Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

OK...where do I start? I have missed so much! :wall: Ive read all your posts but not sure that I can remember all that I wanted to comment on - argh!

Chok - poor you going through all of that. How are you feeling now? Whatever happens, not long no until we are both mums! :cheer: :cheer:

Hi Rach if you are reading this, glad the boys are home now :hug:

Who mentioned Baileys? How cruel! :shakehead:

Good to see you Welshpolly :wave:

Kmac - sorry I didnt reply :oops: I was probably feeling too sorry for myself at the time :oops: My cold has eased up now so hope you are feeling better too :hug:

Loola - glad your parents are back. My parents are forever going on crazy holidays and getting me worried about them - they were trecking in ethiopia a few weeks ago :roll: Why couldnt they just retire with a pipe and slippers like other parents!

Tasha - glad you have had no more spotting - try not to worry :hug:

Well, I am so ready for this baby! My house is spotless, xmas tree is up, presents have been bought, birthpool ready to be inflated and food for midwife bought! :D So when is this baby going to arrive? Ive been drinking a litre of pineapple juice every day! Ive been told that sex can induce labour so it is like we are TTC again! :rotfl:

I cant remember who started this thread but perhaps they could edit the first post to include a status update/due date of Chartstalkers..that way we can see what is going on with everyone and choose a date to meet up!?

Hi ROM, Trudy, kitty, babydust :wave: and anyone ive forgotten.
Hey ladies sorry ive not posted in here for a bit grace bump's been making me feel pretty crappy atm and im absolutely shattered all the time from not sleepig so great at night :( But anyhow enough of me feeling sorry for myself how is veryone keeping?! Id be up for any sort of meet my EDD's 13th april so not anytime near the end of march or after that :)
Kittykins said:
kmac - you should have posted your query here - we might not have been able to help but we would have answered! :lol: Hope the nursery-hunting goes well. What was the outcome of the discussion with your mother? I take it she didn't come to her senses and realise that you can't take a baby away from her parents for half the week?!

It seems to me that Jan might be a tad early. I think we'd probably be looking more at early March onwards. I have a feeling that we have a lull in EDDs around March April May. I don't really want to witness a birth, thanks very much, and I also don't want to be jointly responsible for any 2-week-old baby catching pneumonia. But maybe that's me being selfish!

What would really help is if we had a list of EDDs, so that we knew who was due when.

Kitty - It wasn't so much a query as a moan! I was just feeling very sorry for myself! But I think I will mainly post in here from now on - this is my home!!

As for my mother - don't ask!! I didn't hear from her after our child care "discussion" then 2 weeks ago she texted me with some mad idea about how SHE had secured funding to set up a creche in MY work and could I let her know who to contact. I was like :shock: wtf?? so i rang her and, after accusing me of being in a huff :roll: she told me about it. I said I would rather she did not ring the head teacher up and could she give me time to make some enquiries myself (we have a room called the "creche" but it doesn't get used. I didn't have to ask around much to find out it is just a room - there are no facilities and no room for expansion. SO I rang her and told her this and she said rather huffily "so you just want to forget the idea then?" and I said " well, yes. But thanks for thinking about it".
That was 2 weeks ago - haven't heard from her since. You would think she might be interested in how i am considering as theoretically I could pop at any time!! Or have I just to let her know when the baby is here??

I agree - meeting up later might be better!! My EDD is December 27th - SO maybe Trudy could make a list on the first page?
When I thought about it after I posted earlier i realised in theory my baby could just be a few weeks old - maybe a bit early for it's first plane trip!

We didn't make it to any nurseries today. I'm still coughing a bit so dodn't think I'd be very welcome.
We just did the supermarket shop and when we got home I conked out for an hour :roll: this is getting tedious!!
Still got all the housework to do tonight and I want to get it done while DH is here as he helps!! Tomorrow I'll be on my own!
We did stop off at the garden centre for a nice lunch (well it was about 3pm) - DH's treat - it was yum!!

Now he's making something (small) for tea - better move my fat ass and help!!

kmac said:
But I think I will mainly post in here from now on - this is my home!!

Its my home too! :dance:

Good to see you Flossy - hope you feel better and get some sleep soon :hug:
My home too - I feel safe here :D

Lovely to see you Welshpolly, its great news that they seem to have your clomid right now :dance:

Jane x
Well I've done an update on the first page. I'm sure I've missed someone! :oops: Can't stop got to do some work. Welcome back Polly! :wave:
Poo! I just typed out a big old reply and then managed to delete it all :(

Will try again....

