Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Oh no Sookie!! I am so sorry to hear this.
Look after yourself :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone.

I went to the docs and he said that it was a missed misscarriage at 7.5 weeks, which is weird because I felt like something was wrong at about 5 weeks. I guess it's possible that the sac just continued to grow and that the baby died at 5 weeks? Or that ot was a blighted ovum all along? Not sure and I guess it doesn't really matter.

I should be having the D&C on wednesday (it's a bank holiday weekend here at the moment - a tuesday holiday) and we are away on a planned weekender that we are trying to enjoy despite all this. Once that has happened I will get used to the idea of trying again. The doctor said that now we have a good chance of getting pregnant in the next few months. Something about the body remembering how to do it now it has done it once. So we'll remain hopeful.

Thanks for all your kindness and support.

Hello all.

I'm back. And sorry to come back at such a bad moment for Sookie - Sookie, you know you have all my sympathy :hug:

Too much has happened on here to take in at once, so I shall :wave: to everyone for the moment and go off and look at al the new baby pics, scan pics and belly pics over the weekend.

I'm feeling a lot better. I got my last positive HPT on 12th October, CD10 (decided to start the new cycle with the passing of the sac), and from CD11 they were negative, finally. I lost nearly 7kg in a week, without trying at all. So I decided to celebrate last weekend (gotta find the upside in these things) by buying a load of new size 6-8 clothes and booking myself for a spa day with friends in a fortnight's time.

Then on Thursday (10dpo) I got this:


:o :o :shock: :D

Obviously I'm very scared. And I'm not taking the clothes back because that will tempt fate... And neither am I going to cancel that spa day yet. But we are "cautiously optimistic". My gynaecologist had said the same thing as Sookie's doctor - blighted ova are really common in first pregnancies, rarely recurrent, and he didn't want to recommend any kind of testing or fertility referral because he fully expected me to be pg again in the next 6 months. I think even he might have been a bit surprised by 6 weeks though :rotfl: Please keep :pray: for us - and Sookie, I shall keep my fingers crossed that you have a similar experience (though without the complications :roll: ) and we can be pg buddies... I have heard so many stories now of women becoming pg really quickly after m/c, esp. empty sacs - seems like the body figures out it did something wrong and wants another go! :hug:
Sookie - still thinking about you :hug: :hug: look after yourself.

Kitty - :shock: I really hope this is it. Fingers definitely crossed! When are you going to the docs? :D
Thanks kmac!

My doc's on annual leave - he needed a holiday after the 9 weeks of sorting me out! :lol: And I decided to wait till he's back rather than seeing someone else - I kind of figure he should get the good news as well as the bad, plus if anything goes wrong, I want him on board. So I have an appt next Thursday.

I'm only 12dpo today so it's still very very early days. However, the HPTs are getting slightly stronger already, which I hope is a good sign (I know that at this stage, there's so little HCG that even if it doubles from 25 to 50 in 1.5 days, that's not going to make a lot of difference to a line) and the digis have been + since I first tried at 10dpo - and they're less sensitive than FRERs. More importantly, this time it feels like there's something there. Last time I tried to reassure myself but I felt like there was nothing there throughout. I'm hoping my intuition is right and that it continues to feel ok.

But it does feel a bit weird that I completed the m/c less than a month ago...
Kitty you know how I feel and its so lovely to have you back :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think its the most amazing news and send all our love to you and John.

Jane x
sookie i'm so sorry :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

kittykins that's great news it took me 6 weeks after my missed miscarriage to get pregnant again and well thinks seem to be working out well for us so there is no reason why you'll have the same thing happen again :cheer: :cheer: as your doctor said congrats hun :cheer: :cheer:

i not had the time to read all the posts as i been so busy :roll: will get reading them in a bit :D
Oh wow Kitty that is fantastic news! :cheer: I hope this is it for you :pray: I really hope the same thing happens for you too Sookie :hug:
cheers m'dears! :D

Now trying to work out the damn ticker... How come FF gives me a due date and says I'm 4+x, but when I create a ticker with the same due date, it comes out as 4+y? Of course, going by my ov date, I'm not 4+anything... :wall: :wall: :wall: I'm probably tempting fate with the ticker but I'm getting myself so confused. DH said yesterday "does this mean I should cancel the holiday booked for March and book it for July instead"? :( I'd forgotten that. And I keep getting letters from the local health authority 'reminding' me to join in their monitoring scheme for pregnant women. Got another one this week pointing out that as I'm 20 weeks pregnant... blah blah blah. I've told them 3 effing times I've m/c. Goodness only knows what's going to happen to the system now. I'll probably turn up to my 12-week scan only to be told that I'm looking small for 28 weeks... assuming I get as far as 12 weeks :( :pray:

