Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Kitty :hug: Thursday will be here before you know it. :hug:

Tasha - Im ok, Junior still doesnt seem to be heading anywhere near the exit :roll: cheeky monkey seems too comfy!

ROM - Me too - I go through so much milk at the moment I feel like I am always going out to buy more, but it does seem to help with the heartburn so that's why I am having so much. Sorry you aren't feeling too good. :hug:

Hope everyone else is ok
hi girls

hope you are all OK?

kitty - sorry to hear about the bleeding. i have my fingers crossed for thursday for you. I am pleased that you are feeling sick though! :lol:

Ive not heard from babydust - i hope she is OK :?

Ive come down with an awful cold and feel totally rubbish. Today is a duvet day :( Ive not had a sniffle all the way through pregnancy and now, at 37 weeks it hits me! So me and my dog are both in recovery!

On the plus side, my midwife has said that baby is fully engaged and I have everything i need for the homebirth. She left a big yellow bin bag type thing which i had a little look through but i stopped when i saw my perenial repair kit! :shock: :shock:

Hope all you gals are well. Please send some "get well hugs" to me :( :( (God, im such an attention seaker when im poorly!)
Sally - I sympathise entirely. I phoned in to work sick today, which I hate doing, especially as i stop on Friday but I just feel rotten coughing and sneezing, sore throat and headache :( :( I stayed in bed all morning, just got up for midwife appointment, now I am home and considering going back to bed again!!

Appointment wasn't great - I got the midwife who is about to retire. She's just not very convincing iykwim?
I was aking her if it's the right way up etc she just said "oh yes" and that was it.

Anyway, babydust posted in 3rd tri on saturday saying this:
"just a quick update im still here cooking bubs still a bit uncomfortable but not to bad had trace done on bubs's heart yesterday and he still seems happy where he is
i even managed to get my christmas tree up today"

I am her stalker text buddy so don't worry I will update you when there is news!!

Right - I'm away back to bed.
:hug: :hug: :hug: to everyone
Hi girls! :wave:

Sorry to hear you are poorly Kmac and Sally, hope you get better soon. :hug:

Kitty you poor thing, I really hope the bleeding stops soon, though the feeling sick is a very good sign that all is ok, good luck on Thursday.

Im doing ok, my parents are still stuck in Bangkok. Their travel insurance ran out yesterday so I spent literally hours on the phone on Saturday trying to get it extended before it ran out. I was passed to 11 different people before one operator told me the travel insurance would be extended for 1 week free of charge. I was happy with that. Then today I had an email from my Dad asking to try and extend for another week as they dont know whether they will be home by next Monday, so I phoned the Insurance Co again, this time I had some really rude operators, who told me that they couldnt extend the policy, it wasnt extended for a week and basically its tough luck. I was fuming by this point, not just because of her rudeness but also because I was blatantly lied to on Saturday as they just wanted to fob me off. I ran back later and spoke to a manager, she was very nice and explained that, unfortunately yet their policy has expired, they cannot extend it, I could not take out a new policy as they are already in Thailand and you can only take out a policy from the UK. The Policy would not cover acts such as 'War and Uprisings' anyway so they wouldnt be covered, but thats not really the point! They are stuck in a foreign country now, with no insurance, so if they needed hospital treatment for any reason, not including War and Uprisings they wouldnt have a leg to stand on! :wall: I just feel so helpless as there is so little I can do :( I just want them home now, they have been there for a month and must be running out of money by now.) My Mum is ill now too, probably down to stress, which is why Im so concerned. I have told them to speak to the Embassy for advice.

Anyway Ill stop my rant now! :lol: In other news I got ridiculously drunk on Saturday night which was great fun, until Sunday when I felt awful, hehe. I have put up my xmas decorations up, I have 2 trees, one big one which is gold and copper, and a little one which is red and silver. :)

Anyone else got their decs up? Hello to everyone hope you are all well. Where's my Sookie? :think:
I'm here I'm here! :wave:

Babydust glad little chap is hanging in there.

