Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Mildly, glad you and Oscar are doing well! Can't believe he's 7 weeks already... it really doesn't seem so long since you got your BFP! Any more pics, or are they posted somewhere I wouldn't venture?! if so, please can you link to them?

Chok - yikes. 33 weeks... are you getting excited/nervous yet? I would be!
Kittykins said:
Chok - yikes. 33 weeks... are you getting excited/nervous yet? I would be!
:shock: I know! 34 weeks tomorrow! 6 more days at work after today :cheer: (I have a day off tomorrow to go baby shopping....then its just Friday and next week and thats me done!) It's getting much more real now!
I'm not nervous......yet anyway.....just v.excited! :D (Please remind me I said that in a few weeks when panic sets in! :rotfl: )

I'm a bit peed off at the moment though :( , it's a yearly warehouse sale we are going to tomorrow, which is quite a way away, but it should be worth it as they will have loads of cheap items apparently plus 10% off normal stock items. The website of the place says to ring to place orders (so I spent ages deciding what we'd need, obviously going hoping that we'd find other stuff when we're there but I figured if there was stuff I knew I wanted then I may as well get it all put to one side for me to collect. Anyway I wrote down all the codes etc) - I phoned, checked it was ok to place the order and was told it was fine and it would be put aside for me to collect tomorrow, went through all my order codes etc and then was put on hold and they came back to tell me I couldn't place the order today and would have to get there early tomorrow to get my stuff :evil: Stupid people - why say one thing and then change their minds! Now I'm a bit worried that it might be a wasted journey as they might not have what I want when I get there - I'm not sure we can get there early, we were planning on leaving after rush hour so we avoided the traffic, as the sale is on all day - but that would mean (obviously) that we aren't there first thing.
:( I was really looking forward to going but now I'm a bit deflated.
Sookie, don't feel guilty, you should have the time off :hug: I'm sure none of your colleagues would begrudge you :hug: Hope everything went well with the D&C and that AF turns up soon :D

Chok, oooh 33 weeks, how exciting! Not long to go now, are you feeling organised? :) Have fun with your shopping tomorrow. What a shame they won't reserve your order :(

Oh don't encourage me Kitty ;) I'll stop strangers in the street and show them pictures of Oscar if it wasn't too weird :lol:

Here are a few recent ones

Sleeping on his Daddy (I said I'd never use a dummy but it has been a lifesaver with a colicky baby!)


And looking really grown up!

oh my goodness, I cannot believe he's only 7 weeks old in that second photo! (though he does look a bit like my husband on the dance floor at the end of my brother's wedding this summer - same slightly dazed look, same arm/leg movements :rotfl: ) He looks so surprised! :lol: and he looks really cute in that first pic, with his arm wrapped round his teddy (or whatever that blue thing is - looks a bit scary to me!!).

Chok, I really hope you got what you wanted today - and I'd love to know the results of your shopping trip! I do like a good retail binge - especially when it's justified, and even more so when it's someone else's money! :rotfl: Which warehouse was it, and where? Apparently there's some big place near my parents' house, not that I've ever been.

Well, I saw my GP this morning, so I feel officially pg now. As expected, he was concerned about dating/progress, though he's as confident as he can be that the last one was very unlucky and statistically, all will be well this time. He suggested going for a scan asap next week, but I was less keen - I'll be 5w+, and at that stage, all that we can reasonably expect to see would be a developing, but empty, sac. Psychologically, I think that if I see an apparently empty sac on a scan, even if that's what's expected at that stage, I will not be reassured at all. My doctor completely understood and is requesting a scan for end November instead, when I'll be around 7-8w, all being well. It feels like a long time to wait, but I really do think that's better. Since my LMP was in June(!), my GP is using an assumed LMP date of ovulation-14, which is exactly what I wanted. If he'd used the date of the last m/c, I'd almost certainly look 4 days behind on the scan and 4 days makes a lot of difference right now.

I'm thinking about venturing into first tri, but I don't know anyone there and I'm not sure I feel brave enough. So you guys might have to put up with me offloading here for a while longer - sorry!
ok, I have a silly question. If you are 4w4d pregnant, are you in the 4th or 5th week of pg? The pg ticker says I am 4th week, so I guess first week starts 1 week after date of LMP. FF says 5th week - so first week is 0-6 days after LMP.

FF makes sense. Anyway, I'd really like to know. My GP said the scan will be end November, around 8th week. But end November I shall be (touch wood) 7wxd, is that 8th week? I'm concerned I'd get a scan too early to see anything...
Just wanted to say congratulations to Kitty! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I'm so pleased for you. :hug:

Also if you are 4wks xdays then you are in your 5th week. At 7wks+ you should definately be able to see the heartbeat. I had my scan at 7 weeks exactly but blob was only measuring 6+2 and the heartbeat was found.

