Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Oh Kitty I am so pleased for you! :dance: Glad it all went well and im v pleased that you got an answer to why you have been bleeding. Nice to know that it will stop too!

I can sleep a happy lady tonight! :cheer:
:hug: Oh Kitty thats fantastic news!!!! :cheer:

I am so happy for you :hug:
I am so delighted - this is wonderful news Kitty. I bet you will sleep really well tonight.

Jane x
That's great news Kitty! :cheer:
That's cheered me up after a LONG day!!!!

I was thinking someday we should have a ex-charties meet up - that would be fun!!
kitty so pleased to hear your scan went well hun :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
Whooop!!!! Rach look who's back! How are the boys?

Kitty - so glad everything is ok. What a relief to know what is causing the bleeding. I've been so worried about you. I think I'm definitely going to pay for a private scan, don't think I can bear waiting until 12 weeks to find out nothing is there.

24" waist???? The last time I had one of those I was 12! :rotfl: You can always borrow some of my 'thin' clothes that I was heading towards before the bfp. I think they would still swamp you!!! I'm glad you said that about fish, we defrosted some salmon on Sat and I couldn't face it. DH forgot about it and I opened the fridge yesterday and the oh smell. Breakfast came straight back.

I just had a cream doughnut for brekkie. I'm convinced they are my craving. :angel: Maybe I shouldn't eat so many as one of the ladies I work with said I didnt have a bump I was just spreading. Spreading!!!! I'm finding eating difficult though, normally if I go to the shops my basket is full before I've got down the first ailse. Now nothing appeals. I'm glad you other ladies had the same thing and that I'm not going mad.

Loola - any news on your parents?

ROM - loving the belly bands. Might get some for my spread!

Babydust I see little chap is still hanging in there. :cheer:

Hi to everyone else hope those with colds are feeling better. :hug:

Yesterday was the day I mcd last time, so I'm thrilled that my boobs hurt and I feel like poo. Little Cuthbert must still be hanging in there! :cheer:
Oh Kitty that is such brilliant news! Im so happy for you :) :hug: I did have a good feeling about it all but I didnt want to jinx it by saying it out loud, haha. :D

I think a charties meet up would be great! Probably best once the 'almost about to pop' ladies have popped ;) We would have to find somewhere central to us all which is the only problem!

Trudy so pleased that you got past the bad day! :cheer: Cuthbert is very happy tucked up in there Im sure! :cheer:

Nice to see you Rach, how are the boys doing?

Hope everyone is feeling well and happy!

My parents are supposed to be home around tea time tonight :cheer: I havent heard anything as yet though.
Loola said:

My parents are supposed to be home around tea time tonight :cheer: I havent heard anything as yet though.

That's great news. Bet you're relieved. Definitely could do either London (where the olds live) or North West for a meet up. Manchester/Bolton.
Where does eveyone live? :think: Im in Basingstoke (which is in Hampshire!)

I would love to meet you all!
I could come up to London for a meet.
Oh and I think we should all gatecrash Loola's wedding too! :wink: that would be a cool place to meet up - but its miles away from me......although we do have plenty of time to arrange some accomodation or something I guess...... :think:

Kitty Im so glad all is ok for you :hug: and :wave: Rach good to see you here....
Hope everyone else is ok, apart from the stinky horrid colds which we all seem to have!

My best mate's housemate had her baby this morning at 3.30ish after 55 hours of labour......Im scared now! She was 41 weeks on Tuesday so she went quite a bit past her due date.....everyone keeps telling me I will be early but Im not sure myself, I did say that to begin with when the scan measurements were on the large side and cos I was measuring a week ahead every time with the MW, but I dont know anymore.....

Good grief....I'm nearly down to single figures!! :o
Rach - where are the photos?! Glad to see you back.

Loola - great news your parents are on their way home, what a relief.

Trudy - it's all very well having a small waist, but I don't have the hips to match! Finding clothes is a nightmare... I don't know if any of you girls braved the harem pants that were supposed to be trendy this autumn (I've not seen anyone actually wearing any...) but they'd have looked like lycra leggings on me... 1950s stuff suits me though. If I could live in a prom dress, I'd be happy! I think I'm going to follow up ROM's suggestion of belly bands - I'd heard of them but didn't have a clue where you could get them. Btw, your mention of the fish in the fridge just made my stomach flip - I could imagine the smell! I noticed a recipe for fish in a newspaper the other day and that made my stomach turn too. So I think it's safe to say fish is off the menu for a bit. I'm not actually wanting to be physically sick at all, but most of the time I feel like I've just stepped off a boat - my stomach's queasy and everything's slightly disorientated. I had porridge and a banana for breakfast, same as most days - it keeps me going.

Thanks to everyone else for your comments! And I hope the colds are clearing up now.

I did realise after posting that we'd made a mistake. The haematoma's bigger than we thought - we'd misheard :( We thought it was 13mm longest, but in fact it's 37x14x13 :( I checked the sonographer's notes. Still, that's not enormous, and it is to the side of the gest sac, nowhere near the umbilical cord. And the sonographer had put on the record that it was unlikely to affect the outcome of the pg. It's mostly black gunk that's coming out now :puke: but I think that's good - at least it makes sense, if that's the blood clot disintegrating gradually. Better out than in, as my DH says (usually after breaking wind...).

