nice bumps everyone!

We should hold a bump contest - like a knobbly knees competition!
Chok, I can't wait for your baby to come - if only so that I can shout
Chok's away!

yeah yeah pathetic, I know.
babydust - yikes - how long is labour so far then? Hope it's not too painful. Loads of hugs top you.
Sookie - hope you're doing ok
Loola - glad your parents are ok, that must have been stressful for you...
Flossy - good luck for your appt!

to ROM, Kmac, Tasha, Trudy and anyone I've missed
Well, I'm still bleeding... really not enjoying this too much

I'm getting gushes of bright red blood - seem to be once a day, between about 9.30 and 11, lasting a minute or so, but enough flow to be scary (literally dripping into the toilet bowl

). Rest of the time, I'm getting on/off brown watery spotting. I saw my doctor this morning - he must be really fed up of me by now. He thinks that although bleeding in early pregnancy is never ideal, the fact that there's no pain and there is a fetal hb is much more important. He says it's almost certainly the placenta forming and attaching - either too much placenta being formed in one go, and bits break off, or it's where the blood supply is being connected - sometimes the ends don't quite meet properly and you get little releases of blood. He told me it could go on for up to 10 weeks

I hope not. I'm starting to get used to it, but still my heart sinks every time i feel the bleeding start again. I feel like I've been bleeding since the end of July. I keep telling myself I'd rather it was me bleeding than the bean, but why me at all? This sounds awful, but I just want a break. I know many of you have been through the same thing, so you'll understand how I feel...
sorry to put a dampener on things. Back to birth stories!