Hi Everyone,
Not sure if you know (have been posting in first tri) but was sent for an early scan yesterday to put my 'fears' about something being wrong to rest. Unfortunately they just came true, and it turns out I have no baby.
There was a yolk sac but no embryo. Probably a blighted ovum.
I had HCG done last week as I thought it would reassure me that everything was ok. The result was 13800, which is in the 7-8 week range, and I am 10 weeks. But the midwife said ýou're defintiely pregnat' and the doctor said 'don't worry about that, it will be fine but go for a scan if you want to anyway'. Well they were wrong. Seems the yolk has been producing the HCG but it is empty.
I am off to the doctor today. I guess I will go for a D&C as there is no sign of it terminating on its own.
I'm really just in shock now. I knew something was wrong but everyone kept reassuring me on the lack of symptoms, even the doctors. It's just the more time passed with no bleeding, the more I thought that it was ok and I should accept it. I know that in the scheme of things 10 weeks is not that late but it feels like forever to me. Just wish I'd gone with my instincts and had more bloods done at the beginning, they would have revealed the slow rising of the HCG and maybe someone would have thought of a blighted ovum. Anyway, I kind of feel like Kitty did - at least I can't pine too much over a baby that never really existed. I will be ok.
Thanks for being here guys.