(My EDD is 18/12 - 9 frigging days away! :shock: can't believe Im in single figures! Still doesnt seem quite real somehow!)

kmac - Sorry I didnt reply to your post - but Ive not been on the forum for a few days - with all the faff that happened Ive just been spending the last few days at home not doing much, trying to get rid of my cold and generally having some me time..... :hug:

Sally - Ive not got desperate enough to try anything yet....next week tho I'll probably be on the curries and pineapple, bathing in clary sage products and not letting DH out of bed! :rotfl: (PS It has to be fresh pineapple, not juice or tinned fruit apparently, as there's something extra in the fresh stuff which is what is important, so the juice will prob not be doing anything hun :hug:)

Flossy and Polly - good to see you guys!

Loola - Glad the 'rents are back safe n sound!

Tasha - hope you are ok :hug:

Kitty - That would be good re Sookie :) Hope you are feeling ok

ROM - Hope George stops worrying you - although I know how you feel - these littlens like to stress us out I think!

Trudy - :wave: Havent checked the list yet.....will do in a tic

Rach - hope the twins are good :hug:

babydust - Hope things are ok for you :hug:

Did I forget anyone (probably!)

Re a meet - Jan might be a bit early - If I go over....and the closer I get the more I think I will....I could give birth on Jan 1st (latest) so Im not sure I would be up for an outing so soon after giving birth- I'm planning to spend time at home with DH and Junior, just us, for a while so I dont really wanna be trekking off on a long trip then really..........
I posted on first tri :)

But basicly my blob is fine and has a heartbeat, one of the most wonderful feelings I have had in a long time :cheer:

She said everything looks normal, and put me back 1 day, but thats fine!

Anyone heard from rom??
Hope the scan went ok jane
:hug: xxx
Tasha lovely news honey - I'm so glad you feel better.

We have just got back :D Well George currently weighs 4lbs 9oz!! They are predicting around 9lb 9oz - 10lbs at full term!! My eyes are watering at the thought...... He is still breech and they have booked me in for another scan in 4 weeks when if he hasnt moved around they will try and turn him - if that is not successful they will set a date for an elective section that week!! I really dont want a section so any ideas of how I can get this little (or not so little one) to turn would be gratefully received!! My BP was a little on the high side - not that I was surprised after they had just told me the size of him :lol: but they are not concerned just want me to get it checked every week now. All in all it was a great appointment and so lovely to see him again....

Hope everyone else is OK.

Kmac I was just typing this :-)

Jane x
Claire the way Dave is feeling at the moment I dont think I dare get on my hands and knees :D :D Actually I will try it - I suspect if I can get him to turn I will feel so much more comfortable!!

Lovely to see you back by the way :hug:

Jane x
ROM and Tasha - Glad the scans were ok - and I hope George turns ROM - there is still time.....

Babydust - sorry to hear you are so uncomfortable :hug:

Well, MW this morning said that Juniors head is well down...... :shock: :o ......On Friday it was still free and now we're 3/5ths engaged, so it seems Junior has finally figured out the exit and is in a bit of a rush now to get to it!!!! :cheer: Am quite excited now!

I was getting pains last night (not contraction type ones but period pains and stabby pains really low down) I said to DH at the time these blummin pains better mean something and they better be productive......and he said maybe its the head engaging at last.....and I guess it must have been! :cheer:
Hiya :wave:

Ooh Chok its very exciting! :cheer: Wont be long now hun!

Tasha - so glad your scan went well and you can rest easy now! Are you going to find out the sex at your next scan?

ROM - Great news about George too! I hope he turns for you, and looks like you are going to be having a whopper there! My best friend had a 10lb 12oz baby boy, she was massive! But she managed to push him out, she nearly killed the midwives during the actual birth, but she was fine, and out of hospital within 2 days. Im sure you will be absolutely fine too! :hug:

Claire - Good luck with the sweep! Eek wont be long now! :cheer: Great news that baby is engaged for you too! Im expecting some wonderful news from you within the next few days! :cheer:

Kitty - I did think that some people may think we are clique myself after what I posted, I dont think we would ignore someone who joined our thread though would we? :)
That would be a lovely idea to have Sookie in on the meet up too. It wouldnt be the same without her, wherever she is! Sookie we miss you! :( How you feeling anyway hun? Do you still have the bleeding?

Welcome back Polly :wave: Great to see you! Glad the clomid seems to be working now! :cheer: Cant wait to see your BFP soon! :pray:

Kmac - are you feeling any better? Seen any nurseries yet? I hope you and your Mum get back on good terms soon. Mothers can be very silly, mine especially, but Im sure you will feel a whole lot better once the problem has gone away. Im sure that will all be forgotten about once baby arrives anyway!

Trudy - How you feeling hun?

Flossy - good to see you too lady! Hope you have had some sleep and are not too uncomfortable :hug:

Sally - any sign of baby on its way? I cant wait to get your text! :cheer: Im so excited for everyone!