I told my parents on Thursday. 10dpo, and straight after a m/c. Some ppl would think that really is tempting fate, but I know that if it goes wrong this time, I'm really going to need their support. Besides, my mother was trying to organise a two-week holiday with friends next July, and was wanting us to go too (we went on hols with them last month). I really didn't think she'd ever forgive me if I let her book it and then told her the news and the EDD of 10 July! Of course, they're not excited either - they're now worried. Apparently my mother hasn't slept at all since I told her :roll: I, on the other hand, have slept so well the past two nights... Anyway, my parents want to come and help do some DIY jobs and the autumn clear-up of the garden b/c they're worried about me doing too much :doh: And AF isn't even late yet! Goodness knows what they're going to be like... is there an "aaahhh, bless" smiley anywhere?! :rotfl:

okay, better get off this and back to the online tutorial I'm supposed to be teaching at the moment :doh: It's just too much temptation - the course forum open in one tab, this forum in another!
Kitty - I think it's totally understandable that you told your parents. I would have done the same, especially with the holiday issue thrown in! Of course your mum will worry - that's what they do!! Just wait until you get your scan and see your LO bouncing about - I bet everyone will get excited then!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Kitty, it is the most wonderful news :hug: :cheer: and couldn't come at a better time. We need cheering up around here!

As I already said in an email, I am very happy for you and your DH and have my fingers and toes, and anything else that could even remotely be capable of doing it, crossed for you! As you did, I also just knew something wasn't right with my pregnancy as well, and so I think that the best thing you can do is to trust your intuition.

Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months :hug:

Babydust :hug: thank you. I am ok, really. I just :pray: that my experience with the D&C does not echo Kitty's. That's my biggest concern now, that something will get buggered up there. I know we will get pregnant again, now that we've done it once. It's just spo hard after more that a year of trying, and having been on drugs to get here etc. Now we have to start again in Australia - find a gyno etc. But apparently the doctor who is doing my D&C is excellent and he works at the birthing centre where I was booked into to have the birth. So hopefully we will like him.

Everyone, please don't feel like you have to tiptoe around Kitty's news because of me. Honestly, if I had a problem with it I would go away for a bit. It couldn't happen to a better person at a better time. I am very happy for her and it really does give me hope. Thanks to all of you for being so sensitve though :hug:
kitty im absolutely made up for you hun and :pray: everything will be fine for you this time :hug: :hug: :hug: huge congrats hunny xxxxxxxxxxx
I am so sorry sookie :hug: You're in my thoughts and prayers x

Congratulations kitty - I send sticky and healthy baby dust your way!

I hope everyone else is ok - I have missed you all SOOOOOOOOOO much!
I have been staying at my parents for months to make the most of babydancing - hubby works in Wales and my parent's house is closer to work! I am having a week on my own at home though before I go back next Monday :( xxx
KITTY!!!!!!!! :shock: When you said you'd posted I never thought it was going to be to say that! cheeky mare!
Oooooooh I so hope everything goes as it should this time :pray: , I think you sound much more positive about it all this time and that is good to see!
:cheer: Im so happy for you! :cheer:

Welshpolly - you go girl! :clap: sorry you have a week alone now but here's hoping all the BD has helped!

Sookie - as the others have said - hope things sort themselves out for you quickly and that your body decides its ready for another go very soon :hug:
TBH I didn't think I was going to be logging on to say that either, Chok! :lol: I'd decided I was going to take a break till my cycles were back to normal (didn't want to come on here moaning still, and also whilst you're still bleeding, it's really difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel). So I figured I'd wait till after I'd ovulated for the first time, then at least I'd know I was back in the game and there was an end to the complications - my doctor was a little worried that having three "miscarriages" within 4 weeks was going to really bugger things up hormone-wise, and he'd said we should be prepared to not ovulate, not get AF, etc. Anyway, it was a bit of a shock when I saw all the fertile signs again, and DH and I had a long debate about whether or not to try, and then we thought we might as well BD whilst we were making up our minds... :rotfl:

This is going to sound really weird but for some reason I assumed that if we tried, we were going to conceive. I was really bothered about it all because in my mind, the choice was not try, or try and risk another m/c. It was only when I was 7 or 8dpo it suddenly occurred to me that the cycle might not actually end in a BFP - I had actually started testing at 7dpo :oops: b/c I was so sure there was going to be a line soon, and I was dreading it. Not only had I been convinced before ovulation that I was going to be pregnant, but I felt pg from 1dpo - I even posted on FF to ask if anyone else had had their first post-m/c ovulation trigger really strong pg symptoms. I assumed it was an over-reaction to progesterone. When I saw the second line at 10dpo, I literally just stood there and cried for 10 minutes, I was shaking and really upset. A few hours later, I had convinced myself that feeling pregnant before getting the BFP was a good sign, but it was a pretty odd day.

