ear Piercing.. babies

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lol im acually a big fan of puting a head band on dior with a bow on the front lol

and she is completely bold

but lets not get strarted on that...
Ladies, please keep it friendly or I'll have no alternative but to lock the thread :wink:

Laura B
dionne I've been looking for one of those head bands with a bow on the front where can I get one from do you know??
No worries - just tired and pregnant!!

Don't sweat it. You asked for opinions and it turns out to be one of those things that everyone's got a very stong opinion about. Shame. See also Paradysso's thread about baby pictures - turned into a right set to!!

End of the day it's your baby girl. And if you want to dress her up in purple frills with green polka dots and put rings on her toes - so what - so long as she's warm and fed and loved.
if you mean the travel systems with the built in car seat that you can plug in and out i know what you mean, i have one but i don't use the seat any more - its supposed to be till he is 9 months but at 4 it was a squeeze!! so i got a proper car seat that stays in the car.
With the other his head was always flopping forward, and it looked like he got a right neck ache!!
hi kim it was from H&M only £1

yes im sure we are all good mums and only want what is best for our babies.

we are very protective mothers on here lol

whats posts do u mean about Paradysso's?
I wouldnt get it done. I dont think its right and I dont have a bad memory of getting it done at 8. I pestered the arse of my mum to get it done, but a baby cant make that choice.
Where do we stop, tattoos, navel peircings?
I think this thread is getting a little out of hand.

everyone has there own likes and dislikes, as this has proven, but to bash someone for likeing something and the other wya round is wrong.

we should all respect each others views and if we cant then its best not to say anything.

we shouldnt be arguing, we should be suporting each other, thats what this site is for :)

((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))) to everyone

I wouldnt have gave an opinion though if Dionne hadnt asked.
Issues like these are always thorny!
Now Greggs sausage rolls, there is something I have an issue with!


Just thought I'd have my say too :D

Zara won't have hers done until she's older simply because I'm not keen on it. However Dionne, please don't feel like a bad Mum. I'm sure you did what you did because you thought Dior would like it when she's a little older.

I don't know any little girl who doesn't want her ears pierced. I remember pleading with my Mum and in the end my auntie got them done for my 7th birthday much to my mum's fury. I remember being surprised that it didn't hurt and couldn't believe it when I was told it was done. I'm certain that Dior will love her pierced ears so don't worry.

In some cultures it's the nom to pierce babies' ears - look at Asia. Surely they can't be an entire continent of bad mothers???

I don't see it's any more responsible to allow a 5, 6 or 7 year old to make a decision which you know will cause them pain, than piercing a baby's ears.

Just enjoy your baby - it's obvious you're very proud of her, pierced ears or not.

PS. Sausage rolls - euck!!!
whats wrong with gregs sausage rolls??
Its the sausage rolls with the babys hanging off the end of them, lol,
what??? sorry if i'm being thick but I think 've missed something here :?
:lol: lol @ Laura! I agree - see far too many wee babies with them in the street (Greggs sausage rolls that is) - during my last commute from work there was a wee baby (have no idea what age but didn't look like she had teeth) was sucking on a chip shop sausage in batter! :shock:

39 + 1
I had my ears pierced at 8yrs old and I bawled my eyes out after having the first one done and nearly went home with only one ear pierced until my mum calmed me down and talked me round. Yet I had been begging my mum to have them done!
Im not really sure what I think the 'right' age is but I can see where your coming from Dionne when you say its done now and she wont remember the pain, as I remember crying my eyes out, even had my younger sister in tears and she didnt have hers pierced!
Lucy said:
:lol: lol @ Laura! I agree - see far too many wee babies with them in the street (Greggs sausage rolls that is) - during my last commute from work there was a wee baby (have no idea what age but didn't look like she had teeth) was sucking on a chip shop sausage in batter! :shock:

39 + 1

Ah right - I get it now lol :lol:
Kim said:
Lucy said:
:lol: lol @ Laura! I agree - see far too many wee babies with them in the street (Greggs sausage rolls that is) - during my last commute from work there was a wee baby (have no idea what age but didn't look like she had teeth) was sucking on a chip shop sausage in batter! :shock:

39 + 1

Ah right - I get it now lol :lol:

I don't?!! :shock: :?
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