Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

That's so lovely. What do these people do wrap their babies in plastic or something?? I know my pram will be filthy within a week. :oops: I won't even be using it that much either as I planning to use a sling most of the time! :lol:

I love the littl rug. So cute.
Hello all :wave: Wow what a lovely pram ROM its really nice and as you say looks so comfy for baby too. :) Well after having my scan yesterday im pleased to say we are having another GIRL!!!! Im so excited about it another little princess in the house. :D There's a pic etc in this thread here for you too see :D
ROM - I love your pram and rug! I bet your Nursery looks really cosy! and your bump is fab! :cheer:

Kitty - Im so sorry you are going through all this. :hug: I dont think Id be able to cope in your situation, Id be terrified. Its great news that the baby is fine though hun. The body is such an unpredicatble thing isnt it :hug:

Flossy - Congratulations on having a baby girl! :cheer: Any names yet :wink:

Chok - Congrats on being full term today! How exciting, not long to go now :cheer:

Babydust - Really hope you are not in too much pain! Sit tight for a little longer!

Sally - I felt the same way when I had my cats (or bears to me) neutered and spayed. I felt so guilty as they looked so sad afterwards, but it is for the best :hug:

Trudy - Any symptoms yet?

Hi to everyone :wave: Hope you are doing well.

Well it looks like my parents are going to be stuck in Bangkok a while longer. Both Airports are closed now and the protestors are refusing to move until the Prime Minister steps down, this could take some time :? I am slightly concerned, my parents are in their late 60s and dont speak any Thai whatsoever, Im sure they are in good hands with the tour operator, but its still got to be scary for them. Im just praying that this protest stays peaceful. I wish I could contact them properly but I dont want to waste their credit and phone power by talking to then too much.
There is just absolutely nothing I can do which is the worst thing. :(
Flossy - lovely name!
ROM - thats a gorgeous pram.....like you say its almost a good thing now that the other one was broken as you have got a lovely one now
Kitty - :hug: sorry you are having problems - things just dont run smoothly for you do they - but I do have to say I nearly wet myself with the whole choks away thing.......hadnt thought of it myself :rotfl:
Sally - Hope the dog cheers up soon and that you are doing ok
Loola - it must be scary for your parents and I hope they are being taken good care of by the tour operators
kmac - get anything good at boots?
Sookie & Tasha - you ok?
Trudy - :cheer: great ticker Hun :hug:

Im being very lazy today....must.....do.....something.....productive!
choklatemunky said:
Trudy - :cheer: great ticker Hun :hug:

Thanks hun. I was waiting until 7 weeks but if i miscarry i miscarry, a ticker isn't going to change that, so I'm being positive and embracing (sp?) this pregnancy as you guys have all said, different egg and sperm.

You enjoy your lazy day, you'll soon be very busy!
:cheer: Yey congrats on the baby girl Flossy!!

Chok, im fine thanks, hope you are well.

Hope everyone else is ok too? yeah Trudy and symptoms yet? :D Oh and im planning to use sling mostly, alreayy have a pram and car seat from Oli one of the uran detor ones, but Idoubt ill even use it apart from the car seat!

Well my symptoms have started to kick in! keep getting nausia :puke: and my boobies absolutly kill!! im shatterd all the time and want to eat crap :lol:

Loola im sorry to hear your parents are still stuck in Bangkok, I hope they get home safely soon! :hug:

Hope your all well :hug:
Trudyscrumptious76 said:
choklatemunky said:
Trudy - :cheer: great ticker Hun :hug:

Thanks hun. I was waiting until 7 weeks but if i miscarry i miscarry, a ticker isn't going to change that, so I'm being positive and embracing (sp?) this pregnancy as you guys have all said, different egg and sperm.

:D Im pleased to hear that you are being positive.

Tasha - yeah Im ok - tho Junior is still high up so the heartburn is really stupid and doing my head in, but I suppose it'll all happen when it's meant to.....
Have you got a birth ball? I found boucing on that really helped move Oli down and relieved the heartburn............... until I layed down :lol:

Aww I hope little one comes soon :hug:
Tasha - thanks - yeah I have got one, its not blown up yet but it was one of my jobs for today.......I'll get it done this afternoon I think.
It's been busy on here today!!!

Only 1 more week of work left :cheer: ...... but it's going to be a hectic one :(

Chok - I didn't think I'd got that much in Boots but somehow at the till it was over £50 - but I got 1500 Advantage Card points!! (which I am saving to buy myself something nice later). Most notable items were disposable pants and nipple cream!
The woman at the till asked me when baby was due - I said 27th Dec and she went"OOH - it could come any time then!!" :shock: I hope not!! Well in a way I do... pff..I don't know what I think any more! I just don't want it to come on Christmas Day (for it's own sake!!).

We've got our NCT classes this weekend.. it's 10-4 Saturday and Sunday and 7-9 on Monday evening - it is called an intensive course but I'm tired just thinking about it. It will def be a good excuse for take away dinner tomorrow night though! And I have no idea when we will do our food shop etc but never mind!