Sally and Kmac hope you feel better soon. There's some horrid bugs going round at the mo! :hug: :hug:

Oh Loola, what a nightmare. I can't believe you were told it was extended when it wasn't. You're poor mum. Holidays are supposed to be relaxing. Yeah for getting drunk. I'm very excited because I have discovered non-alcoholic beer. I can hide in the pub without anyone asking questions! :cheer:

Tasha I know what you mean I started feeling normal again yesterday and started to worry. Then went to bed nausea hit, cramping and couldn't lie on my front because 2 ping pong balls have replaced my boobs. :roll:

Kitty sorry you're still bleeding. Just think you get to see LO again tomorrow! Wonder if he'll still look like a duck? :think:

ROM hope you enjoyed your roast. I had to have a well done steak at the weekend. Ooo no Sir! Never again. That poor beastie died in vain. Hope the heartburn gets better.

Flossy hope all is well.

Sookie hope you're settling in ok and that MIL is being a bit more considerate.

I think that's everyone.... Hmmmm I'm sure I'm forgetting someone!

Ooo Chok! (Only kidding hun) Hope little munky makes an appearance soon. We've not had a CS baby in at least a month! :lol:

I'm feeling ok. In that I feel like poo and I'm sleeping all the time. The nausea comes and goes but only fish fingers have actually made me :puke: Even the thought of them now makes me billious. I'm glad for every symptom I get! I get to the dreaded 6w6days on Friday. So I'm wiping all the time making sure nothing is there. I know I can still m/c after that but it's my personal date of dread. From the feel of the constant cramping little cuthbert seems to be bedding in deeply! Told M&FIL yesterday. MIL knew as soon as she saw me. I think she's some kind of voodoo priestess she can tell just by looking at someone that they're pg. FIL has agreed to keep quiet until 1st scan due to what happened last time. Poor thing he gets so excited he wants to let everyone know.

Hope I've not forgotten anyone. :hug:

Babydust - yep I have a ball and have been trying to coax Junior downwards on it.....Its just such a pain having to wait til next week to see if its changed anything yet......

Trudy :shakehead: I dunno, some people! :lol:
Im trying for a pre-xmas birth Hun believe me!

Sorry to those feeling poo - my sore throat is still here and now Ive got a bit of a cough - think I must have caught it off you sickos in here! :rotfl: We're a right bunch, all getting ill just as our due dates are coming up!

Loola- I really hope your parents get to come home soon :hug:

Sally - :hug: (Get well hug) although Im sure that getting that close to each other we will probably end up with more germs than we started out with!

:wave: everyone else
choklatemunky said:
Sally - :hug: (Get well hug) although Im sure that getting that close to each other we will probably end up with more germs than we started out with!
Thanks! :rotfl:

Just a quickie...does anyone know what I can do to make myself feel better? If I werent pregnant I would be dosing myself up to the eyeballs with medicine but not sure what i can take now :think:

I have been eaing lots of fruit and drinking lots of water...is there anything else I can do? i really dont want to go into labour feeling like this. I cant get off the sofa let alone push a baby out!

Hope eveyone we all get better soon! :hug:
hi all!

woooh, loads of news.

Loola, I really hope your parents get back soon, it must be so frustrating for you not being able to do anything more. :hug:

babydust, glad things have settled! I wasn't sure if no news was good news... as for DH, how much do you normally spend on him? If you've got the girls a Wii, can you get him the Wii sports addition, or is that way too expensive? I've no idea how much they cost.

kmac and sally, hope you both recover soon - having a cold and being heavily pg must be even worse, I guess there's a limit on what you can take for it?

chok, give him a good talking-to, and let him know who's boss!

ROM, tasha, flossy and sookie, hope everything's going well with you. btw, ROM, did I mention I love the bear rug?! I want one... for me!

Trudy, for some reason I'm not too good with fish either. I had smoked salmon for lunch the other day (probably on the list of things I shouldn't have, but I'm already bored of that now) and I struggled. Then for Monday eve I'd bought a couple of the Sainsbury's Naturals ready meals - I don't normally do ready meals but I've been feeling so sh*t and scared about the bleeding that I didn't want to stand for an hour in the kitchen. They're supposed to be ok - you steam them in the microwave, and there are no added colours, flavours, or preservatives. Anyway, I peeled back the film and knew immediately that I couldn't eat it - it was a salmon and brown rice one. Poor DH manfully offered to eat his and mine, as I was bothered about wasting it and would have forced myself to eat it... I ended up with a banana sandwich and a mug of hot milk, which was absolutely perfect. Anyway, I'm avoiding fish for a bit - which could be a problem, as I don't eat a lot of meat. I only eat organic free-range meat, so am always veggie when we go out, and now that I have to eat meat well-done, it's just not appetising - I so sympathise about the steak!

