Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

sally12 said:
hey stranger! :wave: Dont wish "engaging" on yourself too soon, it is making me waddle and i need to pee all day long! :lol:
:rotfl: the joys of pregnancy eh! (but we wouldn't have it any other way really now would we!)

Only this week have I had to start getting up several times at night to have a wee......before then I didn't understand what everyone else was whinging about! :lol: With that, Junior's legs still booting me a gooden when I lay down, and me huffing and puffing like some kind of over-enthusiastic weightlifter every time I try and turn over in bed, I'm not getting much sleep! MW says its natures way of training me for the sleepless nights when Junior arrives.
I said no thanks luv :talkhand: My LO's gonna sleep for hours at a time from the word go and is going to be a great sleeper :sleep: ....hey a girl can hope right! :lol:
Sally nice to see you back - engaged already :clap: we are going to have a glut of exstalker babies soon :D

Dont know if any of you remember Jenna (she did chartstalk for a while), well she changed her forum name and announced today she has a BFP!!

I had my 28 week midwife appointment today; George is lying transverse so that with my placenta being to the front is why I am having a bit of pain in the evenings she thinks!! Her suggestion was to buy some support tights - great idea but I am having trouble even putting on my knickers at the moment!! It will explain why all my kicks are to the side of my body, if I lie on my side he goes mad..... woke Dave up in the early hours this morning kicking him in the back :D I slept through it all :D I am also measuring 30 cm which is on the large side - that was no great big surprise as I feel like an elephant!! I must sort out some pictures of my bump......

Hope everyone is OK and :hug: to you all.

Jane x
:think: I dont I remember Jenna (but that could be babybrain) but massive congratulations to her :dance: :dance:

ROM - I cant believe George woke Dave up...that is so funny! It would be great to see a pic of your bump

Chok - I know what you mean about huffing and puffing! My DH keeps thinking that he has done something wrong and that I am huffing and puffing at him! :rotfl: Also - funny this...but my baby is going to be a great sleeper too! :lol:

Weather is horrible here and I need to take my dog out for a walk...problem is, if I dont take her, she tells my DH! What a grass! :shakehead:
Oh I remember Jenna - bless her she was trying for ages before I joined......
:cheer: I will try and find her post to say congrats to her!

sally12 said:
Chok - I know what you mean about huffing and puffing! My DH keeps thinking that he has done something wrong and that I am huffing and puffing at him! :rotfl: Also - funny this...but my baby is going to be a great sleeper too! :lol:

:rotfl: Its so funny you should say that - my DH sat there looking at me yest eve and said 'what are you huffing at?' in a most offended sounding tone...
I was like :doh: Darlin I'm just trying to breath! I'm not huffing intentionally at anything.
:lol: silly boys!
Bummer on the dog being a grass! But I still think she's great as she supposedly has predicted right for me when you were trying to get her to do psychic predicitons all that time ago!

ROM - I need to sort out bump pics too - Its my mission for next week to upload them all from start to....well now...was gonna say finish but don't wanna pre-empt anything just yet thankyou very much! I'm not ready!!!!
Oooh - RACE! RACE! RACE! Taking bets now on who's going to be first, Sally or Chok!

and I just realised I completely missed Flossy's post - sorry :oops: but sounds like everything's going well for you, so that's good news too.

Fab news from Jenna, she was trying for ages, wasn't she? Didn't she have that ridiculously long cyle, like over 100 days?

Loola, how are the wedding plans going?

ROM, :lol: at George kicking Dave - just giving him a taste of what's to come...

:wave: to everyone else. Sorry, I'm absolutely exhausted, and I really need to go to bed. I have shedloads of essays to mark and it seems the pile is getting bigger not smaller :(
Hi everyone, quick post from me as I really should be heading to bed!

Hope you are all well, Oscar has got his first injections so I am busy feeling nervous on his behalf. We've also had a letter through from the hospital to say they won't cut his tongue tie but will review things when he reaches a year old :( Not sure whether I've detailed our breastfeeding struggles in this thread because of his tongue tie but I am very annoyed that I can't find a medical professional to do an incredibly simple procedure which could make the world of difference to his feeding grrr! Also I've realised that I find that I'm unable to update on here unless it is Oscar related. I guess it is because my life is currently revolving around his and we don't really spend any time apart. Anyway sorry if I am all 'baby, baby, baby' :oops: Hopefully I'll have some 'me' news soon :)
Kittykins said:
Oooh - RACE! RACE! RACE! Taking bets now on who's going to be first, Sally or Chok!