Loola - any news on your parents? :hug:
Flossy - i like the name too :)
Sally - hope your dog is ok
rom - love the pram and the rug!
trudy - glad you are feeling positive
tasha - hope your symptoms ease off soon
chok - did you get your ball blown up yet? I've got a gym ball already - I assume it's the same thing? Maybe I will blow it up and have a bounce about!
rach - glad things are going well for you and the twins!

My bump is having a quiet day today - I think it likes to worry me :? It usually does more in the evening so I am not worrying yet - honest! :fib: I know it's probably fine..

Right - I have a mountain of ironing so I best get started on it... although I am tempted to have a little snooze first!!

kmac said:
Only 1 more week of work left :cheer: ...... but it's going to be a hectic one :(
:cheer: for only having one more week but boo for it probably being a tough one.....I was exactly the same, there was tons to do just before I left and I was in the office alone for most of the week!

kmac said:
Chok - I didn't think I'd got that much in Boots but somehow at the till it was over £50 - but I got 1500 Advantage Card points!! (which I am saving to buy myself something nice later). Most notable items were disposable pants and nipple cream!
The woman at the till asked me when baby was due - I said 27th Dec and she went"OOH - it could come any time then!!" :shock: I hope not!! Well in a way I do... pff..I don't know what I think any more! I just don't want it to come on Christmas Day (for it's own sake!!).
Glad you got lots of points and I hope you do get something nice with them.....as for the rest of it, I know EXACTLY what you mean!

kmac said:
chok - did you get your ball blown up yet? I've got a gym ball already - I assume it's the same thing? Maybe I will blow it up and have a bounce about!
Mines a gym ball too, same thing really just cheaper! You just have to make sure you aren't over the weight limit on it :lol: as I think gym balls have lower limits than birth balls.....it's as if they are trying to say us PG women are big n heavy or something :talkhand: :lol:

I reckon a snooze sounds good - but I can never sleep in the day, come to think of it, I can't really sleep at night either! :roll: never mind - Junior has hiccups at the moment, so I'm off for a walk about - gotta go buy something to eat later from the supermarket, and I might accidentally have to get a bar of galaxy when Im there too! :rotfl:
hey all.
Just poking my head round the door...

I went to be at 8.30 last night, and slept till 10.30 this morning :oops: :lol: I know I got up a few times for the loo, but each time I sleepwalked back! Anyway, I decided to have a lazy day today (not teaching today, supposed to be marking, but it can wait, just means I'll have to work over the weekend) and stayed in bed dozing till 11.30. Then I got up, had breakfast, felt tired and dizzy so went back to bed. And SLEPT! How much can one woman sleep?! I got up again an hour or so ago and had a shower and now I'm knackered and queasy again. My tummy's hungry but my mouth isn't.


Well, it looks like you lot have been a lot busier than me! Kmac, glad your shopping was a success even if it wasn't glamorous!

Chok, babydust, any news????

congratulations on the pink scan, Flossy!

ok, I need to go, sorry to rest, def feeling queasy now and gotta do sth about it. Just praying that's a good sign. TTYL
We slipped off the page so I thought I would bump us before I go to bed..... :sleep:

Full of roast Beef dinner and feeling very happy :D

Jane x
:hug: How is everyone?

Got worried yesterday as I started to feel normal again :(

Though I can safely say I do not today! :lol:

Kitty, Trudy how are you feeling?

Kmac, Chok, Sally, ROM, Flossy how are your baby bumps coming along?

Loola and Sooky, how are you two?


:wave: Hello to everyone else :wave:
hi all :wave:

I'm still bleeding :(

I get a brief bleed once a day (like a small gush) usually between 11 and 3 (once at 10, once at 4), the rest of the time I get brown spotting. Today's the 10th day of bleeding. I'm getting a bit sick of it, it feels like this has been going on soooooo long now. I just wanted to enjoy being pg... so I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself.

Otherwise I'm ok. Very tired - I need to sleep about 12 hours a day. The last couple of days I've definitely been feeling queasier. Not sick as in wanting to throw up, but kind of sick-dizzy, like when you get off a rollercoaster or a boat. I'm hoping that's good.

Next scan is on Thursday - feels like a lifetime away.

How's everyone else?
Sorry to hear your still bleeding :hug: I can see why you would get sick of it, would be so worrying all the time, your symptoms sound promicing though Kitty :hug:
Oh Kitty :hug: what a worry for you - Thursday must seem like a lifetime away :hug:

I was only actually sick twice the rest of the time I felt just like you described - almost like a hangover sickness, eating a little and often seemed to help me and it always had to be high fat type food, not chocolate though for me savory stuff worked like cheese or crisps...... I would eat through the nausa and then feel better for a couple of hours and then it would return sort of all day sickness and mine was definately worse at night!!

Ironically I have been sick and feeling sick a lot over the past week - I cannot believe it has returned!! Its getting to the point that I dont want to eat much at all....... Making myself eat cereal in the mornings and something small for lunch and dinner - I am drinking loads of milk though which seems to help my heartburn...... I feel and look like a great big Cow!!

I think being tired is a great sign too. It will be worth it in the end...

Jane x

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