Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

:o Rach!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Hope she is doing ok! Is she full term yet? Ooh our first chartstalker twins! How exciting! :cheer:

I found some pics of my wedding dress in the colour Im having it, Ive never seen it before so Im very excited! :cheer:




Oh Loola, it's beautiful. So elegant and understated. (please don't hate me anyone) but I hate those over the top Meringues like Jordans. Your going to look gorgeous. Your tattoo is going to go really well. Can't wait to see you in it! How exciting!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Thank you hun! I still cant decide what to do with my hairat the wedding. At the moment its a very dark reddish black and in a bob with fringe. I want to keep the fringe for the wedding, but cant decide whether to have long extensions put in and just wear it down, or whether to have like a hairpiece on the back of my head in an Audrey Hepburn stylee! Hm decisions decisions.

Im sort of having my tattoo in time for the wedding as it will be prettier than what I already have on my shoulder which is bloody awful! I had it when I was 15 so I didnt know better! However I will be wearing a bolero/wrap thingy like this:


But Im hoping that it will be a nice day next August 1st :pray: and I might just have a chance to show off the tattoo to my disapproving family :lol:
Oooo Breakfast at Tiffany's style? How gorgeous! If you have that then you'll be able to see the tat in it's full glory! I saw a pic of you on facebook with your lovely hair (not the halloween hair!) The fringe definitely suits you.
Haha! Thanks hun :hug: My Halloween hair was a little different! funnily enough I was not recognised by anyone with very long blonde hair, and people thought it was my real hair. Weirdly I had loads of male attention that night :shock: obviously the men of Swansea find women with their necks slashed and blue lips attractive. I had the best Halloween ever! Nothing like a bit of ego boosting even if it must mean Im prettier when Im dead :lol:
What a beautiful dress - you will look absolutely stunning :D I love weddings :D

Rach has had the boys - both are good weights bless her ...........

All these people having their babies (babydust was going up to the hospital too today) is scaring me to death!! It doesnt seem like two minutes since they got their BFP's and now they have babies in their arms!!! Best make the most of the next few weeks me thinks :D

Jane x
All of the chart stalker ladies are more than welcome to the wedding if you want a trip to sunny Swansea! :D

I completely agree with you Jane, I cant believe how quickly time has gone, Rach has had her twins and Claire is in labour, it really only feels like a few weeks ago that they got their BFPs. It makes me feel quite emotional actually, that we have gone through so much together, all the heartache of TTC and the joy of BFPs, the good and bad bits of pregnancy and now the babies are being born! Its wonderful and Im really glad I have been able to go through it all with you lovely ladies, especially as I feel a bit silly being on this forum at all at the moment as Im not even TTC. You are all wonderful and thanks for still keeping me involved. :hug:

Can you tell Ive had a glass of wine :lol:
Have one for me Loola!!!!! I'm celebrating Rach's birth with an ice lolly and its yummmmmmm but George goes mad when I eat them so I try and limit them to one a day!! Hey as I think I have said to you my best friend lives in Swansea (she is my son's godmum) so I always have somewhere to stay :-) Havent had a Joe's for ages either so we may take you up on the wedding invite... :D

Jane x
I would love you to come to the wedding hun! :cheer: Keep August 1st free next year!
Joes icecream is a good enough reason to come to Swansea alone. Its sooo good isnt it Jane! Ladies, you will never have tasted a creamier, more vanillary, yummy icecream in your life! Im kinda hoping that I have Joe's cravings when I get pregnant, or I might just lie about having cravings for it and get Mike to buy me a tub everyday :twisted:

Aww imagine what it must be like for Rach right now, she must be knackered and sore, but the proud mum of twin boys! How amazing! Id love to have twins, though I may be foolish in saying that as Im sure 1 at a time is hard enough!
hmmmmmm the marshmellow sundae was my favorite with chocolate sprinkles on the top - that was my craving with Hannah - we lived at 3 Beach Street, just around the corner when I first fell pregnant with her :D On wonder I put on 5 stone!!!! :D :D :D
Loola - do you work for the Swansea tourist board?? :D

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
I'm away to pretend I'm not pg as a bit scared with all these babies being born!

Loola said:
especially as I feel a bit silly being on this forum at all at the moment as Im not even TTC. You are all wonderful and thanks for still keeping me involved. :hug:

What a load of rubbish Loola! :rotfl: We couldnt do without you! :D Really love the dress by the way and cant wait to see piccies of you in it!

Kmac - Totally with you on the crazy suggestion from your mum :( I hope you work something out :hug:

I cant believe that Rach has had the boys and Claire is in labour! :shock: I have to confess, Im ready to have mine now! I feel pretty uncomfortable most of the time and just want a cuddle with my LO. What is the bet she will hang out in there until 40 + 10 days! :wall:
Hello ladies (or evening should i say)! :wave: How are we all keeping then?
Im feeling ok not too bad little smith's jiggling around alot more ow and im so happy! :D Cannot believe tommorrow im 20 wks :shock: Where's the time gone to?! And only another 4 days til our scan! :dance: :cheer: Also dead chuffed at whative just won on e-bay here's the link (hope its ok to post this) :)
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0306187282 what do you rekon did i gett a good bargain or not?! :cheer:
Wow Flossy that's an amazing bargin - I hope you have more luck with yours than I did with mine :D although the lady did reply today and she is giving us a full refund once she gets the pram back - DHL booked for tomorrow.......

Jane x
Oh no ROM. :( That was a lovely pram. Will you get a similar one? Well ive made it to 20wks so im halfway there!!!! :cheer: :dance:
Oh dear in my speediness there LOL :lol: forgot to say only another 3 days til our scan and we find out what team we're on! :cheer:

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