As for a meet-up, sounds good to me. I'm in London, so that works well for me :lol: We're about 20 mins by train/tube from central London. My parents are in the Cotswolds, so might be able to do somewhere round there, e.g. Oxford/Gloucester/Birmingham area. Are we thinking ladies-only, or are partners invited (and thus obviously children, for those who have more than one)? That might make a difference as to where. If it was London, we do have a couple of spare bedrooms, if that makes it easier for people further away. Getting from and to Swansea or Edinburgh in a day isn't to be recommended! Transport links are good too, obviously, but London isn't exactly in the middle of the country. I guess the other thing is, would people drive or come by train? train's usually faster (and better if you need to pee every 20 mins :lol: ) but car may be easier if you have a baby/small children. Cities are easier to get to by train, where finding your way is stressful and parking's a hassle, but finding a pub in the middle of nowhere 15 minutes from a motorway would work brilliantly for a car, and be crap for train ppl.
actually, Swansea's not too bad - there's a fast train. It's Aberystwyth that's the nightmare.
I live in Bolton but I am originally from London so could easily do that. My problem isn't kids it's dogs! :lol: I could do a day trip on the train most places and leave DH with the dogs. If it's London I can bring them and leave them with ma and pa.

We told our friends on Sunday that we were pg and that it was early days, we do alot with them and I'd been quite rubbish at showing up to anything recently, so I was running out of excuses. Their little girl cottoned on to what we were talking about and apparently has been telling everyone about the baby in my tummy! :shakehead: It's now the worlds worst kept secret. I've got an anniversary do on Sat and I think by Sat everyone will know. Oh dear. I had hoped to make it to 12 weeks and see LO on the screen so that I don't have to untell everyone if it goes wrong.

I can't even say she's making it up as how will it look in a few weeks time when I say actually I am pg.

Kitty harem pants? :rotfl: I've never heard of them. It's a shame I love fish but even typing this I'm feeling a bit green. Had a wave of morning sickness earlier. It could've been the cream doughnut I had for breakfast. :lol: I hope that's the last of it, being sick on nothing is not fun. :cry:
London is good for me, I dont mind travelling anywhere :) Mikes father lives in London too, so there could always be a visit to him included in the package (though the man is an arse and Mike would totally agree with me on that one, I cant believe his mum ever found him attractive, he looks like Tony Blackburn - but thinks he is James Bond, he is sleazy and just talks about money all the time - he basically thinks anyone who doesnt live 'in the City' is a bit backward :roll:) maybe we could forget that idea :lol:

I have family in Carlisle, Swindon, Manchester, Leamington Spa, have friends in Tamworth (nr Birmingham) and Canterbury so there are loads of places I could travel to and stay over if needs be. :D

Everyone is more than welcome to come to the wedding though! Kitty and Trudy, you will have just had your LO's though, but if anyone wants a trip to the seaside you are more than welcome! Claire and Kirsty you live in Scotland dont you? its a very long journey down here :?

Kitty - I tried on a pair of harem pants the other day. I spent 5 mins in the changing rooms in tears - laughing at the ridiculousness of them. I looked like a genie, but not in a cool sexy way. They are really not meant for pear shaped women like us are they! :lol:
Just got this txt from Sarah. (Chok) Hi, went2docs earlier about something unrelated &mentioned in passing that Id had some pink discharge today. Dr has me worried as she said it could be a bit of a bleed from behind the placenta instead of a bit of plug/show, so hav got 2go 2hosp when hubby gets home 2be checked out &monitored. Thought u might want 2let the stalkers know, wouldnt worry about any1 else at the mo. Let u know if anythin else happens -wish me luck! X
:hug: Hope your ok Chok!

Hope everyone else is ok too, would love to meet you all! I live in solihull near birmingham, not sure about traveling to far as I have Olivia with me and she hates long journeys :lol:

Anyway im in abit of a worried state at the moment, I am coming up to the exact weekend I started bleeding (on the sunday) and when I started to learn I was loosing our baby, im so worried about it as I am at the exact same stage of pregnancy in the week I was last time :(

I have had symptoms, where as they did stop before 6 weeks last time, tho im not that unwell, but feel abit gaggy sometimes and extreme hunger sickness, booby aches and tierdness. I suppose its a good sign?

Ohhh I just can't wait to get passed the 8 weeks and cant wait for my 12 weeks scan on Jan the 12th!

Kitty and Trudy I really hope things go well for you both too, would love to share our pregnancys together!


Hope everyone else is ok :hug:
Another txt from Chok. Just got out! They were a bit worried about babys heartbeat 4a while as it wasnt very regular,but it did settle down-got 2come back next week 4more checks-if I get that far. Am having regular contractions which were off the scale on the monitor but didnt feel painful as they werent lasting v.long. MW said 2come back in if they get stronger or last longer, but she thought it was more likely strong braxton hicks rather than established labour x

Great news eh?! :cheer:

Tasha im sure the symptoms are a good sign. :hug: I know what you mean until i passed my mc date i felt like a cloud was over me. All our beans will be fine. We'll be racing to see who pops 1st! :lol:
Oh Chok I've just seen this - :hug: hope you have got some sleep and feel a lot better now :hug:

I would love to meet too - I have friends in both London and Swansea so either would be good for me, of course Birmingham is just up the road so that would be fine too..... Or you could all come over to Pwhelli and we could have a day out on the boat :wink:

Jane x
Ooh Chok! Good luck hun, Im sure all will be fine in there, you just relax now :hug:

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