
Try not to get yourself in a state (easier said than done I know)
Im looking forward to a happy post from you on Tues saying how nice it was to see George again.....
Tasha -

I hope everything is ok
Thanks Trudy for keeping everyone updated on me and to the rest of ya for the hugs.....
Was obviously worried when the Dr sent me into Hosp - It was weird as she seemed to think it was all ok when I was actually at my appt then rang me up later to say she had got a bit worried about it and had rung the Hosp for advice and they wanted me to go in - it should just be for a couple of hours for monitoring but I would have to wait and see - went into a bit of a panic as I hadnt quite finished my labour bag so chucked a load more stuff in there and bunged that in the car just incase they made me stay, it was like a practice run!
I had to wait a while to be seen as they were really busy -the day unit was in the delivery suite so there were women turning up in labour, making me even more nervous!
Got hooked up on the monitors and Junior's heartbeat wasn't very good as it kept missing a beat and wasn't regular - didnt help that I had a foreign MW who didnt seem to know the words for some things and so substituted what she didnt know with 'yeah'......so as you can imagine the conversation was a little odd!

Bascially what I think she was saying is that it can be quite common for babies to have an irregular heartbeat as they are still mainly relying on our circulation not their own, but that most people didnt get to find out as they didnt get monitored late on.....she said they would check after birth that it was all ok and that I'd have to go back next week to be monitored again so they could see what was happening....It did, as I said, settle down by the end of the time I was on the monitor but obviously it's still a bit of a worry for us but I am trying not to get stressed out as that won't help at all...
I was having ridiculous contractions and my belly was like a rock - they were going off the bloomin scale on the monitors. It was quite funny to watch -I felt well hardcore!

as they weren't hurting but they weren't lasting v long so the MW was saying 'err well I dont think you are in established labour....yeah but yeah (something about examinations) not going to do that yeah....strong braxton hicks yeah but come back if they get stronger or longer'. It was all a bit surreal as obviously I hadn't gone there cos of contractions anyway so it was so strange her talking about labour!
They calmed down a bit but I was still getting them intermittently yesterday in the day, altho still not really painful, just uncomfortable......was getting loads more last night but I think it's all just practice. Junior's head is still not engaged, so maybe it's just not gonna be til real labour.
Anyhoo, I feel like a right self important so and so posting all this about me....so I'll leave you in peace now.....til next time! hahaha