Mildly - sorry the Drs don't seem to be being very helpful about Oscar's tongue tie :hug:
Hi lady bumps! :wave:

Wedding plans are all going well thanks Kitty! I really havent got anything to do, Im definitely in limbo with it all at the moment, and Im ashamed to say slightly bored with it all! I just want it over and done with now so we can have a holiday and get back to baby making! Im not very good at this being careful malarky and I hate condoms! I wont go back on the pill now.

Though I must admit this break has worked wonders for our relationship, we are far more relaxed with each other and can talk about things now without getting cross with each other. We are definitely having more fun as a couple, well which is what we are supposed to be like before we have any rug rats I guess! Ive been going out with my girly mates more often too which has helped me a bit, I think Ill always be a bit of a social butterfly anyway. In fact Im throwing a party with some old mates, we all used to run a club together (well I worked there, I was only 17/18 at that time) and we are having a big reuinion party in December at the club that they run now, which is very successful. We have a guest DJ - GARY NUMAN!!!! :cheer: I honestly nearly wet myself when we got him as I adore him and Tubeway Army. Im so excited! :dance: Ive bought a bright pink dress (50s swing style) and pink shoes, and a pink big feather fascinator for my hair.

They day before the party Im having a new tattoo :cheer: As its coming up to my 30th birthday I thought Id treat myself as ive wanted it for ages. I love the Autumn, especially the colours of the leaves, so Im having 30 autumn leaves in different shapes, colours and sizes tattooed over my shoulder and down my back. Its going to take about 3 hours and will cost about £200 but I cant wait! Its going to hurt so much too, but it will be worth it. I already have a pixie on my shoulder - which is bloody awful! So the tattooist is going to make it look better for me, the leaves will look like they are falling around him then :) So that should be done in time for the party and will be on display in my backless halter neck dress! I probably sound about 12 being that excited about a tattoo, but Ill always be getting tattoos for the rest of my life, its just the type of person I am, its not some fad for me, I love body art. I wont have them anywhere that cant be covered up by clothing (hands, face, neck etc) and I would only have something that is very personal to me and done by Chris Govier who is brilliant.

Well Im really hoping that when the wedding is done I will stay in my chilled out state, I really dont want to go back to the way I was before. Symptom spotting, getting angry every time ovulation occurs and we havent had sex, being so disappointed every time AF arrives. Im not going to chart either, I just cant put our relationship through all that again, I have to learn not to be such a control freak next time we will just throw caution to the wind and have fun I hope! I dont have the sense of urgency about having a baby that I used to, I think to some extent I was trying to fill a gap in my life before as I wasnt very happy with what life had thrown at me. Now we are happy together we what we have already, a baby would be the best thing that could ever happen to us of course, but my life is good without one so I have to be thankful for what Ive got. :) C'est la vie.

Anyhoo I think Ive rambled on long enough now!

Huge congratulations to Jenna, wonderful news! :cheer:

Chok and Sally, not long to go now! How exciting, I cant wait to see your LO's!

I want to see some bump pics from all of you please!

Mildly - Im sure your entire life gets taken over by baby, especially when they are very young. I do they hope that the Dr's sort out the tongue tie soon and his first jabs go ok :hug:
:D Loola you are seeming so much more chilled and it does look as though you and your OH are stronger than ever...the wedding will be here before you know it (and I hope a BFP follows soon thereafter!)
The reuinon party sounds as if its gonna be a lot of fun! We will need pics of you in your glam outfit of course!
Oooooch on the tattoo - not sure I could do it myself, but Im sure it will look amazing!

Re the bump pics - yes I have set it as my mission for next week when I am off work! Hopefully there will be an overload of then and now pics so you can see how my bumpage has progressed so far! I thought I wasn't that big til the other day until I saw a side-on view in my Mum's large bathroom mirror (we don't have any big ones in our house) I was like :shock: where did that come from! it doesn't look that big from my birds eye view!!!! Mind you - my measurements that the MW do have been big ever since she started measuring me as I've been ahead of the average for my weeks so I dunno why I was so suprised! :lol:
:cheer: A grand total of 1 hr 15mins left at work now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
Hi everyone :wave:

Hope you are all having great weekends.

Loola - It was so nice to read your post and hear how well things are going! I know its a total cliche but i do try to believe that 'everything happens for a reason' and perhaps a BFP wasnt meant for you until after the wedding? It sounds as if things are going great and I am praying you get that BFP asap after getting hitched! :dance: As for a tattoo....yawzers! (she types as she realises she is going to have to give birth in a few weeks!!!) Cant wait to see some pictures, its going to look great.

