East of England/Central meet

To be honest unless we get a bit more of a response to this thread I dont know if it will be worth it, cause it looks like there will only be about 4 or 5 people going! :(
There might be more of a responce if it was on a weekend as not everyone is on maternity yet, i will be on them days but most people in the 1st and 2nd tri wont be.

There was more responce to the original post for London or closer to London TBH.

Also i dont think many Moms to be or TTC'ers will want to spend the day in a childrens play centre without a child.

I think they went to all sorts of places at the last meet including a little animal place which people would be happier doing without children, And with a baby you wont really be able to sit and talk in a different area if they are in a play area because they will need constant supervision.

Hope this helps abit
cas x
yes thats true,i must admit i dont think you can hear yourself to talk in those places anyway. A good place would be somewhere if nice to walk or sit around with somewhere indoors to retreat into. The Birmingham meet had it good,would be fab to have place like that.

As i said in the other post, if people dont want to go into central London then the closest bigger town you are going to get is Reading, and im not saying that cause i live here but its only 30 mins from London, there is a nice little park in the centre if the wether is nice, what about a big picnic? everyone brings certain things.

Just an idea, If other places are good im very happy to travel aswell :)
I think to be honest we havent had enough takers to make it worth while. So would have to have a suggestion of a suitable place a little more inland that more people would be interested in going too.
I would deffo like to go only just noticed this thread probably because its in the off topic, if it was made a sticky in all 3 tris im sure you would have loads of takers i only noticed it by chance
i never check off topic either too many posts!! haha

but i would come... i am in kent so will need to get train into london first then onwards.... how far is colchester from london?

god thats far!! :shock:

:( I really wanna meet everyone!! I am jealous that i dont live up north!! .... damn you northerners :evil: hehe only joking :rotfl: xxxx
i wanna meet ppl too..i live in london and going up north on the train with hayden just seems daunting :( everyone come to my house!!!
haha fran... r u coming to the baby show?? xxx
i didnt know about a baby show..when is it..and where??
oh keely i've just read thebaby show thread..i can go on the 22nd..i'm at great ormond street hospital with hayden on the 23rd...what day u going on??
i was going to go on the friday cant remember what day that was .... 20th i think! .... i was hoping friday might not be as busy as the weekend.


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