Evening primrose and grapefruit juice results ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2016
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So this month I'm trying Evening primrose and grapefruit juice as heard it increases ewcm, I'll post up my results with it but might take a couple of months to see results. If anyone else wants to join me please do. I'm taking 1000mg capsules twice a day so 2000mg total EPO and one glass of grapefruit juice per day. I'm on cd8 now and noticed my period took longer to finish, the tail end. Not noticed any difference in cm yet but watch this space lol xx
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Sorry if this is a stupid question but what is the grapefruit juice supposed to do?
During TTC I took EPO, green tea and as a last resort grapefruit juice.

Out of all of them the grapefruit produced most EWCM (I also got my BFP whilst drinking it, but that could be complete coincidence). It's a shame it's the devil's liquid.

They all worked though. I went from zero EWCM to at least a couple of days worth.

Good luck!
During TTC I took EPO, green tea and as a last resort grapefruit juice.

Out of all of them the grapefruit produced most EWCM (I also got my BFP whilst drinking it, but that could be complete coincidence). It's a shame it's the devil's liquid.

They all worked though. I went from zero EWCM to at least a couple of days worth.

Good luck!

Yeah I hate grapefruit juice, but at this point I am willing to try anything!!!
During TTC I took EPO, green tea and as a last resort grapefruit juice.

Out of all of them the grapefruit produced most EWCM (I also got my BFP whilst drinking it, but that could be complete coincidence). It's a shame it's the devil's liquid.

They all worked though. I went from zero EWCM to at least a couple of days worth.

Good luck!

Yeah I hate grapefruit juice, but at this point I am willing to try anything!!!

Definitely give it a go. It was the last resort for me lol I didn't even drink that much, perhaps 150ml a day?
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Wow thats an awesome result kitty, I absolutely hate the grapefruit juice but hey if it works thats all good. I don't seem to get ewcm every month so we will see if this changes. I did have a bit of creamy cm earlier when I would normally be dry on cd8 so watch this space lol. Nemi the grapefruit juice is supposed to increase your ewcm and so is evening primrose oil x
Do you have to drink it every day or just around ovulation?
Well I'm cd 9 today, I'm sat in bed pulling faces while drinking grapefruit juice lol. Well this morning I went to the loo, sorry for tmi but there was lots of creamy, watery cm, so much so that there was actually a blob in the toilet just short of the water, I've never had this much cm this early in my cycle., normally after af I am dry until around ovulation approaches, so far positive results �� x
Well cd 11 today, and drum roll.....I have ewcm, I have never ever had it this early in my cycles and I rarely even get ewcm so I definitely think that this is working. The bad bit is my partner won't be here this week for us to TTC so I'm gutted, but I will be carrying on with this next month too x
Cd 12 today and my first ever positive opk, a very dark line too, chuffed to know they work, but gutted as my partner is away for a week. I always thought I ovulated day 14-16 so its no wonder I've not caught pregnant yet, we been doing the wrong days lol.x


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I'm cd1 today so I will start drinking grapefruit juice now. Is 150 ml really enough? I guess I can stop drinking it after ovulation?

I kinda like this juice. Tasty x
Hi kitty, I never measured how much, just a standard glass full a day, and yes stop at ovulation. x
I bought some grapefruit juice today and so I am trying that! I hate it so we will see how it goes.

Lillith I'm happy that you got your positive OPK. FX for you now that you can dtd at the correct time in your cycle! :D

I'm cd1 today so I will start drinking grapefruit juice now. Is 150 ml really enough? I guess I can stop drinking it after ovulation?

I kinda like this juice. Tasty x

Hi kitty, I never measured how much, just a standard glass full a day, and yes stop at ovulation. x

I would say if you like it then drink more! It's my most hated thing so I really just drank as much as I could stomach. I had a liter bottle and gulped from it
I just had my first glass of grapefruit juice. Managed to get the real thing not from concentrate. Yum.

My fridge is full of grapefruit juice. Its a good start to my new cycle :)
Oh dear, I think I have the wrong stuff, my grapefruit juice say's it's from concentrate, I'll have to get some of the other stuff from Tesco then. Best of luck Charlotte, let us know if it works for you x
Make sure you're drinking plenty of water too, as that will help cm too.

I Love Grapefruit juice and tried this months and months ago...to be honest I got the most EWCM I've had ever, I don't know why I've forgotten to drink it since!!! right I'm off to Tesco at Lunchtime, stocking up on Grapefruit juice, EPO and Beetroot juice and Raspberry leaf tea


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