The strangest thing about all this is that I feel like I've been pg for months and months. Of course, I have in fact been pregnant since the beginning of July with a 3-week break. But it feels really strange to think I'm only 14dpo today. Mentally, I feel 4 months gone (it would have been 21 weeks now) so I guess that's why.

well, as you can see from these ramblings, my head is in a very strange place now!

Babydust - I'd completely forgotten that you'd conceived almost right away. It may only be an old wives' tale that fertility increases after a m/c, but I think there should be proper medical research into it!

welshpolly - good to see you back here too!

Sookie - hope you're ok. The waiting's horrible, but hope your weekend away was a good one despite that :hug:

:wave: to Trudy, ROM, Kmac, Rach and everyone else (run out of review screen).
Hi everyone :wave:

Sorry to hear your news Sookie :hug: :hug: Hope you and your DH are ok :hug:

Congratulations Kitty, really pleased for you :hug: :cheer:

Sorry I haven't been around for awhile, actually I think it is only a week but it feels like ages. I think you girls must have been posting loads ;) Oscar is keeping me busy what with his colicky evenings! We have been getting out and about more, going to mother and baby groups and breastfeeding drop ins so it seems like there is hardly enough time in the day at the moment :) He is starting to sleep for about 6 or 7 hours at night now so it's nice to have some uninterrupted sleep :cheer:

I'm just watching the US election coverage at the moment (and finding it all quite fascinating :oops: - I'm such a geek!). I can't believe there are waiting times of five to seven hours :shock: I can't imagine anyone waiting that long to vote in the UK. In fact every time I've voted, I've just walked straight in to the polling station and have been the only one in there.

Anyway hope you are all well :hug:
Hi guys,

I had the D&C yesterday and feel ok. I am home from work today and actually called in to take another day off tomorrow, although I feel a bit guilty about it. I could go in but I just don't want to. I probably shouldn't feel bad, should I?

Anyway, now I just hope that they got it all and that AF turns up soon. Any ideas on how long that will take?

Hope you are all well.

:wave: Mildly. Glad Oscar is starting to sleep more.....I have never had to wait to vote either when I've been!

Sookie :hug: Don't feel bad at all Hun :hug: Sorry no ideas on the AF thing but hope she doesn't keep you waiting long.
:hug: Sookie. Just sent you an email, I'm way out with time zones :doh: I had it in my head that the op was Weds, and that you were behind us in time - but I'd forgotten you're not in Columbia now. We should have a special "Sookie time zone clock" on this thread!

Anyway, I was told to expect the bleeding to be like a period for c.3 days, then probably to have spotting for 1-2 weeks, and AF should arrive 4-6 weeks after the D&C. Apparently ovulation is often delayed by up to a fortnight, your HCG levels have to drop to very low levels (<10 or so) before your body can think about ovulation.

This website: http://www.pregnancyloss.info/ helped with a lot of my questions. This page http://www.pregnancyloss.info/?page_id=73 is specifically about recovering from m/c and tells you what to expect. The site suggests that you won't get AF until at least 4 weeks after HCG reaches zero, though anecdotal eveidence suggests that you can ovulate less than 2 weeks after HCG reaches zero. I ovulated 8 days after my last +HPT from the m/c.

I think it's helpful to think of the D&C or m/c as a period in terms of your cycles, but one that may well extend the next cycle. So if you're usually 35 days, you'd be unlikely to get AF after 28 days - it's more likely to be 35-42. That's what I was told, anyway. I was also told by my GP that if I hadn't had a period within 6 weeks of the date of m/c the sac, to make an appt. Some women need to be "jump-started", usually with a shot of progesterone - the resultant drop a couple of days later induces a period.

HTH, and huge :hug: to you.

p.s. I wouldn't go back to work till next week! If it's illegal (or at least against insurance regulations, with is the same thing since you can't drive uninsured) to drive for 4 days after a general, I think it's perfectly justifiable not to work. Especially as your immune system will be compromised, and you have quite physical work (bending, etc) teaching. You need to give your body a chance to heal, and you def don't want to have sudden heavy bleeding in the classroom, which is a risk. I was 'lucky' :roll: - the whole 9 weeks of my m/c took place in the summer vacation.

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