Hey everyone. Wow, what a lot of news! Sorry to have missed it. Things have been busy - loads of marking, plus I've been out nearly every evening (all work-related, sadly..) and it was my brother's 30th so a big family celebration at the weekend...
but goodness, I don't even know where to begin. Congrats to Trudy, of course, and again...

How come every time I turn my back for a couple of days, someone goes and gets a BFP?!
Great bump pics, ladies! I did have a small bump last night, but finally relieved my constipation this morning and the bump went
I'm not sure there's a lot that can shift constipation - it happens in its own time

Unfortunately I eat a lot of fruit normally, and I just can't manage any extra. I'd normally have prunes a couple of times a week, often in casseroles, or stewed in brandy or red wine with meat, or chopped small in a chocolate pudding... That might work for anyone who doesn't normally eat them, but I think I'd need kilos of the bloody things. On Monday I had 11 different portions of fruit and veg, including a 500g bag of prunes(!), swam 1.5km without stopping (sounds much more impressive than admitting it was only 60 lengths!) and still no reaction until this morning

And the downside of prunes is that you end up with a lot of gas stuck behind all the solid stuff, which works its way out at the most inopportune moments

Lovely, eh? Sorry everyone...
Trudy, I had about a week to ten days of funny pulling twinges in my abdomen, immediately after my BFP. Not really cramps... not painful so much as very uncomfortable - and they were quick, and would come and go.
sookie said:
So what are you're thoughts on trying again before AF comes? I know the HCG is gone as I watched the tests fade. Plus am back temping so will know when I ov (god knows when that will be though!) So figure that shouldn't be a problem for dating if I was to fall. Not sure that I want to go crazy, but don't want to prevent either. I feel ready to try again, but the doctors all said to wait a cycle or two. What do you think?
Well, m'dear, you can probably guess what I'd say about trying again immediately after a D&C for a blighted ovum... BOLLOX TO THE DOCTORS! Do what's right for you - it's your body, not theirs. And what are they going to do if you do get pg? Refuse to treat you?! There are two main issues: 1) doctors' opinions and 2) your mental health. If medical opinion was unanimous, I'd say go with it. But the fact your doctors said to wait a cycle or two, a friend's said wait three months, another's said wait 6 months, and mine all said no need to wait suggests to me that in the absence of a specific individual reason, there is no medical evidence to back up any particular recommendation. If your doctors had said that they had accidentally cut the uterine wall, or that it was a particularly complicated D&C, and that you would need to allow extra time to heal, then that would be a good reason to wait. However, if they used that kind of reasoning, I would be demanding u/s scans to check that I had healed properly... My doctors told me that the usual reason for a recommendation of a month or two (and I asked both gynaes) was because it's much easier to date (e.g. my LMP with this pregnancy is actually 11 June, same as the last) - but that will not be an issue if you know your ov date (my doc has simply made up a new LMP for me based on ov date minus 14 - the benefits of charting!) - and because many women will need that time to recover emotionally. The docs do not want to be responsible for a woman trying before she's ready, and for a lot of women, being told that can't try absolves them of pressure/responsibility/guilt.
That leads us to 2) mental health. I thought long and hard about this after the m/c. For some reason I convinced myself that I'd get pg if we tried right away (well, I had a weird dream, but that makes me sound like a freak, so I shall tell you that I read that statistically, women DO appear to be more fertile immediately after a m/c, as Trudy said, and thus I calculated that there was an increased probability of pregnancy. That makes me sound much more sane). I asked myself the following questions:
1) Do I feel prepared for another pg so soon? Or will I feel guilty for not preparing myself better, i.e. regaining fitness, losing the bloat, etc?
2) Will I be able to separate the two pgs? Or will I see the second as a continuation of the first, and be convinced that it will follow the same template? (that I have struggled with, I admit. In some ways it would have been good to have had the clean break of a period between them)
3) How will I cope with m/c? (this is the important question - it was only when I finally convinced myself that if I was to m/c again, I'd get over it, that I was willing to try. But for me, I had to work out dates, and get to grips with the realisation that I could actually be pg for 6 months, and still end up with no baby to show for it - that has to be worse than two separate 3-month m/cs when at least you've felt normal in between).
4) What if I actually don't get pg? The finality of not being pg might hit rather harder than if you had deliberately planned not to be, by waiting till after AF. This may sound really odd, but I was so convinced that I would get pg that had my period come instead, I think I would have had a breakdown. I would not have coped with that.
Only you can know. But I honestly think that your own responses to the above questions are much more important than your doctors' opinions, UNLESS they have given solid medical reasons for their recommendation. If it's generic advice, it's useless.
Obviously, I'm delighted that I'm pg again - and my doctor is also delighted and says there is no reason why this shouldn't go to term. But it would be wrong of me not to mention that it has not been easy. My biggest issue is that of separation of pregnancies. I find it
very difficult to remember that I am only 6w pregnant, not 22w pregnant. I keep expecting to have developed a bump. I get false confidence syndrome - mentally I feel like I'm past the first tri, then I get a really nasty shock when I realise that's all still ahead - and I feel cold and sick at the thought of it all. I forget that it's too early to tell people - I have, after all, been pregnant since June, with just a week of negative tests in the middle of that. I want to move on already. I'm sure there's a lot a psychologist could have a field day with, but these things really are the hardest, along with the obvious worry (but then, I think once you've had a m/c, you're going to worry with any pg, doesn't matter how long the gap between).
and yeah, I'm not impressed with your MIL either. Mine is lovely, though it's all a bit difficult at the moment. She keeps phoning up every couple of days to find out how I am post-m/c, and then gets really upset about it... we haven't told her about the new pg, since if that went wrong, we really don't think she'd cope (it's all bringing back bad memories of her own m/cs) but in the meantime I feel terrible. She's being so sweet, offering support and advice and then getting upset over the loss of her potential grandchild, and I feel like a fraud as I try to console her! But I'd go for a weepy MIL any day over your insensitive one...
ok, this has turned into another really long post.
And now I feel knackered and queasy and I haven't really responded to anyone else
Please forgive me, I love you all dearly, I don't mean to offend anyone, and if I go like this anymore I'll make myself cry

oh yes, did I mention I've been getting very over-emotional recently?!

will try to catch up properly in the next couple of days, but we're away for the weekend with friends (that'll be interesting, hiding the pg from THEM!) so may not be till next week...