It's been busy on here today!!!
Only 1 more week of work left

...... but it's going to be a hectic one
Chok - I didn't think I'd got that much in Boots but somehow at the till it was over £50 - but I got 1500 Advantage Card points!! (which I am saving to buy myself something nice later). Most notable items were disposable pants and nipple cream!
The woman at the till asked me when baby was due - I said 27th Dec and she went"OOH - it could come any time then!!"

I hope not!! Well in a way I do... pff..I don't know what I think any more! I just don't want it to come on Christmas Day (for it's own sake!!).
We've got our NCT classes this weekend.. it's 10-4 Saturday and Sunday and 7-9 on Monday evening - it is called an intensive course but I'm tired just thinking about it. It will def be a good excuse for take away dinner tomorrow night though! And I have no idea when we will do our food shop etc but never mind!
Loola - any news on your parents?
Flossy - i like the name too
Sally - hope your dog is ok
rom - love the pram and the rug!
trudy - glad you are feeling positive
tasha - hope your symptoms ease off soon
chok - did you get your ball blown up yet? I've got a gym ball already - I assume it's the same thing? Maybe I will blow it up and have a bounce about!
rach - glad things are going well for you and the twins!
My bump is having a quiet day today - I think it likes to worry me

It usually does more in the evening so I am not worrying yet - honest!

I know it's probably fine..
Right - I have a mountain of ironing so I best get started on it... although I am tempted to have a little snooze first!!