Did anyone else find that you don't necessarily have cravings or aversions, but you're just generally 'off' food? I can't think of anything I want to eat and I love my food!

Oh, and can I ask all the pg ladies - when did you start wearing maternity clothes, and what did you do before that? I've not put on weight (I've actually lost 3kg), but by the end of the day I have a little belly. It's really strange - in the morning I look thin, in the evening I look pg. But my jeans are baggy in the mornings, even with the belt done on the tightest notch, but by the evening, I HAVE to undo the button and half the zip. My skirts are all a nightmare - since I normally have a 25" waist and 34" hips, I've always worn A-line skirts and clothes that emphasise my waist and hide my thighs. So everything is tight on the waist and it bloody hurts. But I really don't want to buy bigger clothes in case it all goes pear-shaped (the pg, not me, I already am) over the next week or so, and I'm sure it's too early for maternity stuff (again, I don't want to tempt fate, but I know that if I did m/c again after buying them, I'll be pg again one day so I'd just put them in the loft or sth). All advice welcome.

I guess I'll see how tomorrow's scan goes before I think any further on this.

:hug: to all.
sally - you snuck yours ijn whilst I was typing my epic! I couldn't be arsed to edit it before submitting...

When I have a cold, I don't usually take anything unless it's really bad, in which case I take lemsip - the normal lemsip has paracetamol, the lemsip max has caffeine and ibuprofen, so you'd have to check the label. My usual cold remedy is a hot hot hot curry, with ginger, coriander, green chillies and capsicum (peppers) - all known to help with colds. However, I've heard some women eat curry to kickstart labour, so I really wouldn't know!!

Mugs of hot water with a spoonful of honey (preferably Manuka active if you can get it - antibacterial and healing properties - it's expensive though), a slice fo fresh ginger and a slice of lemon, left to steep for a minute or two, will do you good too.
Kittykins said:
sally - you snuck yours ijn whilst I was typing my epic! I couldn't be arsed to edit it before submitting...

When I have a cold, I don't usually take anything unless it's really bad, in which case I take lemsip - the normal lemsip has paracetamol, the lemsip max has caffeine and ibuprofen, so you'd have to check the label. My usual cold remedy is a hot hot hot curry, with ginger, coriander, green chillies and capsicum (peppers) - all known to help with colds. However, I've heard some women eat curry to kickstart labour, so I really wouldn't know!!

Mugs of hot water with a spoonful of honey (preferably Manuka active if you can get it - antibacterial and healing properties - it's expensive though), a slice fo fresh ginger and a slice of lemon, left to steep for a minute or two, will do you good too.

Thanks kitty :hug: Will give all the natural things a go...im trying to avoid any medicine.
Lots of luck with your scan tomorrow - what time is it? Will be thinking of you x
thank you... 2.30pm. DH has to go straight away for a work course afterwards, so I shall be alone all eve and o/n. I think if it's bad news, I might phone my friend (the one I was with when I started bleeding) and see if I can stay there the night. They're only a couple of tube stops away - though her husband would almost certainly insist on coming to pick me up.

I'm terrified. Personally, I think the baby's still there and still alive - but I don't know how viable :( I think I would know by know if I had m/c'ed, since I think the bleeding would have got worse. But I'm scared it'll be like last time - when I was spotting, and the pg wasn't viable, but the gest sac was just growing v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. That's what I dread - that we'll see a hb, but it'll be faint and slow, so we'll know it's over, only it won't be. I honestly don't know how I would cope with waiting 9 weeks to m/c, like I did last time. Anyway, I shall stop thinking about it now.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to you kitty
Will be thinking about you tomorrow.
try and think positively - but I know it must be difficult for you.
let us know as soon as you can how you get on
Kittykins said:
Did anyone else find that you don't necessarily have cravings or aversions, but you're just generally 'off' food? I can't think of anything I want to eat and I love my food!

I was like this early on - I wasnt sick but I would think of a load of foods and think, nope, cant eat that, cant eat that - there was just nothing that I really wanted a lot of the time - but I forced myself to have stuff as I knew not eating wouldnt help LO or me.

As for the clothing thing - I just wore my 'fat day' clothes for a bit before I got mat clothes - you know, the things you wear when you feel bloated and are having an off day (or was that just me)....I seem to remember other people mentioning being bigger by the evenings - and it was usually water......