Good luck for your scan and congratulations again!

Michelle x
Kitty, I know he looks so big in the second photo. He really is growing so fast, I'm starting to miss him being really little. He is in the next size up nappies, I shed a little tear when that happened! :oops: :lol: at the description of your DH dancing, I shall await the video ;) The blue thing is a dog from Tesco and is the softest thing ever, hopefully that negates it's scaryness :)

I think I would have gone with the later scan too. As you say, what is the point in a reassurance scan if it isn't going to be reassuring in the slightest! I would say 4w4d is in the fifth week of pregnancy, at least I think that is how I was counting. Glad to have you sharing your first tri with us here, I don't want to miss any details :D

Michelle, I can't believe you are 19 weeks :cheer: It seems like not so long ago that I was reading about your BFP :)
:wave: all!

We got everything I wanted at the warehouse (and errrr, possibly a bit more besides!! :rotfl:)
Bit of a long trip but it was worth it though :cheer: (I did feel a bit sorry for DH having to do all the driving but although he was tired he was happy enough with all the things we got!
It was the perfectly happy people (baby catalogue) place - they do mail order normally, and they have their sales every year with discontinued stock, sale items, items with damaged packets etc which are all perfectly fine on the inside. Its in Chiswick (I think!) to be honest I wasn't paying much attention to the direction we were headed in!
We got a ton of stuff and some things at stupidly cheap prices - for example - they sell the wedge cushions for cots which raise baby's head up a bit if they're a bit bunged up at anytime - which are normally £16.99 - and we got one for £2.50 as there was a small rip in the plastic packaging and the packaging was a bit dusty from sitting on the shelf! It's not necessarily something I would have got at full price but I couldnt turn it down at £2.50! It'll be pretty much perfect out of the packet, we also got some kushies waterproof wraps for reusable nappies (which I am gonna try out) which were £1 each instead of £6 each so we got several of those!.......They also gave 10% off all their normal stock so I may have bought some of that too :lol: to be honest I'm not even sure I could list everything we got as there were loads of little bits that we just grabbed while we could.....! Anyhoo, it was a productive day all in all and I was completely worn out when we got home but I had fun all the same! Shopping rules! :lol:

Kitty - my first scan was 7wks 2 days - was done the 'normal' way (of scanner on belly) - and it was pretty clear.
First Tri isnt scary, I promise, but I can understand your waryness and we are more than happy to 'put up with you' here :)
PS I agree with the 4wks xdays is in the fifth week - some of the tickers say funny things at times - I had two to start with which said completely opposing facts each week so I just decided to keep one to stop mysefl going crazy trying to figure out which was right!

Shell - I've posted in your other thread as usual but :cheer: on the 20week mark/scan!

Mildly - He really does look very big in that photo - he appears to be growing well! although I can understand that you miss the tiny baby stage!
Hey everyone :wave: Well thankgoodness my internets working again and i can get on here :lol: Anyhow im keeping well bean smith is still making me feel sick and nauseous at times and giving me terrible heartburn other thant hat im ok. Seen the MW on tuesday who tried several times to take blood :roll: after the 3rd attempt she managed too and also i got to hear beans heartbeat which was 140 BPM which i was so happy to hear! :D Not long til our 20wk scan either and we get to find out the sex :cheer:

congrats on your BFP kitty and im sure things will work out just fine for you this time :hug:

Sookie :hug: :hug: :hug:

Chok wow 33 weeks :shock: where has that time gone to?!

And a BIG :wave: to everyone else sorry im not much good at coming on and replying to you all i never seem to know what to say :lol: but i hope your all keeing well :hug: :hug:
hello all :wave:

thanks for the responses on weeks.

well, I'm going to take a deep breath and jump into first tri. It's now over a week since I got my BFP, it's been clinically recognised, so if anything goes wrong now it'll be m/c not a chem pg. (I was worried the lines were just going to fade away...). I guess most of my posts are still going to be here, but it's not fair to inflict my pg-related questions on you lot, especially those taking a break rather than pg (but if I have any Qs, I may ask you to take a peek at a first tri thread!).

Shell, I'm off to look at your thread now!

