Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Hiya peeps just a late night pop in for me so just saying hello :wave:

Oscar is so scrummy, what a lovley smile :D

Im doing well, almost 12 weeks now :o I have my 12 wk scan on thurs so looking forward to that-I didnt have one with my son (he's nearly 8) so this will be a little weird, will i see it moving? will I even be able to tell where it is on the screen?

Ok, well its lovely to catch up on all your news, cant believe its over a year since i joined the forum!

XXXX Lots of love xxxx
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: had my 12 wk scan today all is well i'm so relieved, look in tri 1 to see pics :D
:wave: my laptop is broken so just sneaked onto Dave's :D I cant work without a laptop so I have spent all day sorting out the nursery - its now empty and clean - Dave is re-painting the furniture we bought - it looked a bit battered close to but is now looking gorgeous :D Babydust I'm not due in 3rd Tri for another week!! Its just started to hail here!! so I think its time to make some nice hot soup and snuggle up for a nap :D

Anna lovely news about your scan :cheer:

Love to everyone else.

Jane x
Hi everyone - i'm still around too. just been lurking a bit!!
Feeling a bit :( today so won't ramble on. Will come back wben cheered up!!
:hug: :hug: to all
Well im feeling a bit down today im at the same point in this pregnancy as last time and i really cant help but worry im trying my hardest not to think of the what if's and all ut im not the easiest of people to try and reassure. :cry: Im sorry for going o as i kow i always do its not what people really want to hear.
Flossy Hun thats perfectly normal after what happened..... :hug: try not to worry

ROM - yeah sneak in - we miss you!

Babydust - it means look at something - I'll have a butchers at that, means I'll have a look at that.....I thought everyone knew what it meant but maybe its just a southern fairy thing! :oops: haha you prob all think Im a right weirdo now if you read that and didnt understand it - it sounds quite bad really if you don't know what it means!!

kmac - I KNEW Id missed someone in my 3rd tri post but just couldnt think! DOH! naughty me. I hope you are feeling a bit better now......we all have days like that where we just need a hug.....damn hormones eh! :hug:
Hi ladies :wave: Just popping in to say hello! I still come on here everyday and read what you all have to say, I just have very little to say for myself at the moment! Everything is very unexciting! Only 9 months to the wedding now though which means we can start TTC again in about 8 months :dance: Im way more excited about that than I am the wedding! I just hope and pray we dont have to wait much longer after that. :pray: I think I deserve an award for my patience! Ive never wanted a baby more than I do right now so not even being able to 'try' is killing me!

Anyone doing anything for Halloween? Im going to a party dressed as Laura Palmer - no-one will know who I am :lol: does anyone remember the programme Twin Peaks? Well she was the murdered school girl that the programme was about. Im quite obsessed with it all, even so much as having a blue rose tattoo inspired by Twin Peaks. Anyway back to the point, Im dressing up as her, and she was the Homecoming Queen, so ill have a white prom dress, blonde wig, tiara and sash, but then Ill be covered in blood, and ill look beaten up and bruised with my hands and feet tied (well ill have string around my wrists and ankles but not tied together as that may make walking, drinking, etc very difficult!). I cant wait! If I take any pics, I will post them here on Saturday!

Flossy - hope you get through this time ok, Im sure you will but I totally understand why you would be worried.

Anna - congratulations on your scan! :cheer:

Good luck for your scan tomorrow Scones!

Trudy - hope you are having a good holiday!

Sookie - hope you are well!

Love to Chok, Kmac, Claire, Sally, Rach, Mildly, Chrissy and everyone!
Aw it must be so lovely to be doing your nurseries! I cant wait to be able to do that :)
oooh hi Loola! :wave:
Sounds like you will be having a fun Halloween - Dh has been joking that he's gonna paint my bump like a pumpkin! It would prob look quite funny actually,..... :lol:
Had my first scan today and all looks well, it was fab to see the baby :D

Oooh yey scones, its very exciting that first scan isnt it!
Cute pic!
Hope you are feeling well?
Aww Scones thats a great pic! Congratulations lady! :cheer:
Hi Everyone,

Not sure if you know (have been posting in first tri) but was sent for an early scan yesterday to put my 'fears' about something being wrong to rest. Unfortunately they just came true, and it turns out I have no baby.

There was a yolk sac but no embryo. Probably a blighted ovum.

I had HCG done last week as I thought it would reassure me that everything was ok. The result was 13800, which is in the 7-8 week range, and I am 10 weeks. But the midwife said ýou're defintiely pregnat' and the doctor said 'don't worry about that, it will be fine but go for a scan if you want to anyway'. Well they were wrong. Seems the yolk has been producing the HCG but it is empty.

I am off to the doctor today. I guess I will go for a D&C as there is no sign of it terminating on its own.

I'm really just in shock now. I knew something was wrong but everyone kept reassuring me on the lack of symptoms, even the doctors. It's just the more time passed with no bleeding, the more I thought that it was ok and I should accept it. I know that in the scheme of things 10 weeks is not that late but it feels like forever to me. Just wish I'd gone with my instincts and had more bloods done at the beginning, they would have revealed the slow rising of the HCG and maybe someone would have thought of a blighted ovum. Anyway, I kind of feel like Kitty did - at least I can't pine too much over a baby that never really existed. I will be ok.

Thanks for being here guys.
Oh Sookie I am so so sorry :hug: :hug: :hug: words are so useless in this situation but please be gentle with yourself honey :hug: :hug: :hug:

jane x
Oh god Sookie no :cry: Im so sorry to hear this. I felt the blood drain from my face as I was reading your post. My thoughts are with you hun :hug:
hi all :wave: hope you are all well :hug: xxxxxxxxx

sookie im so so sorry hun :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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