Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

OK its confession time - I'm getting myself in a right state - its 12 months next Wednesday since we had our scan and they found our LO in my stomach..... :( I have a scan and appointment booked with the same consultant on Tuesday the 9th and I am getting myself in a right tizz about it...... Even at this stage I am so worried something will go wrong and we wont get to spend time with our boy :( Everything has gone so well so far I am terrified someone is going to burst our bubble.... :( I have tried to talk to my mum about it but she just says I'm being silly and Dave is lovely but just laughs and says I'm a drama queen.... He's probably right but I have a really sick feeling constantly - I wish I could go to sleep and wake up at 1.30 pm on Tuesday to get the scan out of the way....

Sorry for being such a whinge but so many of you have been through losses I thought you may understand :hug:

Jane x
:hug: ROM

Thanks Trudy :hug: though im not so optimisitc today :(

I started spotting this morning, same day and same time of pregnancy as last time.

We did have sex last night and Ithink it might be that, I am going to ring midwife in the morning, im so worried :(

It has stopped, but I jus cant help but think i might be have a another m/c :(
:wave: everyone!

ROM - :hug: Try not to get yourself in a state (easier said than done I know)
Im looking forward to a happy post from you on Tues saying how nice it was to see George again.....

Tasha - :hug: I hope everything is ok :hug:

Thanks Trudy for keeping everyone updated on me and to the rest of ya for the hugs.....
Was obviously worried when the Dr sent me into Hosp - It was weird as she seemed to think it was all ok when I was actually at my appt then rang me up later to say she had got a bit worried about it and had rung the Hosp for advice and they wanted me to go in - it should just be for a couple of hours for monitoring but I would have to wait and see - went into a bit of a panic as I hadnt quite finished my labour bag so chucked a load more stuff in there and bunged that in the car just incase they made me stay, it was like a practice run!

I had to wait a while to be seen as they were really busy -the day unit was in the delivery suite so there were women turning up in labour, making me even more nervous!

Got hooked up on the monitors and Junior's heartbeat wasn't very good as it kept missing a beat and wasn't regular - didnt help that I had a foreign MW who didnt seem to know the words for some things and so substituted what she didnt know with 'yeah'......so as you can imagine the conversation was a little odd! :lol: Bascially what I think she was saying is that it can be quite common for babies to have an irregular heartbeat as they are still mainly relying on our circulation not their own, but that most people didnt get to find out as they didnt get monitored late on.....she said they would check after birth that it was all ok and that I'd have to go back next week to be monitored again so they could see what was happening....It did, as I said, settle down by the end of the time I was on the monitor but obviously it's still a bit of a worry for us but I am trying not to get stressed out as that won't help at all...

I was having ridiculous contractions and my belly was like a rock - they were going off the bloomin scale on the monitors. It was quite funny to watch -I felt well hardcore! :rotfl: as they weren't hurting but they weren't lasting v long so the MW was saying 'err well I dont think you are in established labour....yeah but yeah (something about examinations) not going to do that yeah....strong braxton hicks yeah but come back if they get stronger or longer'. It was all a bit surreal as obviously I hadn't gone there cos of contractions anyway so it was so strange her talking about labour!

They calmed down a bit but I was still getting them intermittently yesterday in the day, altho still not really painful, just uncomfortable......was getting loads more last night but I think it's all just practice. Junior's head is still not engaged, so maybe it's just not gonna be til real labour.

Anyhoo, I feel like a right self important so and so posting all this about me....so I'll leave you in peace now.....til next time! hahaha
:hug: Wont be long now Chok hun

I rang epu and I have a scan on tuesday at 930 am, I so hope there is a baby in there! :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: :pray: that all will be ok for you on Tuesday - take it easy until then and lay off the Bedding!! I read that the cervix gets engored with blood early on in pregnancy and will often bleed if knocked...... I am sure it was from the bedding especially if the bleeding has stopped now :hug:

Jane x
^^^^ wot she said. Tasha, I'm sure you'll be fine - I posted a response on your other thread. :hug:

Chok - eek! that's a bit more excitement than you wanted. And what an annoying midwife... I really hope all goes well - it's getting so close now...

ROM - I'm telepathically telling George to give you a damn good kicking - at least then you'll know everything's ok :rotfl: Again, I'm sure you will be fine, but I totally understand the fear that it could all go wrong. Then again, isn't that what being a parent is all about? Just when did you stop worrying about Hannah and Josh?!