I hope the scan goes well tomorrow sweetie

Junior is definitely more responsive to Daddy - always moves when poked by him and not when I do it :roll: ....so perhaps I will get DH talking to my belly later! :lol:

Sally- hot water, honey and lemon got me through my last cold, so I think I will end up on that soon too the way I am going.....my sore throat is not getting better and I am the same as you - I really dont fancy labour when Im not feeling 100% ......stupid colds!!
:wave: Hi everyone,

Kitty I will be :pray: all is well tomorrow - I do believe the fact that you are so tired and gone off certain foods is a good sign. The reason I tested was because I nearly threw up when I smelt fish!! I love fish normally but I have only just been able to stomach eating it - still cant stand cooking it :puke:

Early on I just got a couple of "bellybands" from New Look - I think there were 3 in the pack - one white, one grey and one black and you wear them over your normal clothes with the buttons undone.... With the layered look being in they worked really well for me especially with jeans. I still wear them now as they give added support to my bump so I feel as if I have got my monies worth out of them.

:hug: to everyone with colds - my doctor says its ok to take paracetamol.

I will catch up with you all some more tomorrow but I have just got back from having my hair done and need to put my feet up :D

Jane x
Hi everyone xxxxx

Be thinking of you too tomorrow kitty. Good vibes coming your way :hug:
I wrote a long post last night one of my usual meaningless rants :lol: my computer crashed when I posted it :wall: Anyway Kitty Ill be thinking of you today. I really hope it goes well, I wanted to ask too, you know you had the painful sex/tampon usage thing (I cant remember the technical name for it) well would that have anything to do with why you are bleeding now? Or is that completel unrelated? Good luck for today hun, Im sure you feeling sickly is a good sign :pray: :hug:
:wave: all - well I had the worst night todate last night - eventually got to sleep at about 5.00 am this morning but forgot to turn my office phone to silent - just been woken up by it ringing and ringing!!! Didnt get to it in time but it did wake me, only to find it was my MIL who had been ringing - she had also rung the housephone and my mobile!!! Not sure what the daft bat wants yet but I suspect its to see if I slept better!!!

Kitty I will be thinking of you today - let us know how you get on honey :hug:

Loola, I was talking to my friend in Swansea yesterday - I'm going to PM you x

Jane x
:wave: everyone

:cheer: it went well!

Sorry for taking so long to post, DH is supposed to be on a trainign course today and had bunked off to come to the hospital, so when we came back we had to pack his stuff and then I took him to the station - and stopped off at Sainsbury's on the way back. That took forever because I really couldn't think of anything to eat!

Anyway, I had carefully avoided going to the loo for a whole 30 mins before the scan, b/c I really wanted an abdominal one (worried a transvag would irritate things further). So I got on the couch, the sonographer put the scanner on my abdomen - and I nearly wet myself :oops: :oops: :oops: I had to ask her not to press too hard as I had a full bladder, and she said 'yes, I've already seen that - you can't miss it!" :rotfl: Anyway, I was allowed to go to the loo - and I shan't make that mistake again. I didn't need a TVU, thank goodness, she could see the hb instantly on the abdominal one. Fetal pole measures 15.2mm, which is about 7w6 - she was really careful and measured it about 20 times from different angles. One measurement was 8w0, the rest were all 7w6. That's 3 days behind dates, going on our estimated LMP, but is nto a problem - most importantly, the last scan was 3 days behind as well, so the two scans match perfectly. 3 days is within range, so they're not changing the date yet. Anyway, our dates could be all over the place - my chart shows temp lagging behind OPKs by a couple of days, so it's easily possible I ovulated 2-3 days later than thought - I even asked a FF guide about that at the time, and she thought only the timihng of my period would tell us for sure...

As for the bleeding, there is a small subchorionic haematoma - a blood clot behind the placenta - but it is very small. It's 13mm in length, much less in width and depth, so is already rather smaller than the foetus (most important thing!). The sonographer said it was far enough away from the sac and so small that in her opinion, it doesn't pose any risk to the foetus at all, but she made a note of it for the next sonographer to check. She thinks I will probably have a little more bleeding as it disappears, but not to worry. So that's good news.


I need to :sleep: !

Thank you all so much for your support, it means a lot to me.

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