Hi everyone
Hope you are all having great weekends.
Loola - It was so nice to read your post and hear how well things are going! I know its a total cliche but i do try to believe that 'everything happens for a reason' and perhaps a BFP wasnt meant for you until after the wedding? It sounds as if things are going great and I am praying you get that BFP asap after getting hitched!

As for a tattoo....yawzers! (she types as she realises she is going to have to give birth in a few weeks!!!) Cant wait to see some pictures, its going to look great.
Chok - Dont know about you, but I dont feel like I can race anywhere at the moment!

Congratulations on starting your maternity leave!
Mildly...if you cant be all 'baby baby' on a pregnancy forum, where can you be?! Im guessing that we all love babies on here so talk away! Really annoying about NHS

...do you mind if I ask...is a tongue tie hard to spot? Hope Oscar's injections went OK
Kitty & Tasha - how are you feeling? I hope you are feeling OK...the first tri is the hardest by far
Quick update on me...Im really well. I know I am meant to be taking it easier in these last few weeks but I am literally cramming my diary full of stuff! I feel like I might never get out of the house again after LO is born so i am doing everything I can think of which will be hard to do when baby arrives! Im still walking my lovely doggy every day and it wasnt until this week when my MIL said "dont go too far into the fields...you dont want to give birth under a hedge" that I realised that I probably need to keep a bit closer to home just in case!

love to everyone
sally x