Due in September

Haha I feel like I’ve barely left maternity clothes for the last 5 years. My last baby was due the last week in August so only 3 weeks before this one so I’ve definitely got the clothes for it although I already bought some more in the sales and more feeding tops because I wore all my feeding tops to death with my third who didn’t stop breast feeding until 19 months :|
Good evening ladies, hope everyone is well so today i had my second early scan and saw the little heart flickering it was amazing! Going by baby’s measurements im also now 6 weeks and 4 days not 7 weeks plus lol. I just wanted to ask has anyone else had any weird symptoms all ove a sudden ive developed really sore eczema on my hands inbetween my knuckle. Apparently pregnancy can sometimes cause eczema which i find abit strange as ive never had it before
Brillant Amy little milestone for sure missing ur period. Will feel even more real when u have told ur doc and get the ball rolling.

Uz are so lucky having summer maternity bits already. I will have to hoke through the bag see what's good in it. Although my tops were same all pulled to bits breastfeeding my son. I want to self wean him and he didn't stop till he was over 3. But I didn't mind as his allergies were so bad he wasnt eating much so felt it stood by him. I've no intention of bf as long this time round.

Never suffered eczema hazel in afraid.
That's fantastic uve seen little bubba again. I'm sure it had grown lots since last scan. I always be amazed from early scans how they are little blobs and then by maybe the next scan they look like little humans so quickly.
TTC I’m the same, I really hope I don’t feed that long this time. He was CMPA and refused all the allergy formulas when I tried them at around a year. He had outgrown the CMPA by 13 months but still wasn’t interested in any other milk but mine. He now happily eats a bowl of cereal with milk every morning which seems crazy looking back at the angry hives all over him he would get if even a drop touched his skin!

my summer maternity clothes advice would be shorts with super stretchy waistband you can put under your bump eg I’m kind of a size 14 not pregnant but had about size 18 elastic waist band shorts from asda I think just for round the house and garden. New look are good for tshirts, ASOS good for them too. I’m going to have to go back and look at my photos to see what else I wore because I’m sure I must be missing something vital!
Morning ladies, after another random waking at 5am worrying about cramps I decided to call the EPU and explain that I thought my migraine was caused by worrying about cramps and that something was wrong. So they agreed I probably needed reassurance and would scan me tomorrow morning at 10am. I do instantly feel relieved that I’m not going to be worrying anymore :)
Oh good I'm glad u wont have to wait long for ur scan. Hows the migraine now?
I'm at work. Feeling abit dizzy and light headed. Feel crap. Going to take a break now soon. Need to sit down.
That's good. Well, not good about the migraines and cramps, but good that they are seeing you so soon. Hopefully that will take some of the worry away Rose.

I'm off work as I only do part time, but feeling a bit crap at home. Been feeling sick, but now I've eaten I feel bloated. So tired even though I got a full night's sleep. Got my first nurses appt booked for Wednesday. Think that's just to do the initial assessment before it gets passed over to the midwifes
No migraine at the moment (or even a headache) but do have some muscle pain in the shoulders which I only really get when I’m stressed. I don’t feel stressed but my husband tells me that I never recognise when I am and laying awake for an hour this morning was the last straw - I’m permanently exhausted with three young children so you know if I’m awake then something is bothering me. I’m fairly confident they’ll tell me everything is ok but it will at least put that niggling doubt to rest.
Glad it’s the weekend tomorrow as I am worn out from the school and nursery runs and the bad tempers my children are in afterwards when they are tired!
Pleased to hear you’re being looked at @Rose83
Must be tough with 3 young children as well as feeling poorly. I’ve only got the one and I’m permanently shattered.

Hope all goes well xx
Girls I'm so bloated it's the shape off a small bump. Its getting to point I think if u were standing beside me and knew me ud guess.
With my new slightly bigger boobs and bloat tummy its also makes my tshirt go up and the front :rotfl:
Thank you ladies! All fine, healthy little heart beat seen and measuring about 6 and a half weeks which is what I would have expected going by ovulation.

however they did also find a small bleed in there, like a tiny dark patch that they think will get reabsorbed but they said that did probably explain the unusual cramping x
That's great bubba is doing great Rose. :cheer:

Is that what they call subchronic haematoma? Least u know what was the cause.
Excellent new Rose, really happy for you.

So keen to see my little one, and I'm only 4w 4d, going to be FOREVER until the scan.

When did you guys have ti start adapting what you were wearing with pregnancy no2. I feel like first time round I didn't need maternity jeans until about 5 months and wasnt doing the old hair band extension on the normal jeans until about 3 months. This time I'll be lucky to make it to 6 weeks :eek::preg:
That's great bubba is doing great Rose. :cheer:

Is that what they call subchronic haematoma? Least u know what was the cause.
Yep the midwife said that’s what it was but just a very small one, she said it probably won’t even be there on the 12 week scan.

I’ve had to do the hair band on the jeans trick today! I popped really early in pregnancy number 2 so I guess number 4 is going to be just as huge!
Hi ladies , looking for some advise I felt pregnant 4 days before period tested with a cheap test came back positive I have had previous ectopic and miscarriage and major bleed (twin loss) with my son now 7, so have to check ASAP that all is in the right place, so my hcg on Monday (would of been due on) was 797 , 48hrs later 1642 , another 48 hrs 3052 so all good and doubling had a scan Thursday and nothing in my tube small black circle seen in the right place but at 4w3d too early to see much else , I think with my hcg they thought I was further along, they seem high to me
For online averages (like double) so I am having another scan Next sat , but have read 30-50% higher than average hcg could be twins ,anyone had twins and known there hcg that early?
Hi Jo, cant really offer any advice I'm afraid. Do you know what your hcg levels were like at the beginning of your previous twin pregnancy? I've heard they can be a fair but higher with twin pregnancies, but then I've already read about people having low and high hcg levels in single pregnancies (that go on to have healthy babies). Have the drs told you at what point they will be able to determine if it's a twin or single pregnancy?
Sneaking in, slightly terrified.....

Hi girls, I’ve been stalking for a couple of days debating whether to join the group. But I’m going to positive and say I’ve got a BFP - EDD is 27 Sept.

Was on the forum a few years back, spent nearly 2 years in TTC with my son whose is now nearly 4. Fell pregnant again in 2019 after another long road TTC. Sadly had a MMC with that little one, found no heartbeat at 12 week scan in June despite seeing baby all good at 10 weeks. We were devastated. Baby should have been born on Christmas Day just passed.

So I’m very shocked to be pregnant again and absolutely terrified of suffering another MMC.

Massive congratulations to you all, everything crossed for plain sailing for us all x

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