OK...where do I start? I have missed so much!
Ive read all your posts but not sure that I can remember all that I wanted to comment on - argh!
Chok - poor you going through all of that. How are you feeling now? Whatever happens, not long no until we are both mums!
Hi Rach if you are reading this, glad the boys are home now
Who mentioned Baileys? How cruel!
Good to see you Welshpolly
Kmac - sorry I didnt reply
I was probably feeling too sorry for myself at the time
My cold has eased up now so hope you are feeling better too
Loola - glad your parents are back. My parents are forever going on crazy holidays and getting me worried about them - they were trecking in ethiopia a few weeks ago
Why couldnt they just retire with a pipe and slippers like other parents!
Tasha - glad you have had no more spotting - try not to worry
Well, I am so ready for this baby! My house is spotless, xmas tree is up, presents have been bought, birthpool ready to be inflated and food for midwife bought!
So when is this baby going to arrive? Ive been drinking a litre of pineapple juice every day! Ive been told that sex can induce labour so it is like we are TTC again!
I cant remember who started this thread but perhaps they could edit the first post to include a status update/due date of Chartstalkers..that way we can see what is going on with everyone and choose a date to meet up!?
Hi ROM, Trudy, kitty, babydust
and anyone ive forgotten.

Chok - poor you going through all of that. How are you feeling now? Whatever happens, not long no until we are both mums!

Hi Rach if you are reading this, glad the boys are home now

Who mentioned Baileys? How cruel!

Good to see you Welshpolly

Kmac - sorry I didnt reply

Loola - glad your parents are back. My parents are forever going on crazy holidays and getting me worried about them - they were trecking in ethiopia a few weeks ago

Tasha - glad you have had no more spotting - try not to worry

Well, I am so ready for this baby! My house is spotless, xmas tree is up, presents have been bought, birthpool ready to be inflated and food for midwife bought!

I cant remember who started this thread but perhaps they could edit the first post to include a status update/due date of Chartstalkers..that way we can see what is going on with everyone and choose a date to meet up!?
Hi ROM, Trudy, kitty, babydust