Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

OMG Kitty! :shock: :shock: :shock: I am so pleased that it is all ok. Surely things will have to settle down for you now, you poor thing :hug: :hug: :hug:

Just caught up on 3 pages of posts, but I am slacking off and have the kids doing silent reading. They've been at it for 15 mins now so better go. Will check back in tomorrow when I will (hopefully) have more time.

Hey Sookie! :wave: Great to hear from you :) I love the thought of you being on the forum whilst looking over a class of silent children :lol:

I am stressed at the moment. There is an protest going on at Bangkok airport and my parents are stuck in Bangkok, they are supposed to fly home tonight from there :? Neither myself or my brothers can get hold of them on their mobiles, im going to go to my Mums this lunch time to see if I can get any numbers of their tour operator. They have been on a cruise around China and Thailand. They should be staying at hotel so hopefully they can stay there a bit longer. My Mum is the most stressed person in the world as it is, so she is going to be flapping right now!
I wonder if my old school teachers were on pregnancy forums when they should have been teaching me?! :shakehead: Actually, im not sure the internet was even around then!

Loola - Your poor parents. I hope they are OK. Have you got hold of them yet?

Well here is Miss Bump...has got a lot lower recently, im sure she is just going to drop out any min! :rotfl:

Aww Sally! :cheer: That is a lovely bump! :D Not long now hun! :cheer:

Yes I have managed to get hold of my parents, they are in a hotel in Bangkok, being looked after thank god. They will be staying there an extra few days but they seem chilled which is good :)
Good to hear from you by the way
Sorry I got a bit excited there :oops: I'm not anyone's text buddy :(
Glad bubs is doing OK, but it sounds like a bit of an ordeal for you.
Take care of yourself :hug: :hug: :hug:
*Remembers the reason she came in*

Here's a bump pic. It's not all stretch marks btw - the waistband on my trousers left a load of lines!!


OK this is George today - 30 weeks.....


Dave's favorite - me being Budda.....

Husbands dont you love them :-)
Hello everyone :wave: How are we all this morning?! :) Fab bumps kmac and ROM :cheer: Oh my im like an excited kid this A.M i have my scan later and i cannot wait to find out what team we are going to be on roll on my appointment! :cheer: :dance:
Well peeps, thats it - I am full term today - so Junior could come at any time....although I think its too comfy in there as the head isnt even engaged yet! :roll: Think I might be in it for the long haul!

Hope everyone is doing well...... :hug: Loving all the bumpness - I really have to try and get mine on here :oops: keep promising to do it and then give up with the silly slow computer!
nice bumps everyone! :D We should hold a bump contest - like a knobbly knees competition!

Chok, I can't wait for your baby to come - if only so that I can shout Chok's away! :rotfl: yeah yeah pathetic, I know.

babydust - yikes - how long is labour so far then? Hope it's not too painful. Loads of hugs top you.

Sookie - hope you're doing ok :hug:

Loola - glad your parents are ok, that must have been stressful for you...

Flossy - good luck for your appt!

:wave: to ROM, Kmac, Tasha, Trudy and anyone I've missed :oops:

Well, I'm still bleeding... really not enjoying this too much :cry: I'm getting gushes of bright red blood - seem to be once a day, between about 9.30 and 11, lasting a minute or so, but enough flow to be scary (literally dripping into the toilet bowl :puke: :( ). Rest of the time, I'm getting on/off brown watery spotting. I saw my doctor this morning - he must be really fed up of me by now. He thinks that although bleeding in early pregnancy is never ideal, the fact that there's no pain and there is a fetal hb is much more important. He says it's almost certainly the placenta forming and attaching - either too much placenta being formed in one go, and bits break off, or it's where the blood supply is being connected - sometimes the ends don't quite meet properly and you get little releases of blood. He told me it could go on for up to 10 weeks :shock: I hope not. I'm starting to get used to it, but still my heart sinks every time i feel the bleeding start again. I feel like I've been bleeding since the end of July. I keep telling myself I'd rather it was me bleeding than the bean, but why me at all? This sounds awful, but I just want a break. I know many of you have been through the same thing, so you'll understand how I feel...

sorry to put a dampener on things. Back to birth stories!
Kitty :hug: it must be so upsetting getting this each day - it does sound like your doctor is being supportive thank goodness - will you have another scan? although its not long till your 12 week one I suppose it might be nice for you to see baby growing?