Chok, that sounds like a good day's shopping even by my standards! Though I do find that when I buy 'bargains' I buy so many of them that it still ends up costing rather a lot :oops:

don't know about anyone else but it's a beautiful day here! I'm supposed to be cleaning the house and then preparing some seminars (it's half-term) but I feel a huge urge to go for a walk. I haven't had much exercise at all recently, and now I'm worried to start again. I should have asked the doctor. What do you all think, the books say you can continue exercise but shouldn't start a new regime - well, I used to exercise regularly, as you probably all know, but b/c I was bleeding nearly every day with the m/c and I was terrified it was all going to happen at any time, obviously I couldn't swim and I didn't really like to go for a run (can you imagine being 4 miles from home in a pair of running shorts, having a m/c?! :talkhand: ). I went for a short run on holiday, and since we got back 4 weeks ago, I have been for 2 40-min runs and 1 swim. Then I got the BFP. So what counts as regular exercise and what's safe to do? (that's the last Q I'll post here, I promise!). I sent off my entry form for a half-marathon the week I got back :doh: - just realised I'd better cancel that!
Kittykins said:
Chok, that sounds like a good day's shopping even by my standards! Though I do find that when I buy 'bargains' I buy so many of them that it still ends up costing rather a lot :oops:

:lol: I know exactly what you mean! I think that's what we did really, but hey, you only get to have a first baby once!

:cheer: on you going into First Tri! but of course we are still here to help as always if you need us!

It's peeing with rain here! well actually, its one of those changeable days where it does something for five minutes then changes completely - probably be bright sunshine in a min! Silly weather - although it's not cold like it has been.

I think the whole exercise thing (as I understood it) is not to do anything over and above what you are used to doing and not to put your body under any pressure with it. I can appreciate that it's a little confusing to you as to what is 'normal' for you now as for a while you haven't been doing your normal level of exercise........but I got told if I did anything not to let my heartrate get up too high as there's obv extra blood being pumped round while your PG and so the heart is already working harder than it would be pre-preg and that you shouldn't make it do too much more....if that makes sense. Swimming is meant to be good whilst PG as it won't strain any muscles etc, as long as you don't go overboard and swim the channel of course! I think it's just a case of not going too mad, not doing anything strenuous - no weight lifting or anything like that, but a little jog about or a swim shouldn't hurt if you are used to it and don't get too breathless with it or get your heartrate up too high. Mind you - all I've done really throughout is walking....but I wasn't really the type of person who went out running etc beforehand so if I'd have done that it would have been starting something new that I wasn't used to, whereas you are slightly different - maybe I'm not the best person to advise. Just be aware of your limits I guess.......
:oops: I do ramble :rotfl:

Just popped back as I wanted to post a special :hug: for Trudy today - Hope you are ok.
Thanks Chok I'm much better today I've written the whole saga in the other thread. Took me ages to find this. Must make it a sticky!!!
go and look in "pregnancy after loss" for exciting news from another ex-stalker! :cheer: :dance: :cheer:
They do indeed! :cheer: Excellent news!

Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hello :wave:

Its great to see you so positive Kitty! :cheer:

Hope everyone is doing well? I have absolutely no news. Life is very dull and boring for me. I feel like a fraud posting on here at all to be honest, though its great keeping up with the gossip and seeing everyones good news. :) I am in limbo at the moment, cant do anything wedding wise or baby wise and Im so skint it pains me to think of Christmas :? I refuse to get into any debt for xmas and its almost impossible to afford xmas presents and the wedding, so everyone is getting something small this year. I dont mind splashing out on my niece and nephew and Mike of course.

How is Sookie doing?
Glad you are feeling better Trudy! :D
Hey girlies!

Ive missed you! (not that you have missed me i see!!! :shakehead: :shakehead: ) Ive been wthout internet for weeks! :shock: It has been awful! we have finally switched from talk talk to Sky and already the service has been soooo much better...the speed is better too! :dance:

Ive managed to read back a few posts, Sookie, I was so sorry to hear your news. Please take care of yourself and have lots and lots of these :hug: :hug:

Massive congrats to kitty and tasha - such great news :dance: You girls rest up and take it easy too.

Ive been really well. Baby is finally head down and her head is already engaged :moon: I feel really ready for her arrival now...but she can hang on in there for another couple of weeks!

Sorry for the short post. I hope everyone is OK. Its so good to be back! x
:wave: sally12!

:oops: I blame pregnancy brain - actually, I was sure we were missing someone, just couldn't think who it was! :lol:

:shock: Engaged already eh?! :moon:
I had a MW appt today and although she said Junior is head down she didnt mention any level of engagement so I'm assuming head is still free......not going to worry yet as there is still plenty of time......It's all going in the right direction anyways......not long now!

Glad you are back online and that all is well :D
[quote="choklatemunky :shock: Engaged already eh?! :moon: [/quote]

hey stranger! :wave: Dont wish "engaging" on yourself too soon, it is making me waddle and i need to pee all day long! :lol:

hope you are well x

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