Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Morning all :wave:

Sadi the pram was delivered on Wednesday and it had been dropped or something and the handles had snapped off!! It must have been really badly handled though as they are a sealed unit and obviously they are designed to withstand lots I would think....... We were having trouble getting hold of the seller but bless her she came up trumps on Saturday and has arranged for DHL to collect it today and will give us a full refund. I feel awful for her as obviously it wasnt her fault but a pram with no handles is really no use to us!!

Floss we have decided to go back to our original plan and get a Silvercross 3d - I loved the mamas and papas one but when it came it didnt seem to lie completely flat and that worried me a bit as I want to use it for sleeping in the day.....

Anyway I hope everyone is OK - so much going on with so many at different stages - I am still keeping everything crossed for Claire - I hope her little boy stays put for a couple of days longer - How are all you newly pregnant mums feeling?

Right going to wake Dave up as I have had a dreadful night - feel like my hips are being pulled apart!! So didnt hardly sleep and I dont see why he should get a lie in :D

Jane x
Oh ROM I am so sorry to hear about your pram!! how annoying!!

Oh and Flossy well done hun!! and good luck with the scan!! :cheer:
:wave: everyone how are we all feeling?
Im ok today - heartburn has been horrendous some days as Junior doesnt seem to want to go towards the exit any time soon...........but hey, Im nearly full term now!!!! :cheer: but I dont have a text buddy! :( Any of you lovely charties want to volunteer? Someone early on or not PG even, that way there's no chance of us both going into labour at the same time! :D

Its worrying that others who were due after me are having babies already! :shock: I have stuff I still need to sort out....I dont feel quite ready yet, I think Junior knows and is hanging on in there for Mummy for just a bit longer - but I do hope its not toooooooooo comfy in there and that when the time comes LO does what nature intended - or else I'll be here for 5 more weeks! :doh: and Im not sure I can wait that long! (very picky aren't I!)

Still haven't uploaded my bump pics as this comp at home just frustrates me too much atm. Its so slow compared to the one at work! Almost makes me want to go back, just for the computer! :lol:
Ooooo me me!!! I'd love to be a text buddy! I always wondered how you become one. I won't be offended if you pick someone else! :lol:
well, I would offer, but since Trudy got in there so quickly, it would be rude for any of the rest of us to barge in!

I seem to have missed a load of excitement- again. Fantastic news about Rach and the twins, hope she posts pics soon! And good luck to Babydust, if she's still in labour - will have to go and check out Tri 3 to see if there are any updates!

We had rather more excitement than we bargained for this weekend. We went to Centerparcs with some friends and their babies. We decided not to tell them I was pg, and to hide it best we could - they all knew about the m/c. On Saturday morning I was walking to Starbucks with one friend and her baby, when I thought I'd wet myself :oops: I pretty much ran to the loo and was horrified to find my knickers and jeans soaked in blood and it was running down my legs :shock: :cry: I was absolutely gutted. I shoved a load of tissue in my knickers and tried to blot it all up, then told my friend I was having a m/c (to which she looked shocked and said "still?" so I had to explain I'd got pg again) and we raced through the shop knocking wheelchairs aside with the buggy trying to find the sanitary towels (my friend told me to sit down, but I was too afraid of leaving a pool of blood somewhere - it was awful). I was all for just going back to the villa and sitting it out in the bathroom, but my friend noticed the medical centre and dragged me in. The nurses were brilliant - phoned up the hospital to find out where to go out-of-hours, contacted the sports centre staff to find DH and bring him to the med centre, and then my friend's DH too to collect the baby, offered to call an ambulance, and when I declined, drove us to our car and gave me towels for the journey, as well as excellent printed directions. They even phoned up later in the afternoon to find out how I was...

Anyway, the hospital was great - we went to A&E and they prioritised us immediately. The A&E nurse did blood tests (including a scene from a horror flick - she didn't close off the canula properly and there were fountains of blood squirting out of my arm, over the desk, the floor, the wall, my trousers, her uniform... :puke: :puke: :puke: I nearly fainted) and then I got taken up to the gynae ward, where I had another episode of bleeding and went right through the super sanitary towel. They couldn't do a scan that day, but did an internal, and my cervix was still closed, so eventually I was discharged, with a referral for today. The bleeding settled a bit over the weekend, and we had the scan this morning. I have no idea how I got through the rest of the weekend, or slept at night. I was sh***ing myself. The midwife and sonographer were lovely (hurrah for West Suffolk Hospital!). And then... we saw a baby! Despite all the bleeding, there it was - a yolk sac, a foetus measuring around 6mm (wasn't measured precisely, but it's fine for dates) and a HEARTBEAT! I am soooooo relieved. There's no obvious cause of the bleeding, so it's just "one of those things". Obviously we're still scared, but for the moment, the bean is still with us. Only it's not a bean, it's a rubber duck...


ok, I now feel exhausted. I'm off to bed, and I shall have to do the Tri 3 check in the morning. I really hope everyone's well. Loola, your dress is gorgeous! Bet you'll look better in it than that model though :rotfl: Chok, it'll be your turn soon enough! I'll reply properly to everyone in the morning, I'm afraid I don't really know what I'm doing any more :(

[edited - to get the name of the hospital right!]
KITTY!!!! how frightening - but how lovely to see that gorgeous little "rubber duck" - George looked like a chicken in our early scans :D :cheer: for the heartbeat - we were told once they had seen that the odds were drastically reduced - I will have to look back but I am sure it dropped to 5% at 8 weeks once the heartbeat had been seen.....

