TBH I didn't think I was going to be logging on to say that either, Chok!

I'd decided I was going to take a break till my cycles were back to normal (didn't want to come on here moaning still, and also whilst you're still bleeding, it's really difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel). So I figured I'd wait till after I'd ovulated for the first time, then at least I'd know I was back in the game and there was an end to the complications - my doctor was a little worried that having three "miscarriages" within 4 weeks was going to really bugger things up hormone-wise, and he'd said we should be prepared to not ovulate, not get AF, etc. Anyway, it was a bit of a shock when I saw all the fertile signs again, and DH and I had a long debate about whether or not to try, and then we thought we might as well BD whilst we were making up our minds...
This is going to sound really weird but for some reason I assumed that if we tried, we were going to conceive. I was really bothered about it all because in my mind, the choice was not try, or try and risk another m/c. It was only when I was 7 or 8dpo it suddenly occurred to me that the cycle might not actually end in a BFP - I had actually started testing at 7dpo

b/c I was so sure there was going to be a line soon, and I was dreading it. Not only had I been convinced before ovulation that I was going to be pregnant, but I felt pg from 1dpo - I even posted on FF to ask if anyone else had had their first post-m/c ovulation trigger really strong pg symptoms. I assumed it was an over-reaction to progesterone. When I saw the second line at 10dpo, I literally just stood there and cried for 10 minutes, I was shaking and really upset. A few hours later, I had convinced myself that feeling pregnant before getting the BFP was a good sign, but it was a pretty odd day.
The strangest thing about all this is that I feel like I've been pg for months and months. Of course, I have in fact been pregnant since the beginning of July with a 3-week break. But it feels really strange to think I'm only 14dpo today. Mentally, I feel 4 months gone (it would have been 21 weeks now) so I guess that's why.
well, as you can see from these ramblings, my head is in a very strange place now!
Babydust - I'd completely forgotten that you'd conceived almost right away. It may only be an old wives' tale that fertility increases after a m/c, but I think there should be proper medical research into it!
welshpolly - good to see you back here too!
Sookie - hope you're ok. The waiting's horrible, but hope your weekend away was a good one despite that

to Trudy, ROM, Kmac, Rach and everyone else (run out of review screen).