:wave: to everyone else, hope you're having a good weekend. Who's done their Xmas shopping? Any interesting present ideas? We're off out this afternoon to finish ours, and to meet up with my brother and SIL - they're having a deferred honeymoon (married in the summer) and are off to NZ for 3.5 weeks next weekend, lucky sods. We booked our normal holiday for after our wedding, partly because we were too busy to think about honeymoons, with the intention that at some point we'd have a fab 3-week honeymoon somewhere longhaul. Hmmm, can't see that happening until we retire! (having said that, I hate flying, which is probably the real reason we booked our normal holiday in Turkey - it's about the longest flight time I can stand!) What's everyone getting their DH? And, out of interest, what do you all want for Christmas? I really don't want anything this year... and DH just says he wants me with a ribbon round my neck and a bump :rotfl:
Hi everyone :wave:

Tasha - sounds like your bleeding probably was due to the BDing - sure it will all be fine on Tuesday!!

ROM - hope you are feeling a bit calmer. Bet you will get to your scan and see George wriggling around in there happy as can be. :hug: :hug:

Chok - how are you doing now? :hug:

Kitty - well done on getting xmas shopping finished. I have done nothing. WIll probably do it online!

I have had a pretty rubbish weekend to be honest. I haven't been well all week - phoned in sick on Tuesday but went back on Wednesday - think that was my mistake - as I finished work on mat leave on Friday. So I struggled on to the end of the week coughing and spluttering away. By the time I finished on Friday I felt terrible. I went out for lunch with a big group of colleagues but I just didn't feel with it at all. DH was on a Xmas night out so I spent the whole night in tears. He was meant to be driving up north to see his folks for the weekend but decided not to leave me on my own which was nice. So I have spent 2 days in bed, most of the time asleep.
I have been keepng an eye on the forum but not posting.
To be honest I went in a bit of a forum huff as on Friday I put a post in 3rd tri (I really felt the worst I have felt in a LONG time) and I hardly got any replies. So I stupidly took it personally :oops:

Anyway, hope to be back on posting for tomorrow - my first day of mat leave!! :cheer: DH booked the day off so I think we are going to go and look at nurseries, which seems bizarre, but I gather you need to book a place well in advance!!

And I need to make a list of everything I still need to do!! Everything seems a bit imminent now!
We just changed our bed sheets and DH made me put a maternity mat under the sheet on my side :( I hope it's not sweaty :( But i'd rather pop on that than ruin the mattress!!

Hope everyone is ok
Hi :wave:

Kmac hun, i often have forum huffs, so dont worry about that, its not just pregnancy! I can post threads, or responses to people elsewhere on here, and no-one ever answers, unless its one of you lovely charties! I think Im just not in the clique :wink: (nor do I want to be!) I hope you are feeling better now anyway hun :hug:

Tasha - good luck for Tuesday, Im sure you will be fine.

There seem to be many scary anniversaries for you ladies of late, Tasha, Jane and Trudy :hug: Trudy got through hers safe and sound and Im sure you will too Tasha and Jane :hug:

Kitty - Ive done pretty much all of my shopping. Ive bought my DH2B a new phone, a Stephen Fry book, some vodka shot thingies, smellies, Summer Heights High DVD, 4 massive toblerones as he loves them! and thats about it. Ill probably get him some other stuff if I have any money left over in the week before xmas, but things are pretty tight this year so we havent spent too much on each other. As always I dont really want anything for xmas. I think Mike is getting me Fable 2 which is an X-Box game. I can never think of anything I want, I just love makeup and clothes, which I like to buy myself, as no-one would ever choose my clothes for me as I wouldnt wear them :lol:
Im sure I will get many lovely things especially from Mikes Mum, as Im the daughter she never had, she loves to buy girly things for me! :D Ill have baileys coming out of my ears too no doubt :)
mmmm Baileys.... *drool*

Thanks Loola :hug: :hug:

Glad your parents got home safe - saw it on FB - must be a relief! Are they recovered?

Kmac :oops: I'm sorry - I didnt reply to your post :oops: I hope you are feeling better - I feel awful that I missed it - my excuse is that my brother and his partner came home on Friday from Austria so we were at my Mum's :oops: They all think I am mad that I come on here anyway so I only sneaked on quickly during the evening - I was propably on most of the night though so its no excuse really sorry :(

Jane x
Morning! :wave:
Tasha - I agree with what the other ladies said. It'll be lovely to see little bean waving away on Tuesday. :hug: Or swimming if your's is duck shaped too! :) Poor DH is on a BD ban until 12 weeks. I'm so paranoid about seeing any blood. :oops: Have you had anymore spotting?

ROM - I understand totally where you are coming from. Again I agree with the other ladies. George will be fine preparing himself for his close up on Tues. :hug:

Loola - great news about your parents. Bet they are glad to be home. Summer Heights high DVD for DH2B? Erm explanation please??

Ooo Chok - not long now, yeah.

Kmac - :hug: Always post in here if you wanna moan. :hug:

Hello to everyone else. Got to go the toilet is calling me. :puke: :(
:hug: thank you very much everyone for your replies and help.