You look after yourself lady you are carrying one very precious load there.......

Oh and by the way if anyone else fancies being a text buddy I could do with one too - not due until the 5th Feb but might as well get it sorted now :D

Jane x
Oh id be up for being a text buddy ROM or if anyone wants to for me aswell :D
Oh Kitty, you poor love. What a shock. I can't believe it. My heart was in my throat reading that. I'm so glad everything is ok and that you got to see rubber ducky! :cheer: You look after yourself. Lots and lots of rest. Take care hun. :hug: xxx

Would it be rude of me to be a text buddy to everyone? :think: Only kidding. Share the joy. :lol:
Trudy - :cheer: text buddy! Will PM you my number :D

Kitty - OMG how bloody scary! I felt sick reading that at first (til I got to the good news) so I cannot imagine how you felt :hug: But... :dance: for the little rubber duck! Its so strange, ROM has said her LO looked like a chicken in her early scan and DH thought mine looked like a little pigeon in ours, flapping its wing (the heartbeat).....there's obviously a bird theme going on in chartstalker babies! :lol: I'm pleased the medical staff were good and helpful and I am so glad that your LO is ok but do take care of youself :hug: ROM is right, the odds of a successful PG go up once a heartbeat has been seen on a scan.

:wave: Flossy.

Hope everyone else is ok :hug:
hi all - sorry for such a long post again last night, I think I was still in shock! It was an emotional day...

Well, I need to get myself ready for teaching - I'd completely lost track of days, and have just realised I've not prepared this afternoon's or tomorrow's seminars... :o :lol: So my catching up will probably need to wait till tomorrow evening now... But hope you're all well. Anyone heard from Babydust yet?

Whoop whoop! I'm a text buddy. I'm so excited! Thanks for letting me do it Chock. Can't wait to see baby munky!

Glad you're ok Kitty. Don't apologise for the length of the post, we needed to know all the details. Can you imagine if you'd said 'started to bleed on holiday, all ok now'. We'd have all been bombarding you with questions! :lol:
:hug: Oh Kitty how frightning!!!!

I am so glad your bean (sorry ducky :lol: ) is doing fine, so happy for you!!! :cheer:
Oh Kitty bless you! :hug: You do not have it easy do you, but Im so glad that you have seen your little ducky and its heart beat! :cheer: I felt ill reading your post, dreading what you were going to say, so glad that all is well :)

As far as me looking better in the dress than the model, well unless I start dieting soon I will not get in it at all! Must. stop. eating. cake.

Ill happily anyones text buddy if you need one! :cheer:
Hi all :wave:

Oooh how exciting must go and check tri 3 for babydust news :cheer: And well done rach :cheer:

Kitty :hug: How scary for you! Glad everything is ok and your little duck is fine :) Also I gave birth at West Suffolk Hospital and found all the staff there to be great.

loola, mmmm cake! Damn you for mentioning it ;) I bet you'll look great in your dress :)

chok, not long to go :cheer: Although I bet five weeks seems like an eternity :hug:

Flossy good luck with the scan :)

ROM, hope you get the pram sorted and that you get a better nights sleep soon :hug:

Hello to everyone else :wave:

Not much to report from me, days are a blur of baby groups, entertaining Oscar and trying to fit in shopping/housework :lol:
Kitty - yay for your ducky! You poor thing, it must have been so worrying for you :hug:

loola - Would you like to be my text buddy? I have Alicebabe already as a text buddy but I really need someone to keep the chartstalkers up to date in this thread! Id love it if you would be!? :D

Sorry this is a quick post...not much time today!

Hi to everyone :wave: Hope you are all ok

Ah Sally Id love to be your text buddy, thank you! :hug: Ill send you my mobile number by PM :cheer:
Loola said:
Ah Sally Id love to be your text buddy, thank you! :hug: Ill send you my mobile number by PM :cheer:

Great! :cheer: :cheer: I will try and go into labour during social hours for you! :wink:
Kitty :hug: :hug: I felt ill reading your post too - really glad everything is OK.

Just a quickie from me today too - I am available to be a text buddy too (rom is mine :D )

:hug: :hug: to everyone!
Kmac I was thinking today how excited I was as I am going to be yours :D :D :D

OK we have got a new pram :dance: infact we probably like it better as its the Silvercross 3d with carseat and its in apollo which is pale blue and grey so very boyish :D Should be delivered in the next couple of days - hopefully with handles :D

Jane x

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