Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Hi Polly - nice to see you :wave:
Congrats on the weight loss - well done you!!

rom - I know what you mean about puddings :oops: I don't even bother with my usual debate of whether to or not. i just say to DH at the start " we are having pudding right?" - I do worry a bit about how heavy I will be after bump is out though!!

Good news :cheer: :cheer: We don't have damp!! It is just condensation :cheer: :cheer: I was so happy I almost hugged the man!! There is a little machine we can get installed in the loft which blows fresh and filtered air in through the house which he reckons will solve our problems. That will probably be about £1000, which isn't ideal at the moment, but I think would be worth it. I often wake up with a chesty cough which i assume is caused by the condensation, so goodness knows what it would do to a little mini set of lungs!!
Anyway, i am so relieved i can't tell you. I have been worrying about this constantly for months and months. If I could have a big celebratory glass of wine right now then i would!! But I think we are just going to cuddle up on the sofa under a duvet and watch a film!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Can you tell i'm happy? :D :D
kmac said:
Ooh - and Chrissy is in labour - there is a thread in Tri 3!!
Haha you beat me to it I was meant to post that in here and then forgot! Hope she is doing ok - I did text her but haven't heard back.....I told her all the ex-chartstalkers are rooting for her......I hope she gets to meet her LO soon! :pray:
Hi girlies just bumping the thread as we were on page 3 :shock: How is everyone doing?

Hi Scones :wave: How are you feeling lady? :)
Most of you have prob already seen it, but Chrissy's had her baby - a lil girl called Poppy May! :cheer:
She's sooooooo cute.....there are pics in 3rd Tri.
Well Done Chrissy! :D
Yes indeed congratulations to Chrissy! I love the name Poppy May :) Weirdly on the day Poppy was born my best mate had Poppies tatooed over her shoulder,spooky eh! :lol:

Im sad today, I feel pants, have some sort of chest infection, I have asthma anyway so this is just making it even more difficult to breathe. Not nice. My Mum has also just told me that our family cat Sukie has been put down this morning, she had been unwell for some time, the vet found that she had a huge tumour in her abdomen so it was the kindest thing to do. Its still sad though, I was 10 when we had her, so she was 19 years old! So a very good innings, but she really was part of the family. She will be sadly missed. :(
Oh Loola :(
Sorry you are feeling ill Hun it is horrible when you feel like you can't breathe.....and its sad news about the cat, pets really do become part of the family don't they?

Here's a special get-well-soon,-sorry-about-Sukie hug from me :hug:
Oh Sookie :hug: :hug: :hug: so sorry to hear about Sukie - we have two cats one 12 and one 8 and they are very much part of the family like you say....... At least you should have some comfort that she lived 19 very happy years honey :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Ladies,

Soz have been absent for ages. Internet still a pain in the proverbial ars* at home, so have to use it at work :?

Loola - so sorry about your kittycat :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Well done Chrissy! Awesome news. Huge congrats!

Polly - I conceived on my 4th clomid cycle. Good luck sweetie!

Hi to everyone else. Have to run, but just wanted to chek in with you all, say hi and let you know I am really well. No sickness, and very little tiredness. My boobs are a bit sore, but fine really. I have been extremely emotional though. I cry at anything and have thrown a few tantrums for DH. Anyway, I hope that this means everything is ok :pray: I am having my first appointment with the birthing centre on Saturday, then they should send me for blood tests and scans within the next couple of weeks. So fxed all is ok :pray:

Love to you all!
Hey everyone :wave: Hope your all keeping well :) Well after nearly 15 1/2 weeks of only having nausea naughty beans making me sick in the mornings i really thought i was going to get lucky here cant understand why now for though :think: Oh and too boot i have a rotten cold so feel pretty pants. :(
Hi everyone :wave:

Flossy, hope your cold clears up and that little bean doesn't make you too sick :hug:

Sookie, glad the pregnancy is going well. Have fun at your appointment this Saturday :D

loola, sorry to hear about your cat :( :hug: And hope you feel better soon :hug:

Chrissy, well done hun :cheer: I knew you were having a girl, I missed the pics though :(

kmac yay for it not being damp :cheer:

ROM, hope you had a great time whilst Han was here :D

welshpolly, great weight loss, well done :cheer:

chok, I was absolutely massive towards the end hun, and am so surprised at how it has gone down. Don't get me wrong I don't have a flat stomach yet but hopefully I'll be able to start some crunches soon :pray:

Hi to everyone else :wave:

OH, Oscar and I have all had a bad cold/cough thing. I think there are loads of illnesses going around at the moment. OH's seems to have developed into man flu now :roll:

Had to post this photo though, it is the first smile I've managed to catch on camera (there is a video also in the pictures section in case anyone wants to laugh at my cooing :oops: ) :D

Mildly he is just GORGE! :D
Hope you and Oscar and your OH get over the cold thing soon - I had it a while back and it was pants!
Apparently so, my Boss is 16 weeks and she spoke about it with her MW at her appt and was told that they def could happen this early and that my Boss was probably more aware of the sensation as it wasnt her first baby (she already has a son).

Also, this was on one of the baby sites I went on....
Braxton Hicks contractions are sporadic uterine contractions that start about 6 weeks into your pregnancy
Obviously you dont feel them that early but as time goes on they will get more pronounced and as its not your first you will prob notice them more. Some people dont feel them at all - but if you do obv its perfectly normal and nothing to worry about :hug:
Hi guys just a quicky. I'm in Rhodes we finally picked a hol! :dance: We're having a good time. Nice to spend time with DH I've only got 5 mins left on internet and want to check Facebook. Take care. Hugs to all. :hug: :hug: :hug: Will catch up properly when home.
Hi everyone :wave:

Lovely to see so many of us here :D

Mildly Oscar is just so beautiful, hmmmm I could eat him all up :D

Just a quick update on us - Hannah left for Tunisia yesterday, Dave and I took her to Manchester airport at 3.00 am!! It was lovely to have her home for 10 days the house seemed really quiet when we got home :( She has really grown up since she left in the summer - we dont think she will every really come home now and live full time - she is just too used to her own space :( Anyway got a text late last night to say she had arrived safely and is spending the first week as a tourist doing all the trips and then will be moved to her hotel next week..... Josh is coming home tonight :cheer: , just for the weekend to see a football match and get his haircut!!! (he loves my hairdresser and wont trust anyone else :D boys ehhhhh). So today will be filled with trying to catch up on some work as I spent most of yesterday in bed catching up on some sleep..... :wink: changing the beds so its nice and clean and tidy for him to get back to and making him stew for tea :D

George is getting bigger all the time - he seems to kick me either internally or to the side of my bump - as they told me my placenta is to the front I am assuming thats why..... Anyway time is going so quickly, me my mum and George are off to Austria on the 4th November for a few days with my brother :D then it will be Christmas!!!!

Hope you are all ok and sorry for the self indulgent post.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x

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