Chok - Dont know about you, but I dont feel like I can race anywhere at the moment! :rotfl: Congratulations on starting your maternity leave! :clap:

Mildly...if you cant be all 'baby baby' on a pregnancy forum, where can you be?! Im guessing that we all love babies on here so talk away! Really annoying about NHS :evil: ...do you mind if I ask...is a tongue tie hard to spot? Hope Oscar's injections went OK

Kitty & Tasha - how are you feeling? I hope you are feeling OK...the first tri is the hardest by far :hug:

Quick update on me...Im really well. I know I am meant to be taking it easier in these last few weeks but I am literally cramming my diary full of stuff! I feel like I might never get out of the house again after LO is born so i am doing everything I can think of which will be hard to do when baby arrives! Im still walking my lovely doggy every day and it wasnt until this week when my MIL said "dont go too far into the fields...you dont want to give birth under a hedge" that I realised that I probably need to keep a bit closer to home just in case!
:rotfl: :

love to everyone
sally x
OMG! Girls I'm so sorry I don't have a clue what is going on in any of the threads because I've been ill so haven't been in work - where there is internet! Sorry to make this all about me (again!!!)

Anywho I thought I was on CD 26 13dpo which is my longest ever cycle. I put some info on FF to see what day I'm on today is day 28!!! :shock: I don't know what to do. I've got no symptoms at all. Apart from nausea and dizziness but I always have that just before AF. I have cramping and have done for the last 3 days which is why I thought AF was just dragging her heels.

Last time I had supersonic smell, really painful boobs, major dizziness. So I don't think I'm pg this time. Or even how as I didn't think we'd timed BDing anywhere near OV. Would the holiday or illness delay it? If so how much by. I started AF the day before my hol.

Help. We're majorly skint so I don't want to waste my money on a pg test but day 28??? I'm 2 days further on than I thought but I just feel as though I'm about to come on.

I keep going to the loo and wiping to see if there is any spotting. Don't worry about giving me false hopes, I really don't think I'm pg but this is too weird for my cycle.

:think: :think:
Ooh Trudy! I hope this is it for you :pray: Do you know when you ovulated for certain? As its only ovulation that would be delayed by illness not the AF isnt that right? Surely you can get a cheapie test? You cant leave us (or yourself) guessing! I really hope the cramping isnt AF on her way but a sign of pregnancy :pray:
From the 'natural' signs eg higher sex drive and CM :oops: I think I ov'd on day 13 as normal. The day after ov I usually dry up and lose all interest in BD for a few days. Sorry if TMI!!! :rotfl: The total lack of symptoms and the cramping make me think it's a late AF.

You're right I'll have to test tonight I told DH last night there was a suspicion and he's been grinning like a child ever since! We need to know one way or another. I would like this to be it for peace of mind but in a completely selfish way I'd prefer to wait until Jan. I've got some great parties coming up and was looking forward to having a good drink and a boogie.

Plus (oh the irony!!)I've got my referral appointment to the Gynae unit on Thurs Dec 4th! :roll:
Oh Trudy I will be keeping everything crossed for you - we got our BFP just after our first fertility appointment :D

Jane x
Hello everyone :wave: hope your all well. :)
Well i cant believe where the times flying to im 19wks today and my scan is next week and by then il be half way there :shock: Im begining to feel little smith move more now which is great :cheer: but i still have this damn nausea :evil: Can i ask ive not been overly sleeping well at night and feel absolutely shattered as i need a good nights sleep is there anything i can try to help this (well anything thats safe to)? :think:

All the best to you Trudy i hope you get your BFP i will be thinking of you :pray: :hug:
:hug: Thanks for asking Sally, im great thanks, bit worried still but im sure everything will be fine.

Its good to see you are all doing well :hug:

Trudy I hope this is it for you hun :hug:
Aw Trudy :pray: :pray: Fingers are crossed for you!

The month I fell pg was the only month that i had no symptoms!!! Also, I conceived on the day that I went for a blood test because I had convinced the doctor that I had low progesterone! :lol:

please keep us posted :hug: :hug:

Flossy - Im not sure about medication to help you sleep in pregnancy but I have always found that exercise helps. Just a 20 min walk in the fresh air during the day might do the trick... :hug:
Well ladies i hope this works. Im using my phone to put you all out of your misery. Did a test & its a BFP! Im quite cautious about being too happy. Will be happier at 1st scan. I'll tell whole story tomorrow. My thumbs are sore! :) x

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