I have had no more spotting since yesterday morning, just pelvic stretching and aching, which im sure is a good sign.

I really hope my baby is in there!

:hug: Kmac, hope your ok today, I have felt like that too before but don't take it personaly :hug:

Hope everyone else is ok, any more thoughts on a meet? looking more toward Jan or later if we were to have one?
:lol: Trudy -that does make DH2B sound very dodgy doesnt it! Summer Heights High is an Australian comedy series, in a mockumentary style, about a school, there are 3 main characters are played by one man, a school girl, school boy and the drama teacher and its very funny, and quite offensive.

Yep my parents are home safe and sound finally. They had been up for 40 hours when I collected them from the train station so were pretty delerious. They had decided against waiting for a plane from Bangkok anymore, and got a coach from Bangkok to Phuket, which took 12 hours. Then the flight home took another 12 hours, then they had to get back from Heathrow :? Im not envious at all! They did have a fantastic holiday though and it wasnt spoilt by being stuck in Bangkok, in fact they enjoyed their time there. My Dad had to pass up the advances of many young Thai prostitutes (much to his annoyance probably :lol: )

Tasha - so glad you havent had anymore bleeding, the stretching is a great sign!

Yeah I would definitely be up for a new Year meet, I guess it would be best once everyone who is about to give birth has given birth and is happy to leave their LO's for the day or feels happy enough to bring them to meet us!
Ohhhhh I thought it was that kids show that used to be on Saturday afternoons. That makes much more sense! :lol: I bet they didn't know what day of the week it was when they landed! I loved prostitute watching in Thailand, they have such an attitude with their clients it's brilliant. We'd often spend a meal watching the girls arguing with their Johns at the next table.

Good news Tasha, sounds like bean is making itself at home. I think mine was knocking up an extension at the weekend, I've never known cramps like it! :rotfl:

January is good for me too.
:hug: thanks

Yeah I will be bringing my little treasure if I can make it! im sure she will entertain you all with her potty training antics :lol:

Well if your up for anywhere near me, you can all come back to mine in the warmth :lol:

I may even have choc bickies :shhh:

Feeling a bit better today. Still coughing a bit but it's not so bad now. Still need to get dressed though - then we are doing the weekly shop, cleaning the house and putting the Christmas tree up :) I also need to make my "To do" list to keep me occupied from tomorrow onwards!

As far as meeting up goes we are all fairly spread out! I do have a friend that lives near London so I could stay with her - it's probably as easy to get there as anywhere else! I would fly down there. Unless there is somewhere nearer the middle of the country we could all descend on! January might be ok for me - depends exactly when bump decides to pop out!

Right - had better go and get myself washed and dressed!

hope everyone is ok
Had a text from Babydust today - just to say she is fine and bubs still cooking - but she can't type on forum after an incident involving small child, juice and keyboard!

Glad all is well, Claire!!
kmac - you should have posted your query here - we might not have been able to help but we would have answered! :lol: Hope the nursery-hunting goes well. What was the outcome of the discussion with your mother? I take it she didn't come to her senses and realise that you can't take a baby away from her parents for half the week?!

Loola - I know what you mean about cliques, but I think a lot of people would probably think of us as one too :rotfl: Glad your parents are back safely, what a relief.

babydust - can you read but not type? If so, :wave: Just as well you got your text buddy set up early! (personally I think Babydust's DH was responsible - mine keeps threatening to disable the keyboard...)

It seems to me that Jan might be a tad early. I think we'd probably be looking more at early March onwards. I have a feeling that we have a lull in EDDs around March April May. I don't really want to witness a birth, thanks very much, and I also don't want to be jointly responsible for any 2-week-old baby catching pneumonia. But maybe that's me being selfish!

What would really help is if we had a list of EDDs, so that we knew who was due when.

The other thing is that we have to do it somewhere with wifi so that I can bring my laptop, open up Skype and Sookie can join us. She might have to get up at 3am, and we might all have to take turns peering into the webcam, but I'm sure it can be done!
Kitty what a lovely idea about Sookie :D and I agree I think January may be a tad early for me. My EDD is 4th February so I am banking on spending January tucked up at home :D

Hope everyone is OK - dashing around getting everything ready for Josh to come home for Christmas holidays here so not much time - that and trying to do some work as this will probably be the last week before Christmas that anyone will even think about recruitment!! :-)

Jane x
Hello everyone!

I'm home for a week! :cheer:
It's fabulous to see all of you with tickers in your sigs! I hope everything is going ok for everyone :hug:

I'm more hopeful at the moment as, eventhough I am on round 6 of the clomid, my last day 21 bloods showed that I am finally on the right dose as it suggests ovulation! :cheer:

No other news here - I'm just so happy to have time at home with the internet again! x

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