about it till last year when I was undergoing tests for something else), and the hb became more regular after the birth. I don't really know the causes, obviously we were all relieved it sorted itself out and none of us thought to question further.

let me know if you want me to see if I can find anything - though to be honest, there are probably so many different causes that I'll get a load of results, and most of them will be irrelevant. I honestly think if it was going to be something really serious, you'd have known about it by now - so there might well be a minor defect that will rectify itself or can be easily corrected, but I suspect if it was a major structural problem, it would have been picked up at your 20-week scan - heart abnormalities are one of the things they specifically look for.
I'm not sure if this helps right now, but we're all :pray: for you and the baby.
Oh.....I dont know, I was going to try and look up some stuff myself but I got scared that I might just find bad stuff and make myself worry even more :(
I just feel sick
oh chok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I don't know what to say except try and not stress too much - and I know that's easier said than done - but worrying isn't going to do you or bubs any good.

Kitty is right - anything major would have been picked up at your 20 week scan (at least you got one!!) and it probably is quite common, they are just being cautious.

It's rubbish you have to wait all weekend though - but please try and relax.

:hug: :hug: :hug: Don't know what else to say :hug: :hug:

BTW - step AWAY from Google!!!! It's never a good idea to start looking things up, you'll just get more worried
Thanks Hun :hug:
I know, Google is a pregnant woman's worst friend, and so thats why I havent done anything in that regard.....I have said the same thing to other people on here when they have asked about problems so I am trying to take my own advice for once.......
Got a text from babydust!!!!!!

Zak Anthony born at 7pm weight 7lb 10, with only gas and air.
Says she is knackered but getting home at 1am!!!

Well done claire!! He's here at last!!
Yay for babydust :cheer: that is such great news!

Hi Chok - poor poor you :( Im finding these last few weeks very emotional as I just want baby to arrive and the anticipation is actually starting to get me down so I cant imagne how you must be feeling with worry on top of it all :( :hug: All I can say is that I dont think hospitals tend to take risks any risks these days. I think if they were really worried they would have induced you by now as you are so close to your due date. My friends baby's HB was playing up at 33 weeks and they took the little tinker out by C section. Im sure if your case was as bad they would have done the same.

Try and relax this weekend- it could be the last weekend before Junior arrives...try to make the most of it!

Hi to everyone, hope you are having good weekends :wave:
Yay congratulations to Claire and Mr! I love the name Zak too! You must be doing really well to be able to go home so soon, and doing it with only gas and air! Well done you! :clap: I am very sorry to hear about your Papa hun :hug: Im sure a little bit of his spirit will live on in Zak :)

Chok hun have one of these :hug: Im sure it must be very worrying for you at the mo, but Im sure the hospital would have you in if they were really concerned. If they thought that you or the baby were in any danger they would have you monitored at all times and possibly be arranging a c section. I hope proper labour kicks off for you soon though so you dont have to worry anymore, Im sure you will be in good hands, try and take it easy until then :hug: :)

Kitty glad your problem is sorted out or at least understood, I hope this means you wont be going anywhere now?

How is everyone else? Having a good weekend I hope?

It was my works xmas party last night, and I managed not to get so pissed that I passed out in my curry, my halter neck dress did not snap at the neck to reveal my boobs to all my work mates and I didnt fall over, so it was more successful than the previous 3 years anyway :oops: (ill never live the flashing moment down :oops: )
I even managed to stay sober enough to realise that my Area Manager and his mistress were getting a little bit too cozy with me, they sat on either side of me, both hideously drunk, and its as if i was some tool to make each other jealous with, by getting a little bit overaffectionate :? . So I got out of there as quick as I could. See if Id been hammered I wouldnt have noticed what they were up to and probably would have been chuffed that they were being so friendly :lol:
So I walked home and it absolutely chucked it down, I was soaked by the time I got home, but it was really nice to get out of my party dress, into my snuggly dressing gown and have a warm towel on my head. Then I stayed up and did kareoke with Mike until 3am :) Its always on nights out that I realise how much I love him. Im so glad he's not one of those jock style lads, that go out get pissed and have a fight. :) I sometimes worry that he is turning into a bit of a hermit you see, as he rarely leaves the house without me, especially as he works from home too, but i guess thats because he has everything he needs right here, though it would be lovely to have the house and telly to myself for just one night :wink:
Congratulations Babydust! :cheer: :clap: :dance:

Hang on, if she's been home since 1am, why isn't there a pic on here yet?!

Chok, I had a quick peek to see if any of the stuff I'd looked up for my own heart condition (I have a tachycardiac condition, where my heart beats too fast and then starts missing beats - that developed after a bout of flu and is not congentital) had anything on pregnancy. It seems 1-2% of foetuses have cardiac arrhythmia. In most cases, it's a valve thing which resolves itself when the baby's born - i.e. whilst it's still in the uterus, it's not quite sorted itself out. It seems that expectant management is usually the way forward; they should keep an eye on the heart rate after birth, but chances are it'll regularise within hours of the birth. I didn't do extensive research, but I hope that's some comfort!
That's ok babydust - I will let you off this time!! :)
Glad Zak is settling in at home well! How are your DD's getting on with him?
Aw welcome home Claire and Zak! :cheer: You say the labour went quickly, dont forget you had been in labour for a fortnight at least! :wink: Cant wait to see him :) Im sure the girls will calm down soon enough, once they realise that he's not going anywhere and they have the rest of their lives to play with him :hug:
Congrats Claire- glad you are home and everything is going well :hug:
The Hosp are ringing me to tell me what time to go in - was meant to have been Friday but they cocked up something with the referral form or some such other rubbish, so Ive just got to wait for the phone tomorrow....

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