We have a glut of babies due soon I think with Babydust, Kmac, Sally and Chok ...... gosh our family is growing :-)

Jane x
sorry - forgot to say that yes, I have a scan scheduled for next Thursday (at my usual hospital, no emergency visits to check out hospitals round the country!).

My doc said there wasn't much point having another scan before then since I haven't passed any clots or tissue - we know Duckie's still in there for the moment. I agree - I'm a little bit concerned about the effect of loud bursts of sound from the scan so I don't want unnecessary ones. The scheduled scan will be 10 days after the last scan so should be useful.

What do you all think about linking to labour threads on here? I don't know whetehr it's more laziness or superstition, but I don't read the tri threads. I've posted a scan pic in first tri, since others want to know what an early scan might show, but right now I can't bring myself to spend any time in the pg threads. It took me a while to find Rach's stuff - I realised Urchin had posted in 3rd tri and her DH had posted in birth stories.

Anyway, if everyone's ok with it, we could put a link to Babydust's thread (and anyone else as it happens) in here and then those of us who are nervous or recovering don't have to go through all the happy pg stuff to check up on charties? And if any of you in 3rd tri would be kind enough to put a link on here when you see a relevant new thread, that would also be great! (opbviously this is in addition to any posts on here from chartie text buddies!)
Big hugs to you kitty :hug: :hug: :hug: I can't imagine how you must be feeling, a right mix of emotions I'm sure.
You must be keeping Always in business through the financial crisis!! :)

I'm happy to pop any relevant links I see on here - if only i knew how to :oops: :oops:
Do you just go to the thread then copy and paste the address from your browser? Or is there a more sophisticated way?

Have to dash as need to get tea on then I'm off out to meet my friend for coffee then we are going to the Boots Christmas Evening (bonus points!!).

:wave: :wave: to all and :hug: :hug: to those requiring them
kmac said:
I'm happy to pop any relevant links I see on here - if only i knew how to :oops: :oops:
Snap! :rotfl:

Nice bumps ROM & Kmac :cheer:

Kitty - sorry you are struggling. It sounds like you are being looked after though? Glad you have another scan booked

Flossy - so what team are you on? i cant wait to find out :dance:

babydust -hope you are holding up OK and that bubs stays put for a bit longer!

Ive had a terrible day! My dog was at the vets today being spayed so i was worrying about her all day and now she is home safe and sound but she looks so sad! :cry: :cry: She keeps looking at me as if to say "what have you done Mum?" I feel awful! :( I cant even cheer her up with cheese!

Hi to everyone else hope you are all having lovely evenings x x x
Kittykins said:
Chok, I can't wait for your baby to come - if only so that I can shout Chok's away! :rotfl: yeah yeah pathetic, I know.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm sorry you are having problems still, I know exactly what you mean. There are some women who fall 1st month and then glow all through it and have really short labours. The likes of you and I will worry every day, get piles, heartburn, spots, etc and then have a 3 week labour! :roll: But I tell myself I'll love my child even more than them because of all the work I put in - yeah right! :lol: Good idea posting links. I didn't realise Rach's DH had posted. I'll have to go find that. If I ever want to post a link I copy the address bar and paste it. It seems to work. I'm sure there's a much more sophisticated way to do it! :)

What would we talk about if it all went to smoothly? Your doc sounds great. DH has picked up Celulitis, some odd skin infection thingy so he's been at the docs every day and he's told both docs I'm pg both said Really?? It's nice to know they really believed in me! :lol:

Cute bumps ladies.

Babydust - hope mini dust stays in there for a while!

Aw Sally I'm dreading my dogs being done. I feel guilty when I don't give them my dinner never mind lopping their bits off. They've got to be done though. Bruno's 2 this month so we've left it quite late.

Hi to everyone else. To all you ladies due soon. Push!!!!
:wave: Our new pushchair has arrived with handles :-) In lots of ways I am now glad that the otherone was broken as we went back to our original choice of a Silvercross and it looks so much more comfortable as a pram. We also got the matching car seat so can use it as a travel system if we want - it is in such great condition - not a mark on any of it and they sent the parasol still in its original wrapping as well as the changing bag that matches which is unused!!

Oh my goodness apart from his bedding I think we have most things now ....... at least I can rest easy if he arrives early he has somewhere to sleep :D



We also got him this rug for the nursery... hopefully putting his border up this weekend and buying the curtains.


Jane x

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