I can remember the little rush of BFPs that we had, well it must be almost 8 months ago now, and thinking, aw all the babies are going to be born around Christmas time, what a fantastic present! I cant believe that time has gone so fast. I bet some of you will be back in TTC with me in about 9 months time trying for number 2! or maybe even 3, 4, or 5! ;)

Not much is happening with me really. Ive applied for a better job in the office that I already work in. I thought I was in for a shot until my Boss collected all the applications today - 105 of them! So I dont think Ill be getting it somehow :lol: Ah well, at least I looked keen.

We bought the best video game last night - Lips for the X-Box 360. Its basically a karaeoke game, the person who hits the most right notes, holds a note, sings in time etc is the winner. Its absolutely brilliant! We had so much fun last night playing it. I started off all shy, but by the end of the night I was belting out Dido and Duffy as if I was on the X-Factor :lol: The best part of the night was watching Mike doing A-Ha's Take on Me, trying to reach the high notes :lol: I would definitely recommend this game to everyone for Christmas fun. :)
Hello ladies how are we all?! :) Hopefuly not long chok, sally and babydust!!!! :cheer: How exciting. Il be thinking of you all and your impending births. :hug: Wow ROM an expected 10lb 'er :shock: Im so glad my babies are only ever going to be small dont think id fancy trying to squeeze a BIG baby out! :lol: Loola can you reccommend lips then i so want to get it for our x-box but im trying to convince hubby (not really his thing) :lol: Kitty tasha and to everyone else hope your all keeping ok :) :hug:

Well as for the sleeping thats no better up and down like a yo yo in the night to go for a wee, ive considered setting up my bed in the toilet :lol: And for the past day or two ive had such a bad belly ache (sorry if tmi) its like i have really bad trapped wind and feel as if i need to go to the toilet desperately for a No. 2 . Any ideas what i can try and do to help this its driving me nuts :(
Oh yes Id definitely recommend Lips Flossy! Im not at all the type of person who would get up and do karaeoke, but it is so much fun in the safety of your own home :lol: My OH is not a singy type person either but after last nights performance (and I have to admit he was pretty good) he thinks he will be winning X-Factor next year :lol: There are 40 songs to start with and you can upload more and you can also plug your own ipod or pc into it to add more songs, they dont have the lyrics for those songs though but can still work out if you are hitting the right notes.
Sounds great i might just have to get as a joint prezzie to me and hubby!!!! :cheer:
Hi all!

No news from babydust yet - I don't know how long a sweep takes to work though??
Flossy - I have had really bad trapped wind too. Didn't find any miracle cures though - just spent a lot of time trumping in the loo! Now it's heartburn is my problem and Gaviscon is my new best friend!

rom - glad to hear all is well - I saw your post yesterday but got distracted by DH and the christmas tree. What happens to the lights from one year to the next? How come thry don't work any more?
So I am off to Tesco to get some more in a min.

I have just been waxed so I am ready for action if anything kicks off early! But had to walk past Greggs on the way home so got a pie and a donut :oops:

I'm still coughing a bit which is poop :(
And i haven't heard from my mum - it's starting to stress me out a bit now :( I don't know why she's being like this. I should just ring her but the more I think about it the more i feel like i can't :( Pah!!

I am off to scoff my donut and go to Tesco!
:hug: :hug: to all
Good luck babydust! I'll just keep my phone on silent and check it if i'm awake - I'm not sleeping very well at the moment anyway!!

Update on my parental situation - I phoned home earlier at a time when i knew my mum wouldn't be there. Had a good chat with my dad, who btw agrees with me entirely! He made my mum phone me when she got home. I wouldn't say we addressed any issues but at least the lines of communication are open again, which I guess is better than nothing, and I think my dad was planning on being fairly upfront with her. Depends if he was brave enough! :)

Am a bit worried though - she has been recalled after a mammogram. The same thing happened last time, but they decided it was just a fatty lump, but took an x-ray so they could compare it with the next one - which i guess is what they have done. :( I hope it's nothing - she had a cancerous growth on her forehead a couple of years ago and it took 3 ops to remove it all, and now they keep a close eye on her glands and everything. :think:

Have to go - Dh has made the dinner - again!!
Ooh Claire good luck hun! i hope there will be some baby news in the morning! :cheer:

Kirsty, your parents sound exactly like my parents, my Dad is always the rational one and my Mum is way more sensitive. Im glad you are speaking to your Mum again anyway, Im sure things will get easier from now, and your Dad will make her see sense Im sure. :hug:
Cant stop for long but OH OH OH babydust how exciting!!! :cheer: Any news from her this morning Kmac?

Hope everyone well, sorry to read and run! :oops: Luv you all x

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