oh my goodness, I cannot believe he's only 7 weeks old in that second photo! (though he does look a bit like my husband on the dance floor at the end of my brother's wedding this summer - same slightly dazed look, same arm/leg movements

) He looks so surprised!

and he looks really cute in that first pic, with his arm wrapped round his teddy (or whatever that blue thing is - looks a bit scary to me!!).
Chok, I really hope you got what you wanted today - and I'd love to know the results of your shopping trip! I do like a good retail binge - especially when it's justified, and even more so when it's someone else's money!

Which warehouse was it, and where? Apparently there's some big place near my parents' house, not that I've ever been.
Well, I saw my GP this morning, so I feel officially pg now. As expected, he was concerned about dating/progress, though he's as confident as he can be that the last one was very unlucky and statistically, all will be well this time. He suggested going for a scan asap next week, but I was less keen - I'll be 5w+, and at that stage, all that we can reasonably expect to see would be a developing, but empty, sac. Psychologically, I think that if I see an apparently empty sac on a scan, even if that's what's expected at that stage, I will not be reassured at all. My doctor completely understood and is requesting a scan for end November instead, when I'll be around 7-8w, all being well. It feels like a long time to wait, but I really do think that's better. Since my LMP was in June(!), my GP is using an assumed LMP date of ovulation-14, which is exactly what I wanted. If he'd used the date of the last m/c, I'd almost certainly look 4 days behind on the scan and 4 days makes a lot of difference right now.
I'm thinking about venturing into first tri, but I don't know anyone there and I'm not sure I feel brave enough. So you guys might have to put up with me offloading here for a while longer - sorry!